Best course FOR The Complete Shopify Aliexpress Dropship Course (ONLINE)

Best course FOR  The Complete Shopify Aliexpress Dropship Course (ONLINE)

Best course FOR  The Complete Shopify Aliexpress Dropship Course (ONLINE)

1. The Essentials

1. Introduction


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Welcome to the Shopify hourly express dropship course and the first thing I want to do is say a massive

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thank you.

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I know your time is precious but I also know you're not going to be disappointed with how much you are

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about to learn over the next several lectures.

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I have a massive amount of experience in this area an enormous amount to share with you.

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But before we get going the first thing I want to say is this Course is about doing OK is not just about

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watching videos.

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So I really need you to take action if in fact you are going to change your life and build out a $10000

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per month business.

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Now the first thing I need to do is to lay the foundation stone for this whole thing on which we can

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build our business so we got a solid base and I call those the essentials.

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So what are they.

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So the essential number one is the business model or how you will make money.

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Clearly you need to understand what it is that we're doing here.

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How are we going to make money.

01:02.720 --> 01:07.720
So in the next lecture you're going to show you a helicopter view of how that all works.

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You're going to see how exciting and achievable It really is essential number two is about setting up

01:15.510 --> 01:18.300
your free Shopify account.

01:18.360 --> 01:18.710

01:18.720 --> 01:27.210
Now Shopify if you're not familiar with it it is probably now the world's leading e-commerce platform

01:27.510 --> 01:29.990
for let's say non-technical people.

01:30.120 --> 01:33.730
All right so it's very point and click is extremely intuitive.

01:33.810 --> 01:42.050
It's very very easy to use and dare I say fun you're going to enjoy setting up your store with Shopify.

01:42.240 --> 01:46.920
Now once we set up that Shopify store I want to give you a brief tour.

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01:47.490 --> 01:51.090
Sometimes it can be a bit daunting particularly if you've never done something like this before in your

01:51.090 --> 01:51.730

01:51.780 --> 01:57.840
So I'm just going to take you through your Shopify account familiarize you with it and patooties.

01:58.140 --> 02:01.890
So those are the three essentials and I'm going to see you in the next lecture where we're going to

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dive into essentially number one.

2. Essential #1 - How you WILL make money !


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All right.

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Number one the business model or how you will make money.

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Clearly it's absolutely essential that we understand at a high level exactly how this whole business

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model is going to work.

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Before we delve into the detail of the course itself.

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So let's just go through this step by step so that you clearly understand the first thing we're going

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to do is we're going build out an e commerce store.

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You're going to build an e-commerce store.

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Now that might sound a little bit frightening right now.

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Maybe you've never done anything like this before.

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Do not worry I'm going to guide you step by step through this whole process.

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If you've never done it before.

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Don't worry at all please.

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It's it's all pointing click.

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You don't need any technical knowledge and it's actually really cool or fun to do this you're gonna

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see as we progress now what we're gonna do is we're gonna build a store but it's not going to have anything

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in it in the beginning we're not going to have anything that we actually can sell to the public which

01:02.750 --> 01:04.070
is clearly a call.

01:04.130 --> 01:06.800
So we need to stock our store up.

01:06.860 --> 01:11.950
All right let's talk about the physical products were purely going to put descriptions images on them.

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Okay for people to buy from our store but we need to be out of stock from somewhere.

01:16.970 --> 01:23.570
So what we're gonna do is we're going to go over to a Web site called alli express dot com now and express

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dot com is a huge Chinese kind of equivalent of Amazon at least that's the way I like to think of it.

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It's got thousands maybe millions I don't know of suppliers certainly millions of products in there.

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Anything you can think of and compared to perhaps what we've seen on Amazon or other sites.

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The interest is that the prices are very very reasonable.

01:46.550 --> 01:56.080
Now just for example let's imagine we find this T-shirt here for three dollars on Ali express and I

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want to say straightaway this is not about selling T-shirts.

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01:58.360 --> 02:02.560
This is not about selling t shirt you can sell t shirts if you want you can sell anything.

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I'm just using this as an example.

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So let's imagine that we found a T-shirt on here for three dollars on Ali express dot com.

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Now what we're going to do is we will take the images of the shirt.

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We will take the descriptions of the t shirt and we will simply put it on our site and really the only

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thing we're going to change is the price.

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Okay we're gonna price it in my example here at twenty dollars.

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So maybe already starting to see how we're going to make some money here.

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So we've got our store set up now we've got one product in it with the 20 dollars next thing we need

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to do is to find a customer who's going to buy our t shirt.

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So here's a guy he's our stick man looking very trim.

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This is our customer wandering round the wilderness and one of the key things I'm going to teach you

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as part of this course is how to find how to laser target these customers and bring them to your store.

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So people who want to buy T-shirts in this example will be brought to your store so that they will buy

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your products.

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So there's the arrow customer buy the item from your site.

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So the customer has come to our site.

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Now your e-commerce store dot com has come to your site.

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He's bought this T-shirt for 20 dollars.

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Now you now have 20 dollars in your hands.

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Note that we do not actually have any physical product to offer him.

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Okay but we got the 20 dollars.

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So clearly what we need to do now is actually send him the T-shirt and the way this works is that we

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will go over to Ali express you will buy the item from Ali express the T-shirt and dropship it directly

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to the customer.

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03:50.400 --> 03:53.510
So basically you step back from that for a moment.

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We've never owned the product.

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The customer came to our site bought the t shirt for twenty dollars.

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We don't have twenty dollars in our hands.

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We go over to Ali express dot com.

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We buy directly from Ali express dot com and we ask the supplier to ship it directly to the customer.

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Pretty cool.

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So the customer is now wearing a T-shirt shirt and he also has a slightly bigger head and he's very

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He's got his product that in a nutshell is what we're doing.

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So let's just have a look slight bit more detail about what that actually means in terms of business.

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So down on the right hand corner here.

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Got some things popping up so let me just draw your attention to that.

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So we sold it for 20 dollars on your site.

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We bought it for three dollars on Ali Express and we shipped it directly to the customer.

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Now let's just say for example we spent two dollars on advertising so that leaves us with a profit of

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fifteen dollars for that one transaction for that one transaction.

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And we can repeat that over and over again each time making a substantial profit margin

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have a little think about that.

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Take your time because I want to just go now into the advantages of this.

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Maybe you're starting to see how powerful this model already is.

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So there are numerous advantages but I'm pulling out the main ones here.

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The first one is that you never have to own any stock so you don't have to have a storeroom.

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You don't have to pay for storage.

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You don't have to worry about stock.

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You can't sell.

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None of that's going to happen.

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You're simply going to advertise the products on your site.

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And when somebody buys them you will ship them direct from the supplier in China to the customer you

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get the money upfront.

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05:56.040 --> 06:02.130
Before you bought that item off Alex best for three dollars you'd already sold it for 20 so you don't

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have a cash flow problem.

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You never have a cash flow problem.

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You get the money upfront.

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As I said before there are no technical skills required.

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You're going to see using Shopify how easy it is to actually build out the store.

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It's all pointing Clegg.

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There are some fantastic apps which are rigid introduce you to where you're gonna make your life a lot

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You know it's really is actually good fun to do.

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You also don't need any prior knowledge of e-commerce.

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Trust me I've been doing this for a few years now.

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When I first started I didn't know anything about e-commerce at all.

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The concepts are simple to grasp.

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You will master them in no time.

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And yeah it's it's exciting it's exciting stuff.

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And in fact what's really exciting about it if you like is that it is very easily scalable.

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You know over on the right hand side there are I've written repeat over and over.

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It really is up to you.

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How quickly how aggressively you want to build out this model you could use it to earn an extra 1000

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a month.

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Or you could head towards a one hundred thousand plus business you know annual a year.

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It's entirely up to you how you want to how you want to work this may maybe you've only got half an

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hour a day because you've got a very busy life or maybe you're looking to you know build your own business

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completely and you have you know all the time in the world in which case you can build out that much

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It's entirely up to you it can fit around your current lifestyle.

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And yeah it's highly profitable as you've seen.

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Fifteen dollars per T-shirt in this case.

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But again I stress it could be any item and you can run it from anywhere okay.

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You can run this from anywhere.

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This is a virtual business model.

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I've been working in this manner working from my laptop in countries all over the world and enjoying

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the freedom and flexibility that's given me for years.

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I mean it's yeah it's slightly scary our number to appreciate is now but this is yet and a great example

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of an amazing model that you can run from anywhere.

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So they go.

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That's the model in a nutshell at a high level.

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If you don't understand every single aspect of it don't worry.

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It all starts to become crystal clear.

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You know I would perhaps encourage you to maybe watch this lecture one more time just to you know bed

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down those ideas.

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Make sure you've got a good grasp at least of what's going on so in the next lecture we're going to

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look at a central number two which is setting up your Shopify account your Shopify Web site if you like.

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Very exciting step.

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And the great news is I've got you negotiated a 14 day free trial no obligation.

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So you know no reason not to get going.

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So let's crack onto the next lecture us UNICEF.

3. Essential #2 (Part 1) - Setting up your FREE Shopify account

OK this is about to get very exciting !
BUT, before we can progress any further, please simply click on the affiliate link below to access Shopify.

Please click here to access Shopify

And once you've done that, go straight to the next lecture :) !
I'm looking forward to sharing a huge amount of knowledge with you.
Best regards,

4. Essential #2 (Part 2) - Setting up your FREE Shopify account


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OK so the next thing I want to do is create our completely free Shopify account.

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In effect you're looking at the last slide here where I asked you to please click here to access Shopify.

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So if you haven't done that please go back and click on the link.

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Now when you click on the link you'll be taken straight to Shopify.

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And now we have some very simple steps we're going to take in order to actually set up that free account.

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Now the first thing I'd do is enter our e-mail address.

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So for me Tim at e-commerce mindset dot com and then just simply click on get started.

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So now you need to do is to choose some sort of password and then to select a store name.

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Now at this stage you don't need to worry about coming up with a story and you're ultimately going to

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use just choose any store name because we can change all this later.

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As you'll see as we progress through the course now if you're struggling just use your name.

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So in my case Tim for example and then just put hot deals or super deals or bargain deals or whatever

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it might be on the end so I'm going to do exactly that.

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And I'm just going to call it Tim's super deals.

01:09.070 --> 01:12.470
OK and if it's not available it will help you at that point.

01:12.720 --> 01:14.460
Ok so very very straightforward.

01:14.450 --> 01:21.540
They just come up with a simple story name like that and then just click on Create your store go through

01:21.540 --> 01:27.060
a few set up steps and then he asked us to tell us a little bit about ourselves.

01:27.060 --> 01:27.510

01:27.660 --> 01:30.650
So are you already selling Please choose one.

01:30.720 --> 01:31.330
I'm going to choose.

01:31.350 --> 01:33.160
I'm not selling products yet.

01:33.180 --> 01:33.450

01:33.450 --> 01:34.890
That's exactly where we are.

01:35.250 --> 01:36.760
And what is your current revenue.

01:36.790 --> 01:40.340
Well at the moment we are just getting started OK.

01:40.590 --> 01:43.250
This you can leave check nothing you need to do there.

01:43.380 --> 01:46.530
And then just click on next.

01:46.770 --> 01:50.990
Now this form you'll see the title is an address so you can get paid OK.

01:51.120 --> 01:55.420
Jumping the gun a little bit we haven't actually got to the point where you're making some great money

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but nevertheless it does need certain details so you can see it needs the first name the last name your

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address again.

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All of this can be changed later.

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If you need to.

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So I'm just going to fill in my details on that.

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All I need to do is click on enter my store and believe it or not.

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You'll then be looking at your store.

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Now of course a lot of this won't make sense and that's what the next lecture is all about.

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I'm going to take you by the hand I'm going to guide you through Shopify I'm going to show you how all

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of this works so please don't be overwhelmed.

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I'm going to take care of everything.

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Step by step.

02:33.150 --> 02:39.050
So super Congratulations you've done the first step of setting up your very own Shopify store.

5. Essential #3 - Understanding your Shopify account


00:00.390 --> 00:04.620
OK you've reached essential number three which is understanding your Shopify count.

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Now my job here is to make you feel comfortable put you at ease if you like with Shopify particularly

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if you've never seen anything like this before.

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I fully understand it can be quite overwhelming.

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So by the end of this lecture what I want to achieve is that you feel very comfortable Shopify And of

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course excited about building out your business.

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So in the last lecture I left you looking at the screen now there's a couple of housekeeping points

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here which are very very important.

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First of all the password that you use when you set up your Shopify store.

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Please please note it down somewhere because you may need to log back into your Shopify system at some

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The second thing is please bookmark MS page so you can come back to easily at any time.

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Now before we get started looking at this whole menu structure and of course the store itself you probably

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notice this but nobody here this select a plan and you should also have received an email from Shopify

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with details about your account and within that there will be probably some mention of selecting a plan

01:07.980 --> 01:08.640
as well.

01:08.640 --> 01:13.500
Now I don't want you to worry about any of this at the moment OK just ignore this button.

01:13.500 --> 01:19.890
We have a 14 day free trial here to really explore the system and that's exactly what we're going to

01:19.890 --> 01:24.170
do OK so please take no notice of that for the time being.

01:24.420 --> 01:25.920
So let's get down to business now.

01:25.980 --> 01:31.970
The first thing I want you to do is to click on this little guy icon next to where it says on line store.

01:33.120 --> 01:34.140
And it will open up.

01:34.140 --> 01:36.400
Believe it or not your store right.

01:36.420 --> 01:40.530
It has actually set up a store without doing anything.

01:40.560 --> 01:42.010
All of this for free.

01:42.030 --> 01:42.730

01:42.750 --> 01:47.450
So it doesn't look great I admit but we have a lot of functionality already in place.

01:47.460 --> 01:50.120
First of all we got Tim's super deals up here.

01:50.340 --> 01:51.140
We've got a home.

01:51.180 --> 01:52.410
We've got a catalog.

01:52.410 --> 01:53.830
We've got the ability to search.

01:53.870 --> 01:55.290
You've got to check out.

01:55.290 --> 02:00.210
We got some semblance of a home page with the ability to add an image in some sort of text overlay as

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you can see.

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And as I scroll down you quickly get the idea of how well this is set up for e-commerce store owners.

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So we got a feature collection clearly we're going to be able to drop products into this whole thing.

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Now we've got various ways we can display the products and finishing up with some sort of slide at the

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02:17.200 --> 02:22.250
Now all of this is highly customizable and we're going to be looking at this as we go through the course.

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But what's really really cool is for absolutely nothing in fact just a few clicks of the mouse.

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We have some store set up we have the bare bones if you like of our store.

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Now let's go back to what I call the admin system you'll hear me referring to this page sometimes as

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the atman system sometimes as the back end as we go through out the course.

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Now I just want to make an analogy for you so you really understand the difference between the backend

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and the store it's self.

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So if you imagine a real store right when you walk into your shopping mall or you go into your local

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town you have that front window.

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OK that front window that displays all of the products and tempts you into the store.

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And when you're in that store you're walking around taking your time looking at products.

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Now that's very much the Front-End.

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The web site itself that's what that presents it's presenting your store in the best possible manner.

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Now this backend system is if you like the back end of the store.

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So let's just imagine there's somebody in the back room doing things like ordering the products themselves

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from suppliers pricing those products managing the customer accounts all that kind of stuff.

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Now that's very much the back end.

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So if you are confused keep the analogy in mind.

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I really hope that helps you going forward.

03:43.110 --> 03:47.130
OK so let's delve a little bit more into this menu over here on the left hand side.

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Now we're on the home page currently.

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Now these next three things basically go together we've got the orders the products and the customers.

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Okay so obviously we're going to be setting up our store.

03:57.720 --> 04:02.580
We are going to load it up with products and you'll see how all of this comes into play as we go through

04:02.580 --> 04:03.590
the course.

04:03.780 --> 04:09.420
And then of course we're going to drive potential customers to the store where they are then going to

04:09.420 --> 04:10.470
make orders.

04:10.530 --> 04:16.730
So Shopify enables us to very very easily add products in all pointing click OK no technical knowledge.

04:16.770 --> 04:22.690
Don't worry about a thing here very easily add products into our store and modify them at any time.

04:22.770 --> 04:28.740
We can then very easily track and see the orders as they come in and ultimately they're building up

04:28.770 --> 04:32.000
our list of customers so I hope you can see that nice little grouping there.

04:32.010 --> 04:35.180
That's really for me the core of the business.

04:35.190 --> 04:37.880
Right now these next two are nice to have.

04:37.890 --> 04:42.480
No question but I'm not going to delve into them in massive detail in this course because they're not

04:42.660 --> 04:45.200
completely essential to you making money right.

04:45.250 --> 04:50.730
We've got Analytics which is basically enables us to see where customers come from around the world

04:50.730 --> 04:51.800
visiting our store.

04:51.960 --> 04:55.070
And we've got the ability to apply discount discount codes.

04:55.110 --> 04:59.670
I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of a coupon code to get a discount on a product that's where

04:59.670 --> 05:02.130
you can basically put that together.

05:02.210 --> 05:05.170
Now the next one on the list apps is important.

05:05.180 --> 05:11.340
OK now apps are very very powerful in fact if I just click on this you will see that we have various

05:11.430 --> 05:11.870

05:11.920 --> 05:14.190
OK we have an app store.

05:14.310 --> 05:19.440
So I just want to make another analogy at this point with your mobile phone for example if you've bought

05:19.500 --> 05:25.140
a smartphone you will know that it comes with some fairly basic functionality let's say just to keep

05:25.140 --> 05:25.810
things simple.

05:25.840 --> 05:28.470
Debojit make calls and perhaps and techs.

05:28.500 --> 05:32.640
So if you want to increase the function out of your phone for whatever reason let's say to get your

05:32.640 --> 05:38.850
local weather forecast you might want to download an app onto your phone in order to be able to do that.

05:38.850 --> 05:45.150
OK so you've increased the functionality of your phone with an app on Shopify has exactly that it has

05:45.150 --> 05:51.840
this app store with all kinds of amazing add ons that we can download that we can plug in to our store

05:52.080 --> 05:54.360
to massively increase its functionality.

05:54.360 --> 05:54.820

05:54.990 --> 05:56.110
So some of them are free.

05:56.130 --> 06:00.690
Some of them are paying and we're going to be delving into this aspect as we go through the course.

06:00.810 --> 06:03.040
So don't worry about it too much at the moment.

06:03.150 --> 06:11.970
Just know that we can massively increase the functionality of our basic store the moment with apps now

06:11.970 --> 06:17.700
this next section is the online store and this is where we going to manage the look and feel of our

06:17.700 --> 06:18.500
store itself.

06:18.500 --> 06:22.600
So if we just go back to it it's all about changing this stuff here.

06:22.620 --> 06:25.730
OK all the stuff that we were looking at just a few minutes ago.

06:25.800 --> 06:32.220
So what we can do here for example is with fiend's which is super important we are able to change very

06:32.220 --> 06:35.460
quickly the look and feel of our store you're going to see all this stuff later on.

06:35.460 --> 06:35.670

06:35.670 --> 06:40.130
So I just want to basically make you aware of it at this stage blog post.

06:40.140 --> 06:45.010
I won't get into because I have another course that talks about building a blog on Shopify but page

06:45.010 --> 06:48.860
is clearly we can add many pages to astore if we want to.

06:48.930 --> 06:54.360
And navigation is all about having a menu system that makes sense and I'm going to delve into all of

06:54.360 --> 06:56.040
this stuff with you now.

06:56.040 --> 07:01.350
Domains and preferences we will also be getting into but that's less to do with the actual overall look

07:01.350 --> 07:02.470
and feel of the store.

07:02.640 --> 07:06.890
But there are some very very important aspects that we are going to touch on going forward.

07:06.900 --> 07:10.650
Now the last thing right down the bottom here are our settings.

07:10.830 --> 07:15.980
Now if we click on this you see a whole load of icons like we used to get overwhelmed.

07:15.980 --> 07:17.540
At this stage it's not necessary.

07:17.580 --> 07:20.300
I will introduce each one of these at the appropriate time.

07:20.430 --> 07:25.650
So at this stage or just when you go to general because this is where I said and if you remember you

07:25.650 --> 07:27.290
can change stuff later on.

07:27.290 --> 07:30.150
OK so you remember I called mine Tim's super deals.

07:30.150 --> 07:34.730
If you want to change that name at this stage then you can that's where you come to do this.

07:34.740 --> 07:35.190

07:35.430 --> 07:37.210
You can change your e-mail.

07:37.230 --> 07:38.660
We have the store address again.

07:38.670 --> 07:40.160
Remember I said you could modify that.

07:40.160 --> 07:43.000
Well that's where you would do it right in here OK.

07:43.170 --> 07:47.340
The other thing that is important is depending on where you are around the world it should have already

07:47.340 --> 07:49.180
selected it by default.

07:49.260 --> 07:55.650
I'm in France so it's basically my time zone and my various metric systems and kilogrammes etc set it

07:55.650 --> 07:56.550
to Euros.

07:56.550 --> 08:02.830
Just check this and make sure that that all makes sense wherever you happen to be doing this course.

08:03.090 --> 08:04.000
OK so that's it.

08:04.020 --> 08:07.480
That's a helicopter view of Shopify itself.

08:07.590 --> 08:10.550
So as I said in the beginning my mission was to put you at ease.

08:10.560 --> 08:12.990
I really really hope I've done that.

08:12.990 --> 08:15.170
Please don't worry about the detail.

08:15.180 --> 08:17.160
OK we're going to get into the detail.

08:17.250 --> 08:19.030
I just want you to feel comfortable.

08:19.020 --> 08:20.910
You know this is all point and click.

08:20.910 --> 08:22.400
You cannot break this.

08:22.410 --> 08:27.660
In fact I would encourage you to click around with your Shopify store now mess about a bit.

08:27.660 --> 08:32.580
Not too much because I want to show used up as we go on but please just click around and it gets dark

08:32.610 --> 08:35.830
and very very comfortable in no time at all.

2. Building Out Your Shopify Store

1. Adding an 'About Us' andor a 'Contact Us' page


00:00.210 --> 00:04.500
So for these next few lectures we're going to put together some essential pages that every single story

00:04.500 --> 00:07.650
needs and we're going to start with the Contact Us page.

00:07.690 --> 00:10.670
Now you might want to do a Contact Us page and and about us page.

00:10.680 --> 00:11.620
It's entirely up to you.

00:11.640 --> 00:13.130
Or you might want to combine them.

00:13.230 --> 00:15.920
And in fact that's the preferred way that I do it.

00:15.960 --> 00:26.000
So to add a page just go down to online store click on pages and then simply add page now because this

00:26.000 --> 00:26.750
is the first time.

00:26.870 --> 00:29.340
I just want to show you how this is set up on Shopify.

00:29.600 --> 00:31.330
So you have your page title here.

00:31.610 --> 00:35.960
You have your content of your page and then down here at the bottom we have the search engine listing

00:35.960 --> 00:41.560
pre-WWII which is simply what would show up in the google or yahoo or whatever rankings.

00:41.870 --> 00:45.820
So if we go back at the top here my title this time is going to be very straightforward.

00:45.890 --> 00:47.950
Just simply contact us.

00:48.380 --> 00:54.380
Now here you have all these icons OK all kinds of things you can do pointing click to create a really

00:54.440 --> 00:56.210
good looking Contact Us page.

00:56.450 --> 00:58.750
And I really encourage you to do that.

00:58.790 --> 01:04.550
And the reason being is that so many people miss this opportunity to connect with their potential customer.

01:04.550 --> 01:09.020
Now I do a lot of Web site reviews and often the Contact Us page just says something like please contact

01:09.020 --> 01:09.550
us out.

01:09.590 --> 01:13.790
And then an e-mail address but that's a missed opportunity because you really want to take this moment

01:13.790 --> 01:19.060
to connect with your potential customer and the way you do that is you tell your story.

01:19.070 --> 01:21.700
You know tell them why you're starting this e-commerce store.

01:21.770 --> 01:23.970
Tell them a little bit about where you live.

01:24.080 --> 01:25.600
Tell them your interests.

01:25.610 --> 01:28.640
Tell them why that is relevant to your store whatever it might be.

01:28.670 --> 01:34.070
Just give it some thought and put down some honest rhetoric about what it is that you are doing and

01:34.070 --> 01:35.450
why you are doing it.

01:35.450 --> 01:36.050
And if you like.

01:36.050 --> 01:38.290
Include a picture a picture of yourself.

01:38.300 --> 01:40.960
Often works really really well to connect with the customer.

01:41.090 --> 01:42.760
But if you feel uncomfortable about that.

01:42.800 --> 01:45.100
Choose an image that is perhaps relevant to your store.

01:45.230 --> 01:47.700
But make the page a living page.

01:47.840 --> 01:52.520
It's amazing the difference that can make to your potential customer and the other thing is I see a

01:52.520 --> 01:55.660
lot is that people try to pretend somehow they're bigger than they are.

01:55.670 --> 02:00.350
You know they put a picture up but it's a sort of corporate headquarters or something which is kind

02:00.350 --> 02:06.020
of ridiculous because you know most people can smell that immediately they know you're not a big star.

02:06.020 --> 02:10.520
They know you probably are one or perhaps two man band that kind of operation and you should be proud

02:10.520 --> 02:11.060
of that.

02:11.060 --> 02:15.050
Don't try to make yourself look corporate that's not your image.

02:15.050 --> 02:17.150
You want that personal connection.

02:17.510 --> 02:21.870
So please go ahead and do that right some cool content for your contact us page.

02:21.980 --> 02:25.770
And once you're done all you need to do then is go ahead and click on the save button.

02:25.880 --> 02:29.900
Now just before I do that I do want to draw your attention to this visibility.

02:29.930 --> 02:35.480
OK so again same with all the pages but you have the opportunity once you created your page to hide

02:35.480 --> 02:36.240
it for the time being.

02:36.260 --> 02:41.710
If you're not ready for example to show it or by default you can simply publish it on your site immediately.

02:41.900 --> 02:46.160
So I'm going to go ahead and do that by just simply clicking on save and it confirms that we created

02:46.170 --> 02:47.390
it successfully.

02:47.390 --> 02:52.820
Now you're probably thinking now that's all very nice to him but I still don't have any way for my customers

02:52.820 --> 02:53.970
to contact me.

02:54.110 --> 02:58.960
And in fact the only thing you really have at that moment is the e-mail address that you signed up with

02:58.970 --> 03:03.710
so you could very easily add that at the bottom of your very nice contact us page that you're going

03:03.710 --> 03:04.720
to put together.

03:04.970 --> 03:08.720
But as the course progresses I'm going to show you other ways that will be up to contact you and in

03:08.720 --> 03:12.200
fact later on I have a whole section on adding credibility.

03:12.470 --> 03:14.360
So take your time with that contact us page.

03:14.360 --> 03:17.820
It really will pay dividends in the long run.

2. Adding a Refund Policy, Terms & Conditions and a Privacy Policy


00:00.220 --> 00:05.280
So this next part I'm sorry to say is rather boring but I do promise that the Course is going to get

00:05.280 --> 00:07.770
an awful lot more exciting as we go along.

00:07.890 --> 00:12.940
But we do have to create three or rather dull but very very important pages.

00:12.960 --> 00:13.980
So what am I talking about.

00:13.980 --> 00:19.680
I'm talking about the refund policy the privacy policy and the Terms of Service and the good news is

00:19.770 --> 00:22.600
that Shopify makes that very easy for us.

00:22.620 --> 00:30.720
So all we need to do is come down to settings go to checkout this time and then don't worry about any

00:30.720 --> 00:34.490
of this stuff just scroll down towards the bottom and you'll come to this.

00:34.490 --> 00:39.810
The refund privacy and Terms of Service statements and to generate a refund policy.

00:39.830 --> 00:46.050
It couldn't be simpler you just click on the generate sample refund policy button and there you have

00:46.050 --> 00:46.180

00:46.200 --> 00:46.720

00:46.980 --> 00:51.310
So what I want you to do is to do that for the refund policy or the privacy policy.

00:51.660 --> 00:56.250
And for the Terms of Service and then to click on Save.

00:56.610 --> 00:58.590
Now when it's due is to create a page.

00:58.590 --> 01:00.910
So let's start with the refund policy.

01:01.080 --> 01:13.530
So if we just select all of that text and copy it and then go to the online store go to pages you see

01:13.530 --> 01:15.810
the Contact Us page that we've already created.

01:15.870 --> 01:17.160
Click on our page.

01:17.430 --> 01:21.210
Call it the refund policy.

01:21.530 --> 01:23.270
We've got it correctly.

01:23.790 --> 01:26.520
And then simply paste in text.

01:26.540 --> 01:27.080

01:27.090 --> 01:28.950
Now I do encourage you to read it.

01:28.950 --> 01:30.540
It is a very very good start.

01:30.540 --> 01:35.520
There's really nothing you need to worry about at this stage but just really make sure you are comfortable

01:35.670 --> 01:37.530
with all of the statements in there.

01:37.560 --> 01:39.270
Once you've done it click on Save

01:43.280 --> 01:50.430
and then just go back to settings back to check out grab.

01:50.470 --> 01:54.670
This time the excuse me the privacy policy.

01:54.830 --> 01:55.560

01:55.990 --> 01:58.220
And create a page for that in the same way.

01:58.240 --> 02:00.460
And then also the Terms of Service.

02:00.490 --> 02:03.020
So I think you get the idea you don't need to watch me doing that.

02:03.100 --> 02:08.470
So I'm going to create those three pages and I would ask you to do exactly the same so that we're all

02:08.470 --> 02:10.240
good to go in the next lecture.

3. Improving Navigation


00:00.430 --> 00:06.120
Have created those three extra pages and including the Contact Us page we may before that makes four

00:06.150 --> 00:08.300
pages in total you've now created.

00:08.550 --> 00:12.720
But if you've been to the site you'll notice that you can't actually find them anywhere on the site

00:12.960 --> 00:15.500
and therefore neither can your prospective customer.

00:15.690 --> 00:21.660
So let's see how we can add those things to the menu so that it can all be easily found.

00:21.660 --> 00:23.480
So let's go back to the back end here.

00:24.820 --> 00:28.870
And this time I'll go down to navigation now.

00:28.880 --> 00:31.420
In navigation we have two menus already.

00:31.420 --> 00:33.710
So by default we have the footer menu.

00:33.780 --> 00:37.410
Just got search in it and we got the main menu that's got home and catalog.

00:37.410 --> 00:41.620
So if I go back to the site itself you can see the main menu with home and catalog.

00:41.760 --> 00:44.710
And if I get onto the photo menu it's got search in it.

00:44.730 --> 00:44.990

00:45.000 --> 00:47.860
So that corresponds exactly to those things.

00:47.910 --> 00:50.720
Now to add something extra into the main menu.

00:50.760 --> 00:56.920
All we need to do is click on main menu and then just simply click on Add menu item.

00:56.940 --> 01:02.070
So we had the Contact Us page so the menu item is called Contact Us.

01:02.070 --> 01:06.780
And then what I want to do is find that page.

01:06.780 --> 01:07.860
So here it is.

01:07.860 --> 01:13.560
Contact us at battin and click on Save.

01:14.130 --> 01:19.230
Now I want to go back to the site and refresh and scroll to the top.

01:19.290 --> 01:22.910
You can see the contact us up here in the top main menu.

01:23.050 --> 01:28.410
I click on it there's my contact us page of course yours is filled in with all those great tips that

01:28.410 --> 01:29.830
I gave you earlier on.

01:30.120 --> 01:32.760
So we won't the same thing for that bottom money.

01:33.540 --> 01:35.400
So this time banks navigation

01:38.030 --> 01:44.250
and then the bottom manual of the menu click on for too many and a menu item.

01:44.260 --> 01:49.910
So we'll have a privacy policy.

01:51.280 --> 01:56.530
We find the privacy policy that is added in.

01:57.040 --> 02:00.410
We want the refund policy

02:03.530 --> 02:08.200
with any and then find the refund policy.

02:08.210 --> 02:09.860
There it is.

02:10.700 --> 02:16.820
And then lastly the very exciting terms of service.

02:16.820 --> 02:17.770
All right.

02:18.080 --> 02:22.990
So pages and Terms of Service add all those in.

02:23.060 --> 02:23.460

02:23.510 --> 02:24.940
All nicely listed.

02:24.950 --> 02:27.180
Click on Save.

02:27.770 --> 02:30.840
Back to the site refresh.

02:31.280 --> 02:32.360
And there we go.

02:32.390 --> 02:32.630

02:32.630 --> 02:36.410
This is all in the foot many if I go to the home page probably makes a little bit clearer because it's

02:37.010 --> 02:38.060
right down the bottom.

02:38.210 --> 02:38.930
Here they are.

02:38.930 --> 02:43.850
So if you click on terms of service for example those are my terms of service.

02:43.850 --> 02:44.520
All right.

02:44.600 --> 02:45.810
So great job guys.

02:45.830 --> 02:47.410
I shall see you in a moment.

4. Your logo


00:00.230 --> 00:05.490
Now the next part of building out our Shopify store is to create a logo.

00:05.650 --> 00:09.350
Again I see too many stores where they just leave it like I have it here.

00:09.370 --> 00:14.550
Tim's super deals and in fact Tim's super deals doesn't even read very well but so many people just

00:14.550 --> 00:16.370
leave it like that as text.

00:16.380 --> 00:21.780
And that again is a missed opportunity because to create a logo shows a certain amount of professionalism

00:22.170 --> 00:25.540
and it's a very nice way to start building out your brand.

00:25.770 --> 00:28.780
So how do we actually go ahead and create a logo.

00:28.980 --> 00:33.690
Well we have this site here called a fiver which I'm sure you've heard of five with two hours on the

00:33.690 --> 00:38.950
end where people will do pretty much anything for five dollars and up.

00:39.210 --> 00:43.860
And one of them is creating logos and I've had logos created on this site in the past and it's absolutely

00:43.860 --> 00:49.410
amazing what people can do in a very short space of time for very little money.

00:49.410 --> 00:56.550
So if I was typing here logo design for example and click on search I would find thousands and thousands

00:56.550 --> 00:57.420
of people who can help.

00:57.430 --> 01:02.410
I mean look at this logo design 45 nearly 46000 results.

01:02.670 --> 01:03.980
So that's one way to do it.

01:04.230 --> 01:08.330
But the well I actually prefer is to use a piece of software called Kanva.

01:08.400 --> 01:16.170
OK so you just head over to Kanva dot com CA and V.A dot com now is completely free to sign up or you

01:16.170 --> 01:17.890
can sign up with your Facebook account.

01:18.120 --> 01:20.200
And there are Simpang aspects of this site.

01:20.220 --> 01:21.330
You don't need them.

01:21.330 --> 01:24.390
You can create all kinds of amazing stuff for free.

01:24.630 --> 01:28.890
And once you connect I'm not going to do a full blown tutorial on Kanva you're going to find it pretty

01:28.890 --> 01:30.310
straightforward to set this up.

01:30.570 --> 01:36.720
But once you connect to the system you're going to see a page a bit like this which is basically a list

01:36.750 --> 01:39.720
of templates for more or less everything you can think of.

01:39.720 --> 01:45.270
OK we got social media posts we got documents we've got blogging and e-books marketing materials all

01:45.270 --> 01:46.590
this kind of good stuff.

01:46.680 --> 01:49.470
And at the top here I have logo.

01:49.470 --> 01:55.340
All right so if I click on logo then I get all kinds of fantastic readymade templates where I could

01:55.350 --> 01:59.070
very very easily drop in my own text.

01:59.100 --> 02:05.160
So for example I could take Max brown hair and just simply drop that overnight and then I can edit this

02:05.430 --> 02:08.080
I can change the text very very straight forward.

02:08.370 --> 02:12.510
So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to create a simple logo for Tim's.

02:12.570 --> 02:15.060
Super deals so I'm going to take this one here.

02:15.100 --> 02:19.260
Modern space and I'm just going to type in here.

02:23.090 --> 02:28.020
Tim's super deals.

02:28.030 --> 02:28.460

02:28.510 --> 02:30.550
Now I know that's not the best logo in the world.

02:30.550 --> 02:35.530
Like it's been an awful lot more time doing it but the purpose of this lecture is to show you how simple

02:35.530 --> 02:40.750
it is and to inspire you of course I'm trying to do with all of these lectures inspire you to do it

02:40.750 --> 02:42.030
yourself and have a play around.

02:42.030 --> 02:47.890
But this really is a fantastic tool and I really really encourage you to come over here and use it.

02:47.890 --> 02:54.870
Now all that said you might be a gifted logo designer a gifted graphic designer in which case you won't

02:54.880 --> 02:59.860
need any of this stuff but I do know that ninety nine point nine percent of the people taking the course

03:00.160 --> 03:01.470
won't have those skills.

03:01.510 --> 03:02.410
Me included.

03:02.410 --> 03:08.890
I am definitely not a gifted graphic designer but these amazing sites make it super super easy so please

03:08.890 --> 03:09.820
take advantage.

03:09.820 --> 03:15.250
Please take a little bit of time to create yourself a great logo and very very shortly I will show you

03:15.250 --> 03:18.390
how to actually add that logo to your site.

5. Sourcing images


00:00.600 --> 00:05.820
So in this lecture I want to talk about images because to create a really great looking site you do

00:05.910 --> 00:11.430
need to put up some great images you know take some time to really think about what those images are

00:11.430 --> 00:13.200
going to be on your site.

00:13.320 --> 00:19.290
A site that looks a bit rubbish is going to drive away traffic very very quickly and all your hard work

00:19.350 --> 00:20.510
will be wasted.

00:20.520 --> 00:23.460
A site that looks great is clearly going to draw them in.

00:23.490 --> 00:28.650
Now I know that's really obvious but it's surprising how often that gets overlooked.

00:28.650 --> 00:33.180
So what I want to do here is just show you some sites where you can get images that you have to pay

00:33.180 --> 00:33.600

00:33.690 --> 00:37.980
But also as you repleat to know plenty where they are for free.

00:38.010 --> 00:40.290
So let's start with the paying sites.

00:40.290 --> 00:45.670
Now the big ones I guess are this one here that I'm on at the moment which is called a stock photo.

00:45.810 --> 00:49.810
So let's just imagine that we were in the dark sector for example.

00:49.920 --> 00:56.370
And I just typed in dog here it presents with some beautiful images related to dogs and there will be

00:56.400 --> 00:58.510
thousands and thousands of these.

00:58.590 --> 01:01.350
If I were to continue to scroll down the page you'd see what I mean.

01:01.350 --> 01:06.540
But basically this is a great site for getting some really really nice images.

01:06.540 --> 01:11.210
Now you're probably looking at something like five to ten dollars per image.

01:11.220 --> 01:15.990
Now you might think that's a lot but in fact you're probably only going to use a handful of images on

01:15.990 --> 01:20.560
your site any one time so you may be looking at maybe investing if you were to go down this route let's

01:20.580 --> 01:26.490
say $20 you ought to have four really great images on your site and you might consider that to be a

01:26.490 --> 01:29.850
really good investment now as well as our stock photo.

01:29.880 --> 01:36.330
We have Shutterstock which is a very similar concept so let's just type dog in here for example.

01:36.450 --> 01:38.400
And again an endless selection.

01:38.400 --> 01:44.470
Yeah 1.8 million dog stock photos eighteen thousand pages so clearly we want to start refining that

01:44.760 --> 01:50.250
but those two sites really have a limitless number of images that you can pay for.

01:50.550 --> 01:53.470
So let's imagine that you don't want to pay for images.

01:53.550 --> 01:55.670
So let's have a look and see what we can do there.

01:55.830 --> 02:00.330
Well the first place we can go to is Google now on Google I can type in dog

02:04.110 --> 02:08.560
and I can go to images and here I have a load of images.

02:08.590 --> 02:13.050
But you need to be careful because very often these images are copyrighted.

02:13.050 --> 02:18.750
So if he were to take them and use them on your site you may well have a problem later down the road.

02:18.750 --> 02:22.000
You know probably the worst thing would be to be asked to take them off your site.

02:22.020 --> 02:26.330
But if you built a brand around a particular image and then later on they asked you to remove it.

02:26.400 --> 02:28.680
That would be really really annoying.

02:28.680 --> 02:32.120
So why not just avoid that whole thing in the long run.

02:32.340 --> 02:37.110
But it's not all lost for Google because up here I have an additional filter called usage rights in

02:37.140 --> 02:42.780
if I click on or I get various options I got labeled for reuse with modification label for use labels

02:42.780 --> 02:44.460
for noncommercial reuse.

02:44.460 --> 02:46.080
And then again another noncommercial.

02:46.080 --> 02:47.640
Now we are commercial right.

02:47.640 --> 02:53.070
We're building out a business if you want to really on the safe side you would select labeled for reuse

02:53.100 --> 02:55.750
in other words you can reuse any of these images.

02:55.980 --> 03:02.050
And quite frankly you are going to find many many great images here for your use.

03:02.100 --> 03:07.920
Now the disadvantage having said all that with Google is that you often struggle to find the image the

03:07.920 --> 03:10.080
size and quality that you want.

03:10.080 --> 03:14.280
You know that's the big advantage with those paying sites that I just showed you in fact with the paying

03:14.280 --> 03:18.960
site you'll get images in various different formats but here that's not the case.

03:18.960 --> 03:23.040
You know it's pulling images off the internet so what you see is what you get.

03:23.040 --> 03:27.150
Which can be frustrating but that's a little bit of research and a little bit of looking around.

03:27.150 --> 03:31.910
You can often find a really good image to use for your site.

03:32.130 --> 03:37.050
Now if you don't want to use those paying sites and you don't want to use Google then I'm not quite

03:37.050 --> 03:42.930
done yet because in the next lecture I'm giving you a list which I hope is a pretty exhaustive list.

03:42.930 --> 03:47.510
In fact of Web sites that have royalty free images.

03:47.610 --> 03:53.190
In other words you can go to those sites you can search for images and you can be 100 percent certain

03:53.190 --> 03:56.980
that you can use those without a problem in the future.

03:57.270 --> 04:02.220
So I really hope from what I've just shown you here and also in the next lecture are going to be able

04:02.220 --> 04:06.160
to find some really really cool images for your business.

6. Free image websites

As promised in the previous lecture, check out this comprehensive list of free image sites!
Enjoy !!

7. The Debut theme


00:00.820 --> 00:05.950
OK we're moving along fantastically here and I just want to take this opportunity to make it absolutely

00:05.950 --> 00:12.160
clear that this course is all about building up a fantastic profitable business one that you can be

00:12.160 --> 00:18.250
proud of one that could supplement your income or maybe even replace your job all together.

00:18.250 --> 00:23.270
Now what I'm not doing is showing you how to build the most beautiful Shopify store ever.

00:23.270 --> 00:23.800
All right.

00:23.860 --> 00:25.480
And giving you all the tools.

00:25.480 --> 00:27.910
I hope you can see that as this is starting to develop.

00:27.910 --> 00:32.420
Each lecture has great content you can act on right.

00:32.540 --> 00:36.200
I'm leaving a lot of that up to you having given you the tools for the job.

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I want you to run with it.

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I want you to realize how simple and how powerful this can be and how you can really really use it to

00:43.600 --> 00:45.720
build out something fantastic.

00:45.730 --> 00:48.610
So with that in mind you know we've looked at creating some pages.

00:48.670 --> 00:50.150
We've also looked a logo.

00:50.170 --> 00:51.250
We've looked at some images.

00:51.250 --> 00:56.830
I really hope that you've acted on that and you're starting to feel more and more comfortable and hopefully

00:57.010 --> 01:01.700
getting more and more excited about how this could potentially change your life.

01:01.750 --> 01:05.010
Now the next thing I want to show you on Shopify are the themes.

01:05.140 --> 01:07.370
So let's go down to the online store.

01:09.320 --> 01:11.760
And by default we get the themes page.

01:11.780 --> 01:15.170
Now the themes are the shop window to the store.

01:15.170 --> 01:18.450
They really are the kind of the window dressing that's how I like to look at it.

01:18.620 --> 01:24.710
So if we go back to the site here we see this image with text overlay and this gray thing here which

01:24.710 --> 01:25.810
corresponds with this.

01:25.820 --> 01:26.150

01:26.150 --> 01:32.490
We're talking about the debut theme and the debut theme is the theme that comes with Shopify by default.

01:32.510 --> 01:32.830

01:32.870 --> 01:33.950
It's a simple theme.

01:34.070 --> 01:35.480
It's very powerful.

01:35.480 --> 01:39.410
And what it does allow me to do is to demonstrate to you how things work.

01:39.590 --> 01:44.930
Now I'm going to show you how this debut thing works and how you can customize the store as it currently

01:44.930 --> 01:45.660

01:45.680 --> 01:51.260
And with that knowledge the good news is that most themes have a very very similar pattern to the way

01:51.260 --> 01:52.100
they behave.

01:52.100 --> 01:57.950
So once you've got this debut theme idea under your belt you'll be able to run with it and use all kinds

01:57.950 --> 02:02.810
of other cool themes to really really personalize and customize your store.

02:02.810 --> 02:05.580
And I'll talk about that a little bit in the next lecture.

02:05.780 --> 02:09.030
But right now I want to focus on this debut theme.

02:09.110 --> 02:17.040
So in order to make changes to the way this looks all we need to do is click on customize and you see

02:17.040 --> 02:20.100
straight away the entire presentation has changed.

02:20.100 --> 02:20.560
All right.

02:20.580 --> 02:23.370
What we've got here is a different menu on the left hand side.

02:23.520 --> 02:27.750
And this part over here is actually a live preview of my site.

02:27.750 --> 02:28.920
So this is very very cool.

02:28.920 --> 02:33.330
I can make changes over here which you'll see in a moment and I'll see exactly how they affect the store

02:33.540 --> 02:35.840
over here instantly.

02:36.510 --> 02:39.560
So let's have a bit of fun and play around with this and see what we can actually do.

02:39.560 --> 02:41.970
Again I want you to feel really really comfortable with this.

02:41.970 --> 02:43.880
I don't think we can take that long.

02:43.880 --> 02:52.860
So if we go to the header for example and here you will see that we can upload a logo image OK to replace

02:52.920 --> 02:54.080
this thing here.

02:54.390 --> 02:55.760
So very very simple.

02:55.770 --> 02:59.990
All we got to do is select an image basically upload it.

03:00.000 --> 03:02.900
There's nothing there which will be the case take your image.

03:02.910 --> 03:07.170
This is the one I created very very quickly over on camera before.

03:07.170 --> 03:07.610

03:07.830 --> 03:13.290
I repeat myself is definitely not the best logo of all time but I want to show you how to do this rather

03:13.280 --> 03:15.530
than the most beautiful logo ever.

03:15.570 --> 03:16.080
But there you go.

03:16.080 --> 03:21.120
You can see straightaway that having selected the logo it appears instantly on the right hand side.

03:21.120 --> 03:25.800
OK so Tim's super deals replaces that plain text that I had before.

03:25.830 --> 03:32.740
So if I click on select I can also basically make some changes here I could make this thing a little

03:32.740 --> 03:34.320
bit wider if I wanted to.

03:34.330 --> 03:37.400
So let's say I want to make it bigger up to 200.

03:37.720 --> 03:39.700
I get an instant change maybe that looks a bit better.

03:39.700 --> 03:43.430
Now that is bigger you know and I can align it left of center.

03:43.430 --> 03:47.740
However I wanted but I'm pretty happy with that at the moment.

03:47.740 --> 03:49.630
So having got that right.

03:49.720 --> 03:54.910
Let's go back now and show you how easy it is to change this text here.

03:55.120 --> 03:59.200
So here we just go to this but here is his image with text overlay.

03:59.360 --> 04:04.730
And as you scroll down you can see that I can select an image which will look at in a moment.

04:04.830 --> 04:08.340
But here we see the actual text itself.

04:08.350 --> 04:10.840
So if I change this to read something like.

04:11.140 --> 04:15.870
Come and visit our store.

04:15.910 --> 04:22.210
OK that's not the greatest headline ever but I can see straight away how simple that was to do and then

04:22.210 --> 04:26.530
maybe what I want to do now is change this subheading here.

04:26.560 --> 04:30.430
Now at this point I want to start introducing something I promised right at the beginning of the Course

04:30.670 --> 04:35.770
where I said I'll show you some of the things that work for me and things that work for me in the past

04:35.770 --> 04:41.770
very well are the dog jewelry business now is not jewelry for dogs it's actually jewelry for people

04:41.950 --> 04:42.850
who own dogs.

04:42.850 --> 04:48.370
OK so just a small Naish you know you might be wanting to build up a general store or unreached or whatever

04:48.370 --> 04:49.040
it might be.

04:49.150 --> 04:54.880
But I'm going to use that as a kind of an ongoing example through this as we build out my particular

04:54.880 --> 04:59.480
store and you'll see the products that I use later on will also be in that niche.

04:59.500 --> 05:03.570
But of course entirely up to you how you're going to build out your particular business.

05:03.850 --> 05:05.380
So let me put in some text here.

05:05.470 --> 05:07.620
That would be relevant to the Neech.

05:07.830 --> 05:13.150
So I'm going to take this out and I'm just going to put in this text here explore our fantastic collection

05:13.210 --> 05:15.830
of dark jewelry products.

05:17.670 --> 05:22.190
And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to come down here a little bit and I want to create a pattern.

05:22.180 --> 05:22.530
All right.

05:22.530 --> 05:27.010
So here and this button label I'm going to type in here.

05:27.690 --> 05:32.810
Discover excuse me discover more dot dot dot.

05:33.180 --> 05:34.890
And then the button itself.

05:34.890 --> 05:38.990
I will just link to the products page all products at the moment.

05:39.060 --> 05:39.590

05:39.810 --> 05:45.580
Something like that so you can see I mean how long was that I spent about a minute if not less where

05:45.620 --> 05:48.130
I've changed the main title to come visit our store.

05:48.240 --> 05:53.460
I've now got a nice little subheading here Explora a fantastic collection of dog jewelry products and

05:53.460 --> 05:54.890
they discover more.

05:54.900 --> 05:58.000
But now I went through that fairly quickly will come back to this.

05:58.110 --> 06:05.160
But the idea is that this is in fact a very good design for a store because you're saying exactly what

06:05.160 --> 06:09.510
it's all about in the beginning and you're drawing them in to your collection.

06:09.510 --> 06:09.890

06:09.910 --> 06:14.530
With discover more button basically pulls somebody into the store.

06:14.640 --> 06:17.340
So I encourage you to use that design.

06:17.340 --> 06:17.600

06:17.610 --> 06:18.940
That's your takeaway if you like.

06:19.080 --> 06:22.890
Obviously you're going to put your own spin on it depending on exactly how you're building out your

06:22.890 --> 06:26.430
store but try to have that heading that kind of subheading.

06:26.430 --> 06:29.350
And then a button that pulls them into the store.

06:29.350 --> 06:32.010
Now let's not forget to save.

06:32.030 --> 06:32.610
Of course

06:35.310 --> 06:40.350
and just to be absolutely sure that it's actually really happening on our site if we go back here and

06:40.650 --> 06:41.340

06:44.090 --> 06:47.970
then here you see the logo and all the bits and pieces that we've just been talking about.

06:48.290 --> 06:54.470
So now let's try and put a nice image behind all this to really start to give it a professional feel.

06:54.470 --> 06:57.140
So back to the customized theme page and still in this.

06:57.140 --> 06:59.210
Come and visit our store section.

06:59.210 --> 07:05.600
What I'm going to do here is click on this select image and I'm going to upload an image that I got

07:05.660 --> 07:07.850
from Eisenach photo in fact.

07:07.850 --> 07:09.180
So this one here.

07:09.370 --> 07:12.590
And it's basically just an image of a woman cuddling a dog which I rather like.

07:12.590 --> 07:13.580
Now I've pulled that in.

07:13.590 --> 07:16.730
You can see instantly that it's available on the site.

07:16.760 --> 07:24.540
And all I really got to do now is just select that now I can play around again a little bit with these

07:24.690 --> 07:26.480
various options but I'm pretty happy with that.

07:26.480 --> 07:29.070
Now that will do for the time being.

07:29.100 --> 07:34.730
So I'm going to click on Save let's just refresh the site again just to be sure.

07:36.540 --> 07:41.430
So there's the image coming in so you can really see within a few minutes of gone from a completely

07:41.430 --> 07:44.220
blank home page to something that looks really really cool.

07:44.220 --> 07:50.350
And I've used no technical skills at all is all pointing click just as I promised to you.

07:50.400 --> 07:53.700
So I really really hope you get excited here.

07:53.700 --> 07:58.740
Now just to finish up I want to show you where those images are actually stored with in your Shopify

07:58.740 --> 07:59.460

07:59.730 --> 08:06.690
So back to the code astore section come out of here and then click on this Shopify logo to bring you

08:06.690 --> 08:09.230
back to the original admin.

08:09.240 --> 08:11.440
Now you can see all of this has changed as well.

08:11.460 --> 08:17.330
And if I go down to the settings we have a section here called files.

08:17.450 --> 08:23.630
If I click on files all those files you've uploaded in my case just a couple of images they're held

08:23.630 --> 08:23.900

08:23.900 --> 08:30.140
So if you ever want to delete them modify them or indeed upload files directly to this area you can.

08:30.140 --> 08:35.630
OK so that's just another part of the settings I wanted to make you aware of but otherwise we have made

08:35.690 --> 08:41.630
leaps and bounds in this lecture towards creating a fantastic looking source or really again encourage

08:41.630 --> 08:44.960
you to go back and do all this stuff for yourself build out what I've done.

08:44.960 --> 08:48.440
You've seen how simple and powerful shop for years.

08:48.440 --> 08:53.630
So we've been playing around with the debut theme just one theme but there are hundreds maybe thousands

08:53.630 --> 08:55.580
of themes out there that you can use.

08:55.610 --> 09:00.200
So I just want to make you aware of all that and we're going to talk about that in the next lecture.

8. Choosing and adding other themes


00:00.660 --> 00:04.920
So as I said in the previous lecture what I want to do is just make you aware of other things and I'm

00:04.920 --> 00:09.620
going to show you how easy is in fact to swap them in and out for your store.

00:09.900 --> 00:14.040
What I don't really want you to do is to spend an enormous amount of time doing this.

00:14.040 --> 00:18.540
I just want you to treat this as a little bit of knowledge that later on you know once we actually build

00:18.540 --> 00:20.910
out the business because that's what this course is all about.

00:20.950 --> 00:25.980
You know once we get to that and you've built your business at that point perhaps come back here and

00:25.980 --> 00:28.290
choose a theme that's appropriate.

00:28.290 --> 00:30.370
So this is more about awareness.

00:30.420 --> 00:33.230
So let's have a look and see how we can actually go about this.

00:33.600 --> 00:38.520
So here we are on the themes page and if I scroll down a bit I've got some options here.

00:38.640 --> 00:42.270
Three themes and I've got Shopify theme store.

00:42.330 --> 00:48.610
Now if I click on Explore free themes I get a handful of themes but it demonstrates the point very nicely.

00:48.630 --> 00:53.460
You can see that this theme simple has a very different layout to this one called Pop which itself has

00:53.460 --> 00:55.710
a different layout to boundless and so on.

00:55.710 --> 00:58.960
Right so each theme has its own unique style.

00:59.130 --> 01:02.180
So let's just say for the sake of example I liked this Brooklyn theme.

01:02.190 --> 01:08.070
What I can do is selected it gives me various features about it I can read more about it.

01:08.080 --> 01:13.550
I can in this case choose a different style between classic and playful but let's just leave on classic.

01:13.780 --> 01:15.780
And then I say to myself yep I like this theme.

01:15.820 --> 01:16.660
I want to use it.

01:16.660 --> 01:18.980
So I click on at Brooklyn.

01:19.000 --> 01:24.920
Now at this stage nothing's changed but if we scroll down here we see that the Brooklyn theme is available.

01:25.120 --> 01:29.500
And under these actions I can now publish this if I wanted to.

01:29.500 --> 01:34.320
In other words change what I currently have the debut theme for this Brooklyn theme.

01:34.330 --> 01:39.430
Now often when you change themes the images are preserved but the text is so I'm just going to show

01:39.430 --> 01:40.950
you that example right now.

01:40.960 --> 01:43.020
So let's click on publish.

01:43.030 --> 01:45.140
It gives me an Are you sure you want to do this.

01:45.280 --> 01:49.120
And I'm sure some are going to click on publish and the whole thing refreshes.

01:49.120 --> 01:51.630
And now I have a different look and feel to my store.

01:51.730 --> 01:58.140
So if we go back here now and refresh as I say the images are preserved.

01:58.160 --> 02:00.160
We get a completely different layer.

02:00.170 --> 02:05.120
If I scroll down here for example you see all these feature collection these things are very different

02:05.120 --> 02:06.080
to the debut theme.

02:06.080 --> 02:10.490
I've even got to subscribe to a newsletter which wasn't part of the day thing is part of the Brooklyn

02:10.520 --> 02:14.660
theme the way this part and many you probably remember was horizontal.

02:14.690 --> 02:15.790
Now it's vertical.

02:15.850 --> 02:16.220

02:16.310 --> 02:20.190
So each theme is very very different in its look and feel.

02:20.300 --> 02:24.560
And you may find one very appealing for your store later on in the day.

02:24.560 --> 02:26.380
But let's say Now I don't want to do that right.

02:26.380 --> 02:28.140
I want to go back to where I am.

02:28.190 --> 02:29.330
Well that's very very simple.

02:29.330 --> 02:32.360
So now debut thing is in the list.

02:32.360 --> 02:40.510
So if I want to basically just go back actions published the day be thing click on publish again and

02:40.510 --> 02:42.380
I'm back to where I started.

02:42.460 --> 02:43.920
Now scrolling down again.

02:43.960 --> 02:47.890
We had free themes and as you saw there was probably 8 to 10 free things.

02:47.890 --> 02:48.870
That's it.

02:49.090 --> 02:52.190
But we do have this Shopify theme store.

02:52.420 --> 02:59.110
And if we visit the theme store this is where you get access to hundreds possibly thousands of different

02:59.110 --> 03:01.600
things and pretty much everything you can think of.

03:01.600 --> 03:06.400
So you know just scrolling down we've got find the perfect thing for your online store that will take

03:06.400 --> 03:08.440
you through a whole process.

03:08.440 --> 03:09.950
We got a bit of trending going on.

03:09.970 --> 03:16.660
We got some different layouts minimalistic style and what I like in particular is this browse by industry.

03:16.660 --> 03:17.100

03:17.170 --> 03:21.410
If I go into this there's all kinds of themes related to specific industries.

03:21.550 --> 03:25.870
So I don't to repeat myself a bit later on in the day once we've gone through the process of building

03:25.870 --> 03:27.140
out a great business.

03:27.250 --> 03:32.640
You might have a business that revolves around let's say some sort of toy or maybe jewelry like I'm

03:32.650 --> 03:38.160
doing here or art or whatever it might be and you can come back here and you can choose a theme that

03:38.200 --> 03:42.190
really gives your store a fantastic professional feel.

03:42.190 --> 03:44.590
So we'll stick with the debut theme for the moment.

03:44.590 --> 03:48.220
But the message is that's not really the one you want for the long term.

03:48.220 --> 03:48.910

03:49.090 --> 03:53.800
Come back here once you've done this whole course and really put something super super cool.

9. Section sum up


00:02.800 --> 00:07.840
So just before we move on here I just want to sum up a little bit this section because you know we have

00:07.840 --> 00:11.690
done a huge amount here in a very short space of time.

00:11.740 --> 00:17.260
I mean probably half an hour an hour ago you perhaps had no knowledge of Shopify whatsoever.

00:17.260 --> 00:20.960
And we've managed to put together a pretty decent looking site.

00:21.070 --> 00:25.530
And again all point and click we haven't used any technical knowledge whatsoever.

00:25.540 --> 00:30.580
So I really really hope the worst and if you're very very comfortable with Shopify and all the great

00:30.580 --> 00:35.080
things it can do for us now we still we're a long way to go of course you know on the home page here

00:35.380 --> 00:39.680
we haven't looked to any of this stuff down below like feature collections and products and have you.

00:39.840 --> 00:41.770
And that's because we haven't quite got that part yet.

00:41.770 --> 00:44.940
We're going to fill in all these gaps as we go.

00:45.160 --> 00:49.060
And in fact that's what the next section is going to be about where is she now going to start looking

00:49.150 --> 00:54.860
at markets that are profitable and how to find products within those profitable markets.

00:54.940 --> 00:59.710
And once you get a great understanding of that then look at actually adding products to our site and

00:59.710 --> 01:02.140
really building out a fantastic store.

01:02.290 --> 01:04.230
So super super congratulations.

01:04.240 --> 01:06.410
I can't wait to see you in the next section.

3. Choosing Your Market And Deciding What To Sell

1. Choosing your market


00:00.630 --> 00:05.880
All right we reached a brand new section where we're actually going to start talking about choosing

00:05.880 --> 00:06.750
your market.

00:06.750 --> 00:09.910
How are you going to find out what is the best market to sell in.

00:10.320 --> 00:17.310
So let's crack on now the first thing I would say that you need to get out of your mind and set up is

00:17.310 --> 00:18.330
a big rookie mistake.

00:18.330 --> 00:23.620
It's something I've done in the past is you don't need to find the next amazing trend.

00:23.640 --> 00:28.620
A lot of people a lot of my students in the past they feel like somehow they got to find the next most

00:28.620 --> 00:33.210
amazing product that everybody is going to want and they're going to put on their side and then somehow

00:33.480 --> 00:38.270
you know everybody can a pilot and they can make an absolute fortune and be well ahead of the curve.

00:38.460 --> 00:44.630
Now you might be a marketing genius and you know you might be able to do that but for us lesser mortals

00:45.330 --> 00:48.050
it's extremely extremely unlikely.

00:48.060 --> 00:54.000
So please don't spend a lot of time focusing on what you think might be the next amazing trend because

00:54.000 --> 00:59.390
in fact what you want to do is to sell into an established market.

00:59.490 --> 01:06.810
You are looking for products that are already selling well in markets that are already creating demand

01:06.810 --> 01:08.140
for those products.

01:08.190 --> 01:10.030
So take the guessing out of it.

01:10.170 --> 01:15.890
You can see that the products selling well will take that product and will also promoted.

01:16.020 --> 01:22.090
Now the way that I do this is I use and express itself and I also use Amazon to jump over to those sites

01:22.120 --> 01:27.610
on the show you exactly the process that I go through to choose a mark or in fact let the market choose

01:27.610 --> 01:28.380

01:28.840 --> 01:29.130

01:29.140 --> 01:36.110
So here I am on an express and let's do something random from the big menu here.

01:36.160 --> 01:39.620
So I'll go jewelry and watches and I'll go kitchen's

01:43.160 --> 01:44.020
lost stuff on it.

01:44.050 --> 01:46.440
Basically the thing I want you to focus on is this sort.

01:46.530 --> 01:51.080
By OK we can so by best match orders newest price et cetera.

01:51.230 --> 01:52.700
If you search by borders

01:56.630 --> 02:01.280
then what happens is is it shows you the top selling items first of all even tells you how many orders

02:01.280 --> 02:02.210
there have been.

02:02.540 --> 02:14.210
So this kind of fluffy cane thing which has 11 colors available apparently is that they've sold 15000

02:14.210 --> 02:16.550
of those which is amazing.

02:16.550 --> 02:19.680
Now you could come back to this in a week and see how many orders.

02:19.790 --> 02:23.390
You know there will be this time next week maybe 17000 maybe 18000.

02:23.480 --> 02:27.600
You're going to get a feel straightaway for how much in demand a product like this is now.

02:27.720 --> 02:31.430
I know this is kind of crazy planet but it's right in our price range as well.

02:31.430 --> 02:33.070
This thing is less than a dollar.

02:33.290 --> 02:37.990
You might remember from the very first slide when we talked about drop shipping and I talked about you

02:37.990 --> 02:43.250
know looking for products that are actually $4 or less and we will get into this in a future lecture

02:43.310 --> 02:47.050
more precisely about how we go and choose correct price points.

02:47.150 --> 02:52.490
But this thing is super cheap and I could put this onto my website and sell it for multiples of this

02:52.790 --> 02:58.220
and make some serious part serious profit excuse me this one over here.

02:58.220 --> 03:01.480
These are all very key rings a minion key rings.

03:01.580 --> 03:03.640
Thirteen thousand of them.

03:03.830 --> 03:10.880
You know this is these are crazy products that will sell well I guarantee you and all I've done is just

03:10.880 --> 03:16.610
click random into some sort of market some sort of category on here and it's telling me what I'm selling

03:16.670 --> 03:18.030
so I can see the cells.

03:18.050 --> 03:19.320
So I'll take it.

03:21.280 --> 03:26.440
Ok now I'm over here on Amazon I've actually gone straight to the dog ID tags and color accessories

03:26.470 --> 03:30.790
just for example now you know that I'm in the dog niche now and I want to give you as much information

03:30.790 --> 03:31.660
about that dog.

03:31.690 --> 03:36.550
Because you know it's great to teach you with it as well but it might give you some interesting ideas

03:36.550 --> 03:37.480
you might want to get involved in.

03:37.500 --> 03:40.260
So there's plenty of space for all of us.

03:40.330 --> 03:46.840
So in on Amazon you don't have the same information that you have on an express in terms of the number

03:46.840 --> 03:50.200
of orders but you do have information about reviews.

03:50.200 --> 03:54.520
So just taking this first one here with these various dog tags.

03:54.910 --> 03:57.980
If you look at the number of reviews that were approaching 4000.

03:58.030 --> 04:03.130
Now typically for every hundred products sold one person or liever review.

04:03.130 --> 04:08.070
So we're talking about 400000 of those things being sold.

04:08.080 --> 04:10.180
That's maybe even a bit too much.

04:10.300 --> 04:17.380
But you get the idea you can quickly see which products sell extremely well by just using the reviews.

04:17.380 --> 04:24.690
Now the other thing I really like about Amazon is if I click into this circle of interest and I'm thinking

04:24.690 --> 04:27.890
about it when it come down to the bottom of the page here.

04:38.490 --> 04:41.840
I start to get products that are related to this item.

04:41.890 --> 04:45.820
This part here is extremely useful now.

04:46.120 --> 04:51.710
You know I now see this I push six squeaker no stuffing plush dog toy as a little bit out of our price

04:51.710 --> 04:54.900
range but I would have never thought about that if I hadn't have come down here.

04:55.010 --> 05:02.240
Maybe I can find that product I think is cool and would sell for a better price from another supplier.

05:02.300 --> 05:07.010
That said if I look at the number of reviews maybe it's not selling great but it may have just come

05:07.010 --> 05:08.130
onto the market.

05:08.300 --> 05:12.450
So I can be led by this I can be led by Amazon.

05:12.500 --> 05:16.130
You know I'm not being restricted I'm not coming in here saying I must sell this product and that's

05:16.130 --> 05:16.370

05:16.370 --> 05:20.660
What I do like come in I see a product I think that's quite interesting.

05:20.660 --> 05:26.120
Then I'll come down to the sponsored products the really related things are the things that people also

05:26.120 --> 05:32.010
bought if you like and I'll see where the journey takes me until I find the product that I want.

05:32.240 --> 05:35.420
So that's how I do it in a nutshell.

05:35.450 --> 05:42.230
I start with a very broad mind and I just let myself drift through these websites until I find things

05:42.440 --> 05:43.420
of interest.

05:43.550 --> 05:43.890

05:43.910 --> 05:47.520
And those are the things that I'm going to put on my site.

05:47.630 --> 05:47.930
All right.

05:47.940 --> 05:49.060
We're back on our slide now.

05:49.070 --> 05:54.920
And I gave you a brief tour of an express on Amazon and how I use it at a very high level to sort of

05:54.920 --> 05:59.060
let me find products that could be interesting.

05:59.060 --> 06:05.630
Now the other question that pops up very soon if not straight away is should I go Naish or should I

06:05.630 --> 06:06.530
go General.

06:06.690 --> 06:11.750
You know should I focus straight in on my dog tags and forget about everything else or should I go general

06:11.750 --> 06:16.710
and just sell stuff from gardening products to dog tags to this to that whatever.

06:16.850 --> 06:21.800
If you are if this is your first journey into e-commerce which it almost certainly is I encourage you

06:21.800 --> 06:23.680
to go general for the moment.

06:23.720 --> 06:24.420

06:24.590 --> 06:27.520
You want to just cruise through those sites find interesting stuff.

06:27.530 --> 06:33.980
It's going to spark all kinds of stuff in your brain and it's going to really get you a feeling for

06:33.980 --> 06:35.470
what's going on.

06:35.540 --> 06:41.570
You've got a fairly general domain name as well you know Tim's hot deals for example and you know that's

06:41.570 --> 06:46.810
pretty general I can put on any product I want into onto my particular Web site.

06:46.820 --> 06:52.850
Now as time goes by you will find products that sell you just well you know from here a few weeks time

06:53.180 --> 06:56.180
and a couple months time or whatever you're going to see products that really sell.

06:56.210 --> 07:01.100
And you might find those dog tags for example really sell it and you might end up creating a Web site

07:01.100 --> 07:06.590
called you know amazing dog tags dot com and all you do is sell dog tags.

07:06.750 --> 07:12.660
But let's let the process start white and go towards Naish.

07:12.660 --> 07:16.740
All right so the thing you want to think about as well why you're looking at these various markets and

07:16.740 --> 07:23.410
the products within them is that people pay to get problems solved or passions fulfilled.

07:23.470 --> 07:24.060
All right.

07:24.240 --> 07:32.220
So a problem solving product might be say something that gets the call out when Apple for example that

07:32.220 --> 07:35.210
much easier in their kitchen for example.

07:35.220 --> 07:37.480
But you know it's solving a problem for them.

07:37.500 --> 07:40.790
And if it's the right price point they will pay for it.

07:40.800 --> 07:44.550
Passions could be something like clothing for dogs.

07:44.550 --> 07:45.850
We've all seen that.

07:45.990 --> 07:48.310
Generally speaking dogs don't need clothes.

07:48.330 --> 07:54.180
It's the customers that love their dogs and they're fulfilling that passion that love their dog by buying

07:54.180 --> 07:55.250
those products.

07:55.290 --> 08:02.760
Those are two extreme drivers the problem solving and the passion fulfilling that will make your customers

08:02.850 --> 08:09.790
buy products in your chosen market so keep that in mind as we go through the course.

08:09.900 --> 08:12.400
Now one of my nieces is the dog jewelry Naish.

08:12.480 --> 08:13.870
This is not jewelry for dogs.

08:13.930 --> 08:20.580
This is you know it's not a necklace that a woman wears with or a man with a little up Labrador pendant

08:20.580 --> 08:23.580
perhaps on it because they got a Labrador and they love Labradors.

08:23.640 --> 08:26.350
Now this is fulfilling a fulfilling a passion.

08:26.360 --> 08:31.890
A great example is not solving a problem but you know people will love their Labradors in my example

08:32.160 --> 08:37.080
and they want to show that love to them to other people or just to themselves makes them feel good when

08:37.080 --> 08:37.670
they look at it.

08:37.830 --> 08:43.950
And that's why they buy so I hope in this particular section here there's a lot of information here

08:43.960 --> 08:44.810
I know.

08:44.850 --> 08:51.330
Take a moment perhaps go back through it again and really think about the markets and the products within

08:51.330 --> 08:52.350
the markets.

08:52.350 --> 08:53.390
Do not stress it.

08:53.390 --> 08:58.950
This is a classic case for what we call analysis paralysis where you literally spend the next three

08:58.950 --> 09:02.890
months trying to think of what market products you need to do.

09:02.910 --> 09:03.540
All right.

09:03.540 --> 09:05.090
Please don't do that.

09:05.160 --> 09:10.710
Just go on those sites and express and Amazon and just start surfing around.

09:10.710 --> 09:15.840
Let your imagination run wild a little bit you know and just click on before we know it you're going

09:15.840 --> 09:18.940
to find a product you're going to think wow that's pretty cool selling.

09:19.140 --> 09:21.480
That's in a market that's interesting.

09:21.540 --> 09:24.880
That solves a problem that fulfills a passion.

09:24.930 --> 09:26.820
I'm going to start there.

09:26.820 --> 09:28.120
All right guys.

09:28.120 --> 09:29.290
I'll see you on the next section.

2. A great Facebook ninja trick !


00:02.180 --> 00:08.010
OK so we saw in the last lecture how we can use an express and Amazon to find interesting markets.

00:08.030 --> 00:12.320
Now you can also use Facebook believe it or not and I call this my Facebook ninja trick.

00:12.350 --> 00:17.270
Now I hope you can see up here in the search bar as I typed in dog just pay shipping.

00:17.330 --> 00:23.270
Dog is the kind of market that I'm interested in maybe and I put in just pay shipping afterwards not

00:23.330 --> 00:29.120
just pay shipping shipping more of that I don't particularly like but basically the idea is that they

00:29.120 --> 00:32.540
give away the product for free in air quotes.

00:32.690 --> 00:34.370
And then all you do is just pay the shipping.

00:34.520 --> 00:38.790
Or talk about shipping morals in the net in the coming lectures.

00:38.960 --> 00:45.830
But just for the moment just know that by putting in a keyword dog cookery cat music whatever followed

00:45.830 --> 00:55.520
by just pay shipping will search Facebook for what are in fact that's from other e-commerce stores selling

00:55.520 --> 00:57.980
their products on Facebook.

00:57.980 --> 01:04.280
And the interesting thing is once you've typed that and you come down to your public posts and you'll

01:04.280 --> 01:12.410
start to see stuff like for example this dog collar which has got 84 thousand likes 8.3 thousand comments

01:12.410 --> 01:19.340
and 28000 shares that is telling you that that product is enormously popular.

01:19.340 --> 01:20.630
All right.

01:20.850 --> 01:26.530
If I go down a bit further I've got this dog pendant thing dogs dogs aren't my whole life they make

01:26.530 --> 01:28.100
my whole life whole life whole.

01:28.230 --> 01:31.510
Ten thousand likes hundred twelve comments.

01:31.510 --> 01:33.560
Again very very popular.

01:33.580 --> 01:38.530
This thing could be interesting you might think yourself or maybe you know that's been almost seen too

01:38.530 --> 01:43.650
much but so Pascoe's really express and find a product that is similar.

01:43.810 --> 01:48.310
You know maybe with a different inscription or something that let your imagination run wild a bit.

01:48.310 --> 01:51.220
See what you can find good on here.

01:51.250 --> 01:54.610
Again another dog collar with 13000 likes.

01:54.880 --> 02:01.030
So you get the idea just put in your keyword your your market that you might be interested in.

02:01.030 --> 02:04.960
You can think about could be anything and put in just pay shipping off.

02:04.990 --> 02:06.320
And scroller on Facebook.

02:06.490 --> 02:07.670
Have fun with it.

02:07.790 --> 02:10.080
And yeah I mean just just use it.

02:10.090 --> 02:13.850
I have found great products and great markets doing this.

02:14.020 --> 02:15.870
And I really really encourage you to do the same.

3. Deciding what to sell - the golden rules


00:01.210 --> 00:06.030
All right so in the last couple of lectures we were looking at how we can discover a market.

00:06.040 --> 00:13.030
And I showed you how to do that using Outlook Express and Amazon and also Facebook and now we want to

00:13.030 --> 00:17.800
look at is what other products do we are actually going to sell within those markets and how we can

00:17.800 --> 00:21.310
decide if it's really a product that will sell.

00:21.640 --> 00:26.170
So these bullet points coming up here on this slide are key to this business model.

00:26.170 --> 00:27.240
Make no mistake.

00:27.240 --> 00:27.980
All right.

00:28.000 --> 00:34.480
So I want to go through each one it's going to give you a really good insight in what you need to do

00:34.480 --> 00:39.580
in terms of product selection to make sure what you're looking at will actually convert into profit

00:39.580 --> 00:40.400
for you.

00:40.450 --> 00:44.310
Now the first key point is price right.

00:44.350 --> 00:52.630
We are talking here about buying something on our express of $4 or less and selling it at a 15 to 20.

00:52.660 --> 00:54.810
So a significant markup.

00:55.360 --> 01:01.180
Now there's a there's a there's a really good point about a 15 to 20 dollars here is because this is

01:01.180 --> 01:07.690
an impulse item if you're going to buy something for a thousand dollars you're going to spend time researching

01:07.690 --> 01:11.760
you're going to talk to people the country you know is going to buy it just like that.

01:12.130 --> 01:17.650
But the sort of $20 mark around the area people will buy stuff on impulse.

01:17.650 --> 01:19.930
I'm sure you've done the same thing.

01:20.080 --> 01:25.660
Some people maintain that $50 or $100 is maybe an impulse item and sure go ahead see whether you can

01:25.660 --> 01:26.400
actually do that.

01:26.470 --> 01:28.900
I play around this kind of $20 more.

01:29.080 --> 01:31.560
I feel for me that's kind of like a sweet spot.

01:32.260 --> 01:35.400
Now you know buyer for Selek 20 is key.

01:35.410 --> 01:40.440
I've seen people trying to buy it for and then sell at six.

01:40.600 --> 01:45.320
And sure it's kind of interesting because they got a price point which is very competitive.

01:45.580 --> 01:51.400
So they get lots of sales but there's so little room to create a decent profit especially by the time

01:51.400 --> 01:53.750
you take away your advertising cause et cetera.

01:53.950 --> 01:59.010
The units literally sell thousands of thousands of products to make a decent amount of profit.

01:59.080 --> 02:02.870
So all you're really doing is kind of processing orders.

02:02.890 --> 02:08.690
You know it's not a great business model it's more of what I call the busy fool rather than you know

02:08.710 --> 02:13.290
intelligently building up building up a profitable market.

02:13.450 --> 02:17.230
So buy it for and sell at 20.

02:17.530 --> 02:22.600
The next thing is make sure your products not too heavy is heavy you're going to have to pay extra shipping

02:22.600 --> 02:28.350
costs or more so you're gonna have to try and pass on the shipping cost to your customer.

02:28.450 --> 02:30.800
He may well not be willing to pay that.

02:30.860 --> 02:33.580
So just avoid heavy stuff.

02:33.580 --> 02:35.800
Also avoid stuff is too fragile.

02:35.800 --> 02:41.240
It would seem pretty obvious that if you know shipped something that is fragile it could break in transit.

02:41.410 --> 02:46.630
So when the customer gets it you know it's is broken you can get more refunds you going to get more

02:46.630 --> 02:48.740
turns you can get more customer complaints.

02:48.760 --> 02:56.510
So just avoid the take away that hassle straightaway when it comes to actually picking the product on

02:56.510 --> 02:57.520
an express.

02:57.590 --> 03:04.460
Make sure that the images are high quality you got some decent man images there you'll see some really

03:04.460 --> 03:07.700
not very good images or there's watermarks all over them.

03:07.880 --> 03:08.850
Ignore those.

03:08.900 --> 03:11.010
An image will sell the product.

03:11.030 --> 03:13.810
We'll look at how to add product descriptions very very soon.

03:14.090 --> 03:15.950
But it's really the image.

03:15.950 --> 03:20.840
Think about it when you own a site you don't you know you don't look at the script and you look at the

03:20.930 --> 03:23.590
image you look to see what this thing looks like.

03:23.590 --> 03:25.050
That's the thing that engages you.

03:27.130 --> 03:28.820
Avoid all branded products OK.

03:28.840 --> 03:33.510
Basically as a quick aside here I don't want to get hung up on this at all.

03:33.520 --> 03:39.210
But on pro-law on Web sites like Alex price there are sadly some counterfeited products.

03:39.280 --> 03:43.340
You know jewelry is kind of a classic with writing whatever it is some jewelry brand on there where

03:43.340 --> 03:46.240
it really isn't got anything to do with them whatsoever.

03:46.450 --> 03:47.680
So just avoid it.

03:47.800 --> 03:48.640
Take that out.

03:48.670 --> 03:49.930
Don't get any problems down the road.

03:49.960 --> 03:51.340
There's so much other stuff to sell.

03:51.350 --> 03:55.320
You've no need to focus on it so just avoid all branded products.

03:57.170 --> 03:58.160
Can be found at Wal-Mart.

03:58.160 --> 04:02.240
So what I'm trying to say there is you know if you're not in the U.S. then basically Wal-Mart is the

04:02.240 --> 04:04.960
big megastore in the U.S. that sells absolutely everything.

04:04.970 --> 04:07.700
What I'm trying to say is look for an element of uniqueness.

04:07.700 --> 04:11.760
Look for something that people haven't seen before because that will spark their interest.

04:11.780 --> 04:13.960
You know it's like oh wow I haven't seen that before.

04:14.000 --> 04:14.930
That could be kind of cool.

04:14.930 --> 04:15.740
I'd like to get it.

04:15.740 --> 04:16.780
My friends don't have it.

04:16.790 --> 04:17.980
I don't have it whatever it is.

04:17.990 --> 04:21.710
But don't just try to sell something that you can buy round the corner

04:24.680 --> 04:29.540
solves a problem or cater to a passion I talked about this in previous lives I don't want to go over

04:29.540 --> 04:33.710
it again but basically you are trying to solve the problems that will solve the best are the solve the

04:33.710 --> 04:37.250
problem or they cater to a passion.

04:37.670 --> 04:42.430
And the last thing is the data out of the supplier the supplier needs to be a good supply.

04:42.430 --> 04:47.480
That may seem obvious but you know basically what you need to do and I expressed that make it very simple

04:47.510 --> 04:52.700
because you can see where they've got good feedback from other people of both from where they've got

04:52.700 --> 04:53.900
plenty of stock.

04:53.990 --> 04:57.430
And for me importantly do they provide IPAC it now.

04:57.470 --> 05:02.510
IPAC it is a shipping solution which can expedite the process.

05:02.510 --> 05:07.160
The problem is with a lot of these things one of the disadvantages you like we're shipping from these

05:07.160 --> 05:10.650
Chinese suppliers is of not like 30 40 days to ship the product.

05:10.730 --> 05:15.570
Your buyers are not going to be happy about waiting a month a month and a half to receive stuff online.

05:15.570 --> 05:19.090
We are so used to these days almost getting like next day delivery.

05:19.400 --> 05:25.080
Now because we're shipping in a slightly cheaper price point they will be more tolerant.

05:25.280 --> 05:30.400
But IPAC it enables you to ship stuff in maybe five 10 15 days.

05:30.410 --> 05:34.470
Some think they will be more happy to accept.

05:34.580 --> 05:35.990
All right congratulations.

05:36.020 --> 05:40.100
We're going to move on to the next section now where we're actually going to finally start adding products

05:40.100 --> 05:41.150
to our Web site.

05:41.340 --> 05:42.000
Our CNN.

4. Adding Products From Aliexpress

1. Adding a simple product


00:00.300 --> 00:01.770
All right so very exciting.

00:01.770 --> 00:07.410
We have reached a key point in the course because for the very first time we can add a product to the

00:07.410 --> 00:11.370
site to start start start feeling very real now.

00:11.400 --> 00:13.560
So there are two types of products.

00:13.680 --> 00:18.310
You have simple products and you have variable products and we're going to start with simple products

00:18.330 --> 00:24.210
now a simple product is just that there's no variation so it's just one size one color.

00:24.210 --> 00:31.350
That's it a variable product as you might expect has several sizes maybe several colors maybe other

00:31.350 --> 00:31.960

00:31.950 --> 00:36.690
A good example of a variable palette would be a T-shirt for example which comes in different sizes and

00:36.690 --> 00:38.080
probably different colors.

00:38.400 --> 00:45.580
So going to start with this is a simple product and you know as you know and in the dark jewelry Naish

00:45.610 --> 00:50.790
is one of the things I have done in the past and this particular product I have sold in the past and

00:50.790 --> 00:54.500
has worked well for me very welcome too to steal it from me.

00:54.570 --> 00:57.390
I won't come off to you so you know that's for free.

00:57.540 --> 01:04.470
So but it's also a very nice demonstration of what a what a simple product actually is.

01:05.010 --> 01:10.140
So the first thing you want to do when you are identifying a product is as we look tat in one of the

01:10.140 --> 01:14.790
previous lectures which is entitled deciding what to sell what I took it through some sort of golden

01:14.800 --> 01:18.400
rules if you like of what makes a good product.

01:18.420 --> 01:20.920
So you have a very very good head start.

01:20.940 --> 01:24.990
So let's look at those right now so the first one was the price.

01:25.030 --> 01:28.790
Yeah we need a price under $4 so here we are $1 19.

01:28.860 --> 01:35.090
So we're well below that and in fact we get it for $1 6 apparently when the moment when the sale starts.

01:35.130 --> 01:37.480
But anyway we're well within our price range.

01:37.620 --> 01:39.520
Can we sell the between 15 and 20.

01:39.540 --> 01:42.560
Well I know that we can I I have in the past.

01:42.570 --> 01:47.190
So yes there's good markup on jewelry that's one of the reasons I'm into it.

01:47.190 --> 01:48.150
Is it heavy.

01:48.150 --> 01:48.840
No it's not.

01:48.840 --> 01:49.920
It weighs nothing.

01:49.920 --> 01:51.020
So that's great.

01:51.060 --> 01:52.250
Is it fragile.

01:52.380 --> 01:55.110
It's a little bit fragile but it's not going to break in transit.

01:55.110 --> 01:57.950
This is not a you know glass jar or something like that.

01:58.020 --> 02:03.680
It's not going to smash up in transit so you don't have to worry about that high quality images.

02:03.720 --> 02:04.940
Very very important.

02:05.000 --> 02:09.090
Show the image is a bit further down on the screen in a minute but you can see some of the stuff here.

02:09.120 --> 02:09.560

02:09.600 --> 02:11.150
These are good images.

02:11.160 --> 02:15.540
You know when I zoom in on them I can see that I'm not looking at blurry images.

02:15.540 --> 02:20.490
It describes the product well so important to have high quality images.

02:20.730 --> 02:22.480
Is it branded it anyway.

02:22.560 --> 02:26.820
No it doesn't have any sort of weird branding on there.

02:26.850 --> 02:31.950
You know he's not trying to be some famous jewelry brand or anything like that with a badly written

02:31.950 --> 02:33.170
brand name on it.

02:33.300 --> 02:34.110
Nothing like that.

02:34.110 --> 02:36.760
So we're all going to go there.

02:37.220 --> 02:38.450
Can it be found at Wal-Mart.

02:38.460 --> 02:39.830
In other words you know is it.

02:39.870 --> 02:40.570
Is it everywhere.

02:40.590 --> 02:43.290
Really what I'm trying to say in that particular point is you know.

02:43.290 --> 02:44.450
So no it's not.

02:44.460 --> 02:49.050
It's not something that you're going to walk into a local store and find it's you know specific to specific

02:49.050 --> 02:54.700
sites so you probably buy this online but you'd probably have difficulty buying it off line.

02:54.980 --> 02:56.310
Now does it solve a problem.

02:56.310 --> 02:57.120
Of course it doesn't.

02:57.120 --> 02:59.200
But it does cater to a passion.

02:59.210 --> 03:04.260
You know the this people will buy this stuff because you know they're they're passionate about their

03:04.260 --> 03:05.130
pets and their dogs.

03:05.130 --> 03:06.870
Many of us are included.

03:06.870 --> 03:12.020
So and this one is particularly related to rescue dogs is also a very interesting market as well.

03:12.250 --> 03:15.600
I mean she might want to look into it now.

03:15.630 --> 03:17.090
Let's have a look at the supply.

03:17.100 --> 03:18.600
So we got great feedback.

03:18.600 --> 03:23.580
Ninety seven point five percent person has been going for two years which is fantastic.

03:23.580 --> 03:27.120
Lots of diamonds there three thousand three hundred seventy nine.

03:27.120 --> 03:29.360
So yeah it's looking good.

03:29.450 --> 03:31.130
Have they got plenty of stock.

03:31.440 --> 03:35.790
Yes they have 999 pieces available down here.

03:35.790 --> 03:38.840
So that's also a very good sign.

03:38.910 --> 03:41.050
And the last thing do they provide IPAC.

03:41.070 --> 03:49.290
Well let's have a quick look on the shipping and sure enough they did so for me that checks out on all

03:49.290 --> 03:53.900
of my my golden rules and I can move forward and put this on my site.

03:54.180 --> 03:59.540
Now there are many many there are a few and one in particular is very well known which shall come to

03:59.540 --> 04:06.200
like Trump which is a product software products and they allow you to automatically put products onto

04:06.210 --> 04:06.870
your site.

04:06.870 --> 04:11.430
But nevertheless it's important that you understand how to put the thing on manually and you'll see

04:11.430 --> 04:14.650
how easy it is as I go through this right now.

04:14.730 --> 04:19.960
So all I need from Ali Express are the photographs and to do that is very very simple.

04:19.960 --> 04:21.710
You just scroll down.

04:22.560 --> 04:24.460
And here they are on the bottom here.

04:24.690 --> 04:30.270
Right mouse click and just do a save image as onto your PC Mac whatever you're using.

04:30.420 --> 04:35.670
And then I'm going to show you how to import that and actually create a product on your page.

04:35.700 --> 04:38.900
In a sec I won't leave you here watching me do this.

04:39.060 --> 04:41.240
I'll do this right now and I'll see you in a second.

04:41.520 --> 04:41.760

04:41.760 --> 04:42.270

04:42.280 --> 04:53.250
So back here on the Apple system now all we need to do is go to products and click on Add product so

04:53.560 --> 04:58.780
that we got three main aspects we've got the title we got the description and we've got some images.

04:58.860 --> 05:01.440
So let's start with the title.

05:01.440 --> 05:06.460
So when you title keep it succinct I see some people just literally taking the title from Ali Express

05:06.460 --> 05:09.330
and as you seen many of them are very very poorly written.

05:09.570 --> 05:17.500
So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to call it art shaped dog pendant right.

05:17.580 --> 05:19.980
Nice and simple says exactly what it is.

05:19.980 --> 05:22.680
There really is no ambiguity there whatsoever.

05:22.950 --> 05:27.590
Now when it comes to the description I always lead with a question.

05:27.630 --> 05:30.900
This is a great tip because a question makes people think.

05:30.900 --> 05:45.060
So are the products such as this I would write would you love to own this heart shaped excuse my contact

05:46.660 --> 05:49.950
dog pendant questionmark.

05:50.050 --> 05:55.810
So there really is a subtle difference between that and saying something like by this heart shaped pendant

05:55.840 --> 06:01.930
or own this heart shaped dog pendant you see the difference is a very very slight change but it makes

06:01.930 --> 06:07.120
people think and it draws them into your product and increases the chance of you making a sale.

06:07.120 --> 06:12.310
Now having led with that question the next thing you want to do is add in some bullet points and I will

06:12.310 --> 06:14.810
be talking about this in a bit more detail later on.

06:14.860 --> 06:18.480
But right now the key is to keep it simple.

06:18.520 --> 06:19.060

06:19.270 --> 06:24.130
It's not going to be the text that sells your product or 10 percent of it let's say goes towards selling

06:24.130 --> 06:24.490
a product.

06:24.490 --> 06:29.470
The key thing are the images and if you want any further proof of that just go back to early express

06:29.770 --> 06:33.160
and you will see that so often the English is terrible.

06:33.160 --> 06:37.790
Yet they seem to sell millions and millions of products every single day.

06:37.930 --> 06:39.740
So I'm going to right here.

06:40.150 --> 06:45.560
Show your love of dogs.

06:45.960 --> 07:00.370
I call the T alloyed and I'll finish up with beautiful silver silver finish.

07:00.550 --> 07:05.620
And that really is it for the description and I really don't need to go into a huge amount more detail

07:05.680 --> 07:06.520
than that.

07:06.520 --> 07:12.520
Again looking back at people size I often see very lengthy descriptions is of putting it makes your

07:12.520 --> 07:14.870
site look very messy looks cluttered.

07:15.070 --> 07:16.340
So keep it simple.

07:16.360 --> 07:21.040
You know you'll develop your own style over time of course but please try to stay within the sort of

07:21.040 --> 07:26.050
boundaries that I'm talking about certainly lead with that question and certainly have three to five

07:26.050 --> 07:30.280
perhaps bullet points that really just give a very nice feeling for the product.

07:30.970 --> 07:33.670
So the next thing I want to do is look at the images.

07:33.700 --> 07:37.490
So I've already taken the images of an express described before.

07:37.570 --> 07:41.560
So all I need to do now is just upload them surf or click on upload.

07:41.690 --> 07:45.010
I will take basically all of the images that I took from early here.

07:46.850 --> 07:49.690
And here we go immediately imported into my product.

07:49.850 --> 07:53.550
Now I can move these around very very easy just drag and drop.

07:53.780 --> 07:56.780
I can edit them I can do all sorts of things as well but I really don't need to.

07:56.780 --> 08:02.030
All I need to do is just choose a lead image which is obviously the biggest one as you can see here.

08:02.300 --> 08:03.840
So I'm very very happy with that.

08:03.920 --> 08:06.020
Those images for me are perfect.

08:06.260 --> 08:11.150
So what we've done there is we've got the three main things already in place the title description and

08:11.150 --> 08:12.500
the images.

08:12.500 --> 08:17.370
Now we're going to move down to here of course is the key Scotian about pricing.

08:17.780 --> 08:23.510
And you already know from previous lectures that we basically now are to sell at around the $20 market.

08:23.510 --> 08:24.810
You can see mines in euros.

08:24.820 --> 08:30.980
That is because I'm in Europe but wherever you are keep it around that sort of €20 $20 whatever it is

08:30.980 --> 08:31.490

08:31.490 --> 08:36.320
Mark OK now we got two things here we got a price and we got a compare price.

08:36.350 --> 08:42.380
Now your compare at price can be a little bit confusing that title sometimes is your price when it's

08:42.440 --> 08:44.520
not on sale.

08:44.810 --> 08:50.630
So I might put that let's say 25 euros and I might have my price.

08:50.630 --> 08:53.160
In other words the price the person is ultimately going to pay.

08:53.440 --> 08:56.690
And I might put that at 19 just for example.

08:56.690 --> 09:00.990
So what I've done is I've put the product on sale to start with OK.

09:01.000 --> 09:02.390
So it it was 25.

09:02.390 --> 09:05.440
Normally I'm giving it to them for 19.

09:05.540 --> 09:12.140
And I do that with every single product that goes onto my site when it's new and with my system if you

09:12.140 --> 09:17.660
want to follow my lead with that I will keep it on my site for a week or perhaps two weeks and then

09:17.660 --> 09:19.910
after that period I will typically take it off.

09:19.910 --> 09:25.130
I don't have everything on sale on my site all the time because it kind of looks ridiculous.

09:25.130 --> 09:26.590
So that's my role.

09:26.600 --> 09:32.860
New products keep on sale maybe for a week or two and then put it back to the original price.

09:33.100 --> 09:37.000
Now as we go down through this I'm going to ignore some things that you really don't need.

09:37.010 --> 09:40.360
First of all infantry OK we are drop shipping.

09:40.370 --> 09:42.290
We do not stock anything.

09:42.290 --> 09:44.740
That's the beauty of this whole model right.

09:44.750 --> 09:48.470
We're taking the product from Ali and you're going to see how this whole process works.

09:48.500 --> 09:53.030
But if you cast your mind back to that very first library I said how you will make money.

09:53.030 --> 09:59.600
You remember that the product is stored with our supply on Ali and that supply is going to ship directly

09:59.600 --> 10:00.700
to our customer.

10:00.710 --> 10:02.000
We don't start anything.

10:02.000 --> 10:04.690
We can therefore ignore all of this.

10:04.940 --> 10:09.200
Now for shipping we do want to keep this just checked on because it does affect some of the pricing

10:09.200 --> 10:10.370
calculations later on.

10:10.430 --> 10:13.760
But really nothing to touch.

10:13.760 --> 10:14.800
And really that's it.

10:14.860 --> 10:19.550
At the bottom we just have this search engine listing pretty OK this is how it's going to show up in

10:19.550 --> 10:22.750
the search engine listings which is a very nice deal extra.

10:22.790 --> 10:27.850
So all we want to do now is click on Save and then we go Briney.

10:27.890 --> 10:31.370
Congratulations you've added your first product.

10:31.370 --> 10:34.500
Now I can now view this product by clicking on this thing here.

10:34.560 --> 10:35.480
Let's do that.

10:36.940 --> 10:37.590
And here we go.

10:37.600 --> 10:39.560
We got our heart shaped dog pendant.

10:39.580 --> 10:42.760
We got that image that I chose which is a good quality image.

10:42.760 --> 10:44.520
Here are my other images down here.

10:44.560 --> 10:45.700

10:45.700 --> 10:47.020
All looking very very good.

10:47.020 --> 10:49.240
I got my ADD teacup button by default.

10:49.240 --> 10:50.310
It's on sale.

10:50.380 --> 10:52.750
It was €25 down to 19.

10:52.750 --> 10:54.140
Clearly marked for sale.

10:54.190 --> 10:56.200
And then of course my description.

10:56.200 --> 10:59.710
So as a first step we're in very very good shape.

10:59.920 --> 11:04.570
So let's just go back to our product page itself because I just want to draw your attention to a few

11:04.570 --> 11:05.470
things here.

11:05.500 --> 11:11.050
Now these things here and when leave to one side for the moment but we will be coming back to this collections

11:11.440 --> 11:16.750
a bit later on because this is how we're going to group up Pollacks to build your site to make it logical

11:16.810 --> 11:23.590
and easy for your customers to find all of your products in one place but otherwise you are now in very

11:23.650 --> 11:24.740
very good shape.

11:24.880 --> 11:30.840
So what I would encourage you to do is to go to really find some products and just go through what I've

11:30.850 --> 11:36.910
done you know maybe do three to five simple products add them onto your site and get familiar with the

11:36.910 --> 11:37.640

11:37.660 --> 11:40.500
As I said before I will be showing you how to automate this.

11:40.630 --> 11:44.340
But it is really really important to know how to do this manually.

11:44.380 --> 11:49.200
The automated system is not foolproof and you will need now and again to come back and do this.

11:49.210 --> 11:54.700
So enjoy doing that because in the next lecture we're going to look at how to add a different type of

11:54.700 --> 11:57.370
product that's called the very end product.

11:57.370 --> 12:01.000
So great stuff and I'll see you very very shortly.

2. Adding a variable product


00:00.450 --> 00:05.910
OK guys will have had the opportunity now to add a few projects to your site and you research to get

00:05.910 --> 00:10.480
the hang of this whole business with Shopify and how simple it is to add stuff in.

00:10.860 --> 00:15.720
So now we're going to look at variable products which are you know as simple really just a couple more

00:15.720 --> 00:17.430
things that you need to know.

00:18.420 --> 00:25.360
And what I've done here is I've chosen this little guy all these little guys these French bulldog necklaces.

00:25.440 --> 00:25.770

00:25.770 --> 00:28.860
Now as you can see there are three of them and they come in three different colors.

00:28.860 --> 00:29.850
We got black.

00:29.850 --> 00:35.220
We've got gold or possibly bronze and silver right.

00:35.220 --> 00:35.880
Simple as that.

00:35.880 --> 00:40.320
So there's a variable product comes in three different variations.

00:40.320 --> 00:45.660
Now I'm not going to go over them what's know my golden rules are in terms of deciding what to sell.

00:45.900 --> 00:50.580
But if you go with them you know refer back to previous lecture if you if you're a bit hazy or just

00:50.580 --> 00:51.550
need reminding.

00:51.690 --> 00:54.750
You'll see that this takes all the boxes once again.

00:54.750 --> 01:00.120
So all I'm going to do is scroll down and grab the images that I want.

01:00.120 --> 01:01.530
Towards the bottom.

01:01.530 --> 01:06.990
OK I've got various ones here and once I've done that I'll see you at the store and I'll show you actually

01:06.990 --> 01:08.050
had to add this in.

01:08.250 --> 01:12.110
OK so back on the products page and you can see the product we just added a simple product.

01:12.330 --> 01:14.210
So let's add another one.

01:14.640 --> 01:21.120
And in the interest of time we're going to call this the French bulldog necklace and for the description

01:21.680 --> 01:22.590
I'm going to put.

01:22.590 --> 01:26.910
Wouldn't you look fantastic in one of these great necklaces three different colors quality link chain

01:26.910 --> 01:27.400

01:27.420 --> 01:29.710
Perfect for the French bulldog lover.

01:30.090 --> 01:30.480

01:30.480 --> 01:32.070
Let's scroll down a little bit here.

01:32.070 --> 01:36.520
Now we're going to add in our image is exactly the same process.

01:36.670 --> 01:41.560
I'll grab my silver guy my black guy and my gold guy.

01:42.000 --> 01:42.890
All of those in.

01:43.060 --> 01:43.620

01:43.820 --> 01:49.560
And the next thing we want to do is scroll past all of this because we want to go to variants.

01:49.560 --> 01:51.630
We're dealing with a variable product.

01:51.630 --> 01:52.320

01:52.350 --> 01:56.730
And in this case our variations are of course the colors silver black and gold.

01:56.910 --> 01:58.810
So I'm going to click on and varied.

01:58.980 --> 02:02.190
Now the name of that variant by default they put in size.

02:02.250 --> 02:06.870
Actually we are talking about color option values.

02:06.900 --> 02:15.780
Or just want to put in those three that we're talking about black silver and gold.

02:16.610 --> 02:17.170

02:17.400 --> 02:18.660
So very very straightforward.

02:18.660 --> 02:27.440
Now all we need to do here is click on Save and then scroll down to the bottom here because you can

02:27.440 --> 02:30.670
see now that it's laid out very very very nicely.

02:30.690 --> 02:32.680
Got black silver and gold.

02:32.830 --> 02:36.360
What we want to do here is associate the right image with the black one.

02:36.380 --> 02:44.320
So click on this take the black one it's Save same thing for silver.

02:45.080 --> 02:48.150
And finally for gold.

02:48.620 --> 02:53.090
Now for the price just for demonstration purposes let me put that one at 20.

02:53.090 --> 02:59.510
Let's put this one at 23 and this one at 25 and you are basically done.

02:59.510 --> 03:05.960
So if you hit save here and scroll back up the top we have everything in place for a variable product

03:05.960 --> 03:08.170
very very quick and easy to do.

03:08.360 --> 03:12.300
Now if I click on view let's see what we've got.

03:12.300 --> 03:14.780
We've got our black guy showing by default.

03:14.820 --> 03:15.080

03:15.090 --> 03:18.200
I can now change this since we didn't have this for the simple part.

03:18.200 --> 03:19.950
We didn't have this drop down box.

03:20.190 --> 03:23.980
If I change this to silver we get the silver image appearing.

03:24.000 --> 03:26.750
And note that the price has changed up here.

03:27.090 --> 03:31.620
And of course if I go to gold we're going to see the same process again.

03:31.650 --> 03:33.240
So very very easy.

03:33.240 --> 03:40.380
So once again go to early express yourself and add in 4:57 variable products into your site and start

03:40.380 --> 03:42.250
familiarizing yourself with the process.

03:42.410 --> 03:45.610
I hope you can see how simple and powerful it is.

3. Collections


00:00.270 --> 00:04.980
So now you've got some products on your site the next thing I want to do is to group them up logically

00:05.010 --> 00:09.900
you know to make them easy to find them in every single e-commerce we see has improved up in a very

00:09.900 --> 00:14.910
nice way so that the user can find their way easily around the site find the products that they want

00:14.910 --> 00:15.560
to buy.

00:15.810 --> 00:20.130
So in order to do that with Shopify they have the concept of collections.

00:20.130 --> 00:24.340
OK so I'm up here on my Pollocks page already and I'm going to click on collections here.

00:25.970 --> 00:29.790
Then you'll note that there's already a collection by default called home page and I'll come back to

00:29.790 --> 00:34.300
that in a bit because what I want to do right now is create a new collection

00:37.230 --> 00:41.870
and I'm going to call this collection Nicklaus's.

00:41.880 --> 00:44.850
Right now there's various things you can do with the collection that I'm going to leave to one side

00:44.850 --> 00:45.610
just for the moment.

00:45.740 --> 00:47.920
But you could describe it you can add an image.

00:47.940 --> 00:53.820
But what I want to show you here are the conditions because by default is set to automatically select

00:53.820 --> 00:55.680
palette based on conditions.

00:55.680 --> 00:57.560
Now I'm going to select this to manually.

00:57.560 --> 00:57.960

00:58.070 --> 01:00.050
Two products that we're importing into the store.

01:00.250 --> 01:06.570
You can imagine that there are many many products you could use the automatic setting to actually attribute

01:06.570 --> 01:08.510
them automatically to collections.

01:08.510 --> 01:09.200
I hope that's clear.

01:09.300 --> 01:11.160
But for the moment we are not doing that.

01:11.210 --> 01:13.170
We are simply adding in products one by one.

01:13.170 --> 01:15.450
So we'll leave that as manual.

01:15.510 --> 01:21.000
So the only thing left to do then is to click on Save collection so successfully at it.

01:21.000 --> 01:25.910
Now let's go back to the collections page where we see that added in.

01:25.910 --> 01:29.540
And let's create a nother collection.

01:30.050 --> 01:32.120
And this one I want to call French

01:34.540 --> 01:35.460

01:35.690 --> 01:36.440

01:36.740 --> 01:40.680
And again let's set that to manual.

01:41.690 --> 01:41.990

01:41.990 --> 01:47.030
So we got two new collections French bulldogs and necklaces.

01:47.030 --> 01:49.820
Now going to do is go back to the products

01:52.410 --> 01:57.260
and let's take first of all this French bulldog necklace.

01:57.300 --> 01:59.370
Now here we are over on collection.

01:59.370 --> 02:00.120
This is the ICB.

02:00.120 --> 02:01.310
We're going to come back to.

02:01.650 --> 02:06.180
So if you put the cursor in there it will propose some collections for you.

02:06.180 --> 02:11.140
So we have three collections we got French bulldogs we got home page and we got necklaces.

02:11.130 --> 02:13.640
Now I want it to appear in French bulldogs.

02:13.850 --> 02:14.470

02:14.670 --> 02:18.050
But I also want it to appear in necklaces.

02:18.360 --> 02:27.920
So let's save that and then let's go back to our other product which is a heart shaped dog pendant.

02:28.450 --> 02:36.100
And for this one I'm just going to have it appear in necklaces and I actually just remove it from the

02:36.100 --> 02:37.670
home page for the moment.

02:37.770 --> 02:45.300
I'm going to click on Save Now if I go back to the site what I want to do is have those collections

02:45.360 --> 02:51.880
show up in this top menu so that my customer can immediately find the French bulldogs or the necklaces

02:51.900 --> 02:52.260

02:52.260 --> 02:53.420
In this example.

02:53.550 --> 03:03.570
So in order to do that let's get back to admin and go down to our navigation.

03:03.750 --> 03:07.670
So you're in the phone when we put together some things for the main menu so we get back to the main

03:07.670 --> 03:08.310

03:10.010 --> 03:16.340
And here are going to add a menu item I'm going to Kulis French

03:18.930 --> 03:23.280
bulldog lovers say just for example.

03:23.460 --> 03:27.980
Now when I click in here I want to take the appropriate collection.

03:27.980 --> 03:40.350
So French bulldogs and just add that in and of course can then the same thing for necklaces can click

03:40.350 --> 03:50.810
in here and take that necklaces collection and add that in and save.

03:50.880 --> 03:58.200
So this point now if I go back to the site and refresh you see it's added in French bulldog lovers and

03:58.200 --> 04:00.040
necklaces into my top menu.

04:00.270 --> 04:07.770
So if I click on French food or close I get my French bulldog pendant and if I click on necklaces we've

04:07.770 --> 04:12.130
got to put X in there because we attributed the two products to that same collection.

04:12.130 --> 04:12.520

04:12.600 --> 04:18.660
So very very simple very very easy to organize your site in a logical and powerful way.

04:18.660 --> 04:23.180
Now the last thing I want to show you is associated with that home page collection.

04:23.190 --> 04:25.670
So again let's get back to the site.

04:25.800 --> 04:28.830
Go to our products now.

04:28.850 --> 04:30.380
If you go to French bulldog Nicholas

04:34.870 --> 04:37.750
we've got our collections here we can easily remove them as you can see.

04:37.900 --> 04:39.700
So I can put it on the home page.

04:39.700 --> 04:40.710
Now what does that mean.

04:40.720 --> 04:48.130
Well if we go to the home page and scroll down you see that there are no products featured on the home

04:48.130 --> 04:49.120

04:49.120 --> 04:58.800
But if I put something into that home page collection and save it now when I go back to the site and

04:58.800 --> 05:00.260

05:00.720 --> 05:07.800
You see that pendant is now in my Ficci collection on my home page it's really start to add even further

05:07.800 --> 05:10.480
value to the home page we already created.

05:10.890 --> 05:18.720
So let's just finish off by doing exactly the same thing for my pendant and drop that into the home

05:18.720 --> 05:20.250
page as well.

05:20.250 --> 05:20.910

05:24.000 --> 05:26.390
back to the site and refresh.

05:26.560 --> 05:27.890
And hey presto.

05:28.270 --> 05:29.790
All right so there we go.

05:29.790 --> 05:36.310
That's collection's a very very simple and powerful way to massively improve the customer experience.

4. Home page tidy up


00:00.400 --> 00:04.980
OK so I just want to take this opportunity to show you how you can tidy up the final bits of your home

00:04.980 --> 00:07.280
page because we just added in a couple of products.

00:07.290 --> 00:09.170
So it's quite a good moment to do that.

00:09.180 --> 00:14.490
So I'm back on things and I'm going to customize.

00:14.850 --> 00:20.110
OK so now here is our home page with everything we put on it so far including that pitch collection.

00:20.160 --> 00:24.450
Now you've probably seen that you can actually grab these things here and move them around like the

00:24.450 --> 00:28.890
feature collection as the first thing somebody sees on my home page that wouldn't be a great idea but

00:28.890 --> 00:30.940
I could do that or I could slot it down like this.

00:30.950 --> 00:31.200

00:31.200 --> 00:33.120
So I'm going to leave it where it is.

00:33.180 --> 00:36.920
Now the other thing do this little thing here is to hide them.

00:37.080 --> 00:43.000
And in fact what I don't want in this particular instance is to have a slide show at the bottom right.

00:43.020 --> 00:44.910
I'm going to take that away.

00:45.210 --> 00:46.260
So that takes that out.

00:46.290 --> 00:50.120
Now that just leaves me with this image with text.

00:50.340 --> 00:53.910
So just for completeness I just want to show you how you can edit something like this.

00:53.920 --> 00:59.580
Just click on image with text and let's So you want to do a sort of come and check out and necklaces

00:59.610 --> 01:04.640
type approach you know just to perhaps draw them into a different part of the site immediately.

01:04.650 --> 01:12.110
So here for click on select image I can upload one of my images selected.

01:12.660 --> 01:17.080
And then here I could write something and I just do something very basic.

01:17.310 --> 01:21.450
Check out our amazing

01:23.880 --> 01:28.180
selection of necklaces.

01:28.470 --> 01:29.230

01:29.760 --> 01:37.630
And then here they say something like shot now and then a link to this time.

01:37.650 --> 01:40.850
Straight to the negresses collection.

01:40.980 --> 01:41.780

01:42.360 --> 01:43.550
Very easy.

01:43.550 --> 01:50.070
So coming out of here the last thing I'll do is just check that discover more button here.

01:50.100 --> 01:52.290
Make sure it's going to the right place.

01:52.290 --> 01:54.250
I seem to remember all was good.

01:54.350 --> 01:58.640
And in fact yes I'm right it goes to my old products which is absolutely perfect.

01:58.860 --> 02:00.960
So the only thing left to do then is save

02:03.890 --> 02:05.930
go back to that home page and refresh

02:09.440 --> 02:14.170
and with a few simple clicks you've built a very very nice looking home page.

5. Sales Tip #1 - Sell the benefits not the features


00:00.300 --> 00:05.370
So we've learned an awful lot the last few lectures about how to add products and how to organize our

00:05.370 --> 00:09.810
site which is so great from the point of view of our customer experience and by now you really start

00:09.810 --> 00:13.880
to familiarize yourself Shopify which is absolutely fantastic.

00:13.890 --> 00:20.370
Now these next few lectures this handful of lectures I'm going to talk about some sales tips because

00:20.460 --> 00:26.190
ultimately of course when we drive that customer to our store you know in a future like this is going

00:26.190 --> 00:32.790
to start talking about advertising on Facebook and driving targeted customers to your store when they

00:32.790 --> 00:33.830

00:33.950 --> 00:38.710
They're going to appreciate your beautiful design and all the good hard work you put in that's for sure.

00:38.970 --> 00:41.020
But are they going to buy.

00:41.040 --> 00:42.700
Are they going to convert.

00:42.810 --> 00:47.910
And I'm going to give you some top tips coming up here which is really going to help conversions on

00:47.910 --> 00:48.990
your site.

00:49.290 --> 00:54.960
And the very first one is what I call sell the benefits and not the features.

00:54.990 --> 00:56.700
So what are we talking about.

00:56.700 --> 01:02.040
Well let's go over to one of the products I added on our list illustrate the point using that.

01:02.580 --> 01:08.940
So here I am on the heart shaped dog pendant that we added Now benefits and features.

01:08.940 --> 01:15.270
Now the features of this might be that it weighs five grams and then it measures three centimeters by

01:15.270 --> 01:23.910
two centimeters or you know one inch by three quarters of an inch depending away from those or the features.

01:23.910 --> 01:31.590
Now imagine going into a shop or into a store to buy this and the salesman says you've got to check

01:31.590 --> 01:32.320
out this necklace.

01:32.340 --> 01:33.180
It's fantastic.

01:33.180 --> 01:38.030
It weighs five grams and it measures one inch by three quarters of an inch.

01:38.130 --> 01:39.550
Yeah that's his sales pitch.

01:39.790 --> 01:43.940
Are you going to think wow that's exactly what I want.

01:43.950 --> 01:44.760
I doubt it.

01:44.760 --> 01:45.150

01:45.150 --> 01:45.950
I doubt it.

01:45.990 --> 01:48.990
What he's going to say is something like.

01:49.140 --> 01:50.400
You've got to check out this necklace.

01:50.400 --> 01:53.720
It's a fantastic way for you to show your love of dogs.

01:53.880 --> 01:54.280

01:54.570 --> 01:56.350
That's a benefit.

01:56.400 --> 01:58.640
It's not a feature.

01:58.890 --> 02:01.520
You know a beautiful silver finish.

02:01.530 --> 02:05.920
So what we've also written here is a benefit not a feature.

02:05.920 --> 02:06.200

02:06.330 --> 02:07.530
High quality alloy.

02:07.590 --> 02:07.950

02:07.950 --> 02:14.460
Could be sort of between the two but I think you get the idea you are selling benefit so whenever you

02:14.460 --> 02:20.910
have a product that you put on your site put yourself in the shoes of somebody walking into the store

02:21.210 --> 02:22.420
and what it costs.

02:22.440 --> 02:29.310
Scuse me what a what a salesperson would actually say to get it sold because they always talk in terms

02:29.310 --> 02:34.150
of benefits and they rarely ever talk about features.

02:34.230 --> 02:36.360
So use that tip.

02:36.360 --> 02:41.980
Think about it clearly and it will increase your sales conversions on your site enormously.

6. Sales Tip #2 - Adding Scarcity


00:00.450 --> 00:03.980
So the second great tip is adding scarcity.

00:03.980 --> 00:06.980
Now we've all been subjected to this kind of stuff.

00:07.220 --> 00:12.000
Oh I should continuously subject to this kind of stuff whenever we go to the mall to the shops wherever

00:12.000 --> 00:18.840
it is there's always a 50 percent off for a while stocks last or get it now type thing where you know

00:18.840 --> 00:23.970
you're essentially being put under pressure whether you like it or not to buy this thing because it

00:23.970 --> 00:25.110
might go up in price.

00:25.110 --> 00:25.770
You never know.

00:25.770 --> 00:27.850
You need to get that deal today.

00:27.840 --> 00:30.340
And it's it's all about scarcity.

00:30.410 --> 00:30.700

00:30.720 --> 00:36.000
It might not be around for very long at this current price or at all.

00:36.000 --> 00:41.050
And we can apply exactly the same classic sales pressure technique with our side.

00:41.070 --> 00:45.300
So let's dive over to one of the products and have a look at it.

00:45.540 --> 00:50.160
OK so I'll come straight to my heart shaped dog pendant and I'm just going to put it in a little phrase

00:50.160 --> 00:55.530
here underneath the description so that it only 50 left at this discounted price.

00:55.680 --> 01:01.490
And I might get bold and perhaps make a different color like red but I don't want to overdo it.

01:01.500 --> 01:04.530
You know I don't want that to be the only thing you know right in the customer's face.

01:04.530 --> 01:06.480
It's kind of like a cry for help.

01:06.480 --> 01:07.520
Please buy Please buy.

01:07.520 --> 01:08.510
You don't want that.

01:08.520 --> 01:10.720
You want something real subtle at the same time.

01:10.770 --> 01:12.110
You don't want to miss it.

01:12.210 --> 01:17.520
Now I've come with a sort of only 50 left so that's basically putting a scarcity on the number.

01:17.740 --> 01:19.300
But you can also do things with time.

01:19.350 --> 01:23.140
You can say things like you know sale ends in 24 hours that kind of stuff.

01:23.370 --> 01:27.870
So if you're struggling for ideas just literally think about the things you see in the mall or in the

01:27.870 --> 01:29.370
store maybe go out wander around.

01:29.430 --> 01:32.070
You're guaranteed to see some of those phrases.

01:32.070 --> 01:35.550
Now one thing I want to say is that don't just leave this on here permanently.

01:35.550 --> 01:40.860
OK because people will revisit your store and if they constantly see the same messages they are potentially

01:40.860 --> 01:43.040
going to lose a little bit of trust in your site.

01:43.200 --> 01:45.690
And that's definitely not what you want.

01:46.020 --> 01:46.730
So there we go.

01:46.730 --> 01:52.560
Very very simple way of introducing scarcity to your products and putting a little bit of pressure on

01:52.560 --> 01:54.300
your potential customer to buy.

01:54.540 --> 02:00.030
Now later on we'll look at some apps that can do this in a far more clever form of fancy away and perhaps

02:00.030 --> 02:01.350
better presentation.

02:01.350 --> 02:03.950
But ultimately it's still going to be the same message.

02:03.960 --> 02:08.710
So I wanted to introduce to you at this stage of the course a very simple way of doing it.

02:08.850 --> 02:09.970
So have fun with that.

02:10.020 --> 02:12.990
Add some phrases and see how it affects your sales.

7. Sales Tip #3 - Adding product reviews


00:01.770 --> 00:08.900
So the next great tip I want to keep you to improve your conversions is adding product reviews now.

00:09.350 --> 00:15.190
You know reviews these days are so important whenever we visit any kind of site or any kind of service

00:15.550 --> 00:19.930
we're looking for reviews we're looking for positive testimonials to be sure that we're actually buying

00:19.930 --> 00:21.790
the right sort of product.

00:22.000 --> 00:28.790
Now the problem we have as a new store is clearly we don't have any reviews at all.

00:28.840 --> 00:30.570
So how do we get started.

00:30.790 --> 00:33.280
Well there's a right way and there's a wrong way.

00:33.380 --> 00:36.120
And guess what I'm going to teach you the right way.

00:36.130 --> 00:43.810
Ok but first of all let's talk about the wrong way now the wrong way is to go down the adding fake reviews

00:43.810 --> 00:44.310

00:44.350 --> 00:44.810

00:44.830 --> 00:48.400
Now I've seen this many times.

00:48.820 --> 00:52.560
It's not a strategy of any sort.

00:52.560 --> 00:54.640
That's going to do you any favors.

00:54.640 --> 00:58.570
First of all albeit that fake reviews are easy to add to your site.

00:58.600 --> 01:02.280
And we're going to be looking at how to address these very soon.

01:02.380 --> 01:04.150
They are easily detectable.

01:04.260 --> 01:04.680

01:04.690 --> 01:07.060
Your Customers can detect this kind of stuff.

01:07.060 --> 01:08.110
They can sniff it out.

01:08.110 --> 01:08.890
All right.

01:08.890 --> 01:12.500
So don't kid yourself that somehow you're pulling the wool over their eyes.

01:12.610 --> 01:18.210
And also is a long term strategy adding reviews yourself all over the place with maybe hundreds of products

01:18.220 --> 01:20.820
in the end is just not going to happen OK.

01:20.890 --> 01:25.000
So forget the whole fake review thing straight away please.

01:25.000 --> 01:28.290
So let's talk about doing it the right way.

01:28.330 --> 01:33.330
So how do I go about getting reviews on products that I don't have any reviews on to start with.

01:33.580 --> 01:38.650
Well when somebody buys a product you know somebody will buy a product from you without a review at

01:38.650 --> 01:41.650
some point you have their e-mail address.

01:41.730 --> 01:44.390
And at the appropriate time maybe a few days afterwards.

01:44.470 --> 01:47.660
What I do feel is after excuse me that they've actually received the apology.

01:47.860 --> 01:52.120
What I'll do is I'll follow up with an e-mail saying you know I hope you've enjoyed the product.

01:52.180 --> 01:53.650
You know blah blah blah.

01:53.820 --> 01:58.530
I'm just a nice kind of follow up e-mail that enables me to develop a bit of relationship with the customer

01:58.810 --> 02:01.600
because keeping a customer is super super important.

02:02.050 --> 02:08.860
And if I get a positive response back from them I will say Would you mind if I put that review on my

02:08.860 --> 02:14.620
site maybe something great really simple like you know great service love this product could be something

02:14.620 --> 02:16.530
as simple as that.

02:16.690 --> 02:23.410
And if they agree then go ahead and actually put that on on my side or ask them to do it for me.

02:23.470 --> 02:26.260
So that is how to do it properly.

02:26.260 --> 02:27.200

02:27.460 --> 02:33.290
So why don't I show you right now is how to actually add refuse to Shopify itself.

02:33.460 --> 02:40.250
So let's go over to the admin support for Shopify doesn't have product reviews built in.

02:40.270 --> 02:45.280
So what we need to do is to download an app so you remember early on I was talking in the course about

02:45.340 --> 02:48.580
apps being a way to enhance the functionality of your store.

02:48.580 --> 02:52.280
So that's exactly what we're going to do here we're going to download our first apps that's going be

02:52.280 --> 02:55.220
a very very nice introduction to the world.

02:55.330 --> 02:56.630
At the same time.

02:57.340 --> 02:58.170
So to make this happen.

02:58.180 --> 03:05.840
All he needs do is click on apps and then go to visit the Shopify App Store.

03:07.970 --> 03:11.090
Now once we hear what we'll do is type in product

03:15.080 --> 03:15.880

03:18.470 --> 03:23.850
and I'm going to take this first one here that pops up because I know it's a good product but basically

03:23.850 --> 03:28.390
you can see the concept I can search for all kinds of stuff within the app store.

03:28.560 --> 03:31.670
And this is a great product review app.

03:31.770 --> 03:37.050
Now when you're looking for apps the general rule clearly you want to get an idea for the price.

03:37.050 --> 03:39.780
So good news here is this one is free.

03:39.900 --> 03:43.380
It's always good to have some sort of support available.

03:43.470 --> 03:45.900
And of course you want to look at the reviews.

03:45.900 --> 03:46.520

03:46.560 --> 03:48.750
This one's got 927 reviews.

03:48.870 --> 03:50.640
Many many of them Five-Star.

03:50.630 --> 03:52.390
And as you read down you know you'll be upsy.

03:52.390 --> 03:54.370
This is a great app.

03:54.810 --> 03:58.190
So to install it is always the same process.

03:58.200 --> 04:03.250
All you have to do is click on get and then it will say exactly this.

04:03.260 --> 04:08.970
You are about to install and in this case product reviews are right on to our site and then you might

04:08.970 --> 04:10.560
see some of these permission by statements.

04:10.560 --> 04:11.780
And as long as you're happy with that.

04:11.910 --> 04:14.570
Just click on install app.

04:14.910 --> 04:18.180
Now some of us would just install with absolutely nothing else to do.

04:18.180 --> 04:22.730
This one's a little bit more involved but I really don't want you to worry cagas this is an old point

04:22.730 --> 04:23.220
pointing click.

04:23.220 --> 04:25.670
Just follow my lead you'll be fine.

04:25.670 --> 04:31.270
Now all we have to do here is to copy the following code snippet to your clipboard.

04:31.310 --> 04:33.860
OK talking about this stuff here.

04:33.900 --> 04:37.930
So all this kind of weird and wonderful code just highlight it.

04:37.980 --> 04:43.110
Don't worry about it at all just highlight the whole thing.

04:46.930 --> 04:50.490
Just like that OK and then do a copy.

04:50.600 --> 04:52.640
OK so you got it on your clipboard.

04:52.790 --> 04:58.750
Now the next thing it says is to paste the snippet onto and then this particular file.

04:58.760 --> 05:00.110
So if I click on that

05:02.960 --> 05:05.530
then it takes me straight to the file.

05:05.600 --> 05:09.530
Ok again don't freak out we don't have to worry about any of this stuff we're just going to put this

05:09.890 --> 05:12.000
in the right place and we're done OK.

05:12.050 --> 05:14.450
So let's just go back and read those instructions again.

05:14.450 --> 05:19.610
He says paste the snippet in this file which we're now on where you want your reviews to appear.

05:19.610 --> 05:23.700
Usually this is just below the product description tag.

05:23.930 --> 05:25.370
The code may look something like this.

05:25.370 --> 05:30.080
OK so all we're doing is just looking for some sort of product description thing.

05:30.140 --> 05:30.650

05:30.740 --> 05:38.780
So go back to the file here and let's just scroll down and towards the bottom here we see this you see

05:38.780 --> 05:44.530
the that basically corresponds pretty much with this line here.

05:44.570 --> 05:45.220

05:45.230 --> 05:48.240
So we're looking to put it here that's where that boulders.

05:48.590 --> 05:56.590
So all we've got to do is just open up a couple of lines and then paste it in.

05:56.710 --> 05:57.170

05:57.310 --> 05:59.090
Simple as that.

05:59.110 --> 05:59.350

05:59.350 --> 06:01.240
Really nothing else to do.

06:01.240 --> 06:06.500
Don't touch anything else and just simply click on Save.

06:06.680 --> 06:09.230
So let's go back and make sure we done absolutely everything.

06:09.620 --> 06:13.180
So it says here once added it save your theme which we've just done.

06:13.220 --> 06:14.690
So there we go.

06:14.780 --> 06:17.940
That has now been installed.

06:18.080 --> 06:23.440
So if you now click on apps you're going to see something is change right.

06:23.440 --> 06:25.560
You know get apps and the installed apps and here it is.

06:25.560 --> 06:28.450
Product Reviews has been installed.

06:28.620 --> 06:32.380
And if we head to the store I've gone straight to my French bulldog necklace.

06:32.570 --> 06:38.040
You see customer reviews has appeared very neat underneath our product description.

06:38.040 --> 06:39.120
Very very cool.

06:39.120 --> 06:41.830
So now a customer can actually leave a review.

06:41.850 --> 06:47.530
So if I were to click on or write a review put in my name here and just imagine I'm Bob.

06:47.610 --> 06:54.690
My name is Bob at test dot com.

06:54.750 --> 07:00.870
You are a 5 star rating the review title says this is a great product.

07:03.300 --> 07:09.910
And thanks you guys are the best.

07:09.910 --> 07:12.230
Just to get a silly review but you get the idea.

07:12.460 --> 07:20.170
And then I submit that review now you'll see that it says no reviews yet still says that but it does

07:20.170 --> 07:22.270
say thank you for submitting your review.

07:22.330 --> 07:26.990
Nothing can take just a long moment for things to show up so let's refresh the screen again.

07:29.840 --> 07:30.390
And here we go.

07:30.410 --> 07:33.500
The customer review is now present so this is really great.

07:33.500 --> 07:34.460
This is a great product.

07:34.460 --> 07:35.530
Bob on the.

07:35.620 --> 07:37.220
Thanks you guys are the best.

07:37.220 --> 07:37.880
All right.

07:37.880 --> 07:39.490
So all very very good.

07:39.560 --> 07:44.510
Now that is nice but you must also be thinking Well that means anybody can write anything on my site.

07:44.500 --> 07:48.100
You know I have kind of like no control I could get spam I could get her reviews.

07:48.170 --> 07:50.030
How am I going to keep an eye on all this.

07:50.030 --> 07:54.310
Well good news is of course is the app has all of that under control for you.

07:54.350 --> 08:02.620
So if we go back to admin and just simply click on the app the first thing you see is a nice summary

08:02.620 --> 08:09.250
page of your reviews or reviews unpublished publish flagged and spam so you get some sort of idea straight

08:09.250 --> 08:12.700
away of the kind of control we might have over our reviews.

08:12.700 --> 08:18.290
Now we can see that the review has been left and one of things I can do if I click into this is over

08:18.290 --> 08:20.760
as he read it but I can also make reply.

08:20.790 --> 08:21.130

08:21.130 --> 08:21.670
Thanks Bob.

08:21.670 --> 08:22.270
That's great.

08:22.290 --> 08:26.010
You know glad you're such good customer blah blah whatever it might be.

08:26.230 --> 08:30.960
But equally if I don't like it I could unpublished I could get rid of it.

08:31.360 --> 08:40.050
Now if I go back to product reviews and I go to settings this is the bit that I really want to show

08:40.050 --> 08:41.140
you there is more to it here.

08:41.160 --> 08:44.720
But I just want to interject this concept because this is probably the most important.

08:44.880 --> 08:48.010
So there's this concept of auto publish right.

08:48.180 --> 08:53.010
So this is an enabler and it says new reviews a check for spam and then automatically published.

08:53.040 --> 08:55.120
That's exactly what happened when I left that review.

08:55.200 --> 09:00.270
It went through their spam filter they decided it was OK you know took a few seconds as you saw.

09:00.420 --> 09:01.970
And then it showed on the site.

09:02.070 --> 09:07.880
If I had written something that was clearly spam nothing to do with the site it should filter that out.

09:07.920 --> 09:13.470
But if you don't want to do that then you can simply disable all right you can disable that and now

09:13.530 --> 09:16.390
you must manually publish new views.

09:16.410 --> 09:16.860

09:16.940 --> 09:19.800
So now it's up to you to actually publish those reviews.

09:19.800 --> 09:23.670
The other thing you can do is be sent an e-mail when a review is submitted.

09:23.670 --> 09:29.670
So if I click on this shows my default e-mail in there and now every time somebody needs review I get

09:29.730 --> 09:31.100
an alert on my e-mail.

09:31.170 --> 09:35.600
That's also very nice because when you go to a big store lots of products lots of stuff going on.

09:35.700 --> 09:38.940
It's a very nice way to keep an eye on all of those reviews.

09:38.940 --> 09:41.400
Now the rest of this page is largely just aesthetics.

09:41.400 --> 09:45.770
You know you can play around a bit but these are the most important parts.

09:45.810 --> 09:50.730
So if I want to keep it like that click on Save I'm not going to do that and then I get back to my product

09:50.730 --> 09:56.640
reviews and now I think you can say you know if something was unpublished still waiting for review it

09:56.640 --> 09:57.760
would show up here.

09:57.930 --> 10:03.330
The published ones are showing here it's flagging things it thinks are suspect and anything that is

10:03.330 --> 10:08.430
decided is spam it puts in here because it might not be spam and you might want to put it out of spam.

10:08.490 --> 10:12.870
So you know this is a really really core part of what I use a lot is completely free and it really is

10:12.900 --> 10:18.740
very very powerful and enables you to further enhance your store with the all important product reviews.

8. Oberlo - importing products easily


00:00.450 --> 00:04.530
So I've been looking at adding products manually and I hope you've managed to add quite a few to your

00:04.530 --> 00:09.300
site and you remember me saying that you know we were going to do this mentally so you could see how

00:09.300 --> 00:09.740
it worked.

00:09.740 --> 00:13.280
It is very important to know the details of how to do it properly.

00:13.630 --> 00:19.280
But there are also automated processes and that's exactly what I want to introduce now.

00:19.290 --> 00:22.440
In fact what I want to use is an app called oberlé.

00:22.500 --> 00:23.080

00:23.100 --> 00:30.300
Now oberlé has two functions its first part is it can import products directly from an Express making

00:30.300 --> 00:32.710
our life an awful lot easier.

00:32.820 --> 00:35.420
And secondly it can do the order fulfillment.

00:35.550 --> 00:39.360
Now at this stage I don't want to talk about the order fulfillment because we haven't got to that point

00:39.360 --> 00:40.200
in the course.

00:40.200 --> 00:44.710
So I'm going to focus on showing you how to use Opal to import products.

00:44.730 --> 00:47.700
So let's dive over the admin and get started.

00:47.700 --> 00:54.550
So the first thing I want to do is go to apps and then go visit the app store like we did before we

00:54.550 --> 01:01.660
got the product review app and then we want to search on overblow now olo is a completely free app you

01:01.660 --> 01:02.840
know that's the good news.

01:02.950 --> 01:07.600
There is a paying part but quite frankly unless you become really really big you will not need to pay

01:07.600 --> 01:08.550
for this app.

01:08.650 --> 01:12.430
And you know basically if you become really big then paying for this app won't be a problem.

01:12.430 --> 01:13.600
In any case.

01:13.600 --> 01:18.760
So to install it all we need to do is click on it get and then simply install.

01:19.330 --> 01:19.630

01:19.630 --> 01:20.860
Simple as that.

01:20.860 --> 01:21.770
No weird code.

01:21.760 --> 01:23.870
We need to do this time that's the good news.

01:23.890 --> 01:27.430
Now what it does is it says there are two to four steps completed.

01:27.580 --> 01:29.210
It says Create a Shopify store.

01:29.270 --> 01:34.590
We've done that and connect your Shopify store and it's done that automatically OK.

01:34.720 --> 01:38.830
It has connected overblow to our Shopify store.

01:39.040 --> 01:44.680
Now something super important I want to draw your attention to and let's just get rid of Tomer here

01:44.680 --> 01:50.080
for the moment is that we are on oberlé we are not on our admin system anymore.

01:50.080 --> 01:53.410
OK so is the admin system here as before.

01:53.410 --> 01:55.240
And over here we are on oberlé.

01:55.240 --> 01:59.020
If you look at this we got app dot overblow dot com dashboard OK.

01:59.230 --> 02:05.110
And this dashboard this second dashboard if you like uniquely for Oblak is where we're going to manage

02:05.290 --> 02:12.290
the import of products from an express and from here we will send them directly to our store.

02:12.400 --> 02:16.770
So you can kind of think of it as a kind of a holding area before we finally send it to our store.

02:16.990 --> 02:21.670
Now that's confusing don't worry it will become very clear very very shortly.

02:21.670 --> 02:26.470
Now going back to our two out of four completed the third thing it wants us to do is to find and add

02:26.560 --> 02:27.610
your first product.

02:27.730 --> 02:29.990
Well that seems like a very very good idea.

02:30.040 --> 02:36.590
So I'm going to show you exactly how this works and for the moment I just when you click on find products.

02:36.700 --> 02:39.580
Now this brings you to the overblow search engine.

02:39.580 --> 02:39.810

02:39.820 --> 02:44.780
And if you ever need to get back here in this menu over here on the left hand side you've got dashboard.

02:44.780 --> 02:48.190
And over here you have search products for us to click on search products.

02:48.190 --> 02:49.340
Be straight back here.

02:49.370 --> 02:51.690
Let's just do that to show you exactly how that works.

02:54.040 --> 02:55.660
All right so back here I am.

02:55.720 --> 03:00.220
Now this is clever stuff because we're on oberlé as you know but all of these products as I scroll down

03:00.310 --> 03:05.780
are coming from Ali expressed directly I don't need to visit Ali.

03:05.810 --> 03:06.390
All right.

03:06.610 --> 03:13.420
So let me just go back at the top there with my dog jewelry in mind let me just type in dog

03:18.050 --> 03:26.390
jewelry into the search engine and just click on search so I get 33000 results all coming from.

03:26.460 --> 03:26.800

03:26.820 --> 03:30.330
You can see all this stuff some of these things might look familiar from the things you've been looking

03:30.330 --> 03:30.580

03:30.690 --> 03:32.730
Ali during the course.

03:32.730 --> 03:36.500
But now if I want to import this is very very straightforward.

03:36.540 --> 03:39.190
That just say I was interested in this necklace.

03:39.210 --> 03:42.430
All I would do is click on Add to import list.

03:42.450 --> 03:43.960
So I'll do that right now.

03:44.340 --> 03:49.620
So what it's done is taken that product from Ali and it's put it into my import list my import list

03:49.680 --> 03:50.280
if you like.

03:50.280 --> 03:55.140
Is that holding area that I was talking about it hasn't quite got onto our site.

03:55.350 --> 03:59.310
And I can make that even clearer by showing you what the import list looks like.

03:59.400 --> 04:03.230
So again back to this menu here and you'll see we've got import list.

04:03.240 --> 04:09.250
So if I click on this here we go here's the product I just clicked on.

04:09.340 --> 04:12.520
You can see that it's taken straight away the title.

04:12.520 --> 04:13.020

04:13.210 --> 04:20.170
If I go to the description I've got the description directly from an express variance.

04:20.200 --> 04:21.390
OK we didn't have any variants.

04:21.400 --> 04:24.990
This is a simple product but nevertheless it's pulled everything off.

04:25.030 --> 04:32.110
And of course the images and it's not quite done yet because if I go back to product I can actually

04:32.110 --> 04:34.600
choose to attribute it to one of those collection.

04:34.600 --> 04:37.030
So for example necklaces would make sense.

04:37.060 --> 04:42.050
So I would immediately put into the necklaces collection on my site.

04:42.220 --> 04:48.130
And in fact the only thing I would need to do now to put it onto the site is to simply click on push

04:48.220 --> 04:49.650
to shop.

04:49.690 --> 04:52.870
Now I'm not going to go ahead and do that right now because there are a number of things that you need

04:52.870 --> 04:58.940
to consider before you really start using this in earnest now be talking about those in the next lecture.

04:59.080 --> 05:02.920
But right now you can really see the power of Oprah right.

05:02.920 --> 05:07.300
Just a few clicks and you are done now to finish this lecture.

05:07.300 --> 05:13.450
I just want to take you back to the search engine for get back to dog jewelry.

05:16.680 --> 05:18.840
What I can do is set the price.

05:18.840 --> 05:19.110

05:19.110 --> 05:23.280
So in our model we want to go between 0 and $4

05:27.470 --> 05:29.060
and of course also from golden rules.

05:29.090 --> 05:35.600
We are looking for impact so very quickly narrowed down to products are going to be of much much more

05:35.600 --> 05:39.080
interest to this very profitable drop shipping model.

05:39.080 --> 05:45.250
So all I would have to do is basically decide what I want so I could add to import list I could add

05:45.250 --> 05:51.100
to import list I can add to import list and so on you can see how simple this is.

05:51.110 --> 05:57.980
You know if we go back to the importance now you will see that that is building up very very nicely.

05:58.070 --> 06:04.010
Now before you get over excited about how meger easy this is to do in the next lecture I want to give

06:04.010 --> 06:07.210
you some top tips to make sure you do this properly.

9. Oberlo - Use it but don't forget the golden rules !


00:00.210 --> 00:05.490
OK so in the last lecture I introduce you to obol and I'm sure you can already see how powerful and

00:05.490 --> 00:10.770
exciting that product is and how you desperately want to get clicking and adding all kinds of products

00:10.770 --> 00:11.610
to your site.

00:11.610 --> 00:14.250
It makes it so so easy.

00:14.370 --> 00:19.530
But before you dive in big time I want to just you know a word of warning.

00:19.530 --> 00:24.540
Basically I wanted to use it but I don't want to forget the golden rules.

00:24.690 --> 00:27.200
Now let me just tell you something.

00:27.210 --> 00:29.910
Basically these products are.

00:30.070 --> 00:31.020
They're amazing.

00:31.020 --> 00:36.510
You know it's so easy these days to create an e-commerce store with these tools that are so easy to

00:36.510 --> 00:40.820
use you know the big advantage is that they are super easy to use.

00:41.070 --> 00:46.130
But in some ways the downfall is also that they are super easy to use.

00:46.140 --> 00:49.350
Now let me just explain what I'm talking about.

00:49.350 --> 00:56.420
Is that so many people who get into e-commerce they see how simple it is to set up a store.

00:56.430 --> 01:02.640
You've seen that use they've seen how easy it is to go on a Web site like Express and pick products

01:02.700 --> 01:08.280
and load up their store with hundreds or maybe thousands of products because they believe that's basically

01:08.370 --> 01:12.070
all we're doing here is filling up a store with tons and tons of products.

01:12.420 --> 01:18.570
And then what they do is they go to Facebook or whatever and they do some very poor targeted advertising.

01:18.570 --> 01:19.620

01:19.760 --> 01:24.410
And I'm going to teach you how to do it properly later on but they do some very poor targeted advertising

01:24.420 --> 01:26.020
they spend a ton of money over there.

01:26.310 --> 01:30.000
And the whole thing fails the whole thing fails.

01:30.120 --> 01:34.750
Then they give up then they go on YouTube or make you know a video about how terrible it all is.

01:34.950 --> 01:38.910
And dropship doesn't work and Shopify doesn't work and this doesn't work and you know all this kind

01:38.910 --> 01:40.180
of stuff the fault.

01:40.230 --> 01:43.080
It's got nothing to do with the system.

01:43.080 --> 01:44.870
It's just the fault with them.

01:44.880 --> 01:48.470
Now this course is all about doing it properly.

01:48.500 --> 01:53.270
I'm giving you a ton of experience here as well as the Course itself.

01:53.340 --> 01:57.860
And you know please please please take my advice on.

01:58.020 --> 02:01.410
Now the way you can avoid that sort of disaster.

02:01.440 --> 02:05.430
Now it's not spelled out is to.

02:05.430 --> 02:09.920
First of all think about the Golden Rose that I gave you.

02:09.920 --> 02:13.690
So let's go back to that slide quickly to remind ourselves.

02:13.890 --> 02:15.220
So here we go.

02:15.370 --> 02:17.070
This was the slide deciding what to sell.

02:17.070 --> 02:20.000
These are the kind of what I call my golden rule throughout this course.

02:20.040 --> 02:22.070
So there was the price point and what solid.

02:22.100 --> 02:26.880
How is it not too Heavy's not too fragile are the good quality images.

02:26.880 --> 02:30.490
Are you avoiding branded products can't be found at Wal-Mart.

02:30.630 --> 02:36.660
Does it solve a problem or cater to a passion and has that supplier take the various boxes that we need.

02:36.660 --> 02:41.370
Now all these are simple rules but when you dive into something like overload it's so easy just to click

02:41.370 --> 02:44.610
on products and forget about all this kind of stuff.

02:44.820 --> 02:50.550
So please when you are using overblow you know write these down or print a slide out or whatever you

02:50.550 --> 02:56.190
need to do and keep it to one side keep it next to you so that every time you look at that products

02:56.220 --> 02:57.490
those products you think of.

02:57.600 --> 03:01.760
Do they fit these particular golden rules.

03:02.010 --> 03:02.500

03:02.610 --> 03:04.170
It's going to help you massively.

03:04.170 --> 03:12.140
Please don't forget that at the same time also do not just load up hundreds and hundreds of products.

03:12.150 --> 03:17.580
In fact if you're sifting through carefully and going through these golden rules you know it'll take

03:17.580 --> 03:18.870
you a long time to do that.

03:18.870 --> 03:23.060
It's not just click click click click click like that all the time you think about each one.

03:23.400 --> 03:27.170
I'm talking about maybe adding 10 or 20 products Max.

03:27.240 --> 03:29.530
At this stage absolute max.

03:29.820 --> 03:34.690
Particularly when you're just starting out there's no need to go any more than that you see how easy

03:34.690 --> 03:36.880
it is to come back and eyeball stuff you want to.

03:37.080 --> 03:39.120
But there really is no need.

03:39.120 --> 03:43.650
Now I'm going to go back into oberlé right now because there's a couple more things I want to say to

03:43.650 --> 03:46.960
you before you start really getting into it.

03:47.880 --> 03:48.790
So what am I talking about.

03:48.810 --> 03:54.930
Well I'm talking about the fact that overload takes absolutely everything from Ali as you have seen

03:55.440 --> 03:59.270
now that creates a problem which many people ignore.

03:59.310 --> 04:00.000
All right.

04:00.060 --> 04:02.280
And I can demonstrate that very very quickly.

04:02.280 --> 04:04.230
So here we are on this dog panda.

04:04.230 --> 04:09.520
Now I want you to come up with succinct product names the punchy product names.

04:09.560 --> 04:15.120
Now the proposal here is dog paws small pendant clavicle necklace women go necklace jewelry statement

04:15.570 --> 04:19.360
pendant charm chain Chokher x x.

04:19.740 --> 04:24.930
I mean it's crazy right now it seems obvious that you would change that but you'd be amazed at how many

04:24.930 --> 04:27.850
people just simply click on push to shop and be done with it.

04:27.960 --> 04:33.030
And the shop looks rubbish and it makes me so sad because they spent so much time building the shop

04:33.270 --> 04:38.160
and then put no thought together when it actually comes to using a blow to actually bring the products

04:38.190 --> 04:38.950

04:39.480 --> 04:42.920
Let's also then have a look at the description in the same vein.

04:43.110 --> 04:47.090
You know we talked about selling the benefits not the features.

04:47.260 --> 04:53.580
Well here again we have a whole load of meaningless stuff from Ali so you want to basically update all

04:53.580 --> 04:58.070
of this in the way I taught you with the question and then the bullet points.

04:58.110 --> 05:04.880
Now let's go to variants now here it's pulled in all variants in fact but you can actually see really

05:04.910 --> 05:06.870
there are only two.

05:07.010 --> 05:11.290
And the difference is because there's some sort of skew here this is the stock keeping units and from

05:11.300 --> 05:13.910
Opelousas point of view it's done a perfect job.

05:13.970 --> 05:16.900
But that's not what you want on your site.

05:16.920 --> 05:21.380
You know basically I need to remove this one and remove this one.

05:21.500 --> 05:22.070

05:22.190 --> 05:23.540
And you'll see that a lot.

05:23.540 --> 05:27.280
The variants that go on your site will not be exactly as you want them.

05:27.470 --> 05:35.590
Let's go to images now it's pulled in every single image and actually to be honest this is not bad.

05:35.800 --> 05:40.420
But sometimes you will see images that have almost no bearing at all to the product because they just

05:40.420 --> 05:42.550
happened to be on the page.

05:42.550 --> 05:46.630
So the message here is you need to go through each of these things.

05:46.630 --> 05:54.520
Product Description the variance and the images make sure that it all looks good before you finally

05:54.580 --> 05:56.980
push it to the shop.

05:56.980 --> 05:58.600
So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

05:58.630 --> 06:02.640
I'm going to tidy this up and I'm going to show you exactly what I've done in a sec.

06:03.120 --> 06:03.460

06:03.460 --> 06:04.500
So let's see what I've done.

06:04.570 --> 06:11.920
Well I just changed the title to dog Paul pendant with a necklace and I put it into my necklaces collections

06:12.790 --> 06:15.220
for the description I take in all that rubbish out.

06:15.250 --> 06:19.600
And I said Is there a better way to show your love of dogs than some bullet points.

06:19.660 --> 06:25.370
And then I put in my limited availability that we talked about as well for my variance.

06:25.390 --> 06:30.570
I did what I said before where I basically checked off one of the gold and one of the silver and I set

06:30.580 --> 06:31.330
the prices here.

06:31.330 --> 06:38.600
So I got a full price of $25 and a sale price of 1999 and I kept that the same for both those Varians

06:39.160 --> 06:40.250
and for the images.

06:40.270 --> 06:42.130
In fact I didn't touch anything.

06:42.130 --> 06:43.790
I just kept them all like that.

06:43.840 --> 06:46.420
I'm pretty happy with as it is now.

06:47.500 --> 06:50.990
I had to change quite a bit on that one and it will vary with each product.

06:51.010 --> 06:53.110
Sometimes you hardly need to change anything.

06:53.130 --> 06:53.510
The time.

06:53.530 --> 06:55.430
You'll need to change an awful lot.

06:55.540 --> 07:01.920
But the message is you will always need to do some things so don't just blindly click on push to shop.

07:02.110 --> 07:04.490
I think you've probably got that message by now.

07:04.750 --> 07:06.090
But I am now happy with this.

07:06.160 --> 07:08.560
So I am going to click on push to shop

07:11.680 --> 07:14.950
OK you say it's out disappeared from the list.

07:14.950 --> 07:17.650
And what it does it puts it into my products.

07:17.670 --> 07:20.890
So if I click on this you'll see the dog poop pendant there of course.

07:20.890 --> 07:27.130
And if I return to my admin system you'll see it's been immediately added to my product list.

07:27.130 --> 07:33.040
Now I do a final check by going into the actual product itself and give it the once over.

07:33.040 --> 07:37.890
So the title is good the description is exactly as I put it in.

07:37.960 --> 07:39.840
It's gone into the right collection.

07:39.880 --> 07:46.480
The images are the ones I selected and the variants are all good or are they because actually I made

07:46.480 --> 07:47.350
a mistake on purpose.

07:47.350 --> 07:52.600
Back on Tobler because I wanna make you really cute be aware of things that can go wrong because what

07:52.600 --> 07:55.390
we have for the variants is gold silver and china.

07:55.390 --> 08:00.580
So you know I wasn't paying attention that way back then and is picked up China because it has this

08:00.640 --> 08:02.080
ships from thing here.

08:02.140 --> 08:02.760
Now we're going at it.

08:02.770 --> 08:04.040
This is very very straightforward.

08:04.060 --> 08:09.580
All I have to do is click on options and then hear where I've got the metal colors as the variations

08:10.030 --> 08:11.860
and the ships from China.

08:12.040 --> 08:20.420
Let's just take that out and click on Save and now it looks how I want it to look acase are all looking

08:20.420 --> 08:21.460
very good.

08:22.010 --> 08:29.120
So let's just do a final check and make sure it all looks good on the site by clicking on view and there

08:29.120 --> 08:29.580
we have it.

08:29.630 --> 08:33.640
The image is everything we talked about metal color can change.

08:33.770 --> 08:37.820
It's on sale at 1999 and everything looks great.

08:37.850 --> 08:39.760
So I really hope you enjoyed that tour.

08:39.770 --> 08:43.100
Oh blow and I really hope you've taken onboard those tapes.

08:43.100 --> 08:45.670
I've given you so the message is clear.

08:45.710 --> 08:47.680
I hope it's an amazing product.

08:47.690 --> 08:50.720
Definitely use it but use with caution.

10. Sum up


00:00.780 --> 00:06.330
OK guys absolutely brilliant if you've made it this point you know huge congratulations.

00:06.330 --> 00:09.560
I really hope you start to see how exciting this model can be.

00:09.720 --> 00:14.220
And I just basically take this opportunity because we learned so much to do a brief summary.

00:14.250 --> 00:18.660
So just bear with me here while we go through and look exactly what you've done to this point.

00:18.990 --> 00:23.220
So you know the first thing we looked at was the business model itself and I hope you really able to

00:23.310 --> 00:25.530
understand what that actually means.

00:25.530 --> 00:30.050
Now how simple and powerful it is.

00:30.060 --> 00:35.280
We then looked up setting up your you know your free Shopify trial and if you haven't done that please

00:35.280 --> 00:36.870
go back to lecture 3.

00:37.170 --> 00:39.840
You know 14 day free trial got nothing to lose.

00:39.840 --> 00:42.680
Please go for it.

00:42.960 --> 00:49.350
We then looked at customizing your Shopify store and how simple that is how pointing clicking you might

00:49.350 --> 00:54.110
be nervous perhaps about having technical knowledge or something like that before starting this course

00:54.280 --> 00:56.760
and you now realize you don't need any technical knowledge at all.

00:56.760 --> 00:59.670
It is just clicking around and it's fun to do.

00:59.670 --> 01:01.260
You know we looked at navigation.

01:01.350 --> 01:04.120
We looked at images and we looked at the power of themes.

01:04.120 --> 01:04.680

01:04.680 --> 01:09.860
So you're really beginning to understand why Shopify is such a great product.

01:10.380 --> 01:12.210
And then we looked at choosing a market.

01:12.210 --> 01:17.930
You know I showed you how to express Amazon and even Facebook using ninja trick to find not just profitable

01:17.940 --> 01:23.610
markets but profitable products within those markets you know those those sites basically tell you where

01:23.610 --> 01:24.120
to look.

01:24.120 --> 01:30.820
That's the beauty of it that we jumped back to Shopify and we looked at adding products.

01:30.930 --> 01:35.840
Yeah that was also very very nice I showed you how to do it manually which you will benefit from and

01:35.840 --> 01:37.800
long term for sure.

01:37.810 --> 01:42.530
I should have had a simple product and a variable product.

01:43.110 --> 01:47.850
Then having added those products we looked at some sales tips and we looked at how we can use benefits

01:48.120 --> 01:54.870
scarcity and reviews to really increase the impact of our product descriptions of our product presentations

01:55.230 --> 02:00.240
to convert as many sales as possible.

02:00.240 --> 02:03.780
And then of course we looked to Overleigh which is an amazing product.

02:03.780 --> 02:08.370
But I spent quite a bit of time there I wanted to show you the limitation so you weren't just using

02:08.370 --> 02:11.360
it blindly I hope you've taken that on board.

02:11.370 --> 02:16.950
So you know amazing amazing job if you are just watching the videos that's brilliant but of course that's

02:16.950 --> 02:18.120
not going to make any money.

02:18.120 --> 02:22.560
So please go to lecture three years have already said go back there you know start your Shopify free

02:22.560 --> 02:25.470
trial and let's really really get into this.

02:25.470 --> 02:27.770
I've got a ton more lectures to go through here.

02:27.870 --> 02:30.190
And you know an enormous amount more to show you.

02:30.390 --> 02:33.600
And I'd love for you to join me on this journey.

5. Understanding Your Target Audience

1. Setting up your Facebook page


00:00.170 --> 00:04.870
Know what we need to do is set up your Facebook page different to your profile.

00:05.040 --> 00:05.340
All right.

00:05.340 --> 00:10.200
And this is going to enable us to do advertising and it's also going to give you access to the audience

00:10.290 --> 00:13.270
insights tool which is invaluable.

00:13.440 --> 00:18.810
Now how do we do this while I I'm over here on my Facebook profile and I'm just going to click on this

00:18.810 --> 00:26.770
little drop down arrow here and I'm going to select Create page and it's going to bring up local business

00:26.770 --> 00:27.680
or place.

00:27.720 --> 00:29.220
Click on that.

00:29.590 --> 00:33.280
And here you want to start filling in the data and just click on get started.

00:35.000 --> 00:36.650
Now get a little wizard here.

00:36.770 --> 00:41.710
You can basically skate through all these steps that I want you to really worry about any of this.

00:41.760 --> 00:46.550
So you know just have a little read if you want but basically skip through

00:49.470 --> 00:50.630
the profile picture.

00:50.640 --> 00:53.810
We can set this up any time so let's just skip this now.

00:57.510 --> 00:59.240
Other bits and pieces here.

00:59.610 --> 01:01.370
No need to worry about it.

01:06.530 --> 01:07.480
Skip through everything.

01:07.490 --> 01:11.570
And finally we end up on my new page.

01:11.600 --> 01:14.700
Now this is the Tymms hot deals Facebook page.

01:14.720 --> 01:17.540
This is one to all the good stuff about my business.

01:17.540 --> 01:17.870
All right.

01:17.870 --> 01:21.270
I can put you know I can post things I can have like on here.

01:21.440 --> 01:25.210
Now I do not want you to get bogged down in any of this whatsoever.

01:25.250 --> 01:31.520
At the moment all we might want to do is add a cover and add a profile picture.

01:31.640 --> 01:37.820
And if you want to do that I encourage you to have a look at the website Kanva see A and B a dot com

01:38.180 --> 01:44.880
where you can find some fantastic towards completely free for adding in these various images.

01:45.050 --> 01:48.260
But once you've done that you know you are done.

01:48.260 --> 01:51.460
There's no need to you know fiddle around this kind of stuff anymore.

01:51.830 --> 01:57.440
So congratulations you got your Facebook page set up and now I want to talk to you about the audience

01:57.630 --> 01:59.880
insights to see in a second.

2. The customer avatar


00:02.540 --> 00:09.140
OK so this section is all about our customer who is our ideal customer.

00:09.150 --> 00:11.880
You know we've got a product now.

00:11.900 --> 00:16.040
Who is the perfect person who's actually going to buy this.

00:16.070 --> 00:17.910
This is the holy grail of marketing.

00:17.950 --> 00:22.850
You know clearly I've got a product I basically just want to go to my perfect customer present it and

00:22.850 --> 00:24.500
not waste any time on anybody else.

00:24.500 --> 00:24.990

00:25.100 --> 00:30.410
This is a huge topic and I don't want to get bogged down I really want to get to work.

00:30.410 --> 00:36.440
I'm going to show you in a bit how we're going to use Facebook targeting to laser in on these people.

00:36.440 --> 00:42.770
But for the moment I wanted to just start broadening your mind a bit and thinking about what your customer

00:42.770 --> 00:48.400
might look like and in order to help you I'm going to take you through a few bullet points here.

00:48.730 --> 00:51.360
And it's going to start sparking some things in your brain.

00:51.470 --> 00:56.510
Guaranteed with the products that I've selected I'll use that to put that in context.

00:56.510 --> 01:01.340
But you know you hopefully pick other products by this stage and this is going to start bringing the

01:01.340 --> 01:03.390
two together.

01:03.410 --> 01:08.680
So first and foremost gender you know on my jury is probably best selling to women.

01:08.750 --> 01:15.980
If we're honest age my particular choice probably sells better to 30 plus year olds.

01:15.980 --> 01:17.870
You know I know that from experience.

01:17.990 --> 01:20.390
It just it just does.

01:20.420 --> 01:28.450
But you know your products might definitely apply to an older person or maybe to a young person where

01:28.470 --> 01:29.460
they live again.

01:29.550 --> 01:35.520
Juries kind of independent or maybe got a product that is more pertinent to the UK market than the U.S.

01:35.520 --> 01:36.070

01:36.090 --> 01:40.890
Or maybe you're in the U.S. market and it makes more sense for people live in cities or maybe it makes

01:40.890 --> 01:45.390
more sense for people who live in the mountains and some of our product or noble start thinking about

01:45.720 --> 01:49.470
very objectively whether where they live has any impact.

01:51.440 --> 01:57.680
Now the next three of them are actually all in in Yellowhead because they're kind of important they're

01:57.680 --> 01:59.590
the ones I think about the most.

01:59.720 --> 02:03.270
So what products do they like.

02:03.470 --> 02:10.880
You know if I'm if my I'm selling dog jewelry to somebody then clearly people like dogs and if Labrador

02:10.910 --> 02:16.470
jewelry for example then they'll like Labradors and I put like like that because I'm sort of referring.

02:16.700 --> 02:20.740
At this stage as I slowly start to introduce the concept I'm referring to Facebook.

02:20.960 --> 02:26.930
Right we like things in Facebook you know I enjoy outdoor sports a lot so I like a lot of outdoor sports

02:26.930 --> 02:28.040
type pages.

02:28.040 --> 02:36.680
So Facebook has profiled me in that way so I can find people in my example who like Labradors for example

02:36.860 --> 02:41.700
that's going to start narrowing down who my ideal customer is.

02:41.870 --> 02:43.880
What services do they like.

02:43.880 --> 02:50.120
You know people who have dogs might have particular services could be dog grooming service for example

02:50.380 --> 02:56.180
that they have liked what what sort of services do they use as a dog owner or indeed in the context

02:56.180 --> 02:57.250
of your product.

02:58.490 --> 03:00.350
What brands do they like.

03:00.350 --> 03:06.610
You know dog owners typically you know let's talk about dog food brands for example you know that would

03:06.610 --> 03:12.740
be a brand that they would they would adhere to and have likes on Facebook.

03:12.740 --> 03:18.680
You might have a particular brand of skis or something like that that you that your product your product

03:18.860 --> 03:24.590
you know if you're in seeing market for example they like a particular brand of skis or a particular

03:24.590 --> 03:26.260
brand of basketball.

03:26.270 --> 03:26.880
No idea.

03:26.890 --> 03:33.640
But you know the brand that they like is helping to shape what this ideal customer looks like.

03:35.840 --> 03:40.650
And what communities and groups they belong to this is an interesting one.

03:40.850 --> 03:49.190
You know dog owners for example might belong to dog training communities you know or dog owners clubs

03:49.260 --> 03:54.140
or whatever you know think about the communities and the groups they belong to.

03:54.140 --> 03:57.420
So we've gone from you know having really no idea.

03:57.440 --> 04:04.330
Perhaps what our customer looks like maybe from you know in my example a woman who had to buy some jewelry.

04:04.400 --> 04:07.370
We've narrowed it down by then by age.

04:07.510 --> 04:12.830
We start to think about the kind of products and services and the brands that they would like and the

04:12.830 --> 04:15.260
communities in the groups they belong to.

04:15.260 --> 04:21.910
Now there's a lot there but I encourage you to get her piece of paper you know take the screen put it

04:21.920 --> 04:27.800
on pause or whatever and just start to you know take some notes get get your get your creative juices

04:27.800 --> 04:32.990
flowing with the products that you've selected and see if you can come up with some nice little bullet

04:32.990 --> 04:38.750
points underneath these main headlines that would start to build up what your customer avatar looks

04:38.750 --> 04:43.100
like and what you'll find is that the more you do this the easier it will become in the beginning you

04:43.100 --> 04:45.180
might feel a little bit you know like whoa.

04:45.310 --> 04:46.250
Question What to do here.

04:46.400 --> 04:50.720
But just start writing and it will start to happen and slowly on after feet and you know three four

04:50.720 --> 04:55.970
five 10 of these you'll you'll do it very very quickly it will start to become second nature.

3. The audience insights tool


00:00.910 --> 00:04.850
OK so you've got your Facebook page set up which is fantastic.

00:05.110 --> 00:10.370
And that's not going to give you access to the audience insights to.

00:10.490 --> 00:11.470
Great piquancy.

00:11.510 --> 00:18.490
Audience insights now how do you get this just depends on how your Facebook is set up.

00:18.660 --> 00:23.200
So it's kind of difficult for me to give you a complete one stop shop on how to get this place but basically

00:23.200 --> 00:29.210
just either look up in the menu you might have a top menu looks like this with your ads manager audiences.

00:29.230 --> 00:31.160
Audience insites this kind of thing.

00:31.420 --> 00:37.360
Or it might be on your personal page or maybe just type audience insights into the search bar.

00:37.380 --> 00:39.210
Either way you're going to find it pretty quickly.

00:39.270 --> 00:39.570

00:39.580 --> 00:43.200
And you're going to land on a page that looks like this.

00:43.300 --> 00:49.660
And essentially what it is is a massive search engine of everybody on Facebook if you like.

00:49.660 --> 00:54.690
And what we have down here on the left hand side is a column where we can put in all kinds of criteria

00:54.700 --> 00:57.070
so we got location legal age and gender.

00:57.070 --> 01:01.870
We call interes connections and pages we can leave that for the moment is these three women you really

01:01.870 --> 01:06.660
want to focus on right here on the right hand side is basically giving us the results.

01:06.670 --> 01:09.690
So let me give a quick demo location.

01:09.700 --> 01:11.030
United States.

01:11.050 --> 01:11.340
All right.

01:11.340 --> 01:16.300
So remember when we were thinking about customer Avatar we were thinking about age and gender and likes

01:16.300 --> 01:17.340
and all this kind of stuff.

01:17.590 --> 01:22.750
So here I've chosen United States just for the moment I could put UK or Australia or whatever I'm looking

01:22.750 --> 01:23.080

01:23.140 --> 01:25.510
I'll stick with the United States age.

01:25.530 --> 01:29.650
For the moment are chosen 18 to any and gender are just chosen.

01:29.660 --> 01:31.010
All right.

01:31.150 --> 01:37.420
Now imagine I'm I've got that piece of jewelry that dog jewelry that we've been that I've been looking

01:37.420 --> 01:44.950
at with you and I want to see what sort of people I can target on Facebook.

01:44.950 --> 01:52.120
So in the interest here I can just simply type jewelry selected.

01:52.260 --> 01:55.010
And over here this information is now updated.

01:55.270 --> 02:01.050
MACKESY straight straightaway that 72 percent of them are women 28 percent of them are men and I can

02:01.050 --> 02:10.170
see the age groups which are you know mostly interacting with jewelry the general huge category of jewelry.

02:10.170 --> 02:16.380
So 26 percent of them that's the major one of between 25 and 34 and so on and so forth you can see that

02:16.380 --> 02:18.640
hopefully quite easily.

02:18.690 --> 02:23.770
Now this is part of this audience insight.

02:23.810 --> 02:27.980
Is a huge amount of information and it's quite fun to go through it all.

02:27.990 --> 02:36.150
But frankly I find some of it perhaps of limited interest limited use but you might be different.

02:36.330 --> 02:39.350
If I scroll down a bit here I've got things like lifestyle.

02:39.510 --> 02:44.850
Apparently 3 percent of them are rural parents this kind of stuff their education level their relationship

02:44.850 --> 02:47.310
status their job titles.

02:47.310 --> 02:49.640
You know I don't find this particularly useful.

02:49.670 --> 02:51.470
You may find a use for it now.

02:51.750 --> 02:54.660
The thing that I do find incredibly useful is this part here.

02:54.660 --> 02:57.770
Page Likes For Click click on page likes.

02:57.780 --> 03:05.410
It's starting to tell me straightaway sourcecode are a bit quicker if I just come down to hear the the

03:05.790 --> 03:13.530
most popular pages on Facebook that relate to jewelry that people like so we can see here for example

03:13.530 --> 03:23.610
the mint julep boutique or just fab or inspired So the so we can do is we can target people for example

03:23.640 --> 03:30.630
who have liked the page inspired silver as you know that's basically somebody saying yes I'm interested

03:30.630 --> 03:32.730
in jewelry now.

03:34.590 --> 03:41.610
What I can do is well obviously is if I just come back to demographics I might want to now just focus

03:41.610 --> 03:44.710
on women on women.

03:44.730 --> 03:45.290
All right.

03:45.320 --> 03:46.250
So there we go.

03:46.250 --> 03:47.790
The men have disappeared.

03:48.050 --> 03:54.840
And I said to you before I would generally focus in my example on women aged 30 and above.

03:54.900 --> 04:02.310
So now we start to see the demographics changes maybe the page likes now are different because we're

04:02.310 --> 04:05.860
looking at a you know 30 plus as opposed to all women.

04:06.150 --> 04:08.120
So if I scroll down here now.

04:08.370 --> 04:10.410
Yeah we've got some different stuff in here.

04:10.410 --> 04:15.330
We got what is it 12 tomatoes I don't even know what that is tip hero by the way if you click on any

04:15.330 --> 04:19.730
of these it's going to take you to the page to the Facebook page you can see exactly what it's like.

04:21.110 --> 04:27.680
If I start to click on some of these other ones here location and I talk about your being location dependent.

04:27.800 --> 04:29.700
You know there's not much to be said there.

04:29.840 --> 04:32.440
And as we go through here I mean it's just not what's available.

04:32.460 --> 04:40.760
But you know frequency of activities devices that users use We've got things like household income and

04:40.760 --> 04:42.530
it goes on and on and on.

04:42.560 --> 04:47.540
Personally I focus on the demographics and the page likes.

04:47.540 --> 04:56.220
Now just to sort of you know perhaps take another interest let's just go back here to all ages.

04:56.270 --> 05:00.220
I just want to just pick another interest just to illustrate the point a bit more.

05:00.420 --> 05:05.340
Let's say you're in the skiing business.

05:05.340 --> 05:12.750
All right let's take an alpine skiing click and demographics and

05:15.190 --> 05:15.840
sure enough.

05:15.880 --> 05:23.050
We've got a nice sort of fairly even spread between men and women who ski 50 percent 56 percent of women

05:23.380 --> 05:27.020
44 percent of men click on here on page links.

05:27.550 --> 05:30.430
And you know what have I got I've got.

05:30.670 --> 05:31.140

05:31.180 --> 05:32.690
Lindsey Vonn is risky.

05:32.700 --> 05:37.890
That's the big famous name that you know so people are liking Lindsey Vonn which demonstrates they are

05:37.900 --> 05:40.540
skills we might want to target those people the U.S. ski team.

05:40.540 --> 05:43.570
Michael Phelps the swimmer I'm not sure what he's doing in there anyway.

05:43.600 --> 05:53.170
You start to get a feel for how this page can spark off ideas of what people are interested in and therefore

05:53.200 --> 05:55.330
how to target them.

05:55.330 --> 05:55.620
All right.

05:55.630 --> 05:56.960
I'll see you in the next lecture.

4. Buyers & Communities


00:02.300 --> 00:02.720

00:02.720 --> 00:03.520
Welcome back.

00:03.530 --> 00:09.170
Now I realize that I'm throwing a lot of information at you in this part of the course when it comes

00:09.170 --> 00:15.920
to the customer itself and that you may well be feeling a little bit overwhelmed a little bit confused

00:15.920 --> 00:18.650
maybe you can see how this all kind of comes together.

00:18.940 --> 00:19.300
All right.

00:19.310 --> 00:20.180
But don't panic.

00:20.180 --> 00:20.830
Bear with me.

00:20.840 --> 00:26.500
When we actually get into the creation of the ads themselves this is going to start to crystallize.

00:26.510 --> 00:27.290
All right.

00:27.290 --> 00:31.770
You know just just except what I'm telling you the moment.

00:31.790 --> 00:34.550
You know make sure you understand the sort of the highest level.

00:34.550 --> 00:37.570
Don't worry about getting too much into the details.

00:38.240 --> 00:44.350
But the last point I want to talk about is what I find another very useful part of this process.

00:44.360 --> 00:44.710

00:44.720 --> 00:51.080
And I promise you the kind of the last piece of the jigsaw the main jigsaw at least is what I call buyers

00:51.170 --> 00:53.090
and communities.

00:53.090 --> 00:56.410
Now in the last slide we were looking at the audience insights too.

00:56.450 --> 01:01.760
And you know if you clicked around in there you're going to see us all these we will look at all these

01:01.760 --> 01:08.700
different likes that the pages that people like and there are thousands and thousands and thousands

01:08.810 --> 01:10.010
of them.

01:10.070 --> 01:17.750
So the question is you know which are of of of all the pages that somebody might like.

01:17.750 --> 01:19.460
Which ones.

01:19.560 --> 01:20.240

01:20.420 --> 01:29.060
That really tells us that they are buyers that they really are going to buy from us because it's very

01:29.060 --> 01:34.730
easy just to click on to Facebook and like this and like that it doesn't necessarily mean that they

01:34.730 --> 01:39.180
are of interest to us as a target audience.

01:39.870 --> 01:40.200

01:40.220 --> 01:44.210
So let's think about the buyers first.

01:44.210 --> 01:53.090
Now like does not equal a buyer now want to use the example of Labradors here to hopefully illustrate

01:53.090 --> 01:53.790

01:53.930 --> 01:55.780
Now I like Labradors.

01:55.790 --> 01:56.080

01:56.090 --> 02:00.960
A monitor like page on Facebook at some point to do with Labradors.

02:01.010 --> 02:02.550
I've no idea.

02:03.830 --> 02:05.870
But I don't own one.

02:06.060 --> 02:06.710

02:07.250 --> 02:09.880
I like Labradors most people love dogs.

02:09.890 --> 02:14.990
You know I love Labradors but I see them I'm quite happy to have them sharpened my Facebook page whatever.

02:15.290 --> 02:19.090
But I don't own one and I probably never will own one sadly.

02:19.280 --> 02:23.630
So as a result I'm never going to buy anything related to Labradors.

02:23.720 --> 02:24.890

02:25.400 --> 02:26.770
I'm not even going to buy dog food.

02:26.780 --> 02:27.940
I'm not going to buy dodgeballs.

02:27.950 --> 02:28.760
I'm not going do anything.

02:28.760 --> 02:31.180
I just like Labradors.

02:31.280 --> 02:42.160
So how come we find on Facebook the people who you know don't just like Labradors but actually own them.

02:42.170 --> 02:49.220
So what we can do is also look for other pages they might like.

02:49.220 --> 02:52.800
Now I put Purina here which is if you don't know is a brand of dog food.

02:52.900 --> 02:53.180

02:53.180 --> 03:01.750
Now if I've liked Labradors and I've also liked Purina then is a pretty good chance that I own a Labrador

03:01.760 --> 03:02.090

03:02.090 --> 03:08.800
I mean I'm unlikely to like a dog food page unless I've actually got a dog.

03:08.960 --> 03:09.500

03:09.710 --> 03:15.470
So there are certain things that will tell me all tell us excuse me on Facebook whether somebody really

03:15.470 --> 03:22.220
does own a dog or not there's another one that I use quite a lot which is called Bark box about boxes

03:22.250 --> 03:23.400
one of these.

03:23.870 --> 03:31.610
One of these sort of subscription delivery services where you sign up and dog owners sign up and every

03:31.610 --> 03:36.450
month they deliver to you a box of all kinds of goodies for your dog.

03:36.490 --> 03:36.740

03:36.740 --> 03:37.990
It's kind of a fun concept.

03:38.000 --> 03:39.190
Very popular.

03:39.290 --> 03:41.680
Great business.

03:42.080 --> 03:50.870
Again if I've bought a box and I've like Purina and I've liked Labradors then we start to see probably

03:51.350 --> 03:54.730
a profile of a person that genuinely has a dog.

03:54.960 --> 03:57.850
You know it genuinely has a Labrador let's say.

03:58.070 --> 04:06.100
And now I can present to them in my adverts my Labrador pendant for example whatever.

04:06.140 --> 04:11.360
Right now I'm talking much more to the right people.

04:11.360 --> 04:15.700
I'm using my ad spend much more wisely.

04:15.800 --> 04:22.730
So you know take that concept with any of the products you have and think about what it is that would

04:22.850 --> 04:26.120
genuinely confirm if you like.

04:26.120 --> 04:28.480
They really do.

04:29.180 --> 04:36.020
You know own a dog or do this activity or wherever it is or whatever it might be have a really good

04:36.020 --> 04:42.320
thing take your products and just you know usually I've taught you just there to think about are the

04:42.320 --> 04:46.980
types of people that are really going to buy your products the ones that you can really target.

04:47.270 --> 04:51.710
And when we get into the Facebook ads and we're not far away now you're going to see exactly how this

04:51.710 --> 04:54.870
works now.

04:55.730 --> 04:58.280
The other thing think about other communities.

04:58.370 --> 05:08.480
Now communities don't necessarily to my mind they're useful but it's not a complete confirmation that

05:08.600 --> 05:10.800
they have a dog.

05:10.820 --> 05:12.660
So again I love Labradors.

05:12.680 --> 05:13.290
I just made that up.

05:13.310 --> 05:17.260
I'm sure there is one called I Love Labradors and I Heart Labradors and I everything Labradors right

05:17.370 --> 05:19.140
you like I guarantee it.

05:19.370 --> 05:24.800
So I'm out on Facebook so you know I repeat myself but just because I you know have liked to page called

05:24.830 --> 05:32.740
I Love Labradors doesn't necessarily mean I have a Labrador but Labrador rescue.

05:32.990 --> 05:33.250

05:33.290 --> 05:36.890
There's a lot of rescue dog pages for example on on Facebook.

05:36.890 --> 05:45.060
Now if I've liked a rescue page that is far more confirmation really that I you know I like Labradors.

05:45.240 --> 05:56.020
I'm passionate and I want to save them and I'm much more involved in it in you know as a Labrador person

05:56.690 --> 05:57.910
not explaining it brilliantly.

05:57.920 --> 06:02.660
But do you see what I mean I've come from I love Labradors which you just cause some random Yes I love

06:02.660 --> 06:03.720
them whatever.

06:03.780 --> 06:09.100
To Labrador rescue somebody who is genuinely engage with them wants to help them just to save them.

06:09.110 --> 06:14.480
Probably involved in that whole group of people on Facebook where they can you know find owners for

06:14.480 --> 06:15.720
them and all that kind of stuff.

06:15.770 --> 06:21.060
So that again suddenly I've got somebody who's genuinely passionate now about Labradors.

06:21.090 --> 06:29.010
I talk about Labrador rescue and I can use that target audience for my Labrador pendant.

06:29.330 --> 06:32.480
So I hope that's clear.

06:32.630 --> 06:40.340
You know take again take what I've done in the past go back to the audience insights to you know spend

06:40.340 --> 06:47.640
some time clicking around on all those different pages and trying to find the buyers and the communities

06:49.180 --> 06:52.860
that relate the best to your product.

6.Now It Gets Exciting -Time To Build A Real Business!

1. Time to build a real business !


00:00.980 --> 00:07.820
Time to build a real business and start making money yeah I mean how much more exciting can it get.

00:07.820 --> 00:11.740
So we are literally at a potentially life changing moment here.

00:11.800 --> 00:16.240
For many of you if you're just starting out in e-commerce this is a fantastic point.

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Now we've had you know great benefit from the Shopify free trial you may still have some days left.

00:22.010 --> 00:26.990
But you know at some point we obviously we need to convert that into a real site and start thinking

00:26.990 --> 00:28.480
about a real business.

00:28.480 --> 00:29.160

00:29.560 --> 00:31.900
And this is what this next section is going to be all about.

00:32.060 --> 00:37.220
And it's also going to be about driving traffic to the stores that we look to market some products and

00:37.220 --> 00:38.500
how to add that to your site.

00:38.510 --> 00:44.240
But clearly without any traffic and without any proper laser targeted traffic we're not going to make

00:44.240 --> 00:45.150
any sales.

00:45.170 --> 00:47.580
So you know this is all coming up.

00:47.600 --> 00:52.970
I'm going to teach you all about how to drive laser targeted traffic to your store and start making

00:52.970 --> 00:54.050
some proper money.

00:54.060 --> 00:56.620
But before we do that we do need to set up a proper store.

00:56.720 --> 00:57.730
So let's crank up.

2. Choosing a Shopify plan


00:00.180 --> 00:03.000
So let's have a look at the different Shopify plans that are on offer.

00:03.000 --> 00:05.450
So you probably already had a sneak preview I'm sure.

00:05.700 --> 00:11.370
But if you haven't to simply click on this select a plan button from the home page.

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Now let me just scroll down a bit so we got them all neatly showing.

00:15.240 --> 00:17.120
Now you see there are three plans available.

00:17.120 --> 00:22.620
We have a $29 per month a $79 per month and a $299 per month.

00:22.620 --> 00:26.910
Now straight off the bat you do not need the $299 per month.

00:26.940 --> 00:29.400
Okay that is completely unnecessary.

00:29.400 --> 00:32.870
So really the decision is between the 20:9 and the 17:9.

00:33.090 --> 00:34.470
Now poverty is price difference.

00:34.470 --> 00:39.110
The main difference really is this transaction fee down here you see 2 percent for the $29 per month

00:39.480 --> 00:42.760
and you see a 1 percent for the $79 per month.

00:42.810 --> 00:47.940
So the transaction fee is simply Shopify fee for products that you sell on your site.

00:47.940 --> 00:51.560
So if you sell something for $100 in this case they're going to take two.

00:51.650 --> 00:55.740
And if you sell something for 100 or over here they're going to be taking Yeah.

00:55.890 --> 01:01.890
So if you do the math you'll see that it's around about $5000 per month that the $79 per month starts

01:01.890 --> 01:05.910
to make sense because of the lower transaction fees.

01:05.910 --> 01:09.900
Now I'm certainly doing more than thousand dollars per month and I have absolutely no reason to believe

01:09.900 --> 01:12.780
why you wouldn't be doing that very very soon as well.

01:12.780 --> 01:17.180
Now that said I do understand that people on a budget particularly when starting out in the $29 a month

01:17.180 --> 01:19.800
are really is a very very good start.

01:19.800 --> 01:21.600
Just a couple of things I want to draw your attention to.

01:21.600 --> 01:24.880
This basically gets you start selling with a beautiful online store.

01:25.050 --> 01:27.350
And over here we've got a couple of extra.

01:27.360 --> 01:33.980
Okay we got gift cards we got professional reports for analysis and abandoned cart recovery.

01:34.240 --> 01:38.570
Now for me the most important part of that is abandoned recovery.

01:38.680 --> 01:43.230
Going to talk about that later on because believe it or not two thirds of the people who get to the

01:43.230 --> 01:48.690
checkout will not pay they will abandon the cart so abandoned cart recovery as you will learn later

01:48.690 --> 01:54.120
on in the course is a super super important part of a successful e-commerce business.

01:54.120 --> 02:00.660
Now we can download apps for free that will do similar things to what Shopify has to offer.

02:00.750 --> 02:06.660
However the fraud analysis tool is essentially unique to Shopify and I'll show you this later as well

02:06.690 --> 02:11.790
but it's Shopify as a way of trying to detect any fraudulent payments perhaps on your site which is

02:11.790 --> 02:12.470
very very rare.

02:12.480 --> 02:17.300
But they have a very neat system built into Shopify that enables that detection.

02:17.460 --> 02:21.180
Things like gift cards and professional reports they're nice to have but they're really not essential

02:21.270 --> 02:22.180
at this stage.

02:22.230 --> 02:26.370
So make your choice between these two between the 29 and the 79.

02:26.370 --> 02:31.680
I will take the 79 because I want to show you these features that you're fully aware of absolutely everything

02:31.710 --> 02:33.770
Shopify has to offer.

02:33.810 --> 02:35.850
So I'm going to click on choose this plan.

02:36.750 --> 02:38.930
And then it's just a question of filling in your billing details.

02:38.940 --> 02:41.900
Now do you want to draw your attention towards the billing cycle OK.

02:41.940 --> 02:47.600
Just leave this on bill me once a month because you can stop and start Shopify when you want.

02:47.620 --> 02:52.560
OK you want that flexibility there's no reason in my opinion unless you feel strongly otherwise to go

02:52.560 --> 02:54.220
for a one two or three year plan.

02:54.240 --> 02:55.280
At this stage.

02:55.500 --> 02:59.470
So I shall fill in this form and I'll see you in the next lecture once I'm done.

3. Registering a domain name (2 options)


00:00.370 --> 00:05.880
OK fantastic so you bought your Shopify plan and now when you look at the store it hasn't got a plan

00:06.100 --> 00:10.200
over place and hopefully you're looking at a page something like this.

00:10.230 --> 00:13.800
Now the next thing me to do is to get a domain.

00:13.800 --> 00:14.100
All right.

00:14.100 --> 00:17.580
So one enjoy attention to how we've been set up for the time being.

00:17.580 --> 00:24.960
So if I go over to the store at the moment what we have is Tim's super deals dot my Shopify dot com

00:25.440 --> 00:28.050
and that is basically what we call a sub domain.

00:28.080 --> 00:35.020
It's hosted on my Shopify and it's a subdomain on my Shopify is not our own domain.

00:35.310 --> 00:39.840
Now don't get me wrong you could build out a store on this and never change it but when it comes to

00:39.840 --> 00:40.820
building your brand.

00:40.830 --> 00:46.650
And in fact being taken seriously having something on a subdomain on my Shopify subdomain is really

00:46.710 --> 00:48.270
not the way to go.

00:48.270 --> 00:53.940
It's really not going to help you build a professional brand and a superb store that you're ultimately

00:53.940 --> 00:54.790
looking for.

00:55.050 --> 01:02.400
So what we want is a domain such as w w w dot Tymms super deals dot com.

01:02.430 --> 01:04.360
Now there are two ways of doing this.

01:04.390 --> 01:11.190
I want to make you fully aware of both ways and the limitations the advantages and disadvantages of

01:11.220 --> 01:14.550
both so you can make the correct decision for yourself.

01:14.550 --> 01:20.210
Now option one is to buy your domain through Shopify which is a very straightforward process.

01:20.220 --> 01:26.570
If you just good at the online store go to Mayne's you'll have the option to buy new domain.

01:26.570 --> 01:31.700
Obviously you won't see this if you haven't signed up for the plan but assuming you have all you need

01:31.700 --> 01:41.390
to do is in this bit here where it says Dumaine is to type in the domain that I want so WIFW at Tim's

01:42.200 --> 01:49.290
super deals dot com.

01:49.290 --> 01:52.070
All right now immediately tells me whether it's available or not.

01:52.080 --> 01:56.540
We've got these tickets available and it'll cost me 14 dollars for the year.

01:56.640 --> 01:58.970
And I have to do now is go through and buy it.

01:58.970 --> 02:01.250
And I would have that domain.

02:01.250 --> 02:05.840
And then what would happen is that Shopify would instantly switch from this.

02:05.840 --> 02:08.010
Tim cymbidiums dot dot com.

02:08.150 --> 02:11.330
To simply Tim's super deals dot com.

02:11.330 --> 02:15.710
So there's a very very straightforward process for fourteen dollars a year.

02:16.130 --> 02:24.470
Now the disadvantage of this is when it comes to email now Shopify does not have a full blown email

02:24.500 --> 02:25.830
hosting service.

02:26.060 --> 02:28.790
What they do is that they forward emails.

02:28.820 --> 02:30.020
So what do I mean by that.

02:30.080 --> 02:36.620
Well I signed up with Tim at e-commerce mindset dot com as I'm sure you remember and we Shopify I can

02:36.620 --> 02:42.350
set up an email for example info at Tim's super deals dot com.

02:42.350 --> 02:49.430
But then when somebody emails me on that it will forward it to Tim at e commerce mindset dot com so

02:49.490 --> 02:53.830
ultimately get all of my e-mail on Tim at e-commerce mindset dot com.

02:53.840 --> 02:55.190
I hope that makes sense.

02:55.580 --> 02:59.900
So what that means is that when I'm replying to customers they are also seeing that I'm replying to

02:59.900 --> 03:03.100
them with Tim at e-commerce mindset dot com.

03:03.350 --> 03:09.440
Nothing to do with Tim's super deals so I hope you understand the important point.

03:09.440 --> 03:11.000
Now you can certainly work like that.

03:11.000 --> 03:12.400
That's not really a big deal.

03:12.410 --> 03:17.310
But again when it comes to building a brand you are to a certain extent confusing your customer with

03:17.310 --> 03:19.670
now a different e-mail address.

03:19.670 --> 03:22.040
And for me I just find that unprofessional.

03:22.160 --> 03:27.890
But I want to stress that my opinion after years in e-commerce but you can certainly do it that way.

03:27.950 --> 03:29.360
So that was Option one.

03:29.540 --> 03:30.920
So what's option 2 all about.

03:30.920 --> 03:32.740
Well you might have noticed this link up here.

03:32.750 --> 03:38.740
Connect existing domain and what we can do is we can actually buy a domain outside of Shopify.

03:38.740 --> 03:45.090
OK not at all in the Shopify platform but with another provider and then we can connect it to our store.

03:45.260 --> 03:50.870
And the advantage of that is I then get the professional e-mail set up that I want.

03:50.930 --> 03:55.880
So I'm going to show you that in the next lecture so that you're fully aware of both options.

03:55.880 --> 04:00.170
And as I said before that will enable you to make the decision that you're most comfortable with.

4. Registering a domain name with an external host (part 1)


00:00.820 --> 00:06.780
OK so first off if you've registered your domain name with Shopify then the next four lectures are not

00:06.780 --> 00:11.460
going to apply to you so you can simply skip the next four lectures and go to the lecture where I talk

00:11.460 --> 00:16.980
about adding emails to the Contact Us page but if you're still with me that means that you're interested

00:16.980 --> 00:23.100
in setting up email in what I considered to be the correct way which is with an external host.

00:23.280 --> 00:27.210
Now this is pretty straightforward to do and of course I'm going to show you exactly what you need to

00:27.210 --> 00:27.680

00:27.770 --> 00:32.680
Step-By-Step So you have absolutely nothing to worry about in the coming lectures.

00:32.680 --> 00:38.340
Now in terms of cost there is a small additional cost compared to doing it with Shopify perhaps one

00:38.340 --> 00:40.100
or two dollars per month.

00:40.290 --> 00:46.640
But I really consider that investment worthwhile to get it all set up in a more professional manner.

00:46.800 --> 00:51.630
So which external hosting company should you use from the probably tens of thousands of companies out

00:51.630 --> 00:54.180
there offering their services.

00:54.180 --> 01:00.040
Well in my 20 plus years experience I've probably seen the good the bad and the ugly of a several hundred.

01:00.180 --> 01:05.430
And there is one in particular that I use a lot and I will recommend them to you in the next lecture.

01:05.430 --> 01:10.770
Now before I do that I do want to say that you can use any external host you want if you've got your

01:10.770 --> 01:11.900
favorite go for that.

01:11.910 --> 01:15.720
If you've got one that you're using already then by all means use that as well.

01:15.780 --> 01:20.970
But if you want to take my recommendation I can guarantee there are very very good company very very

01:20.970 --> 01:21.500

01:21.510 --> 01:26.190
The support is excellent which I think is something that a lot of people overlook particularly when

01:26.190 --> 01:27.150
you get into problems.

01:27.150 --> 01:31.590
Super cheap hosting companies generally offer very poor support.

01:31.860 --> 01:38.720
So the support is excellent and I can also get you a small discount on the hosting package itself.

5. Registering a domain name with an external host (part 2)

Before proceeding to the next lecture, please visit the affiliate link below to get a 7% discount on the hosting package.

Please click here to visit my recommended external host

OK with that done, let's head to the next lecture:)!

6. Registering a domain name with an external host (part 3)


00:00.610 --> 00:05.400
OK so if you clicked on the link in the previous slide then you should be looking at a page like this

00:05.410 --> 00:10.150
you should be on TMD hosting dot com which is my recommend the company.

00:10.180 --> 00:14.530
Again I repeat you can use whatever company you want but of course the following couple of lectures

00:14.620 --> 00:19.720
might not make a huge amount of sense because I'm going to be showing you exactly what to do when you're

00:19.720 --> 00:21.210
setting it up with TMD.

00:21.370 --> 00:26.260
And in fact in this lecture what we're going to do is register your domain name and then the following

00:26.260 --> 00:31.720
lecture or show you how to actually go ahead and set up the email and link that in with Shopify.

00:31.900 --> 00:33.100
So let's crack on.

00:33.130 --> 00:35.750
First of all you might have a sales agent popping up here.

00:35.770 --> 00:40.690
George Stevens today but you don't need him because you got me to show you exactly what you need to

00:40.690 --> 00:42.420
do so you can just close him.

00:42.730 --> 00:46.990
And then the next thing you need to do is to click on web hosting up here the top

00:51.480 --> 00:54.590
now what to do then is to scroll down the page

00:57.280 --> 01:00.090
until you get to these three different packages.

01:00.100 --> 01:03.050
Start a Business and Enterprise.

01:03.190 --> 01:08.260
And the one we're interested in you'll be very pleased to know is the cheapest one two dollars and 95

01:08.320 --> 01:09.340
cents a month.

01:09.340 --> 01:11.790
And as I said you'll be getting a discount on that as well.

01:11.830 --> 01:14.320
And I destroy your attention to this 60 days.

01:14.350 --> 01:15.750
Money back guarantee.

01:15.760 --> 01:17.590
So this really is a risk free.

01:17.650 --> 01:21.160
So all we see now is click on get started.

01:21.640 --> 01:26.800
Angela arrive on this page is a very exciting moment because this is where we actually register the

01:26.800 --> 01:29.190
domain name for your store.

01:29.440 --> 01:32.930
Now for me I've been talking about Tim's super deals.

01:32.950 --> 01:33.410

01:33.460 --> 01:39.110
But here I'm actually going to register Tim's super deals to Dakar because I've already registered Tim's

01:39.130 --> 01:40.810
super deals so I hope that's clear.

01:41.050 --> 01:46.210
Now for you if you don't have a name in mind just do what I've done structure it like this just take

01:46.210 --> 01:52.000
your name and then put super deals on the end or bargain deals or daily deals or hot deals or something

01:52.060 --> 01:57.220
like that and you'll find that in most cases that domain name is available and you can crack on with

01:57.220 --> 01:58.680
building up your great store.

01:58.930 --> 02:01.630
So for me is Tim super deals to dot com.

02:01.630 --> 02:05.500
I'm going to scroll down here and just click on proceed.

02:05.500 --> 02:06.750
The wheels will turn.

02:06.760 --> 02:12.760
While it seems whether my domain name is available and fantastic my domain name is available so all

02:12.760 --> 02:16.640
I need to do now is just to fill in this simple form divide into three parts.

02:16.780 --> 02:21.070
The first part is just your basic information so your name and your email address and where you live

02:21.070 --> 02:21.990

02:22.000 --> 02:28.000
The second part is your credit card information and the third part I just draw your attention to what

02:28.000 --> 02:32.320
you need to do here which is first off to choose your data centers location.

02:32.320 --> 02:32.710

02:32.770 --> 02:35.390
So I'm in Europe so it's defaulting to Amsterdam for me.

02:35.590 --> 02:40.540
But you'll see there are various locations so choose the one that's closest to you and then sign up

02:40.540 --> 02:41.790
for a particular period.

02:41.890 --> 02:43.200
It's going to be cheaper of course.

02:43.240 --> 02:44.700
The longer you go for.

02:44.710 --> 02:48.100
So but choose the period time you're most comfortable with.

02:48.400 --> 02:50.790
Then I would suggest you click off this domain.

02:50.800 --> 02:54.160
Privacy is really not necessary in the beginning so let's save $9.

02:54.160 --> 02:59.850
99 per year there by just taking this off and say I don't mind I'll turn this off.

02:59.950 --> 03:03.460
And then finally you will have a price at the bottom again OK.

03:03.760 --> 03:10.690
Now to get a further seven percent discount you need to put in the promo code which is success today.

03:10.750 --> 03:15.760
And when I click on apply you're going to see this price drop by 7 percent OK.

03:15.880 --> 03:19.990
So this pro-McCain gets you 7 percent of this purchase and you are done.

03:19.990 --> 03:24.390
Just make sure that you've agreed to the TMD hosting terms of service before you proceed.

03:24.430 --> 03:27.610
And if you do want to see their e-mail then you're going to want to collect this box as well.

03:27.610 --> 03:29.650
What I've seen that's not mandatory.

03:29.650 --> 03:30.390
So that's it.

03:30.400 --> 03:31.540
You are all done.

03:31.540 --> 03:36.970
The only thing left to do now is click on the checkout and once you've done all that I shall see you

03:36.970 --> 03:40.150
in the next lecture where we're going to talk about setting up email.

7. Setting up your email on your external host


00:00.300 --> 00:05.040
So with your domain now registered you should be looking at something like this you have to click another

00:05.040 --> 00:10.710
button to get here but you are now basically on your TMD hosting area that you're looking at exactly

00:10.710 --> 00:14.010
the screen you can just click on maybe later because you don't need that.

00:14.010 --> 00:14.730
And here we go.

00:14.940 --> 00:17.160
This is basically where all the information can be held.

00:17.160 --> 00:20.380
The only thing really of interest to you immediately is your billing.

00:20.400 --> 00:20.790

00:20.780 --> 00:23.740
They can find your invoice for the domain you just bought.

00:23.760 --> 00:25.710
Otherwise none of this is necessary.

00:25.770 --> 00:29.480
All we really want to do is to click on services.

00:29.560 --> 00:34.770
So here I just want you to scroll down you'll see your domain here where I've got Tim's hot deals and

00:34.770 --> 00:37.590
I just want you to click on SEE panel.

00:38.040 --> 00:39.300
Now a zillion icons pop up.

00:39.300 --> 00:40.470
We don't need any of these.

00:40.470 --> 00:44.190
You can go right down through but just look for e mail accounts.

00:44.190 --> 00:46.380
All right so find e-mail accounts.

00:46.380 --> 00:48.600
Now I need to select my appropriate domain.

00:48.600 --> 00:50.790
You almost certainly won't need to do this.

00:50.890 --> 00:55.170
So I'm just going to click on Tim's super deals or kids when we're talking about this will either be

00:55.260 --> 00:59.740
missing this domain part or maybe just have one option domain you just registered.

00:59.910 --> 01:06.000
So it's up to you how many you want to create but I'll generally create three sales billing and support.

01:06.000 --> 01:07.370
So let me just show you how to do one.

01:07.470 --> 01:09.030
And then the rest is very very straightforward.

01:09.030 --> 01:11.410
So support simply type in here.

01:11.510 --> 01:11.810
All right.

01:11.820 --> 01:14.360
So support at Tim's super deals dot com.

01:14.550 --> 01:18.990
And then a password here and I strongly recommend you use the generator system which immediately has

01:19.020 --> 01:20.880
a strength of 100.

01:20.880 --> 01:25.380
Then you need to type that password again and then that's it you can leave this mailbox quota as is

01:25.680 --> 01:27.620
and just click on create account.

01:27.690 --> 01:30.020
OK so success account created.

01:30.090 --> 01:33.770
And if you scroll down a little bit further again I've got loads and loads of e-mails in here.

01:33.870 --> 01:37.840
But you can see the support at Tim's super deals dot com.

01:37.860 --> 01:39.390
I have just created there.

01:39.510 --> 01:44.760
So go ahead and do that create if you want to more billing and sales if you want to follow my lead.

01:44.910 --> 01:48.680
Or maybe you want to create one in info or just maybe a support entirely up to you.

01:48.840 --> 01:52.380
But certainly make sure you create one of them.

01:52.380 --> 01:56.280
Now having got those e-mail set up obviously the next thing you want to do is to make sure we can use

01:56.280 --> 01:56.660

01:56.850 --> 02:02.730
So just go back to your client area and where previously we clicked on SEE panel on this Services page

02:02.730 --> 02:05.490
to click on SEE panel before this time.

02:05.490 --> 02:13.560
We can now click on webmail and here are you going to do now is entering the address you just created.

02:14.840 --> 02:23.040
So in my case support at Tim's super deals dot com.

02:23.560 --> 02:28.330
And then the password that we created with that generate auto generate password system and then just

02:28.330 --> 02:31.010
simply log in.

02:31.070 --> 02:33.740
Now when you're doing this the first time it will ask you just a couple of things.

02:33.740 --> 02:34.790
First of all I can just click on.

02:34.790 --> 02:40.610
Got it here and there simply aren't see which web mail application you want to use.

02:40.610 --> 02:42.970
Basically they're all the same is so concerned.

02:43.040 --> 02:48.430
I generally just click on this round cube and I say Seto's default and then rank you and you you're

02:48.430 --> 02:52.340
presented with your e-mail client with all the things you know and love about email with your inbox

02:52.340 --> 02:54.950
and the ability to compose messages etc..

02:54.950 --> 02:59.990
So what I suggest you do here is simply bookmark this page so you can come back to it with a single

02:59.990 --> 03:00.950

03:00.950 --> 03:06.290
Now just a final word if any of that was overwhelming if you got confused if you got a little bit lost.

03:06.410 --> 03:11.660
Whatever the reason might be and I fully understand if that's the case then make use of TMD hosting

03:11.660 --> 03:13.670
support it is excellent.

03:13.670 --> 03:19.770
Now in order to do that just go back to the client area when you want to go to this behere support.

03:19.970 --> 03:25.100
So if you were going to submit a ticket just click on submit ticket choose from the list.

03:25.100 --> 03:29.090
Probably in this case it would be technical support if you had an issue with email and just him the

03:29.090 --> 03:29.740

03:29.780 --> 03:31.340
The support is excellent.

03:31.340 --> 03:36.190
It's one of the reasons if not the main reason that I work with TMD.

03:36.830 --> 03:37.490
So there we go.

03:37.490 --> 03:39.830
Fantastic email all set up.

03:39.890 --> 03:43.850
Now let's just get your domain pointing to your Shopify store.

03:44.000 --> 03:46.560
We'll have a look at that in the next lecture.

8. Connecting your domain name to your Shopify store


00:00.390 --> 00:04.430
OK let's take the final step and connect our domain to our Shopify store.

00:04.440 --> 00:09.960
Now again if you bought your domain directly through Shopify this lecture is not relevant and you can

00:09.960 --> 00:10.690
skip it.

00:10.830 --> 00:18.990
But for the rest of you what we need to do is go down to the online store again go to domain's and click

00:18.990 --> 00:23.010
on here on Connect existing domain.

00:23.250 --> 00:26.460
Now the first thing is do is to enter in the domain we bought with.

00:26.460 --> 00:37.240
In this case TMD hosting so mine was Tim's super deals dot com and to simply click on next.

00:37.290 --> 00:40.960
Now here we get to connect your domain you need to log in to your provider account.

00:40.960 --> 00:45.910
OK we've been looking at that in the last lecture that's our client area and change your settings so

00:45.910 --> 00:50.680
have a look at those in a second follow the step by strict instructions to get started so let's view

00:50.740 --> 00:52.290
those instructions.

00:52.810 --> 00:55.140
So I've actually done one two three and four already.

00:55.150 --> 00:57.300
When you scroll down to this pit here.

00:57.340 --> 00:57.870

00:58.020 --> 00:58.530
So it says here.

00:58.530 --> 01:00.920
Set up your existing domain to connect to Shopify.

01:01.060 --> 01:04.300
If you purchased your own domain through a third party that's us.

01:04.300 --> 01:05.800
We bought it through TMD.

01:05.870 --> 01:09.760
Then you need to it then you need to edit the following DNS settings.

01:09.760 --> 01:14.830
OK now so little technical steps here but just follow my lead is very very straightforward.

01:14.830 --> 01:19.600
In fact Mollica overwhelming but just followed do exactly what I do and you'll be absolutely fine.

01:19.840 --> 01:22.980
So the first thing we do is to sort out what's called this a record.

01:22.990 --> 01:23.360

01:23.380 --> 01:25.360
Don't to worry at all about what that is.

01:25.510 --> 01:28.290
But I do want you to copy this.

01:28.330 --> 01:34.000
All right so just basically highlight that right mouse click and copy we're going to need this in a

01:34.000 --> 01:34.920

01:34.990 --> 01:41.520
The next thing we do is to go over to your client area as before come down to you're now more familiar

01:41.530 --> 01:48.530
see panel and this time go down to this domain's section and find the zone editor.

01:48.550 --> 01:51.750
So here I've got lots of entries but you'll only have one.

01:51.760 --> 01:52.290

01:52.450 --> 01:57.380
So your domain name here all I want to do is to click on a record.

01:57.380 --> 02:00.600
The simple thing pop up here and we'll put it here.

02:00.640 --> 02:05.060
Your actual domain name.

02:06.010 --> 02:06.400

02:06.400 --> 02:07.830
Tim's super deals dot com.

02:08.020 --> 02:14.090
And then I want to paste in that address and I just asked you to copy and I want to click on that and

02:14.140 --> 02:15.070
a record.

02:15.070 --> 02:15.900
So that's not done.

02:15.910 --> 02:16.630
Nice and easy.

02:16.630 --> 02:23.040
And if we go back to the instructions the next thing was your SEE name record should point to shops.

02:23.110 --> 02:25.150
Got my Shopify dot com.

02:25.330 --> 02:32.580
So again I want to copy this or just highlight right mouse click and copy and then go back to the editor.

02:33.250 --> 02:44.050
And this time click on scene a record this time put in W W W in front of Coso and then Tim's super deals

02:44.050 --> 02:48.910
dot com so last time we left the WWE out we're now putting WWE in in this one so that's an important

02:48.910 --> 02:50.000

02:50.110 --> 02:55.220
And then here paced in that scene in shops to my Shopify dot com.

02:55.390 --> 02:58.630
And then just click on Add a name record and that's it.

02:58.660 --> 03:00.190
That's all the technical stuff done now.

03:00.190 --> 03:02.530
One last step Dynasty.

03:02.530 --> 03:08.750
Now as you'll see in these instructions it says if we scroll down verify your connection in Shopify

03:08.750 --> 03:11.280
case OK so that's the last thing we need to do.

03:11.320 --> 03:17.890
So to verify the connection just go back to your Shopify admin system and here we've got varify connection.

03:17.890 --> 03:20.280
This is where we were before with the instructions etc..

03:20.470 --> 03:23.790
Now we're just going to click on varify connection.

03:23.790 --> 03:25.050
It's going to work its magic.

03:25.210 --> 03:26.360
And there we have it.

03:26.380 --> 03:27.670
So we got a confirmation.

03:27.670 --> 03:33.190
Your domain Tim super deals dot com was successfully connected and we got the details down here about

03:33.190 --> 03:34.270
when it happened.

03:34.270 --> 03:36.630
Now this is an important point here.

03:36.640 --> 03:40.150
See this your domain is now pointing to your online store that's perfect.

03:40.170 --> 03:43.510
It can take up to 24 hours for the changes to propagate.

03:43.510 --> 03:45.130
Now this is just something to do with the Internet.

03:45.130 --> 03:46.780
Don't you worry about the details.

03:46.870 --> 03:48.520
It can take up to 24 hours.

03:48.670 --> 03:50.730
But typically it's actually very very quick.

03:50.830 --> 03:55.540
But if you have any problems again if you've got any problems at all and it's not showing up after 24

03:55.540 --> 04:02.320
hours or you're confused by instructions are you confused by Shopify instructions then please take advantage

04:02.320 --> 04:04.790
of the TMT support as I showed you before.

04:04.810 --> 04:05.140

04:05.140 --> 04:09.480
They will be able to do all of this for you if you're the slightest bit confused.

04:09.490 --> 04:10.220

04:10.240 --> 04:11.810
So they've got your back.

04:11.890 --> 04:16.210
But basically if you've done all this and you're looking at a screen very similar to mine you have now

04:16.210 --> 04:22.090
fully connected your domain to Shopify and not only that you've got e-mail set up in a very professional

04:22.090 --> 04:26.130
manner that is going to really help you build out your brand in the future.

04:27.330 --> 04:30.690
Now of course is the final step when we visit Tim's super deals dot com.

04:30.690 --> 04:33.170
We want to make sure of course that our store shows up.

04:33.300 --> 04:40.190
So if I go onto the little eye here and click it loads up Tim's super deals dot com.

04:40.380 --> 04:43.070
You can see that it's password protected.

04:43.070 --> 04:47.570
You might remember some time ago now I said oh come back to the subject of password protection.

04:47.720 --> 04:53.960
So all I want to do now is basically remove password protection so that people can find my story directly.

04:53.960 --> 04:59.190
So to do that just go back to Shopify go down to preferences.

04:59.370 --> 05:04.320
Scroll down and Anyway see and enable password.

05:04.320 --> 05:07.940
Just simply disable that click on Save.

05:08.340 --> 05:13.960
And now let's open up the store again and this time we are all good.

05:14.040 --> 05:18.630
The whole story showing on Tim's super deals dot com.

05:18.630 --> 05:20.090
Fantastic job guys.

05:20.160 --> 05:21.780
We are really really motoring.

05:21.780 --> 05:27.180
I'm very very excited for you and I can't wait to show you a bunch more stuff coming up in the rest

05:27.240 --> 05:28.310
of this course.

9. Add emails to your contact us page


00:00.990 --> 00:08.510
So whether you set up your emails through Shopify directly or using TMD I showed in the last three lectures

00:08.810 --> 00:10.210
and whichever way you've done it.

00:10.320 --> 00:12.960
Congratulations to getting this point.

00:13.080 --> 00:18.420
You know you should now have three different e-mails if you're following my advice you don't have to

00:18.420 --> 00:20.400
of course but that's generally what I do.

00:20.400 --> 00:25.200
So you know in inquiries out of sales out and handling it just to kind of cover off all eventuality

00:25.290 --> 00:25.970
if you like.

00:26.160 --> 00:32.400
So you know this is more of a note rather than a bonafide lecture I would say because all I want to

00:32.400 --> 00:36.390
say at this point is don't forget to add these to your Contact Us page.

00:36.510 --> 00:41.070
So you know winding back several lectures we just had your personal e-mail address on there when we

00:41.070 --> 00:43.080
were looking at the free trial.

00:43.080 --> 00:46.150
Now we have some genuine email addresses.

00:46.230 --> 00:51.890
So make sure you go back to your Contact Us page Harry about us page have you set up and add those on

00:51.900 --> 00:54.170
so the customers can contact you appropriately.

10. Add a title and meta description


00:00.710 --> 00:04.740
Like I said just another thing we want to tidy up now that you have a proper store is your home page

00:04.740 --> 00:06.570
title and the message description.

00:06.570 --> 00:08.090
So this is very very straightforward.

00:08.240 --> 00:13.380
Just go to the online store go to preferences and it's these fields here that we want to fill in.

00:13.410 --> 00:14.160

00:14.160 --> 00:18.920
So if you want to put your store name or write it like that so it's a little bit more readable.

00:19.110 --> 00:24.540
And then you can typically include something like a little hyphen and then write a very basic succinct

00:24.540 --> 00:26.490
description of your store.

00:26.490 --> 00:33.030
So here I could write the best daily dog deals.

00:33.030 --> 00:33.280

00:33.280 --> 00:38.180
Not a brilliant example but the point is it's to the point and it's short as you can see.

00:38.190 --> 00:42.730
I've got a 70 carat limit here and I've used 41 of them so I could extend that a bit.

00:42.770 --> 00:47.130
The base I'm looking for something that says exactly what I store is about.

00:47.400 --> 00:52.920
Now for the home page method description I've got a lot more here that I can use 320 Exactly.

00:52.920 --> 00:58.200
Now the important thing here is that this title method description is what's going to show up in the

00:58.200 --> 01:03.740
Google rankings when somebody searches for your store so you're very familiar with the Google rankings

01:03.750 --> 01:04.890
how they look right.

01:05.100 --> 01:10.560
So the title is exactly the title we put in and the description is that text underneath.

01:10.560 --> 01:11.100

01:11.100 --> 01:13.200
So think of it in those terms.

01:13.210 --> 01:15.330
I'm going to write a method description.

01:15.330 --> 01:16.990
So just off the top my head.

01:17.190 --> 01:19.780
Tim super deals brings you the best deals for the dog lover.

01:19.830 --> 01:22.140
If you love your dog and are looking to treat yourself.

01:22.170 --> 01:25.030
Come inside and check out our exciting products.

01:25.170 --> 01:30.140
Now it's good to have some sort of cult action you want to get them to click OK.

01:30.150 --> 01:35.130
This isn't a course on SBO but one of the important things about Google listings is to get people to

01:35.130 --> 01:37.000
click if Google sees people clicking.

01:37.170 --> 01:40.130
It will give it more credence and move it up the rankings.

01:40.350 --> 01:46.110
So use those tips and just spend a little bit of time creating a home page title and your home page

01:46.170 --> 01:50.620
metor description and of course once you've done don't forget to click on Save.

11. The 3 shipping models


00:00.450 --> 00:06.750
So in the next lecture we're going to look at adding shipping costs to our products before our customers

00:06.750 --> 00:07.630
buy them.

00:07.650 --> 00:14.870
But before we do that we need to understand the three shipping models that are possible.

00:15.060 --> 00:20.760
And I can take each one the very very simple and I'm going to show you the one that I use and I'll explain

00:20.850 --> 00:22.070
why I do it.

00:22.160 --> 00:24.820
So let's have a look at the first one.

00:24.840 --> 00:28.350
The first one is no shipping costs at all.

00:28.350 --> 00:28.650
All right.

00:28.650 --> 00:33.370
So basically put X $20 20 euros whatever it is and that's it.

00:33.410 --> 00:34.030

00:34.320 --> 00:39.300
There are no shipping costs added on at the point of sale at all.

00:39.300 --> 00:44.770
So number two is realistic shipping costs which I put it to dollars and 95.

00:45.000 --> 00:49.150
And know I've highlighted that so you might guess that that's actually my preferred option already.

00:49.260 --> 00:56.520
Now as I talked about previously when we were setting up the Shopify plans and looking at those people

00:56.580 --> 01:02.980
will abandon cards in fact up to two thirds of people will abandon carts at the checkout.

01:03.060 --> 01:08.150
And one of the reasons for that one of the big reasons there are many reasons are shipping costs.

01:08.170 --> 01:12.300
You know if they basically load up their cart with all the goodies that they want and then they get

01:12.300 --> 01:17.090
to the checkout and they discover that the shipping costs are completely unrealistic.

01:17.430 --> 01:20.740
You know they feel perhaps a little bit cheated or whatever but they will abandon the cause.

01:20.760 --> 01:21.570
We've all done it.

01:21.580 --> 01:22.790
Evil been there I'm sure.

01:22.830 --> 01:24.150
Crikey that's ridiculous.

01:24.150 --> 01:26.420
Paying that sort of money for shipping.

01:26.580 --> 01:31.200
So I like to add a shipping cost because it adds more to my bottom line.

01:31.230 --> 01:32.470

01:32.580 --> 01:41.010
And you know so I go for $295 a slight caveat to that slight slight not anomaly but a variation for

01:41.010 --> 01:47.680
that if you like which I'll show you in the next slide where we actually added into Shopify itself.

01:47.760 --> 01:55.020
Now the third one which you probably would have seen at some point is the famous free just ad shipping

01:55.380 --> 01:55.820

01:55.860 --> 01:56.500

01:56.550 --> 02:00.470
Now I use this it might be ninja trick lecture.

02:00.510 --> 02:02.750
Just as a way of digging out products.

02:02.760 --> 02:06.300
But it is not something I use by any stretch.

02:06.300 --> 02:09.560
I strongly recommend you don't do it.

02:09.630 --> 02:10.060

02:10.080 --> 02:15.240
You will find people on the Internet who are making supposedly a fortune doing it but it is the exception

02:15.240 --> 02:15.920
to the rule.

02:15.930 --> 02:17.430
You know it's kind of ridiculous.

02:17.430 --> 02:22.000
We're selling products here at 20 Euros Dollars for example.

02:22.290 --> 02:27.290
And you know supposedly they're all free according to our advertising.

02:27.300 --> 02:31.230
And then when they get to the checkout if we can actually make a profit we're going have to charge $20

02:31.230 --> 02:32.120
for shipping.

02:32.270 --> 02:33.300
Well that's absurd.

02:33.360 --> 02:37.420
You know I was going to pay $20 to ship a piece of jewelry.

02:37.470 --> 02:40.410
You know I paid $20 to ship a TV.

02:40.710 --> 02:44.040
But you know basically it's it's ridiculous.

02:44.040 --> 02:48.090
I don't think it does anything to build trust with the with the customer whatsoever.

02:48.330 --> 02:53.680
And I strongly advise you to give it a wide berth.

02:54.080 --> 02:54.840

02:55.020 --> 02:57.990
So I'm all about number two realistic shipping costs.

02:57.990 --> 03:00.560
Let's see how we implement those in the next lecture.

12. Implementing a basic shipping rate


00:00.150 --> 00:04.980
So we now know we want to implement a basic shipping rate of two dollars and 95 cents.

00:05.130 --> 00:09.270
So how do we actually go about doing that when this lecture I'm going to show you and shipping rates

00:09.270 --> 00:14.640
is something that people often get confused about so I have developed and I've been using a very simple

00:14.640 --> 00:19.920
yet powerful system for a long long time now that not only is it simple to understand for me but it's

00:19.920 --> 00:21.270
also simple to understand.

00:21.270 --> 00:26.250
For my customers of course you're not obliged to do exactly this but I strongly recommend you give it

00:26.250 --> 00:28.710
some serious consideration.

00:28.740 --> 00:33.930
So we want to do is come down to our settings and go straight to shipping.

00:35.630 --> 00:38.870
So first of all this shipping origin is not significant.

00:38.870 --> 00:43.910
We are drop shipping if we were selling our own products from our own warehouse then yes we would need

00:43.910 --> 00:44.630
to consider this.

00:44.750 --> 00:46.440
But that's not what we're doing.

00:46.490 --> 00:50.480
So we can basically ignore this and we can scroll down to this part here.

00:50.480 --> 00:56.540
Shipping rates at the checkout now are set up to very basic shipping zones.

00:56.530 --> 01:02.290
OK I've got domestic United States and the rest of the world.

01:02.330 --> 01:07.980
Now most of my business and probably most of your Certainly in the beginning will come from the U.S..

01:08.000 --> 01:11.820
So I'm keeping this very very simple with United States and rest of world.

01:11.960 --> 01:16.910
You can very easily add in another shipping zone here for example so if you are in the U.K. You could

01:16.910 --> 01:21.920
add in the United Kingdom or you're Australia could add in Australia and you could end up with several

01:22.010 --> 01:22.970
shipping zones listed.

01:22.970 --> 01:27.080
But just for the sake of this cause I want to keep it simple and I want to focus on United States because

01:27.080 --> 01:31.950
you'll see once I've shown you how this works you can very very easily apply to any shipping zone.

01:32.120 --> 01:37.790
So the next thing I want to do is click on edit next to United States and you get to change the name

01:37.790 --> 01:41.030
of the zone if you want to I'm going to leave it as domestic for the moment.

01:41.030 --> 01:44.230
The countries that are listed within it so I could add other ones if I wanted to.

01:44.240 --> 01:48.590
But this is the United States I'm leaving it purely as the U.S. but I might want to call it North America

01:48.620 --> 01:51.400
an ad in Canada very very straightforward.

01:51.480 --> 01:56.550
The first thing I want to say is that these all weight based rates are not important.

01:56.630 --> 02:03.160
Again we drop shipping so the weight is going to be an issue more for the supplier over there on the

02:03.170 --> 02:08.690
Express in China or wherever they're actually shipping from we are not shipping out our own warehouse.

02:08.690 --> 02:14.690
You'll also remember the golden rules I talked about shipping lightweight products because that gives

02:14.690 --> 02:16.230
you another advantage.

02:16.250 --> 02:21.500
If for example you did have very very heavy products your supplier over there on an express might want

02:21.500 --> 02:22.820
to charge you potential customer.

02:22.820 --> 02:24.760
An awful lot to ship them.

02:24.890 --> 02:29.930
But when you keep those products lightweight this completely goes away you don't have this issue at

02:29.930 --> 02:30.620

02:30.620 --> 02:34.690
So what we are talking about are priced based rates.

02:34.760 --> 02:37.340
Soybeans do is click on ad rate.

02:37.360 --> 02:38.160
Give it a name.

02:38.180 --> 02:46.200
So let's just call it a standard one and then I'm going to create a range between 0 and 20.

02:46.390 --> 02:46.870

02:47.060 --> 02:53.580
You remember from the rules that basically you are selling products at 20 years or $20 dollars and less.

02:53.690 --> 02:56.620
Now this is where I give it a right.

02:56.630 --> 03:00.870
So this is where my two ninety five comes into play.

03:01.220 --> 03:02.630
And I just click done.

03:02.650 --> 03:04.350
All right so that's my standard one.

03:04.490 --> 03:11.650
So anybody who buys something of my site now between 0 and 20 euros is going to be paying to 95 in shipping.

03:11.990 --> 03:15.850
But what if they buy more than 20 years of products which is entirely possible.

03:15.860 --> 03:17.870
How do we implement shipping for that.

03:18.170 --> 03:25.440
So we're going to add in another rate this one more call simply standard too.

03:26.000 --> 03:28.420
Now my minimum order is 20.

03:28.690 --> 03:31.910
And I will have no limit for my maximum.

03:32.120 --> 03:36.860
Now for the rate I'm going to charge a little bit more than that 295 in fact I'm going to put it at

03:36.860 --> 03:40.570
395 and I'm going to click on done.

03:41.330 --> 03:46.670
So just reiterate somebody buy something between 0 and 20 they're going to pay 295 and 20 over they're

03:46.670 --> 03:48.940
going to pay 395.

03:49.400 --> 03:53.360
So if you think ahead you might be thinking What is the problem with that because if someone orders

03:53.360 --> 04:00.230
two hundred euros of my site they'll still only be paying three 95 but you will remember that we've

04:00.230 --> 04:04.790
got a huge margin with the way that I'm teaching you to make money with this business model.

04:04.880 --> 04:10.010
We're buying it for less and we're selling for 20 so we got a very big margin to play with and that

04:10.010 --> 04:11.810
is extremely important.

04:11.810 --> 04:17.990
So just imagine in this example somebody did buy two hundred dollars worth of product and I apologize.

04:17.990 --> 04:22.340
I know I'm flipping between euros and dollars but that doesn't really matter the denominations are relevant

04:22.340 --> 04:23.290
is the actual number.

04:23.300 --> 04:24.630
I want you to focus on.

04:25.010 --> 04:30.170
So let's imagine they did buy two hundred dollars worth of products and my supplier over there Ali expressed

04:30.230 --> 04:33.810
wanted to charge me let's say $40 for the shipping.

04:33.950 --> 04:35.750
Well that's fine if you do the math.

04:35.780 --> 04:39.030
I've still got a huge margin to play with.

04:39.320 --> 04:44.240
And what it means also is I can very easily explain to my customers how my shipping works.

04:44.240 --> 04:50.570
You know all I get and you will get inquiries about if I buy 10 of these products how much is the shipping

04:50.570 --> 04:51.050
going to be.

04:51.050 --> 04:52.700
Well in my case it's very straightforward.

04:52.730 --> 04:53.940
It's 395.

04:54.110 --> 04:57.020
If it's less than 20 it's 295 it is more than that.

04:57.080 --> 04:58.460
It's 395.

04:58.460 --> 05:03.650
And trust me customers like simplicity again doing web site reviews and helping people out.

05:03.680 --> 05:06.180
They often see people overcomplicating this.

05:06.200 --> 05:09.030
They have 20 things listed in this price base right.

05:09.050 --> 05:14.420
Very very difficult to explain that to the customer and also for you to remember exactly how it all

05:14.420 --> 05:15.130

05:15.380 --> 05:21.380
So after years of experience of doing this this is basically the model I've come to is a very very simplified

05:21.380 --> 05:26.890
model and it really does work and basically just makes your life that much easier.

13. Payment providers


00:00.570 --> 00:05.530
So if you're right or the all important lecture of how are people actually going to pay.

00:05.670 --> 00:11.700
Clearly you need a payment provider so people can actually buy something from your site now to get to

00:11.700 --> 00:12.690
your payment providers.

00:12.700 --> 00:18.420
It's very straightforward just get into settings and click on payment providers.

00:18.420 --> 00:24.180
Now this is where things get a little bit more complicated because the payment providers that are available

00:24.180 --> 00:28.490
to you totally depend on where you live.

00:28.890 --> 00:31.730
So that's really really important to grasp.

00:31.740 --> 00:39.040
Now the three main pain providers are Shopify payments Pay-Pal and Strype Okay.

00:39.090 --> 00:45.690
And in this example because I'm based in France as you know Shopify payments does not work in France

00:45.690 --> 00:53.490
so my options here are Pay-Pal And I also have Strype But if you're watching this in the U.S. for example

00:53.700 --> 00:58.080
you will almost certainly see Shopify payments here as an option.

00:58.470 --> 01:02.300
If you are watching this say in Brazil just purely for example I can't guarantee this.

01:02.490 --> 01:08.570
You may not see Shopify payments all pipe pal or maybe not even Strype but some other pain provider

01:08.760 --> 01:10.110
is available to you.

01:10.440 --> 01:16.650
So what you need to do at this point is seek out the best PAME provider in your country.

01:16.650 --> 01:22.740
Now Shopify to a certain extent have made this easier because they come up with this package which is

01:22.740 --> 01:25.830
Shopify dot com slash payment Gateway's.

01:25.900 --> 01:26.500

01:26.640 --> 01:32.670
And if you head over here you're going to see a list of all the countries and then all of the payment

01:32.670 --> 01:38.220
gateways that are available in those countries so just for example if we click on or in Singapore here

01:38.220 --> 01:41.730
for example and scroll down.

01:42.060 --> 01:48.280
So here I got the major payment gateway support in Singapore Shopify payments is available if you're

01:48.290 --> 01:49.810
watching this in Singapore.

01:49.910 --> 01:51.800
Then you should have Shopify payments.

01:51.950 --> 01:53.870
Paypal is also available.

01:53.960 --> 01:57.040
And then there's various other ones like world pay et cetera.

01:57.140 --> 02:01.190
But each person I keep repeating it because it's so important is going to be different.

02:01.400 --> 02:08.800
Let's have a look in France cephalic of France and scroll down you're going to see a bunch of payment

02:08.850 --> 02:11.650
it was very different to those in Singapore.

02:11.790 --> 02:17.940
You also note that Shopify payments is not on the list that Paypal express checkout is which if you

02:17.940 --> 02:18.360
go back.

02:18.360 --> 02:22.680
Here is what it is offering me as a solution.

02:22.710 --> 02:26.880
So this is why you need to roll up your sleeves and basically get out there and find the best paying

02:26.880 --> 02:29.300
provider for your situation.

02:29.310 --> 02:33.810
Now all I can do is just demonstrate what I've got here in France that's going to help you some more.

02:33.840 --> 02:37.000
So again my default is Pay-Pal.

02:37.140 --> 02:40.540
Now I could have others accept credit cards OK.

02:40.560 --> 02:42.780
So select the provider.

02:43.160 --> 02:49.290
I can have Strype in France and I've got all these other ones available to me as well.

02:49.290 --> 02:55.500
And if I scroll down a bit here I've also got a penny Amazon pay and various alternative payments.

02:55.500 --> 02:59.790
Now these I don't recommend you dive into Certainly not in the beginning because it's going to be more

02:59.790 --> 03:03.470
of a distraction and as for manual payments Well that's not relevant.

03:03.480 --> 03:08.960
We are not doing any manual payments with this business model so I scroll back up to the top here.

03:09.000 --> 03:12.920
What I'm going to do is I'm going to set up PayPal on my store.

03:13.050 --> 03:17.970
And what I typically do in a real situation is actually have to pay providers.

03:17.970 --> 03:23.880
Now the reason for that is because your customers may want to pay with their preferred payment provider.

03:23.880 --> 03:29.910
So for example some people will want to pay with pay pal and others will want to pay with a credit card

03:29.910 --> 03:32.080
through a system like streite.

03:32.130 --> 03:35.500
It's also useful to have two encases an issue with one of them.

03:35.550 --> 03:37.010
Now that's a luxury set up.

03:37.020 --> 03:41.380
I fully appreciate that not everybody can have too but certainly aim for one.

03:41.670 --> 03:47.340
So at this point it's over to you see what's available it might be a very very straightforward process.

03:47.340 --> 03:51.150
We may have to do a little bit more digging to get that thing set up.

03:51.300 --> 03:55.600
But whatever you do make sure you get a payment provider fully installed.

14. Make a test order


00:00.540 --> 00:04.830
So by these days you should be in pretty good shape because you've now got a great looking store with

00:04.830 --> 00:10.530
some great products and you've got a provider or possibly even a couple of providers.

00:10.620 --> 00:15.070
Of course we're still missing a major part which is driving traffic to the store so that people do buy

00:15.070 --> 00:15.600
our products.

00:15.610 --> 00:21.960
But all that is coming up now in this lecture what we want to do is look at making a test order.

00:22.110 --> 00:26.550
And the main reason for doing this is to make sure that the store is functioning correctly.

00:26.580 --> 00:30.240
Now again I get questions from people now again saying I have problems with my store.

00:30.360 --> 00:32.310
I'm not getting any sales whatever it might be.

00:32.370 --> 00:37.350
And often the first thing I'll say is have you done a test or have you checked that absolutely everything

00:37.350 --> 00:42.890
works from A to Zed and very very often they'll do an order of some kind and discover that you know

00:42.930 --> 00:44.760
they do have issues.

00:44.760 --> 00:50.340
So for that reason although we're going to do one test order right now I encourage you to periodically

00:50.370 --> 00:52.800
maybe once a week or once a month something like that.

00:52.950 --> 00:58.130
Make a test or on your site so that you're fully convinced that everything is working perfectly.

00:58.140 --> 01:02.400
Now of course later on once you got many many sales coming in you probably don't need to worry about

01:02.400 --> 01:02.570

01:02.580 --> 01:07.410
But just in the beginning on this so much going on and so much to consider this is really really worth

01:07.410 --> 01:07.980

01:08.980 --> 01:15.200
Now most providers will enable you to do some sort of test purchase without actually having to pay.

01:15.320 --> 01:19.600
What I like to do is to buy something off my site and then simply refund myself.

01:19.780 --> 01:24.670
It gives me a much better feeling for making sure that everything is actually working perfectly.

01:24.700 --> 01:26.530
So let's go ahead and make the test order.

01:26.590 --> 01:31.150
So I don't buy this whole thing here this heart shaped pendant you put on a little while ago and I'll

01:31.150 --> 01:32.430
simply add it to the cart.

01:35.720 --> 01:40.320
And go to the checkout.

01:40.340 --> 01:45.590
Now what I did here is I set up a fake basically a fake address just for the test in anchorage in the

01:45.590 --> 01:49.420
United States and you can see I've got a subtotal of 19.

01:49.640 --> 01:53.640
And I got my shipping as I would expect to 95 as we set it up.

01:53.750 --> 01:58.070
Not so long ago now over here we have the payment method Pay-Pal.

01:58.100 --> 02:02.930
If I had other payment methods available they would also be showing here and then I'm just going to

02:02.930 --> 02:05.870
leave this as same as the shipping address for the moment.

02:06.080 --> 02:10.310
So now complete the order and it prompts me to pay with PayPal.

02:10.590 --> 02:14.600
So I'm going to go ahead and buy this and I'll see you on the orders page which is not something we've

02:14.600 --> 02:18.250
looked at yet but I'll see you there once I'm done.

02:18.260 --> 02:18.890
So here I am.

02:18.890 --> 02:24.870
I've come straight to the orders page and here we see my order made 23 minutes ago so I had to go and

02:24.890 --> 02:26.340
do a couple of things.

02:26.450 --> 02:27.060
So I'm back.

02:27.080 --> 02:29.620
But basically the order happened 23 minutes ago.

02:29.750 --> 02:31.890
It's paid and it's currently unfulfillment.

02:31.900 --> 02:36.500
Don't worry about that because we're going to be talking all about how to fulfill orders later on in

02:36.500 --> 02:37.170
the course.

02:37.430 --> 02:42.180
But if you click on your order then you should see all the details as you expect.

02:42.180 --> 02:45.350
And my heart shaped pendant there at all is paid by the customer.

02:45.350 --> 02:46.960
Twenty one ninety five.

02:46.970 --> 02:53.170
So for me that proves that my store works from A to Zed So a very successful test order.

02:53.390 --> 02:58.080
So the last thing I want to do is just refund myself because there's no point me actually buying this.

02:58.100 --> 03:00.160
It was all just for a test.

03:00.200 --> 03:03.430
So there we go all the details and just simply click on a refund.

03:03.620 --> 03:04.190
And there we have it.

03:04.190 --> 03:08.580
So now we get an all items were shipped or refunded just for confirmation.

03:08.690 --> 03:11.990
So all done you have made full blown test order.

03:12.110 --> 03:17.720
And as I say in the beginning just go through that process periodically maybe once a week once a fortnight

03:17.990 --> 03:19.530
or possibly once a month.

03:19.670 --> 03:21.570
But certainly don't forget about it.

15. Automated email notifications


00:01.350 --> 00:02.660
So with that test or May.

00:02.670 --> 00:08.040
This is also a very good time to talk about e-mail notifications because if you have gone through an

00:08.100 --> 00:13.830
order something from your site you will have received an e-mail notification from Shopify if you haven't

00:14.160 --> 00:16.020
check your spam because it will be there.

00:16.290 --> 00:20.050
So have these notifications work where they actually come from.

00:20.370 --> 00:21.390
Well it's all very straightforward.

00:21.390 --> 00:27.630
We just need to go down to settings and go to notifications.

00:28.070 --> 00:34.280
Now what you have here is a complete e-mail set that goes out automatically.

00:34.310 --> 00:36.020
You don't have anything to do.

00:36.020 --> 00:36.620
All right.

00:36.620 --> 00:39.530
This is a fantastic value add from Shopify.

00:39.860 --> 00:44.360
Now just for example this very first one the order confirmation which would have been the you would

00:44.360 --> 00:48.860
have got it sent ultimately to the customer after they placed the order.

00:48.860 --> 00:53.800
Now just for interest if I click on this you get a bunch of stuff here.

00:53.800 --> 00:58.750
Now all this is is the possibility to customize the e-mail if you wanted to.

00:58.750 --> 01:02.590
But quite frankly it's really not necessary so you know where it is.

01:02.590 --> 01:05.720
But I really don't recommend touching this for time being.

01:06.040 --> 01:12.490
So if I go back to notifications and say we got everything for the order process here but we've also

01:12.490 --> 01:15.100
got everything for the shipping process.

01:15.160 --> 01:20.080
We haven't got to this point in the course yet but when we do ship that product to the customer they

01:20.080 --> 01:25.550
will get for example the shipping confirmation and ultimately to the customer when their order is filled.

01:25.570 --> 01:26.070
All right.

01:26.110 --> 01:30.730
So you know if you've ever bought anything off the internet you will have received an e-mail very very

01:30.730 --> 01:32.050
similar to that.

01:32.440 --> 01:33.140
So there we go.

01:33.150 --> 01:35.160
That's where the notifications are.

01:35.170 --> 01:38.800
As I say you don't have to worry about anything now.

01:38.830 --> 01:40.860
You know exactly where to find it.

16. Fraud analysis tools


00:00.240 --> 00:03.930
Now the last thing you want to talk about in this section before we get on the exciting subject are

00:04.020 --> 00:05.940
actually driving traffic to your store.

00:06.150 --> 00:07.690
Is fraud analysis.

00:07.710 --> 00:12.890
Now you remember that I took the full Shopify package so I could basically show you this.

00:13.050 --> 00:16.970
Now before we get into it fraud analysis is not a big deal.

00:16.970 --> 00:17.940
I don't want to get worried.

00:17.950 --> 00:20.530
It's going to be an awful lot of fraud on your store.

00:20.700 --> 00:21.510
Will it happen.

00:21.510 --> 00:22.280

00:22.320 --> 00:26.730
I've been doing this for a long long time and I would estimate that less than 1 percent the orders that

00:26.730 --> 00:31.300
I receive are basically suspect and I may end up ultimately losing money.

00:31.380 --> 00:35.490
But you know that's business if you're running a physical store you have to worry about things like

00:35.670 --> 00:38.170
shoplifting or indeed stolen credit card.

00:38.170 --> 00:40.440
So this is just the way it goes in business.

00:40.450 --> 00:43.800
But less than 1 percent is really not a big deal.

00:43.980 --> 00:48.950
But what's nice with Shopify is that you do get this for analysis tool so I'm here on the order that

00:48.960 --> 00:54.540
I made as part of my test order and if I scroll down I get this section here fraud analysis.

00:54.540 --> 00:57.870
Now if you got the normal Shopify package you won't see this.

00:57.870 --> 01:04.920
So what is done is it's use some sort of algorithm to try to understand whether this order is fraudulent

01:04.980 --> 01:05.670
or not.

01:05.670 --> 01:10.920
So it's got a low medium high is give me a low I would hope so because it was me and then it has the

01:10.920 --> 01:15.390
characteristics of this order are similar to nonfood orders orders observed in the past.

01:15.390 --> 01:16.500
There were two payment attempts.

01:16.530 --> 01:16.860

01:16.890 --> 01:17.670
Fair enough.

01:17.670 --> 01:21.150
I can then view the full analysis.

01:21.210 --> 01:26.450
Now here I get all kinds of stuff that might help determine whether this was a fraudulent payment.

01:26.460 --> 01:30.780
An interesting one here is that the shipping address is eight thousand one hundred sixty nine kilometers

01:30.840 --> 01:32.870
from the location of the IP.

01:32.910 --> 01:37.830
So you remember basically with that customer information I actually put in somebody in Anchorage just

01:37.890 --> 01:38.310
as a test.

01:38.340 --> 01:42.440
Anchorage Alaska a long long way from me but it picked that up.

01:42.530 --> 01:43.020

01:43.080 --> 01:47.940
Again here the billing address is Lister's United States but the order was placed from France.

01:47.940 --> 01:50.100
Now those are particularly alarming things.

01:50.100 --> 01:53.640
You know that happens all the time with people buying stuff that might be in one place and shipping

01:53.640 --> 01:54.490
to somewhere else.

01:54.510 --> 01:57.690
But nevertheless it has flagged that as a little red dot.

01:57.840 --> 02:03.190
But overall it has decided that I am a low risk and therefore nothing to worry about.

02:03.420 --> 02:09.990
Now if I come out of here as orders come in you may see some medium and you may very very occasionally

02:10.020 --> 02:11.370
see some high.

02:11.400 --> 02:15.840
And if that happens I encourage you to click on the full analysis and decide whether you want to accept

02:15.840 --> 02:18.900
that payment or not before you ship the order.

02:18.900 --> 02:24.090
Now I know I'm saying the same thing over and over again but this is a very rare event so please don't

02:24.090 --> 02:26.250
get obsessed with it by any stretch.

02:26.250 --> 02:30.240
Now the other thing to bear in mind is if you don't have the full Shopify package and therefore this

02:30.270 --> 02:37.380
fraud analysis is not available you can rest assured that your pain provider will also be looking at

02:37.380 --> 02:39.360
some sort of fraud analysis.

02:39.360 --> 02:45.420
So if you with Strype you with PayPal or indeed any of the others they will also have well built in

02:45.510 --> 02:47.380
fraud analysis systems.

02:47.490 --> 02:54.000
If you think about it it's in their interest because they take a fee for a successful order and if later

02:54.000 --> 02:59.070
on it turns out that it wasn't a successful order and has to be refunded that potentially they lose

02:59.070 --> 02:59.850
their fee.

03:00.000 --> 03:04.830
So it's very much in their interest to make sure that the orders are going through their systems are

03:04.890 --> 03:06.780
all good.

03:06.780 --> 03:07.320
So there we go.

03:07.320 --> 03:12.390
That's the for analysis tool provided by Shopify and it's just something to keep an eye on from time

03:12.420 --> 03:13.100
to time.

7. Driving Traffic To Your Store

1. Setting up your Facebook Advert account


00:00.210 --> 00:05.370
So welcome to this brand new section and this is an exciting section because this is going to be all

00:05.370 --> 00:10.620
about driving traffic to your story you put an incredible amount of hard work in to get to this point.

00:10.620 --> 00:14.500
And now this is where it actually start to make some money.

00:14.590 --> 00:18.980
Now the first thing we need to do is to set up your Facebook add that account.

00:19.020 --> 00:24.330
Now I'm going to start with an apology because this is actually very difficult for me to show you because

00:24.690 --> 00:27.320
everybody is in a different situation now.

00:27.370 --> 00:28.080
For me.

00:28.200 --> 00:33.930
I have a business manager account with many many different accounts both my own personal use and also

00:33.930 --> 00:34.740
for teaching.

00:34.950 --> 00:38.580
So surely that is not going to help you if you are first getting started.

00:38.790 --> 00:40.450
So that's the bad news if you like.

00:40.590 --> 00:46.590
Now the good news is that setting up a Facebook account is free and it's also very straight forward.

00:46.590 --> 00:48.810
Now there's a couple of ways you can get this.

00:49.080 --> 00:55.350
If you go over your Facebook page you remember you set that up some time ago and click on the little

00:55.350 --> 00:56.260
arrow here.

00:56.340 --> 01:00.260
It brings up the menu and you're going to find here create ads.

01:00.300 --> 01:00.620

01:00.720 --> 01:02.500
You can see that click on create ads.

01:02.520 --> 01:05.320
And that's going to take you through the process.

01:05.340 --> 01:11.490
Now if on your Facebook page you don't see that and just simply head over to Google and type in set

01:11.490 --> 01:16.770
up Facebook advert account and you'll find plenty of instructions to guide you through.

01:16.860 --> 01:21.510
Suppose you can't hold your hand and literally show you how to do this by I hope you understand the

01:21.510 --> 01:23.190
difficulty from my point of view.

01:23.310 --> 01:27.570
But as I say the good news is is free and it's very easy to do so.

01:27.630 --> 01:32.370
Go to your Facebook page or go to Google and within a few minutes you'll be up and running and I'll

01:32.370 --> 01:36.000
see you in the next lecture where we can talk about setting up the Facebook pixel.

2. The all important Facebook pixel


00:00.600 --> 00:04.690
OK great so you've successfully set up your Facebook adverts account.

00:04.730 --> 00:09.900
Now the next key thing that we need to set up before we can actually start advertising is what's called

00:09.960 --> 00:11.410
the Facebook pixel.

00:11.430 --> 00:11.980

00:12.180 --> 00:13.600
Now what is the Facebook pics.

00:13.610 --> 00:15.740
Well it's a very clever piece of code.

00:15.930 --> 00:21.870
But all I want you to bear in mind at the moment is it's just a way of tracking customers that come

00:21.870 --> 00:22.800
to your site.

00:22.810 --> 00:27.820
OK so Facebook is going to send traffic from Facebook to your site.

00:27.880 --> 00:28.220

00:28.230 --> 00:34.320
And then the pixel is going to track and the pixel is going to understand the sorts of customers that

00:34.320 --> 00:39.360
are coming to your site and it's going to learn about them and it's going to increasingly send more

00:39.360 --> 00:42.600
customers that are more and more likely to buy from you.

00:42.750 --> 00:44.470
So it's a very clever piece of software.

00:44.490 --> 00:49.350
And the good news is you don't need to understand anything about it at all is going to do all the work

00:49.350 --> 00:49.960
for you.

00:50.160 --> 00:52.650
But we do need to get it installed.

00:52.650 --> 00:55.420
So let's see exactly how we're going to do that.

00:55.470 --> 01:00.750
Now with your Facebook account set up you should be able to find somewhere in your menu system.

01:00.750 --> 01:04.160
And again this will be potentially slightly different for most people.

01:04.290 --> 01:07.410
You should be able to find somewhere that says pixel's OK.

01:07.410 --> 01:08.740
That's what you're looking for.

01:08.910 --> 01:15.000
So what I've done here is I've opened up my menu system and in here I can see pixel's OK.

01:15.210 --> 01:17.220
That's what I'm looking for.

01:17.370 --> 01:24.240
Now if you don't see that just Google set up Facebook pics or something along those lines for your particular

01:24.240 --> 01:24.740

01:24.870 --> 01:30.330
But within a menu somewhere you are going to see pixels and that's why I want you to click and he should

01:30.390 --> 01:32.150
land on a page like this.

01:32.160 --> 01:38.070
Create a Facebook pics or look at the Facebook pics onto your Web site to measure the impact of your

01:38.070 --> 01:38.800

01:38.820 --> 01:45.060
And as I was just discussing the pixel allow you to track your Web site activities and essentially improve

01:45.060 --> 01:49.970
your turn on investing and then keep sending customers that are more or more likely to buy from you.

01:50.100 --> 01:54.330
So all you need to do is to click on Create a pixel.

01:54.450 --> 01:59.280
Now we can give it a name it proposes Tim's super deals pixel which is absolutely fine with me.

01:59.280 --> 02:00.360
So let's click on Create

02:08.690 --> 02:11.690
and now we need to install the pixel code.

02:11.690 --> 02:12.170

02:12.380 --> 02:18.160
So it says here to use Facebook pixel you must first install pixel code on your website.

02:18.170 --> 02:20.410
What we want to do is take this first one.

02:20.450 --> 02:28.120
Use an integration or Task Manager so simply click on the option and then Shopify makes this really

02:28.180 --> 02:35.320
easy so click on the Shopify icon over here and it takes us through some very simple steps.

02:35.470 --> 02:41.060
So the first thing you want to do is to go to your Shopify admin panel and just before we do that I

02:41.070 --> 02:46.350
want to draw your attention to this number here because this is my pixel.

02:46.450 --> 02:47.580
D right.

02:47.740 --> 02:51.970
That number is the thing that I need to copy and paste into the appropriate place.

02:52.000 --> 02:54.040
I'm going to show you right now.

02:54.040 --> 03:01.600
So what do we need to do is to double click on that and copy it and then only to head over to your admin

03:01.600 --> 03:02.770

03:02.770 --> 03:10.400
Go to your online store and then preferences and if you scroll down a bit here you're going to see this

03:10.400 --> 03:15.370
title Facebook pixel and all we need to do then is just to paste in that ID.

03:15.380 --> 03:21.190
So just right mouse click and paste and then obviously safe.

03:21.200 --> 03:23.470
Now let's go back to the instructions.

03:23.780 --> 03:25.840
So that's all done we've done one.

03:25.840 --> 03:27.080
We've also done two.

03:27.350 --> 03:33.530
The last thing we want to do is to check the pixel status and what it says is to go over to your manager

03:33.560 --> 03:36.160
and select pixels from the top menu.

03:36.560 --> 03:40.060
And if the status is active your pixel has been installed correctly.

03:40.220 --> 03:41.090
Now this is important.

03:41.090 --> 03:45.230
It may take up to 20 minutes for your pixel status to change.

03:45.230 --> 03:51.620
OK so what we're looking for is this here where we got pixel and then details and then status active.

03:51.620 --> 03:52.370
All right.

03:52.370 --> 03:53.920
So let's do exactly that.

03:53.930 --> 03:55.710
Let's close this now.

03:56.270 --> 04:04.760
Let's go over to pixel's and you should see this I got Tim super deals the pixel with the ID that we

04:04.760 --> 04:05.870
set up.

04:05.870 --> 04:06.620
Now ignore this.

04:06.620 --> 04:10.670
No recent activity for the moment because what you're really looking for here is this dot here this

04:10.670 --> 04:13.390
might be gray or it might be green.

04:13.400 --> 04:15.350
Now it needs to be green.

04:15.380 --> 04:20.660
Mine is green at the moment and if it's not green then just go to your adman's system and go straight

04:20.660 --> 04:21.810
to your store.

04:23.490 --> 04:32.010
Click around a little bit on the store just to trigger the pixel then go back to these aberant system

04:32.010 --> 04:35.570
here and just simply refresh the page.

04:35.970 --> 04:37.980
Now that should then be green.

04:37.980 --> 04:39.330
OK that's your Green light.

04:39.330 --> 04:40.980
Everything is done correctly.

04:40.980 --> 04:44.900
If not then you'll need to go back and just follow those instructions again.

04:45.270 --> 04:51.750
So if I now click on this pixel link it takes you to a dashboard specifically for the pixel now.

04:51.900 --> 04:55.550
We're not going to get into this in detail but I do want to show you just one thing.

04:55.710 --> 04:59.890
If you go over here to the diagnostics This is where you can ultimately check to see if your pixel is

04:59.890 --> 05:00.880
set up correctly.

05:01.080 --> 05:05.200
So having clicked on diagnostics You can see that it says there are no issues with your pixel.

05:05.220 --> 05:09.350
Enjoy your day because if you go back to events you might see this message here.

05:09.360 --> 05:12.920
No recent activity and it's still prompting set up the pixel.

05:12.930 --> 05:18.180
Now that's somewhat misleading but if is still not convinced you want to be absolutely sure and just

05:18.180 --> 05:22.060
go back to your store and add a few things into your cart.

05:22.080 --> 05:30.370
In other words create events on your site so if I add to cart here and then go to the checkout for example

05:31.250 --> 05:38.430
and now I head back to this page and refresh you see things have been updated so events received six

05:38.450 --> 05:40.200
so that's just me clicking around.

05:40.200 --> 05:45.830
And then if you look down here you can see that it's starting to record various things on my site.

05:45.830 --> 05:51.590
So there you go that's ultimate proof that the pixel is fully installed.

05:51.590 --> 05:56.330
So I hope you've managed to follow those instructions if you're tool confused or you're not seeing what

05:56.420 --> 06:00.910
I'm seeing here then just go back and go through it carefully again.

06:00.920 --> 06:05.930
All right you'll definitely get his it's not unnecessarily complicated process but you do need to be

06:05.930 --> 06:07.140
a little bit careful.

06:07.190 --> 06:07.910
So there we go.

06:07.940 --> 06:09.410
Pick so all installed.

06:09.410 --> 06:14.810
Finally we can start to drive traffic to our store and start making sales.

3. Setting up your first Facebook advert (Part 1)


00:00.240 --> 00:05.620
So congratulations you made it to the point where we are going to create our very first Facebook app

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and drive traffic to our store.

00:08.010 --> 00:13.340
Now I'm going to use my heart shaped dog pendant as an example throughout this lecture.

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I'm going to show you how to set up the ad on Facebook and then how to actually bring targeted customers

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to your site so that they will buy it.

00:22.230 --> 00:27.960
So the first thing I want to head over to the ads manager now having set up your Facebook account you

00:27.960 --> 00:31.080
should have a button somewhere that says Create advert.

00:31.320 --> 00:35.100
And when you click on that you should be looking at a page something like this.

00:35.100 --> 00:39.870
Now I say something like this because Facebook is always a bit of a moving target and whenever I do

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Facebook teaching of any kind I always have to say that by the time you look at it it might look slightly

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different but that said This page has actually remained much the same for quite some time now.

00:52.210 --> 00:59.190
Now it starts off by saying what's your marketing objective and what we have here are three areas awareness

00:59.490 --> 01:02.340
consideration and conversion.

01:02.340 --> 01:06.090
Now awareness is all about building up your brand.

01:06.180 --> 01:13.530
Consideration is basically driving traffic to your brand and conversion is actually measuring how people

01:13.530 --> 01:20.490
do things once they are on your site and it's conversion that we're going to focus on now a conversion

01:20.490 --> 01:22.660
could be any event on your Web site.

01:22.680 --> 01:25.260
It could be simply visiting a page.

01:25.320 --> 01:31.920
It could be putting something into the cart or ultimately it could be buying something from your site.

01:31.920 --> 01:34.170
So we are going to do conversion ads.

01:34.200 --> 01:38.630
So the first thing we do is to click on conversions.

01:38.650 --> 01:44.820
Now if I scroll down a bit you'll see this conversions get people to take valuable actions on your Web

01:44.840 --> 01:45.360

01:45.370 --> 01:45.950
All right.

01:46.060 --> 01:49.970
Such as adding payment info or making a purchase.

01:50.000 --> 01:56.860
OK just as I was saying and just here for completeness it says use the Facebook pixel to track and measure

01:56.890 --> 02:02.330
conversions right so that ties in very nicely with the last lecture where we set up the Facebook pixel.

02:02.440 --> 02:08.320
And I explained that it is doing exactly that it is tracking measuring conversions and bringing more

02:08.320 --> 02:10.390
and more targeted people to your site.

02:10.630 --> 02:15.370
But remember I also said you don't need to worry about it is working it's magic in the background.

02:15.370 --> 02:19.300
Now for the moment all we want to do is just create a campaign name.

02:19.540 --> 02:23.880
So I'm going to call mine the heart shaped dog pendant campaign one.

02:23.920 --> 02:27.690
Now that's a good name for a campaign because it says exactly what I'm advertising the Heart-Shaped

02:27.690 --> 02:33.780
dog pendant and I put a one on the end just in case I want to do other campaigns later on.

02:34.270 --> 02:41.920
So having chosen your campaign name and I suggest you use exactly that method click on set up an account.

02:41.940 --> 02:45.630
Now this is something you don't need to go through once when you're very first getting started.

02:45.630 --> 02:50.220
This page isn't going to keep on popping up all the time but it basically just asked me to set up my

02:50.220 --> 02:56.070
account so it's looking for my count country the currency I want to report in and my times and some

02:56.080 --> 02:57.690
skin to leave it not by default.

02:57.780 --> 02:58.390
Look at yours.

02:58.410 --> 03:01.350
Make sure you're happy and then simply click on continue.

03:03.470 --> 03:08.960
So what you get now is this fairly complex form which is essentially all about defining the audience

03:08.960 --> 03:12.890
that you want to target to bring to your site to buy your product.

03:12.890 --> 03:13.320

03:13.460 --> 03:15.500
Now things can get very involved with Facebook.

03:15.510 --> 03:21.410
What I'm going to do is I'm going to show you the essential items that you need to get started as quickly

03:21.470 --> 03:22.260
as possible.

03:24.140 --> 03:29.110
Now the first thing I want to do is come up with a set name so very unoriginal that I was going to call

03:29.230 --> 03:33.040
I had set or one her cage is purely for teaching purposes.

03:33.050 --> 03:36.360
You'll see later on that we're going to create an ad set too.

03:36.440 --> 03:36.930

03:36.980 --> 03:41.630
But for the moment just accept that we're going to call it and set one now the next thing is we come

03:41.630 --> 03:44.820
down to this controversial section.

03:44.960 --> 03:51.550
Now if I click in here you get to see various conversion events you remember just now.

03:51.560 --> 03:55.190
I said a conversion could be something that happens on your Web site.

03:55.250 --> 03:56.270
So let's have a look at some of these.

03:56.270 --> 04:00.300
We've got new content which basically means somebody viewing one of our pages.

04:00.470 --> 04:04.620
We've got an Add to Cart we've got and initiate the checkout process.

04:04.640 --> 04:06.920
Somebody doing a search adding to a wishlist.

04:06.920 --> 04:10.580
We don't actually have that on my site the moment adding their payment info.

04:10.580 --> 04:17.330
Making a purchase etc. These are all conversion events and you might notice that some of them are got

04:17.330 --> 04:22.610
a green dot next to them like this view content and some of them have got a red dot next to them like

04:22.700 --> 04:28.810
this purchase one here and a green dot basically means that that event has already fired on our Web

04:28.810 --> 04:31.790
site somewhere because this is the magic of the pixel.

04:31.790 --> 04:35.990
You remember when we were setting up the pixel I said you know if you don't see it basically being active

04:36.360 --> 04:39.510
to go to your site and just click around which is exactly what I did.

04:39.590 --> 04:41.540
And so I basically fired these events.

04:41.540 --> 04:46.790
I went I viewed the content you remember I added something to the cart so these are green but I never

04:46.790 --> 04:48.230
bought anything off my web.

04:48.230 --> 04:52.090
So for the moment the purchase one is red now.

04:52.100 --> 04:55.970
This is the very very clever bit the bit you don't have to worry about but this really is the magic

04:55.970 --> 04:56.980
of Facebook counts.

04:57.290 --> 05:04.310
Because if I select for example purchase what it means is that when somebody buys something from my

05:04.310 --> 05:07.070
site Facebook can see the profile.

05:07.070 --> 05:14.000
That type of person it can start to build up an idea of the sorts of people that are going to buy from

05:14.060 --> 05:15.260
my business.

05:15.470 --> 05:19.400
And then what it will do is it will send more people like that to my site.

05:19.610 --> 05:21.370
It starts to learn from itself.

05:21.380 --> 05:22.730
It's very very clever.

05:22.880 --> 05:27.710
And of course as in Facebook's interest clearly sent as much traffic as possible to your site to buy

05:27.950 --> 05:32.890
because if that happens you're obviously going to be spending more money with Facebook ads.

05:32.900 --> 05:38.150
So that's exactly what I want you to do is take the purchased event and then scroll down and talk about

05:38.450 --> 05:41.470
the all important audience.

05:41.480 --> 05:47.210
Now we're going to create a new audience and a way to scroll straight down to this location.

05:47.330 --> 05:50.270
Now by default it will have the country where you are currently residing.

05:50.360 --> 05:53.360
But what you want to do here is put in United States.

05:53.370 --> 05:56.750
We're going to target people in the U.S. to start with.

05:56.760 --> 06:00.560
Now obviously if you're already in the U.S. You don't need to do this but just select the United States

06:00.650 --> 06:01.700
as a country.

06:03.500 --> 06:09.770
Right now as we scroll down here we now get to play around with age gender and language.

06:09.770 --> 06:13.940
Now at this point we're talking about your only deal customer you are way back.

06:13.940 --> 06:18.860
We were talking about the customer Avatar the type of person who's going to buy your products.

06:19.010 --> 06:21.220
Well hopefully given that some serious thought.

06:21.230 --> 06:24.800
And if you haven't done you need to do that before you fill in this next bit.

06:25.040 --> 06:30.040
But basically that's where we're starting to define that now for our campaign.

06:30.050 --> 06:37.780
So for example with dog jewelry I know from experience that mostly it's women 35 and above.

06:37.790 --> 06:39.680
So I would put in here for the age

06:42.960 --> 06:51.920
35 select women and then here I basically want people who are English speaking the end of the day my

06:52.010 --> 06:56.400
site is in English so it doesn't make much sense to send people who aren't English speaking.

06:56.600 --> 07:01.310
Now at this point if you look over here you get this kind of barometer thing here and we get a potential

07:01.370 --> 07:05.000
reach of 66 million people.

07:05.000 --> 07:09.560
Now you might be thinking Wow that's incredible you know all I can do is get 1 percent of those and

07:09.560 --> 07:11.060
I've made a fortune.

07:11.270 --> 07:13.200
But it doesn't work like that.

07:13.340 --> 07:19.970
66 million people is way way way too broad for Facebook to start with to start to really understand

07:19.970 --> 07:25.880
your customer what you need to do in the beginning is to give Facebook a helping hand is to try and

07:25.880 --> 07:30.580
define as closely as possible the target audience your self.

07:30.770 --> 07:32.990
And then from there they will help you.

07:32.990 --> 07:38.540
But if you just give them literary too much too broad an audience in the beginning it's very difficult

07:38.540 --> 07:42.390
for them to figure out exactly who is the best person for you.

07:42.680 --> 07:48.320
So with that in mind we now come down to this detailed targeting section.

07:48.320 --> 07:53.780
So this is we're going to start to narrow down our audience now the detailed targeting relates very

07:53.780 --> 07:56.780
strongly to the buyers and communities lecture.

07:57.050 --> 08:01.460
And if you don't remember that because it was some time ago I really recommend you go back and watch

08:01.460 --> 08:01.970
that now.

08:01.970 --> 08:07.970
So basically what we've been talking about here with age gender and language use is more about the broader

08:07.970 --> 08:10.070
sense of the customer and Fatah.

08:10.290 --> 08:16.380
And now we're talking about detail targeting which is more related to the buyers and the communities.

08:16.380 --> 08:22.010
Now if you remember the buyers in communities like it was all about trying to find the people who are

08:22.100 --> 08:24.530
actually going to buy products.

08:24.680 --> 08:29.530
And I mentioned in that lecture Labradors and a product called bar box.

08:29.620 --> 08:35.970
And I'm going to use that now to show exactly how my thought processes work so I'm going to type into

08:35.970 --> 08:41.620
this first box Labrador and it's just a bunch of options.

08:41.640 --> 08:43.710
But I'm looking for the one most relevant.

08:43.830 --> 08:49.530
So I'm going to take a Labrador retriever which has nine point seven million people who are effectively

08:49.530 --> 08:51.640
liked that particular page.

08:51.790 --> 08:53.410
So take that.

08:53.410 --> 08:58.600
And now what I want to do is narrow the audience further so if you have watched that lecture on bising

08:58.650 --> 09:03.960
communities you'll remember that the Labrador retrievers find people will like Labradors but it doesn't

09:03.960 --> 09:06.140
necessarily mean they own one.

09:06.150 --> 09:12.180
But by narrowing the audience and bringing in let's say proof that people do own a Labrador then I am

09:12.180 --> 09:17.580
far more likely to hit the people who really own a Labrador and are therefore more likely to buy my

09:17.580 --> 09:18.520

09:18.720 --> 09:24.510
So I'm going to click on narrow audience and here in accordance with my lecture I'm going to type in

09:24.900 --> 09:33.390
Barch box now just to remind you bump box is a company that will deliver periodically a bunch of goodies

09:33.390 --> 09:34.410
for your dog.

09:34.560 --> 09:38.510
So if you didn't own a dog that would kind of be a weird thing to ask for.

09:38.730 --> 09:41.640
So but for me is pretty good proof.

09:41.670 --> 09:48.010
Now the last thing I want to do is just to check this box here this ex-band interest box.

09:48.180 --> 09:53.220
Now at this point you'll notice the potential reach has fallen from several million to eight hundred

09:53.280 --> 09:56.990
thousand and that is exactly the area we want to be in.

09:57.000 --> 09:58.890
In fact you might want to write this down.

09:58.920 --> 10:03.300
Your target audience when you are testing because we are testing at the moment we are basically seeing

10:03.300 --> 10:06.800
if we can sell this product to this targeted audience.

10:06.810 --> 10:14.220
Your potential reach for your targeted audience at this stage should be between 500000 and 1 million

10:14.340 --> 10:14.800

10:14.850 --> 10:15.570
All right.

10:15.570 --> 10:16.490
Write that down.

10:16.490 --> 10:18.090
That's key.

10:18.120 --> 10:22.650
So your objective here is therefore to get a target audience within that band.

10:22.680 --> 10:28.380
Now less than 500000 really Facebook doesn't have enough to work with and more than that we are giving

10:28.380 --> 10:29.770
it too much to do.

10:29.820 --> 10:32.590
So that is the sweet spot.

10:32.640 --> 10:38.910
Now before we move on to the Form what I want to say is that for this business model this is where you

10:38.910 --> 10:46.620
are going to spend the majority of your time defining your target customer is the key to success of

10:46.620 --> 10:47.340

10:47.460 --> 10:50.790
If you think about it up to this point it's been fairly formulaic.

10:50.800 --> 10:53.700
You know I can teach you how to build a Shopify store.

10:53.700 --> 10:57.930
We can go through all that we can make things look beautiful we can choose products we can get them

10:57.930 --> 10:59.000
from the Express.

10:59.130 --> 11:01.770
You are basically following a formula.

11:01.770 --> 11:07.950
But at this stage you really need to think about your customer Avatar and how you're going to apply

11:07.950 --> 11:09.720
it to your Facebook targeting.

11:09.750 --> 11:12.700
At this stage it is super super important.

11:13.080 --> 11:19.880
Or to put it another way if you don't you can find it very difficult to build out a really great business.

11:19.950 --> 11:23.190
So I trust that point is well and truly driven home.

11:23.220 --> 11:25.880
So let's carry on down through the form.

11:25.890 --> 11:30.720
Now the next thing we want to focus on are the placements now are by default.

11:30.720 --> 11:35.720
Facebook says it wants to do automatic placements for you but actually you don't want to do that.

11:35.730 --> 11:41.730
You want to click on edit placements and it pulls up all kinds of options.

11:41.820 --> 11:43.720
So to get this onto one screen here.

11:44.030 --> 11:48.240
Now first of all we have the devices mobile or desktop or both.

11:48.540 --> 11:51.010
Then we have all these various platforms.

11:51.030 --> 11:54.000
Facebook Instagram which of course is owned by Facebook.

11:54.000 --> 11:57.300
The audience network and Messenger.

11:57.300 --> 12:01.230
Now I don't want to get into a lot of detail about these different platforms.

12:01.230 --> 12:06.300
What I am going to say first of all is that what I do these days is I focus on mobile.

12:06.390 --> 12:09.570
The web goes more and more mobile every day.

12:09.570 --> 12:16.140
I'm sure you've seen the headlines and really targeting mobile is where you want to be is the best place

12:16.140 --> 12:17.310
to spend your money.

12:17.490 --> 12:23.070
So I always check on MOBA and you might see a small reduction in your potential reach but there you

12:23.070 --> 12:23.220

12:23.220 --> 12:26.240
That proves really to me how important mobile is.

12:26.250 --> 12:28.000
We've lost 10000 people.

12:28.020 --> 12:30.050
That's all from our original estimate.

12:30.420 --> 12:33.990
Now for the platforms Facebook cause is absolutely fine.

12:34.170 --> 12:40.650
Instagram if you like but what I don't do it the audience network I find that it does not bring me any

12:40.650 --> 12:41.800
decent results.

12:41.820 --> 12:49.020
The audience network is effectively advertising or Facebook off Instagram with their so called partners.

12:49.030 --> 12:50.620
It will bring you traffic.

12:50.730 --> 12:56.100
I can guarantee that but it will bring you poor quality traffic it won't bring you people who will buy

12:56.160 --> 12:59.160
your product so effectively you're wasting your money.

12:59.190 --> 13:02.120
And for me I also put messenger in that same bracket.

13:02.160 --> 13:07.790
I don't feel that it really brings me any benefit so I leave with Facebook and Instagram and then that

13:07.830 --> 13:10.790
basically is it.

13:11.130 --> 13:15.210
So I can then continue down to the all important subject of the budget.

13:15.220 --> 13:19.600
And Cheryl now the budget is set at $20.

13:19.600 --> 13:21.450
Now that is way too high.

13:21.450 --> 13:23.450
We are testing this phase.

13:23.460 --> 13:28.880
We are testing as I said before see if we can basically sell this product to this audience and we therefore

13:28.890 --> 13:31.860
do not want to be spending $20 a day.

13:31.860 --> 13:37.680
So what I suggest you do my recommendation is always to spend between three and five dollars a day thats

13:37.710 --> 13:39.410
all you need to do in this test phase.

13:39.630 --> 13:44.460
You will see that once you find a winning product and will talk about this a bit later on once you find

13:44.460 --> 13:49.440
that winning product we will scale up we will scale up our budget and I'll teach you how to do that

13:49.830 --> 13:51.750
and you'll increase that potential reach.

13:51.770 --> 13:55.750
AUDIENCE you therefore increase your exposure and you will sell more and more.

13:55.950 --> 13:58.170
But in the beginning that is not our goal.

13:58.170 --> 14:00.750
We want to keep a tight budget.

14:00.810 --> 14:06.690
So I'm simply going to put in three here and then for the rest of this we really don't need to worry

14:06.690 --> 14:07.070
about it.

14:07.080 --> 14:11.040
All of this stuff we can simply accept.

14:11.090 --> 14:11.630
So there we go.

14:11.630 --> 14:16.340
That brings us to the end of the forms that you've carefully defined your audience and you've set up

14:16.340 --> 14:17.050
a budget.

14:17.120 --> 14:23.340
Now in the next part in part two coming up any second we are going to look at setting up the ad itself.

14:23.360 --> 14:27.490
So I want you to click on that continue button and I will see you in a second.

4. Setting up your first Facebook advert (Part 2)


00:00.710 --> 00:06.860
OK welcome back to Part 2 of creating your first Facebook at now I hope you clicked on that Continue

00:06.860 --> 00:10.730
button from the previous lecture and you're now looking at this page.

00:10.730 --> 00:14.450
And on this page it's all about creating the word itself.

00:14.450 --> 00:20.090
So once again I'm going to take you through the key points so you learn as quickly as possible what

00:20.090 --> 00:21.250
this is all about.

00:21.410 --> 00:26.200
So the first thing I'd do is give it a name so I'm simply going to call it advert one.

00:26.980 --> 00:32.000
Then what you want to do is set the identity now that simply means making sure that the Facebook page

00:32.000 --> 00:34.340
is correctly associated with the Ad.

00:34.610 --> 00:38.930
So if you've only got one Facebook page which is likely there won't be any options.

00:38.930 --> 00:42.850
I have various Facebook pages my own businesses and for teaching.

00:43.010 --> 00:48.620
So I get this little dropdown list box here but just make sure the appropriate page you set up all those

00:48.620 --> 00:50.620
lectures ago is showing up here.

00:50.660 --> 00:50.960

00:50.960 --> 00:56.090
So for me Tim's super deals now let's scroll down to the format.

00:56.300 --> 01:01.580
Now there are various formats available here but to get going in this first instance we are going to

01:01.580 --> 01:03.730
focus on the single image.

01:03.730 --> 01:11.210
So I want you to select the single image and then as we scroll down here we need to add an image median

01:11.300 --> 01:18.170
image on our Facebook is all about the images and a limited amount of text as you'll see.

01:18.170 --> 01:23.570
So clearly what I want is an image of my heart shaped pendant so all I need to do is click on upload

01:23.600 --> 01:28.310
images get that from my PC.

01:31.160 --> 01:32.710
And upload.

01:33.620 --> 01:39.320
Now it might not look quite right so you can click on this little thing here and you can basically position

01:39.320 --> 01:44.060
it as you want and you see it's going to show up on Facebook and on Instagram if I click on Instagram

01:44.150 --> 01:46.900
this is how it's to look and if you click on Facebook.

01:47.000 --> 01:47.900
That's how it's going to look.

01:47.900 --> 01:48.380
All right.

01:48.470 --> 01:49.700
So if you're happy with that.

01:49.790 --> 01:52.070
Just click on Don.

01:52.220 --> 01:58.900
Now with that out of the way the next thing we want to talk about are these links now there's links

01:58.900 --> 02:03.860
section is essentially all about where the customer is going to go once they click on your ad.

02:03.860 --> 02:06.240
Where is it going to link to.

02:06.350 --> 02:10.280
So you can see already the ad over here building up because the image is there already.

02:10.460 --> 02:13.880
But what I want to draw attention to straightaway is this Web site you're on now.

02:13.880 --> 02:19.880
This is where we want them to go and where we want to go is straight to the product page not to the

02:19.880 --> 02:21.400
home page nor anywhere else.

02:21.410 --> 02:27.340
We want to bring them for continuity straight from the advert to the parent page.

02:27.350 --> 02:31.910
We want that connection and not surprise at all by what they see.

02:31.910 --> 02:36.320
Once they click on the link so to get the link just go back to your store.

02:36.320 --> 02:45.530
In this case most all grab the link itself and then paste it into here.

02:47.820 --> 02:52.500
Now what you're going to see once it's done it's going to drag in some information so straightaway that

02:52.500 --> 02:58.830
you see that it's got heart shaped pendant in the headline and I'm sure you noticed that the text where

02:58.830 --> 03:03.510
there was really nothing here at all before it's now pulled in that text that we wrote on the product

03:03.510 --> 03:06.710
description page so would you love to own this shaped dog pendant.

03:06.810 --> 03:08.630
Show your love dogs high quality.

03:08.630 --> 03:10.650
And then it's cut off because of the limited space.

03:10.670 --> 03:15.000
But you can see this coming from this right.

03:15.030 --> 03:18.600
So what we want to do is just tidy some of this up now.

03:18.660 --> 03:24.540
Now the question as I said before many lectures ago is a great way to spark interest in your products.

03:24.540 --> 03:30.690
I'm going to keep that and I'm going to do now is add my limited text right my limited over text if

03:30.690 --> 03:32.780
we go back to the ad itself as well.

03:32.850 --> 03:40.290
I had only 50 left at this discounted price so I'm going to copy that and I'm going to paste it in here

03:40.380 --> 03:40.850
like that.

03:40.860 --> 03:41.360

03:41.730 --> 03:45.620
So now we see the ad previewing on the right hand side here looks pretty good right.

03:45.630 --> 03:47.670
Would you love to own this Heart-Shaped dog pendant.

03:47.700 --> 03:49.110
Only 50 left.

03:49.120 --> 03:51.280
This discounted price.

03:51.360 --> 03:53.550
Now the headline itself that's fine.

03:53.550 --> 03:55.210
Heart shaped dog pendant.

03:55.410 --> 03:57.640
That's exactly what it is you don't get fancy with that.

03:57.670 --> 03:58.170
Oh clever.

03:58.170 --> 04:00.990
You want to say exactly what it is.

04:00.990 --> 04:03.820
But the call to action we are not learning anything here.

04:03.820 --> 04:06.370
What you want to do is to go shopping.

04:06.570 --> 04:09.250
So let's find the shop now button.

04:09.270 --> 04:10.050
That's what we want.

04:10.050 --> 04:12.990
That's our call to action if you like.

04:12.990 --> 04:17.700
Now there are various other parameters in here but quite frankly you do not need to worry about any

04:17.700 --> 04:18.150
of it.

04:18.330 --> 04:20.280
All of this should be well set up.

04:20.280 --> 04:25.650
Now we've been through everything I've taken you through every single step and you now have your very

04:25.680 --> 04:27.350
first ad set up.

04:27.360 --> 04:29.910
So there really is only one thing left to do now.

04:30.240 --> 04:34.720
And that is simply to hit the confirm button.

04:34.740 --> 04:35.850
So there we have it.

04:35.850 --> 04:39.940
Facebook has accepted the ad and I'm now looking at the ads manager.

04:39.960 --> 04:42.540
I'm going to explain all of this very very soon.

04:42.540 --> 04:48.510
Now before we move on just one point you may see when you click on that confirm button you may see that

04:48.510 --> 04:53.310
you are prompted to enter in your payment details your credit card or your pay pal or whatever it is

04:53.580 --> 04:55.470
to obviously pay for your ads.

04:55.470 --> 04:59.370
Now for me that didn't happen because I have payment systems set up already.

04:59.640 --> 05:04.080
So you may not go straight to this but if you didn't just go through the payment process set that up

05:04.310 --> 05:08.670
and once that's done you'll be looking at a page very very similar to this.

05:08.700 --> 05:14.910
So super Congratulations you have now got your first ad in place now that took quite a long time.

05:14.910 --> 05:15.890
I appreciate that.

05:16.020 --> 05:18.170
But you get better and better this.

05:18.220 --> 05:23.460
And before you know it you'll be putting all kinds of ads and campaigns together very very quickly and

05:23.460 --> 05:24.390

05:24.810 --> 05:29.850
So in the next lecture and to complete this whole demonstration campaign we're going to do what's called

05:29.940 --> 05:31.440
a split test.

05:31.440 --> 05:33.510
So see you very very soon.

5. Split testing


00:00.530 --> 00:02.820
Create your first ad is fantastic news.

00:02.820 --> 00:10.550
Now what we do at this point typically is what we call a split test sometimes called an A B test.

00:10.740 --> 00:16.860
All it is is creating a copy of your ad and changing one thing.

00:16.860 --> 00:18.100
Now why would we do that.

00:18.210 --> 00:23.920
Well we just created an ad and it's kind of like our best guess if you like.

00:24.090 --> 00:28.920
As to the best ad we could possibly come up with but we don't really know until we got there and tested

00:28.980 --> 00:29.940
on the on the market.

00:29.940 --> 00:32.400
We don't know whether it's going to respond that well or not.

00:32.640 --> 00:38.310
So what we'll do is we will basically create variations of that ad and in this case I'm just going to

00:38.310 --> 00:40.550
create one which is typically what I do.

00:40.680 --> 00:46.830
But often you'll see people create many many variations of the ad and then basically test them all and

00:46.830 --> 00:49.400
see which one performs the best.

00:49.510 --> 00:49.850

00:50.040 --> 00:52.710
And then drop the others.

00:52.710 --> 00:59.430
So you know it's basically a way of finding out by testing which one of your ads is going to perform

00:59.430 --> 01:00.270
the best.

01:00.300 --> 01:05.730
Now it's entirely up to you whether you do this is not compulsory by any means is definitely worth if

01:05.730 --> 01:07.640
you can doing one.

01:07.650 --> 01:09.660
So at least one variation.

01:09.660 --> 01:15.120
But sometimes you know for budgetary reasons for example because it will be another three dollars a

01:15.120 --> 01:16.360
day to be doing this.

01:16.500 --> 01:17.840
You may not want to do it.

01:17.850 --> 01:23.370
So I totally understand if you don't want to but if you can I would certainly suggest you do in fact

01:23.400 --> 01:27.070
I would strongly encourage you do it is very very important.

01:27.090 --> 01:34.350
So let's dive over to our Facebook ads now and see how we can actually put a split test together.

01:34.350 --> 01:39.270
So here we are and this is the screen I left you looking at at the end of The Last Lecture.

01:39.300 --> 01:42.810
And just to repeat I'm going to explain all these stats coming up.

01:42.930 --> 01:46.920
But right now I just want you to recognize we've got a campaign that we set up called the heart shaped

01:46.920 --> 01:48.790
dog pendant campaign one.

01:49.110 --> 01:54.900
So if you click on that you see as I'm sure you're an set one and what we're going to do is we're going

01:54.900 --> 01:58.010
to create a copy of the ad set.

01:58.050 --> 02:01.170
OK that's how we're going to do a spit test not to do that.

02:01.170 --> 02:02.060
It's very straightforward.

02:02.070 --> 02:11.320
Just basically select it and then here just hit duplicate and if you take existing campaign and just

02:11.320 --> 02:17.040
basically hit duplicate again then it will pull up an exact copy of your ad site as you can called it

02:17.070 --> 02:18.790
and set one copy.

02:18.790 --> 02:23.260
Now the only thing we're going to change because we're going to keep thing at the outset level exactly

02:23.260 --> 02:26.570
the same is simply the names are going to set to.

02:26.620 --> 02:27.150

02:27.450 --> 02:33.460
And click on publish and then once that's all been accepted just simply click on close.

02:33.840 --> 02:39.600
So now what you see is we have set one as we have before and now add set to as we just created.

02:39.630 --> 02:44.250
Now a clicking at set to I will get to the ad itself.

02:44.250 --> 02:45.840
So here it is.

02:45.840 --> 02:49.410
And this is where we're going to make one change.

02:49.410 --> 02:56.930
So what I want to do is click on edit this point as I just said we are going to make one change now.

02:56.950 --> 02:58.530
One the only one.

02:58.570 --> 03:05.380
Well if you step back and think about it we are wanting to test two different types of ads.

03:05.470 --> 03:11.080
We want to see whether making a change will make a difference to the number of people that are clicking

03:11.350 --> 03:14.170
and then ultimately buying from us.

03:14.180 --> 03:15.850
So I said changed two things.

03:15.850 --> 03:18.420
I changed the text and I also changed the image.

03:18.550 --> 03:22.400
And as a result I got 100 percent more sales than before.

03:22.450 --> 03:27.790
Now that will be great but I wouldn't know whether to attribute that to the change of the text or the

03:27.790 --> 03:29.330
change of the image.

03:29.350 --> 03:35.320
So by changing any one thing if I just simply change the image for example and my cells got by 100 percent

03:35.680 --> 03:39.040
that I know for sure that was all about the image.

03:39.040 --> 03:43.110
So I hope that makes it perfectly clear why we only ever change one thing.

03:43.180 --> 03:48.640
So here to change the image very very easy to just scroll down until we find the image we can click

03:48.640 --> 03:49.920
on clear images.

03:51.120 --> 03:54.950
And then we can select a different image.

03:55.140 --> 03:57.710
So take this one with the black background this time

04:03.400 --> 04:09.730
again maybe just do a little bit of editing make sure looks all rights go pretty happy with that.

04:09.740 --> 04:17.020
Let's just say and done.

04:17.100 --> 04:17.690
So that's it.

04:17.700 --> 04:20.440
We've changed one image and I've done this fairly quickly.

04:20.440 --> 04:22.560
To be honest that's not the best image that I want.

04:22.560 --> 04:27.060
I'd probably zoom in a little bit more and make that a bit clearer but I'm trying to make the point

04:27.300 --> 04:28.440
of the one change.

04:28.440 --> 04:30.530
That's what this lecture is all about.

04:30.720 --> 04:38.310
So here all I now need to do is click on publish once that's all done just click on close.

04:38.430 --> 04:43.710
Now just go back to the campaign where we started.

04:43.710 --> 04:50.730
And if you click on that link to the campaign and if I go into the ad set one you can see this is the

04:50.730 --> 04:54.760
one running with the white background.

04:55.320 --> 05:01.330
And if I go into it too you can see that's the one running with the black background.

05:01.350 --> 05:04.260
Now as I said right at the beginning it's not absolutely essential.

05:04.260 --> 05:07.640
I appreciate that we are now spending another $3 a day.

05:07.800 --> 05:14.410
But if you can really go for is a very very important part of advertising split testing AB testing what

05:14.400 --> 05:15.480
do you want to call it.

05:15.570 --> 05:21.060
And this is a very very basic example but it is enormously powerful and in the long run it can pay huge

05:21.150 --> 05:22.090

05:22.110 --> 05:28.500
So congratulations not only have we set up our first ad but we now have a split test running.

05:28.740 --> 05:33.210
So in the next lecture Let's talk about what all these numbers mean because while these ads are currently

05:33.210 --> 05:38.280
in review as you can see here they'll soon be running and we're going to start seeing numbers popping

05:38.280 --> 05:38.810
up here.

05:39.000 --> 05:41.440
So be good to know what they all mean.

6. Understanding the Adverts Manager


00:00.270 --> 00:04.620
So in this lecture I want to take the opportunity to talk about the ads manager because this is an interface

00:04.620 --> 00:06.810
that you're going to get very very familiar with.

00:06.810 --> 00:12.140
Trust me now like a lot of things it's highly complex is an enormous amount of information in here.

00:12.270 --> 00:14.840
But actually you don't need much of it at all.

00:14.850 --> 00:19.280
In fact what I'm going to show you in this lecture are the key things that you need to concentrate on.

00:19.500 --> 00:22.980
So you can run your business as efficiently as possible.

00:22.980 --> 00:29.730
Now what we have across the top here are four tabs you can view campaigns and sets an X for one set

00:30.000 --> 00:31.220
and basically we go left to right.

00:31.230 --> 00:33.870
We are going into more and more detail.

00:33.870 --> 00:40.530
So if I click on campaigns we have the campaign we set up and if I were to click on this link here is

00:40.530 --> 00:42.760
exactly the same as going to the ad sets.

00:42.780 --> 00:48.090
So if I click on this you'll see I go to the ad says and now this one is highlighted and if I click

00:48.090 --> 00:53.220
on that set I go to the AD when they had said Naoki tab.

00:53.220 --> 00:55.130
Here are the ad sets.

00:55.170 --> 00:59.600
This is where you're going to be spending most of your time to make the right decisions.

00:59.610 --> 01:03.720
I'm not saying all the information is here but certainly the key information is so I'm going to take

01:03.720 --> 01:06.530
you through this particular tapped and a bit more detail.

01:06.540 --> 01:07.970
Now this first column is the delivery.

01:07.980 --> 01:10.360
So basically they're both active at the moment.

01:10.360 --> 01:14.170
You can basically pause these will stop them entirely at any time.

01:14.190 --> 01:19.110
Now this next column results I'm going to come back to in a minute because that is the most important

01:19.110 --> 01:20.260

01:20.310 --> 01:25.200
After that we have a reach which is base enough that the people that have seen my ad and then we've

01:25.200 --> 01:29.720
got a number of impressions which is the number of times Facebook has actually shown it.

01:29.780 --> 01:34.500
Then we got a cost per result so that gives you an idea for example of how many times Facebook has had

01:34.500 --> 01:41.400
to show the ad before somebody makes a purchase after that we got things like our budget the amount

01:41.400 --> 01:44.040
spent when it's going to end our share.

01:44.070 --> 01:50.250
And if we just go slightly to the right here we find something else of minor interest that people get

01:50.250 --> 01:55.800
slightly obsessed with that is the link clicks the number of times that people have actually clicked

01:55.950 --> 01:57.180
on your link.

01:57.180 --> 02:01.910
Now just before I go back to that Maimon the results column I do want to just show you this.

02:01.920 --> 02:07.980
OK so the columns can in fact be changed so you have all kinds of preset reporting going on here.

02:08.130 --> 02:10.360
And you can in fact customize them.

02:10.380 --> 02:15.840
Now I really don't recommend particularly in the beginning you get heavily involved in this because

02:16.170 --> 02:21.560
you potentially get lost in all of these stats and get more and more confused.

02:21.600 --> 02:26.610
And what I'm doing here is I'm showing you what you really really need to focus on.

02:26.610 --> 02:30.830
I'm taking you straight to the most important info.

02:31.020 --> 02:36.930
So by all means go ahead and indulge yourself but please don't confuse yourself and just go down some

02:36.930 --> 02:37.460
rabbit hole.

02:37.470 --> 02:39.630
It's very very difficult to come out of.

02:39.630 --> 02:41.540
Just keep it simple.

02:41.550 --> 02:47.630
Now on that note I want to go back to my key column here the results.

02:47.760 --> 02:52.130
Now this is what it's all about because we are in business here.

02:52.140 --> 02:56.270
And if people don't buy things from our site we don't have a business.

02:56.280 --> 03:03.960
It's as pure and simple as that that many people seem to lose focus of that absolutely key metric.

03:03.960 --> 03:09.030
Now the reason why we're seeing perches here is because I'm sure you remember when we set up the ad

03:09.330 --> 03:14.280
we set it to record the purchase event as part of our pixel.

03:14.280 --> 03:19.870
Had we set out to cart all some of those other events that I had shown you would see a different result

03:20.340 --> 03:25.320
but I choose purchase because purchase at the end of the day is really all that matters.

03:25.320 --> 03:30.120
So what you're going to see here is if as a result of asset one you have one sale you'll see a one in

03:30.120 --> 03:30.590

03:30.720 --> 03:33.870
And if that's set to 100 cells you're going to see a 100 in here.

03:33.870 --> 03:37.780
And this is the thing that you ultimately want to keep an eye on.

03:37.790 --> 03:38.080

03:38.100 --> 03:39.360
This is the key.

03:39.530 --> 03:44.100
Now in the next couple of lectures Coming up we're going to give you some key knowledge so you can make

03:44.100 --> 03:48.430
the right decision about what you're seeing inside of your manager.

7. Scale or kill 


00:02.070 --> 00:04.260
OK this is now super exciting.

00:04.260 --> 00:12.030
We have got an ad running and we are checking every five seconds to say please put something from us

00:12.030 --> 00:14.310
right there.

00:14.370 --> 00:20.790
So what do we do now we got these two ads running and we want to know how long to run them for.

00:21.000 --> 00:27.090
And you know how do we decide whether they're performing right or you know should we stop them should

00:27.090 --> 00:30.140
we carry on should we make sure we increase our budget.

00:30.210 --> 00:31.740
What should we do.

00:31.740 --> 00:36.500
So this is a very important lecture because I've been titled this scale all killed.

00:36.510 --> 00:39.690
So we're going to scale up the ad or are we going to kill it.

00:41.470 --> 00:49.410
Now the first key thing I want you to do is to run your ad for three days or your ads depends on whether

00:49.410 --> 00:53.330
you do on the split split testing or not running for three days.

00:53.560 --> 00:55.260
Now why three days.

00:55.270 --> 01:01.120
Well it actually takes the Facebook algorithm a little bit of time 24 hours 48 hours I don't know exactly

01:01.120 --> 01:06.910
what it takes a little bit of time for it to actually start serving your ads up to the right people

01:06.970 --> 01:11.330
at a good cause is just kind of how it works is how the algorithm works.

01:11.350 --> 01:15.260
So you know I feel they do kind of scatter approach in the beginning.

01:15.260 --> 01:21.130
Obviously based on the targeting you've done and then they do kind of more clever targeting within their

01:21.130 --> 01:26.680
algorithm to actually try to identify perhaps better groups that are more likely to buy your stuff.

01:26.680 --> 01:30.010
But that process for them takes a little while and iteration.

01:30.070 --> 01:34.920
Don't worry about it too much but just accept the fact that you need to run it.

01:35.020 --> 01:38.290
It need to let your ads run for three days.

01:39.390 --> 01:43.380
Now your objective during this period is to make a profit.

01:43.390 --> 01:49.620
Surprise surprise or at least breakeven right now that might be that might seem a bit weird at least

01:49.650 --> 01:50.580

01:51.840 --> 01:54.280
You sorry I should say the least not least.

01:54.280 --> 01:56.150
But anyway you get the idea.

01:56.170 --> 02:06.340
So the reason why I cannot allow my ads to actually breakeven is because I will have acquired a customer

02:06.570 --> 02:12.460
and then later a later slide I'm going to talk about List Building the importance of a list the importance

02:12.460 --> 02:16.200
of a customer but basically just imagine you've got that customer.

02:16.210 --> 02:21.300
OK you haven't made any money out of them this time around but you will have the details of that customer.

02:21.310 --> 02:27.670
You will have the e-mail address you will have the opportunity to direct e-mail them in the future to

02:27.760 --> 02:28.800
make sales.

02:28.810 --> 02:31.090
And trust me that is very very valuable.

02:31.090 --> 02:35.310
You will make a profit down the road but maybe not straight away.

02:35.320 --> 02:40.240
So for the moment just accept that basically all you're doing is to make a profit or at least to break

02:40.330 --> 02:42.760

02:42.810 --> 02:46.890
Now the reality is that not all of your ads are going to generate sales.

02:46.920 --> 02:49.590
OK so don't expect for one moment you might get lucky.

02:49.590 --> 02:52.960
Very first one starts to generate sales and you've got you know an embarrassment of riches.

02:53.130 --> 02:57.010
But basically it's it's unlikely the odds are stacked against you.

02:57.010 --> 02:59.580
That's just how it is that's advertising whatever you do.

02:59.580 --> 03:00.430
All right.

03:00.430 --> 03:09.280
And maybe only one in 10 of them will actually make a sale of some sort.

03:09.490 --> 03:10.120

03:11.530 --> 03:19.710
So what we want to do is if after three days an ad is not performing.

03:19.830 --> 03:23.290
We've not made a profit or we've not broken even.

03:23.320 --> 03:24.860
We want to kill it.

03:25.070 --> 03:30.200
We just want to stop that ad and I would suggest being brutal about it.

03:30.250 --> 03:32.160
OK that's certainly what I do.

03:32.200 --> 03:35.440
Some people will go down the path of saying well it didn't quite work.

03:35.440 --> 03:36.900
Maybe we should change.

03:36.910 --> 03:44.250
You know our target audience a bit or maybe we should change another thing on the ad the photo whatever.

03:44.500 --> 03:50.220
Personally in my experience you can go a little bit mad with that.

03:50.490 --> 03:55.450
What I tend to do is just say OK stop I am not doing this one anymore I'm killing it.

03:55.450 --> 04:00.270
I will go and find another product I might show to the same audience that I had before.

04:00.400 --> 04:03.770
But I will basically start over and I will kill it.

04:03.790 --> 04:07.510
And by the way I'll generally leave that product on my site because what you'll find is that as you

04:07.510 --> 04:11.200
do these products will start building building up on your site.

04:11.200 --> 04:16.180
And although you might not sell it this time around as a direct with the direct Facebook advertising

04:16.600 --> 04:21.490
later on down the road when you bring somebody else into your site for perhaps another product they

04:21.490 --> 04:23.770
will see that on your site and they may well buy.

04:23.770 --> 04:28.460
I've had many many situations where people come in to buy a product and end up buying three or four

04:29.340 --> 04:33.880
of stuff that I was not successful in previous test runs.

04:33.910 --> 04:37.260
Now this is the key point.

04:37.390 --> 04:42.810
The winning ad when you get a winning ad OK that can generate the dollars.

04:42.850 --> 04:48.280
So when you read you know not all ads will generate sales maybe one in 10 probably started thinking

04:48.340 --> 04:56.560
you know wow I'm going to have to spend quite a lot here on advertising to get that one sale which is

04:56.560 --> 05:01.380
you know maybe true maybe you know you can spend tens of dollars or something like that as part of this

05:01.390 --> 05:02.920
testing process.

05:03.280 --> 05:09.310
But when you get that winning ad Trust me that's when the fun starts because that's the one that can

05:09.310 --> 05:14.440
generate you know hundreds sometimes thousands I don't get you over excited about this but if you get

05:14.440 --> 05:20.930
the right ad matched up to the right audience that's going to pay for all of the rest.

05:20.950 --> 05:26.410
Multiple times over and that is where you're going to really build your business.

05:26.410 --> 05:32.260
So that's where we're going to actually scale the winning ad we've dropped the nonperforming once we

05:32.260 --> 05:35.530
got rid of those and we're left with the winning ad.

05:35.620 --> 05:36.480

05:36.850 --> 05:41.080
We're going to drop everything else and we're going to scale this up so that we can really generate

05:41.080 --> 05:47.470
some money and then the next lecture I'm going to give you some tips on exactly how to scale.

8. How to scale correctly


00:02.480 --> 00:09.500
So you run your ad in the test period for three days and it's either created a profit or it's broken

00:09.590 --> 00:12.830
even so you have a winning test.

00:12.900 --> 00:15.060
And we talked about this in the previous lecture.

00:15.080 --> 00:16.400
You dropped all the other ones.

00:16.490 --> 00:17.630
Now what are you going to do.

00:17.630 --> 00:19.100
How are you going to scale this thing up.

00:19.100 --> 00:21.560
To start making some serious cash.

00:22.200 --> 00:30.760
Well rookie mistake number one do not be tempted to ramp it up by 100 x 100 times for example.

00:30.770 --> 00:32.560
So this is a classic mistake.

00:32.580 --> 00:34.790
You're spending $3 a day and you think.

00:34.790 --> 00:35.270

00:35.270 --> 00:36.130
I found it.

00:36.170 --> 00:43.880
I will now ramp up to $300 a day because if you do that and I can understand the temptation because

00:43.880 --> 00:49.730
suddenly going to much and enormous The not going reach a massive audience compared to before and presumably

00:49.760 --> 00:54.560
you know starts like 100 times more product and therefore 100 times more profit if you do that.

00:54.560 --> 00:58.980
What happens is you confuse believe it or not the Facebook algorithm.

00:59.000 --> 01:03.080
Ok just need to accept the Facebook and a little bit sensitive piece.

01:03.420 --> 01:08.480
And you can't just ramp up by 100 X in one go.

01:08.600 --> 01:14.440
So what it do do is you increase your budget by one and a half times.

01:14.530 --> 01:15.110

01:15.230 --> 01:23.450
So if you're spending $3 a day for example and you found the winning ad increase it to four and a half

01:23.720 --> 01:25.540
dollars a day.

01:25.550 --> 01:26.200
All right.

01:26.420 --> 01:33.950
So you go from $3 to for a half dollars and then at three and a half dollars keep that for another three

01:33.950 --> 01:34.760

01:34.760 --> 01:37.040
So we are making baby steps.

01:37.130 --> 01:42.320
And in fact this makes a huge amount of sense because not only are we not confusing the Facebook algorithm

01:42.800 --> 01:48.980
but in business is duff to suddenly make huge increases in spending when you're still not 100 percent

01:48.980 --> 01:50.000
sure about this product.

01:50.010 --> 01:54.950
Sure the test period went well but what you still want to do is make little baby steps and make sure

01:54.950 --> 01:56.980
that you're on the right path each time.

01:57.050 --> 01:57.400

01:57.560 --> 02:02.190
Each time we go see just go from $3 multiply by one and a half.

02:02.240 --> 02:07.250
So four and a half dollars and keep it for another three days.

02:07.340 --> 02:12.580
Now at the end of that three day period it's the same question you need to ask yourself or you can say

02:12.580 --> 02:17.930
it on your on your manager did you generate a profit or at least breakeven.

02:18.200 --> 02:22.330
Yeah it's a yes or no question it's very very simple to answer.

02:22.490 --> 02:27.080
If I say yes then you increase the budget by another one and a half x.

02:27.080 --> 02:29.360
So we up for a half dollars.

02:29.540 --> 02:34.670
And if I try to do that in my head we're going to end up like six dollars let's say right a little bit

02:34.670 --> 02:35.130

02:35.210 --> 02:42.310
So you know and I'll hold that for another three days and see if I can break Crear profit or breakeven.

02:42.710 --> 02:47.330
And if I do then increase it by another one and a half or three days.

02:47.330 --> 02:49.740
And so I'll go on and on like that.

02:49.760 --> 02:55.340
Now eventually you're going to get to you know spending a hundred or maybe 200 300 400 dollars a day

02:56.090 --> 03:01.700
but all the while you've been doing that you are making sales you're covering your costs very least

03:01.700 --> 03:04.760
if you're breakeven and if you're making a profit then happy days.

03:04.760 --> 03:11.930
So sticking my in the bank this is great stuff but if you don't do that what you want to do is go back

03:11.930 --> 03:14.000
to the previous budget.

03:14.000 --> 03:19.940
So any time in that in that loop of increasing the budget by one and a half X and holding it for three

03:19.940 --> 03:25.430
days if you don't make a profit just drop it down to where you before where you were before.

03:25.430 --> 03:27.200
Keep it for another three days.

03:27.320 --> 03:32.210
You know if it didn't work that time then maybe drop it back down again or if it did bring it back up

03:32.210 --> 03:32.680

03:32.770 --> 03:33.300

03:33.560 --> 03:36.840
So you are making these small changes either way.

03:37.220 --> 03:40.780
And that is how you scale correctly.

03:40.800 --> 03:41.290

03:41.320 --> 03:43.060
It's it's baby steps.

03:43.070 --> 03:45.260
It's bit by bit it's patience.

03:45.290 --> 03:52.780
It's using your hard earned money correctly and wisely in order to generate profit.

9. LuckyOrange


00:00.680 --> 00:04.300
So you started driving targeted traffic to your site.

00:04.350 --> 00:07.900
Some people are buying hopefully some people putting stuff in the cart.

00:08.010 --> 00:09.960
Some people aren't doing anything at all.

00:10.140 --> 00:15.120
Now it will be kind of cool to be able to see what was actually happening on your Web site for each

00:15.120 --> 00:15.960

00:16.380 --> 00:21.960
While you may not be aware but there are some fantastic software products out there one of them that

00:21.960 --> 00:25.340
I like in particular is this one here called Lucky orange.

00:25.500 --> 00:30.390
And basically it records everything that somebody does on your site.

00:30.390 --> 00:34.770
So it's almost as if you're looking over their shoulder as each and every one of your vistas comes to

00:34.770 --> 00:35.440
your site.

00:35.640 --> 00:36.720
So it's absolutely brilliant.

00:36.720 --> 00:42.480
For example with just identifying if there are any problem areas why people may not be adding something

00:42.480 --> 00:43.890
to the cart.

00:44.040 --> 00:50.280
You know you get to see exactly what it looks like on different supports on mobiles on on PCs on on

00:50.700 --> 00:52.020
iPads whatever it might be.

00:52.020 --> 00:54.510
You get to see all of that now.

00:54.840 --> 01:00.060
I don't think this is a long term thing that you need to do but certainly in the beginning when you're

01:00.180 --> 01:05.040
when you're basically getting started and you want to be sure you want to be confident that your site

01:05.070 --> 01:09.630
is performing to its best ability and you haven't missed out any tricks.

01:09.640 --> 01:12.660
So yeah you have the site as you can see by now.

01:12.690 --> 01:16.160
Lucky orange which does exactly that.

01:16.170 --> 01:17.190
I mean watch going here.

01:17.190 --> 01:19.850
What's the what's there little video on our home page.

01:19.850 --> 01:21.340
It's it's very intuitive.

01:21.480 --> 01:27.170
You'll see straightaway you know make use of the free trial if you want to use it then it's I think

01:27.230 --> 01:33.050
something like $10 a month but I'm not sure that's that's necessary that's entirely up to you.

01:34.050 --> 01:35.900
It's not the only game in town either.

01:35.910 --> 01:40.750
Of course this is another site called Harjo which does more or less the same sort of thing.

01:40.800 --> 01:45.990
And of course you know there are several if you if you google lucky orange competitors for example you're

01:45.990 --> 01:47.650
going to bump into a handful of these.

01:47.910 --> 01:52.230
I'm only drawing attention to these two because I'd use both of them personally I think they're great.

01:52.230 --> 01:54.680
They fit the bill very very well for what we're doing.

01:55.170 --> 01:58.440
So yeah definitely make use of these as always.

01:58.440 --> 02:02.730
Don't get obsessed by these sorts of things they're not the no silver bullet to solve all your problems

02:02.730 --> 02:06.250
or anything but they are definitely definitely extremely useful.

10. Rinse and Repeat - taking it to the next level !


00:01.940 --> 00:06.410
So let's just take a step back and think about where we are right now because this is pretty cool stuff.

00:06.620 --> 00:13.730
You know we have learned a huge amount here so no one is talking about markets and how to identify markets

00:13.760 --> 00:17.410
how to identify products within those markets that are going to sell.

00:17.420 --> 00:21.590
And also the types of customers that are going to buy them through our customer avatar.

00:21.980 --> 00:28.580
We are now put in place a process via Facebook where we can target those types of people and we can

00:28.580 --> 00:35.450
bring them straight to our site in order they will buy them and not only that but we have a system in

00:35.450 --> 00:43.760
place a basic powerful system in place that we can easily follow to ramp up ads that are working and

00:43.760 --> 00:46.160
kill those that aren't.

00:46.190 --> 00:52.520
So in short you now have all the knowledge you need to rinse and repeat.

00:52.550 --> 00:53.370

00:53.390 --> 00:59.390
You know basically all you got to do now is go out find them all products find markets if you want find

00:59.390 --> 01:01.070
products in those markets.

01:01.070 --> 01:05.380
Test customer Avatar's you know build new ads.

01:05.420 --> 01:06.920
Go through that process.

01:06.920 --> 01:12.710
Weve been through in the last 20 or lectures or so and just keep rinsing it you know go over and over

01:12.710 --> 01:19.170
again and repeat repeat rinse rinse take the money from it each time and just keep going.

01:19.170 --> 01:23.630
But you're going to learn show you going to make mistakes but you can to learn on the way and you're

01:23.630 --> 01:29.360
going to start to make money and that you're going to start to realize how powerful this business model

01:29.420 --> 01:31.430
actually is.

01:31.430 --> 01:34.250
So go for it you know take it to the next level.

01:34.270 --> 01:35.450
It's entirely up to you.

01:35.450 --> 01:37.670
Now you know I'm giving you the wings.

01:37.850 --> 01:38.770
Now you can fly.

01:38.780 --> 01:40.430
So really really go for.

01:40.420 --> 01:41.570
I wish you the best of luck.

01:41.570 --> 01:43.670
Now clearly we're not done yet.

01:43.680 --> 01:49.490
We got we got a lot to discuss and I've got a lot more stuff for you which is going to help you even

01:49.490 --> 01:50.000

8. Retargeting

1. What is retargeting 


00:01.050 --> 00:04.980
OK this is fantastic because now we've reached an amazing milestone.

00:04.980 --> 00:10.410
I mean not only do you have a fully functioning website with some great products on it but you're driving

00:10.420 --> 00:12.980
laser targeted traffic to it.

00:12.990 --> 00:16.560
You know with your ads that you're now testing I mean I know it's early days.

00:16.560 --> 00:21.330
We've got an awful lot more to show you here but this is really really great stuff so if you're still

00:21.330 --> 00:23.690
with me congratulations.

00:23.700 --> 00:30.430
Now a subject that comes up quickly after we talk about appetising is retargeting.

00:30.450 --> 00:34.680
Now if you don't know what retargeting is you're in exactly the right spot because I'm about to answer

00:34.680 --> 00:36.320
that question right now.

00:36.420 --> 00:39.170
So what is a retargeting.

00:39.600 --> 00:48.060
Well basically when a visitor comes to your site we will track their actions so we can target them later.

00:48.060 --> 00:49.800
All right so they're going to come to our site.

00:49.830 --> 00:54.760
They might do all kinds of stuff and we're going to gather information about them not personal information.

00:54.760 --> 00:55.170
Don't worry about.

00:55.170 --> 00:57.070
This is an intrusion of privacy and thing.

00:57.120 --> 00:59.370
We're tracking that actions where they click.

00:59.370 --> 01:03.010
Maybe the products they look at whether they buy where they put stuff in the car.

01:03.150 --> 01:04.350
These kinds of actions.

01:04.360 --> 01:04.670

01:04.890 --> 01:08.450
So that we can go back to them later.

01:08.460 --> 01:11.060
So let's think about that in a little bit more detail.

01:11.520 --> 01:14.250
So what might they actually do on our site.

01:14.490 --> 01:18.160
Well it just mentioned a couple but you know they could buy a product.

01:18.270 --> 01:19.990
Pretty straightforward.

01:20.040 --> 01:23.020
They might put something in the cart and not buy it.

01:23.070 --> 01:27.900
What we call an abandoned cart that can happen in fact that happens a lot.

01:27.900 --> 01:29.760
People put stuff in the cart.

01:29.970 --> 01:34.910
They fill out all of their details their address their e-mail and everything there.

01:35.190 --> 01:38.640
But for whatever reason they don't actually press the by button.

01:39.240 --> 01:41.850
We'd like to go back to those people.

01:42.180 --> 01:46.590
Well they might just browse products they might just browse around your Web site looking at various

01:46.590 --> 01:51.990
products they might come back to your site periodically but not actually be doing anything or you know

01:51.990 --> 01:55.950
maybe they they have bought something in the past and now they're coming back but they don't seem to

01:55.950 --> 01:57.600
be buying again whatever it might be.

01:57.600 --> 02:03.930
But you can start to get a picture of all kinds of different actions that people are taking on your

02:03.930 --> 02:05.940
Web site as they browse around.

02:05.940 --> 02:10.030
You've probably seen now with Lucky orange for example if you've used that one of my tips earlier on

02:10.440 --> 02:15.750
you can see in fact how people move around your site is quite intriguing to watch those replays.

02:15.900 --> 02:18.800
That gives you an idea as well.

02:18.810 --> 02:22.120
Now how can we target them.

02:22.140 --> 02:24.360
So this is at a very high level yeah.

02:24.390 --> 02:27.110
But just to put some thoughts in your head here.

02:27.570 --> 02:32.220
Well one of the things that we can do is send them an e-mail and I put in here if we have an abandoned

02:32.220 --> 02:34.430
car just talked about the abandoned cars.

02:34.440 --> 02:34.740

02:34.740 --> 02:38.790
The fact that we have an e-mail so it makes an awful lot of sense to send an e-mail to somebody and

02:38.790 --> 02:44.170
say hey you know I see you are basically on the point to buy my product.

02:44.400 --> 02:47.700
You know here's a link to it please please come on by.

02:47.700 --> 02:49.670
Not quite as aggressive.

02:50.000 --> 02:54.800
I'll teach you a much nicer way of doing it but you get the idea.

02:54.870 --> 03:01.500
We could show them ads on Facebook related to our site if they're browsing around particular products

03:01.530 --> 03:04.880
but not actually buying them but genuinely seemed to be showing an interest.

03:04.890 --> 03:12.990
We could show those ads on Facebook at a later stage and we could also show those ads on other sites.

03:12.990 --> 03:20.850
Now I'm sure that you've been onto a site e-commerce whatever could be any any site where you are looking

03:20.850 --> 03:25.020
to buy something and then half an hour later you're looking at a completely different site.

03:25.020 --> 03:31.530
You know that you're in excuse me that is of interest to you and suddenly there's an ad there that completely

03:31.530 --> 03:33.670
relates the product that you were just looking at.

03:33.930 --> 03:36.330
It's kind of a bit spooky feels like it's falling around right.

03:36.330 --> 03:37.360
It's kind of odd.

03:37.500 --> 03:40.630
That is retargeting in action.

03:40.980 --> 03:44.770
So they go retargeting is a massive massive subject.

03:44.820 --> 03:49.590
I'm going to introduce you to sing some the basic principles and some of the great things that we can

03:49.590 --> 03:55.410
do with retargeting but in a nutshell that explains what retargeting is.

2. What are the advantages of retargeting 


00:01.620 --> 00:07.960
Sort of establish what retargeting is and I've given you some ideas about how we might actually go about

00:07.960 --> 00:08.560
doing it.

00:08.710 --> 00:11.570
But what are the real advantages.

00:11.590 --> 00:13.540
Does this thing really work.

00:13.540 --> 00:15.660
Is it worth it.

00:15.700 --> 00:21.790
So one of the major things that retargeting can do is bring in new customers.

00:21.790 --> 00:29.800
So what I mean by this is it's a fairly rare event that somebody will come to your site completely new

00:29.890 --> 00:33.490
they've never ever heard of you and just buy something from me.

00:33.550 --> 00:35.250
It does happen for sure.

00:35.290 --> 00:41.050
It will happen no question but it's you know it's against the odds to a certain extent.

00:41.050 --> 00:46.210
We like to feel confident from the person that we're buying from.

00:46.210 --> 00:54.430
And in order to do that we need to see a brand or product or a name around the place quite a bit before

00:54.430 --> 00:59.030
we you know feel at ease with going in and buying it is just how we are.

00:59.110 --> 01:00.680
It's human nature.

01:01.300 --> 01:07.100
So basically imagine you've got somebody coming to your store a lot and clicking around but not buying.

01:07.100 --> 01:12.700
Yeah so they're not a new customer yet when they go back to the back to the internet go back to Facebook

01:12.700 --> 01:17.500
or start browsing around then they start seeing all your products following them around.

01:17.500 --> 01:18.120

01:18.160 --> 01:23.980
As I explained before subliminally they're getting exposed to your name and to your brand and they start

01:23.980 --> 01:25.480
to feel more comfortable with it.

01:25.630 --> 01:30.790
So when they come back are the three retargeting or maybe an ad put on there later or whatever it might

01:30.790 --> 01:31.690

01:31.690 --> 01:34.660
Now they're no longer a cold customer.

01:34.660 --> 01:40.060
We warmed them up as marketers say now we're warming them up to the point with a heart where they're

01:40.060 --> 01:43.110
actually going to buy but they're no longer stone cold.

01:43.270 --> 01:51.260
So the process that process of retargeting will bring in new customers is part of the process.

01:51.400 --> 01:56.090
Now we can also sell more products to existing customers.

01:56.100 --> 02:00.890
You know I alluded to using the e-mail for example to go back to people.

02:01.000 --> 02:02.920
We can do more complicated stuff than that.

02:02.920 --> 02:08.530
The e-mails are a simple example it's extremely powerful but you know once we got a product everybody

02:08.530 --> 02:14.320
knows that selling to an existing customer is a lot more easier than selling to a new customer.

02:14.560 --> 02:17.990
So we want to re target those existing customers.

02:20.090 --> 02:23.960
And I can tell you that it is very very effective.

02:24.290 --> 02:27.500
So I definitely want you to give this the time of day.

02:27.740 --> 02:34.220
But I do not want you to waste an awful lot of time on it and an awful lot of money because there are

02:34.220 --> 02:38.740
many different techniques and it can get very complex.

02:38.790 --> 02:44.520
The last thing I wanted to do is to get lost in all this and lose focus on your main purpose here.

02:44.660 --> 02:49.600
Particularly if your early stage with e-commerce so I'm going to keep it simple for you.

02:49.670 --> 02:55.160
And in fact in the next lecture I'm going to talk about whether retargeting is even suitable for you

02:55.280 --> 02:56.550
at this stage.

3. Should you do retargeting at this stage 


00:00.600 --> 00:05.360
So we're all excited about retargeting that's for sure.

00:05.760 --> 00:08.500
But should he be doing it at this stage.

00:08.520 --> 00:08.970

00:08.970 --> 00:10.770
And in fact what I mean by at this stage.

00:10.770 --> 00:19.470
Well most of the people that do my course this course are beginners with e-commerce or perhaps struggling

00:19.470 --> 00:22.620
a little bit and looking for some good techniques.

00:22.620 --> 00:29.080
So this is sort of mainly focused those people sort of beginner people in e-commerce.

00:29.310 --> 00:33.700
And by this point you know I've given you a massive amount of information.

00:33.900 --> 00:39.420
So what I don't want to do is layer on more complexity for you a case of what I'm trying to do here

00:39.420 --> 00:47.460
is guide you through the minefield to you know the absolute most proper way of doing this and not lead

00:47.460 --> 00:51.820
you down some path that just leads and frustration and loss of money for yourself.

00:51.870 --> 00:52.430

00:52.770 --> 00:56.800
So in a nutshell should you be doing at this stage.

00:56.880 --> 01:01.770
Yes but use free techniques in the beginning.

01:01.830 --> 01:08.520
OK I do not want to be spending money on retargeting there are some very tempting and all kinds of amazing

01:08.520 --> 01:09.670
products that you can buy.

01:09.690 --> 01:15.210
They actually start right at googling retargeting you're going to find all kinds of great promises.

01:15.220 --> 01:15.950

01:16.140 --> 01:21.330
I know you can do what you want obviously but I really would prefer that you didn't do that right now.

01:21.330 --> 01:27.240
So what I want to do is just introduce you to a couple of basic free techniques that you already have.

01:27.420 --> 01:38.310
OK that's going to give you a great great start and then move to more advanced techniques only.

01:38.310 --> 01:38.700
All right.

01:38.710 --> 01:40.470
Not done that in a different color.

01:40.770 --> 01:46.530
When you're comfortable with Facebook advertising and you are making a profit.

01:46.630 --> 01:48.520
OK this is really really important.

01:48.530 --> 01:51.100
You need the model to be working for you.

01:51.180 --> 01:51.690

01:51.840 --> 01:55.390
Sometimes that's quick to happen sometimes it takes longer.

01:55.500 --> 01:58.730
You know it it'll definitely happen at some point you know.

01:58.730 --> 02:00.450
Never ever give up with this.

02:00.600 --> 02:09.150
But basically you need to have this thing working profitably for you to then start spending money on

02:09.150 --> 02:10.530

02:10.530 --> 02:11.330
All right.

02:11.430 --> 02:16.380
This is not a situation you want to get into where maybe your ads aren't working and you think oh my

02:16.380 --> 02:18.780
god what I'm going to do now is I'm not going to kill them.

02:18.780 --> 02:23.760
As Tim told me I'm going to start retargeting them all over the place and start spending even more money.

02:23.760 --> 02:25.910
Don't get in that loop ok.

02:25.950 --> 02:33.440
Make sure you've got a profitable business model before you start retargeting later on so we can look

02:33.440 --> 02:36.180
at a couple of free techniques in the next two lectures.

02:36.320 --> 02:36.850
See in a moment.

4. Technique #1 - Abandoned cart recovery


00:00.450 --> 00:07.710
So let's have a look at the first free technique subtly included in your Shopify plan which is you know

00:07.710 --> 00:10.140
recovering an abandoned cart.

00:10.140 --> 00:12.510
And first of all let's answer the question.

00:12.540 --> 00:14.850
Why is it so important.

00:15.360 --> 00:22.260
Well you may or may not realize but 67 percent two thirds of carts get abandoned.

00:22.360 --> 00:22.710
All right.

00:22.710 --> 00:28.770
So basically somebody fills in all the details but they do not go on to buy ok for whatever reason there

00:28.770 --> 00:33.000
are a whole slew of reasons for that could happen.

00:33.030 --> 00:33.900
Now what.

00:33.900 --> 00:41.520
Abandoned car recovery can do is convert right up to 50 percent of the abandoned cars into sales.

00:41.520 --> 00:47.250
So imagine that you've got a huge number of abandoned cars just sitting there but abandoned car recovery

00:47.250 --> 00:51.930
software can pick those up and basically convert them into sales right.

00:51.930 --> 00:54.860
That's pretty exciting static just and think about that.

00:55.210 --> 00:57.890
So look let me give you an example of that.

00:57.900 --> 01:05.220
So let's take an example month where we have ten thousand dollars worth of products that are added to

01:05.220 --> 01:07.830
the cart right on your store.

01:07.830 --> 01:16.380
Now if we consider that 60 plus 67 percent of those are abandoned that means our final sales will be

01:16.520 --> 01:18.080
3300 right.

01:18.090 --> 01:23.250
So basically we have lost if you like $6700

01:25.950 --> 01:33.840
So if we implement an abandoned cart recovery strategy then and we recover up to 50 percent of those

01:34.320 --> 01:38.130
We're going to add another three thousand three hundred fifty two.

01:38.130 --> 01:39.010
The bottom line.

01:39.030 --> 01:39.930

01:40.080 --> 01:44.480
So I know those are sort of very broad figures right.

01:44.490 --> 01:46.190
But it illustrates the point.

01:46.440 --> 01:50.880
And I'm saying up to these are definitely not figures that you know you can you can hang your hat on.

01:50.880 --> 01:51.270
All right.

01:51.300 --> 01:55.290
These are I'm giving these as general figures to make the point.

01:55.410 --> 01:59.600
But I hope you realize straight away why it is so important.

02:00.180 --> 02:04.490
So let's go have a look at how we're actually going to do this on shoptalk.

02:04.500 --> 02:07.720
So in order to illustrate this I'm going to actually abandon a cart.

02:07.740 --> 02:15.490
So let me put this heart shaped pendant into my cart click on the cart and then I'm going to head to

02:15.550 --> 02:16.880
the checkout.

02:17.020 --> 02:21.550
Now at this point I'm not going to proceed any further to the payments of effectively abandoned the

02:21.550 --> 02:22.320

02:22.330 --> 02:27.310
Now something things important to note is that Shopify will need the email address of somebody to send

02:27.310 --> 02:27.510

02:27.520 --> 02:31.790
Clearly a reminder email you'll see exactly how this is going to work in a minute.

02:31.810 --> 02:36.200
So if something is simply just add something to the cart and then doesn't proceed to give any of other

02:36.220 --> 02:37.450
personal details.

02:37.510 --> 02:41.830
It will be impossible for them in this instance to send a reminder e-mail.

02:41.830 --> 02:43.200
So that's what I've done here.

02:43.210 --> 02:45.940
So I can fully illustrate the whole process.

02:45.940 --> 02:50.680
So let's head back over to the Shopify admin and see how that's been recorded.

02:50.840 --> 02:52.530
Some over here on the order page.

02:52.540 --> 02:57.060
Now I'm going to go to abandoned carts and up it comes.

02:57.070 --> 03:00.830
This is my abandoned cart that I made now 49 minutes ago.

03:01.000 --> 03:06.630
And if I click on it you will see all the typical things that you see associated with an older address

03:06.930 --> 03:08.330
item cetera.

03:08.560 --> 03:12.580
But at the top here we have an e-mail link.

03:12.580 --> 03:17.440
And if I was to e-mail that directly to the customer and they were to click on it it would take them

03:17.470 --> 03:21.020
straight to the checkout where all they have to do is pay.

03:21.040 --> 03:25.580
So they're making it as easy as possible for that payment to happen.

03:25.600 --> 03:26.960
So in order to do that.

03:26.980 --> 03:31.230
All I need to do is click on this send a account recovery e-mail feature.

03:31.570 --> 03:35.840
And here I can change the subject or a custom message which is entirely up to you.

03:35.980 --> 03:42.400
But if you click on review e-mail you will see that Shopify has already prepared a very nice looking

03:42.400 --> 03:43.150

03:43.510 --> 03:45.410
So you left an item in your cart.

03:45.510 --> 03:49.480
Hi you added an item to your card and haven't completed your purchase etc..

03:49.870 --> 03:55.000
And all I would have to do is click on this button items in your cart and they be taken straight to

03:55.120 --> 03:57.010
that payment process.

03:57.010 --> 04:02.000
Now the only thing I do as a little extra here is a little tip if you like is in this subject.

04:02.200 --> 04:07.300
I like to put the name of my store before the complete purchase because people get so much e-mail these

04:07.300 --> 04:12.480
days you want them to recognize the store from which they have abandoned their card.

04:12.610 --> 04:13.610
So I'd like to do that.

04:13.630 --> 04:16.320
I find it's an important feature if you want to do that too.

04:16.340 --> 04:21.640
All you've got to do is go back and put it in here in front of your complete your purchase but otherwise

04:21.640 --> 04:25.560
you've got a great looking e-mail and you could just basically send that off.

04:25.570 --> 04:30.730
Now that's a manual process which is fine but if you cast your mind back to what we were talking about

04:30.940 --> 04:36.010
only a few minutes ago was illustrating the possibility of having ten thousand dollars worth of sales

04:36.340 --> 04:42.810
and two thirds of that being abandoned we're talking about a lot of abandoned cat emails going out.

04:42.820 --> 04:47.510
So what we want to look at now is how we can automate the whole process.

04:47.650 --> 04:52.600
So if we come out of this we do actually have here and you may have just noticed to automate abandoned

04:52.600 --> 04:59.020
checkout notifications adjust your checkout settings so I could click on that or I can get to it from

04:59.050 --> 05:00.710
the settings as well.

05:01.700 --> 05:04.240
And just go to check out.

05:04.310 --> 05:06.110
Now here we scroll down.

05:06.120 --> 05:13.850
We're going to see the abandoned checkout section OK and checked off by default is the automatically

05:13.850 --> 05:16.080
send abandoned check out e-mails.

05:16.100 --> 05:18.740
So all we got to do is just check that on.

05:18.800 --> 05:23.120
Now we've got a couple of decisions to make are we going to send to anyone who abandons the checkout

05:23.390 --> 05:26.520
or anyone who has an e-mail subscriber who has abandoned the checkout.

05:26.540 --> 05:29.600
Well I would tend to go with this one.

05:29.600 --> 05:35.130
And then after that we need to decide how soon after they in the checkout are we going to send the e-mail

05:35.510 --> 05:40.030
and you'll see that Shopify is recommending one hour and that's not by any kind of chance.

05:40.040 --> 05:42.670
That is absolutely the best thing to do.

05:42.680 --> 05:47.410
You want to get them as soon as possible because you want them still to be hot.

05:47.420 --> 05:52.910
If you leave it too long they may have changed their mind about the product and decide they're not going

05:52.910 --> 05:53.920
to buy it.

05:53.960 --> 05:59.300
So you want to basically hit them when it's still fresh in their mind and try to encourage them back

05:59.300 --> 06:00.660
to the store.

06:00.890 --> 06:01.490
So there we go.

06:01.490 --> 06:02.000
That's it.

06:02.000 --> 06:07.820
I hope we can see how simple and powerful it is to implement this kind of retargeting.

5. Technique #2 - Direct email


00:01.830 --> 00:10.680
So another great free technique is direct email you know basically sending emails to people now you

00:10.680 --> 00:18.180
know I'm not sure if you're aware but email which has been around for more than 20 years now is still

00:18.240 --> 00:21.900
the most effective form of direct marketing when done properly.

00:21.900 --> 00:26.670
That's the bit missing from that bullet point right there it is by all these amazing advancements in

00:26.670 --> 00:27.410

00:27.420 --> 00:32.540
If you have some please e-mail address and you're able to communicate with them properly through e-mail.

00:32.580 --> 00:36.470
It continues to be the most effective and it's free.

00:36.540 --> 00:39.320
So we need to pay it some serious respect.

00:41.210 --> 00:47.030
Now obviously a Rule number one here is do not spam.

00:47.220 --> 00:52.790
Yep would be the quickest way to get your domain blacklisted and all of your e-mails going into the

00:52.790 --> 00:53.330

00:53.390 --> 00:56.990
If they even make it through the spam filter at all.

00:57.270 --> 01:06.690
So when you write e-mail to people and I'll talk about which people in a minute are going to imagine

01:06.690 --> 01:09.490
that you're having a real life conversation.

01:09.570 --> 01:12.860
If you met somebody in real life you wouldn't say them you know.

01:12.900 --> 01:14.510
You just met them and you say come over here.

01:14.530 --> 01:15.450
I'm a product.

01:15.460 --> 01:16.030
Not at all.

01:16.080 --> 01:21.370
You might say hey you know I'd like to show you my store and look around the bed or if they're last.

01:21.370 --> 01:23.850
They were previously a customer you might say.

01:23.850 --> 01:24.540
Welcome back.

01:24.570 --> 01:25.860
Remember you.

01:25.890 --> 01:28.740
I want to show you some of my new products.

01:28.860 --> 01:29.900

01:30.150 --> 01:37.300
You want to sort of weave that kind of language into your e-mails.

01:37.830 --> 01:45.330
Now at this stage because we're very early stage all this retargeting stuff we're talking about existing

01:45.330 --> 01:49.200
customers that we're going to promote new products too.

01:49.430 --> 01:53.580
Because those are the ones that we have the e-mails for the ones that are bought from us.

01:53.580 --> 01:58.380
We're going to keep their e-mails on spot and Shopify will keep it for you.

01:58.620 --> 02:00.050
So don't worry about that.

02:00.210 --> 02:06.720
But you know we are basically going to be targeting existing customers because we have their e-mails

02:09.150 --> 02:15.360
and what we're going to do is we will do it manually to start with and we will say no more than one

02:15.480 --> 02:16.640
every 10 days.

02:16.830 --> 02:18.830
So let's think about a real world example.

02:18.900 --> 02:22.940
You've got some customer who's bought something of you and you've got an e-mail.

02:22.950 --> 02:23.790

02:23.820 --> 02:30.290
Now you put on a two or three more products on your site.

02:30.360 --> 02:38.720
Now you want to construct a nice e-mail and send it to that customer you know along the lines of you

02:38.720 --> 02:41.930
know hey you're a valued customer blah blah blah.

02:42.750 --> 02:46.310
We've added some new products to our store which we thought you might be interested in.

02:46.440 --> 02:51.120
Something along those lines that you do once every 10 days.

02:51.150 --> 02:57.480
You know do not start doing it a lot because you will you're upset the customer and that's the last

02:57.480 --> 03:00.070
thing you want because you know then they'll get annoyed.

03:00.070 --> 03:03.960
Does that delete your emails and they'll forget about your store entirely.

03:04.140 --> 03:06.080
But it really is as simple as that at this stage.

03:06.090 --> 03:12.060
Getting real gathering your e-mails maybe putting some or an automated calendar to have a look at something

03:12.090 --> 03:16.260
every 10 days to see if you can send out e-mails for any new products that you might have had at your

03:16.260 --> 03:20.260
store and keep it as simple as that.

03:20.280 --> 03:27.770
Now e-mail marketing is like all the subjects it can get very complicated and get massive.

03:27.870 --> 03:28.430

03:28.530 --> 03:33.390
And if you google around that email marks and you quickly get a pump into companies like MailChimp and

03:33.470 --> 03:38.760
a Weber and these are amazing pieces of software that can can automate your e-mail process they can

03:38.760 --> 03:43.450
make it look extremely professional with templates and all kinds of very very cool stuff.

03:43.530 --> 03:46.520
And of course there is a monthly fee associated with that as well.

03:46.650 --> 03:50.030
In the beginning you don't really need to worry about this.

03:50.070 --> 03:52.980
OK in the beginning you have a certain number of sales.

03:53.160 --> 03:58.020
Maybe once you start getting over one or two hundred e-mails you want might want to at that point start

03:58.020 --> 04:00.930
looking at some of these more complex packages.

04:01.020 --> 04:06.530
But right now just keep it simple manage your own list treat it with respect.

04:06.720 --> 04:12.900
Send out to existing customers when you've got new products and invite them back to your store to view

04:12.900 --> 04:16.210
them in a very nice manner and you'll be fine.

6. Technique #3 - Retargeting with Facebook


00:03.000 --> 00:11.460
So it just looked at two very powerful free and relatively simple techniques to retarget people back

00:11.490 --> 00:12.790
to your site.

00:12.840 --> 00:17.320
So you start to get a feel of what this whole retargeting thing is all about by now I'm sure.

00:17.400 --> 00:23.160
Now I said in a previous lecture that you know you should use those free techniques until you start

00:23.160 --> 00:26.820
to get you know your whole business is starting to grow.

00:26.860 --> 00:31.040
You're starting to make money you're starting to make you know decent profit.

00:31.360 --> 00:38.350
And once you've got to that point you then might want to start looking at retargeting with Facebook.

00:38.460 --> 00:43.230
Now this is a huge subject and in fact it's growing as well.

00:43.230 --> 00:47.340
It's amazing what you can do with Facebook in terms of retargeting.

00:47.370 --> 00:56.070
So this lecture is relatively short and the idea here is to just whet your appetite as to what is possible.

00:56.070 --> 01:04.320
So I'm going to start with a very simple example which is going to get your creative juices thinking

01:04.380 --> 01:11.070
of what's possible okay but just to repeat please don't get bogged down in this unless you are really

01:11.190 --> 01:13.790
doing starting to do really quite well with your site.

01:13.800 --> 01:19.560
And you've got a bit of money in the bank to play with this because of course this is a paid technique

01:19.560 --> 01:21.830
right unlike the last two.

01:22.590 --> 01:29.130
So what I'm going to look at is how are you going to get people back to your site who previously visited

01:29.130 --> 01:30.160

01:30.720 --> 01:36.940
So basically people who've come to your site and they've done whatever on your site whether they bought

01:36.940 --> 01:40.090
or whether they had a ticket where they just have a look whatever it might be.

01:40.140 --> 01:42.990
We want to basically bring those people back.

01:43.020 --> 01:48.190
OK so that's a very simple problem equation whatever that we want to solve.

01:48.210 --> 01:48.730

01:48.900 --> 01:54.810
And of course we're talking about people who have a Facebook account or Facebook can't retarget people

01:55.080 --> 01:56.300
on any Web site.

01:56.310 --> 01:59.610
They've got to have a Facebook account in the first place.

01:59.610 --> 02:03.710
Now there's 1.7 billion or whatever it is people with Facebook accounts.

02:03.730 --> 02:08.430
There's a good chance but we're not talking about everybody here on the Internet is purely people with

02:08.430 --> 02:09.860
Facebook accounts.

02:09.870 --> 02:13.430
So let me show you how you can set this up.

02:13.620 --> 02:18.030
So the first thing you want to do is from your menu system you want to find the audience's server click

02:18.040 --> 02:19.760
and to hear it all.

02:19.780 --> 02:24.210
All I can here under assets and again yours might be a slightly different set up but you'll be able

02:24.210 --> 02:29.010
to find it relatively easy so once you're there just click on audiences and you'll be presented with

02:29.010 --> 02:29.570
this page.

02:29.590 --> 02:31.710
Reach the people who matter to you.

02:31.710 --> 02:36.840
You can see there are three options there are accustomed audiences lookalike audiences and saved audiences.

02:36.840 --> 02:39.370
And what I'm going to talk about are custom audiences.

02:39.420 --> 02:41.580
Right now this is the one you want to get going with.

02:41.610 --> 02:46.140
In the first place should you choose to do this for of retargeting.

02:46.140 --> 02:51.660
And if you read it says connect with the people who have already shown an interest in your business

02:51.900 --> 02:52.920
or product OK.

02:52.920 --> 02:54.140
That's the key.

02:54.170 --> 02:54.710

02:54.840 --> 03:00.530
You can create audiences from your custom contacts Web site traffic or mobile app.

03:00.690 --> 03:06.090
Well in the beginning we don't have any customer contacts and we don't have a mobile app to talk about

03:06.090 --> 03:06.450

03:06.450 --> 03:10.510
So what we're going to be talking about is primarily Web site traffic.

03:10.800 --> 03:15.770
So if we click on Create a custom audience you get a bunch more options.

03:15.780 --> 03:17.400
Now I told you this is complicated.

03:17.400 --> 03:22.740
So again I'm taking you to the most effective way to start this in the beginning and what you want to

03:22.740 --> 03:25.410
go with is Web site traffic OK.

03:25.440 --> 03:31.920
Create a list of people who visited your web site or took specific actions using the Facebook pixel

03:32.220 --> 03:33.810
all the things that we've set up in the past.

03:33.810 --> 03:36.860
We can now start to really leverage and get the advantage of.

03:37.230 --> 03:43.380
So when I click on Web site traffic I get this form that pops up create my custom audience.

03:43.380 --> 03:48.040
Now what this will do will retarget if you just look at these defaults here.

03:48.180 --> 03:55.620
All of my web site visitors in the past 30 days so anybody who had visited my site in the last 30 days

03:56.040 --> 04:01.430
I can create an audience and then I can re target them on Facebook.

04:01.530 --> 04:03.960
OK that is enormously powerful.

04:03.960 --> 04:09.360
Now if we just explore a little bit further and click on this drop down arrow we do get various other

04:09.360 --> 04:12.770
options people who visited aspecific web page on my site.

04:12.780 --> 04:14.700
I might want to target or if we get on here.

04:14.700 --> 04:19.400
But further an add to cart or maybe just viewed any page.

04:19.770 --> 04:24.030
But if we just leave it the simplest version for the time being or web site visitors.

04:24.300 --> 04:29.040
So that I can demonstrate to you how we would actually use this then I'm just going to give it an audience

04:29.040 --> 04:33.320
name so I'm going to call it all web site visitors

04:37.900 --> 04:40.190
last 30 days.

04:40.300 --> 04:40.690

04:40.780 --> 04:43.630
And of course I could change that number I could go 30 days or 60 days.

04:43.750 --> 04:46.450
30 days is a pretty good starting point.

04:46.540 --> 04:54.230
So that's all I want to do is create my audience and you arrive on your audiences page where this is

04:54.290 --> 04:56.330
the first audience that you will have created.

04:56.330 --> 05:01.330
Now just to remind you if I harbor over this this is a custom audience.

05:01.360 --> 05:02.000

05:02.090 --> 05:04.730
So now I'm going to show you how we would actually use that.

05:04.730 --> 05:12.390
So just for demonstration purposes going to head over here and quickly create a new campaign so let's

05:12.390 --> 05:16.800
go to conversions as always which is cool this one

05:21.200 --> 05:24.640

05:24.680 --> 05:30.080
Now what I want to do is go straight to the audience section and I just remind you we're talking about

05:30.080 --> 05:31.360
custom audiences.

05:31.400 --> 05:32.630
This is where it would appear.

05:32.630 --> 05:37.310
Now if you put the cursor in here your predefined custom audiences are going to pop up so here you see

05:37.310 --> 05:37.850
it all.

05:37.850 --> 05:40.340
Web site visitors last 30 days.

05:40.550 --> 05:44.390
Now at the moment because this thing has just been set up and of course I'm just doing a test site.

05:44.450 --> 05:48.040
There really isn't any significant data in there of use.

05:48.200 --> 05:53.810
But if you were to set this up right in the beginning for example just literally just set up this custom

05:53.840 --> 05:58.820
audience than Facebook over time will be gathering that information that it's not going to cost you

05:58.820 --> 05:59.470

05:59.750 --> 06:02.560
And then if later on down the road you want to make use of it.

06:02.720 --> 06:06.940
You have a very valuable asset you can really take advantage of.

06:07.250 --> 06:13.180
So I hope you can see just with that brief demonstration the power of retargeting with Facebook.

06:13.310 --> 06:19.670
Now as I said before this is a paying technique and my general advice to anybody in fact anybody in

06:19.670 --> 06:25.070
business is to manage your cashflow carefully Don't be necessarily tempted to throw a lot of money at

06:25.070 --> 06:25.280

06:25.280 --> 06:30.230
In the beginning when you are making money when you do have a proven product and come to this and it's

06:30.230 --> 06:33.650
going to give your sales potentially a huge boost.

7. Technique #4 - Retargeting with other software


00:01.380 --> 00:06.810
So we just had a look on Facebook and how we can really target people who visited your site who are

00:06.810 --> 00:12.930
then later back on Facebook and see your ads again building that brand building that awareness driving

00:12.930 --> 00:14.360
them back to your site.

00:14.790 --> 00:18.720
But what about when we visit other sites where we're not just visiting Facebook.

00:18.720 --> 00:20.930
There are plenty of other great sites out there.

00:20.970 --> 00:25.530
You know what about if I don't know we can visit the news site or we can book a flight or wherever it

00:25.530 --> 00:32.400
is it would be nice to basically remind people as they move around the web about our brand and about

00:32.400 --> 00:33.730
our products.

00:33.810 --> 00:41.460
Now that's where Facebook becomes limited where companies such as this Adderall for example come into

00:41.460 --> 00:42.210
their own.

00:42.210 --> 00:47.520
These are the companies that if you've ever experienced what seems like an ad following you around the

00:47.520 --> 00:53.550
Internet is probably going to be ad role or one of its competitors who are behind it because these techniques

00:53.550 --> 00:58.190
start to get incredibly powerful and potentially incredibly expensive.

00:58.200 --> 01:03.900
So you know this is just kind of to let you know I'm not encouraging to use these products at all.

01:03.900 --> 01:09.960
This is really for advanced stuff but I just want you to realize what's out there because you know you're

01:09.960 --> 01:14.700
going to build out a fantastic profitable store and are going to start thinking once you start making

01:14.700 --> 01:17.050
sales well how can I increase my sales.

01:17.130 --> 01:21.120
So I just want you to be aware of some of the possibilities out there.

01:21.120 --> 01:22.410
Our role is one of these.

01:22.410 --> 01:22.870

01:22.890 --> 01:28.470
It's going to basically place your ads all over the map all over the place following those customers

01:28.470 --> 01:31.340
around as they visit various sites.

01:31.530 --> 01:37.950
Now just for the A for the sake of balance there are of course are two real competitors.

01:37.950 --> 01:42.630
This is another one retarget and you'll find you know three or four major ones.

01:42.690 --> 01:45.600
And you know tens or potentially hundreds of smaller ones.

01:45.600 --> 01:51.300
So you know have a look at these you know enjoy watching their promotional videos and what they can

01:51.300 --> 01:51.900

01:51.960 --> 01:54.400
But please don't get bogged down in this.

01:54.550 --> 02:01.230
It's purely here to you know try to excite you and to make you really think about what the possibilities

02:01.230 --> 02:03.550
are in the future for your business.

9. Order Fullfillment

1. Manual fulfillment


00:00.360 --> 00:02.520
OK so it's a really exciting moment.

00:02.520 --> 00:04.970
Somebody has bought something from your site.

00:05.130 --> 00:10.770
The party has died down and now you realize you've actually got to ship this product to the customer.

00:10.770 --> 00:13.360
You've got to fulfill your order.

00:13.680 --> 00:14.870
So how are we going to do that.

00:14.870 --> 00:18.660
Well in this lecture I'm going to show you the manual process to fulfill an order.

00:18.780 --> 00:22.200
And then later on in the following lecture you'll see how to do it automatically.

00:22.200 --> 00:26.620
Now you might say to yourself if there's an automatic process why do I need to know how to do it manually.

00:26.790 --> 00:32.160
Well it's much like when I showed you how to import the products understanding the manual process is

00:32.160 --> 00:37.770
very very important so you understand exactly what the underlying process is and also the automatic

00:37.770 --> 00:43.560
process is not foolproof so it's always good to know exactly what's going on underneath.

00:43.560 --> 00:48.150
So in order to demonstrate this to you I've made an order on my site and you can see that it happened

00:48.180 --> 00:49.350
two minutes ago.

00:49.350 --> 00:54.510
All right this other arm with the test or we did some lectures ago but I just make this one two minutes

00:54.510 --> 00:58.850
ago you can see the payment status has been authorized and it is fulfilled.

00:58.860 --> 01:01.150
We need to fulfill it.

01:01.170 --> 01:06.780
So the first thing we do is click in to the order detail itself.

01:06.790 --> 01:11.000
Now you can see the product has been ordered the Heart-Shaped dog pendant that's perfect.

01:11.130 --> 01:18.620
And all I really need to know is this information here the name and the address of the customer who

01:18.620 --> 01:21.010
I'm actually going to ship it to.

01:21.010 --> 01:28.270
So what we need to do now is actually buy this from Ali and have it shipped directly to the customer.

01:28.270 --> 01:32.780
Now remember I reiterate I know but we never touch this product.

01:32.790 --> 01:38.410
That's one of the beauties of this model is that the supplier over there on Ali is going to ship directly

01:38.470 --> 01:40.160
to our customer.

01:40.240 --> 01:46.690
So the next thing we want to do is go to Ali and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that.

01:46.700 --> 01:51.410
So here I am on any express dot com and if you're doing this for the very first time which is highly

01:51.410 --> 01:56.750
likely what you'll need to do is to create an account on Ali case completely free.

01:56.750 --> 01:58.060
Just go to the home page.

01:58.130 --> 02:02.730
Go over here to join and just click on Join FREE.

02:02.780 --> 02:07.520
All you need to do is to fill in this very basic form and click Create your account and you will then

02:07.610 --> 02:09.040
have an account on it.

02:09.320 --> 02:10.940
So please take them to do that now.

02:10.940 --> 02:16.220
I obviously have an account on Ali but I'm going to create a new one because I want to show you exactly

02:16.220 --> 02:18.800
what it will look like for you.

02:18.810 --> 02:19.360
All right.

02:19.520 --> 02:23.870
So I'm going to go ahead and create a brand new account and having done that or go find the product

02:23.970 --> 02:27.420
on ebay and I shall see you in a moment.

02:27.660 --> 02:30.770
So here I am on the product page now just before I move to the next step.

02:30.780 --> 02:33.000
I always do a couple of checks.

02:33.030 --> 02:38.330
The first check I do is to make sure supply still has plenty of product in stock.

02:38.340 --> 02:43.470
I don't want our ordering from a supplier who has only got 10 PCs available for example because you

02:43.470 --> 02:47.280
know I'm hoping this part is going to take off and I don't want him to run out of stock.

02:47.460 --> 02:53.430
And in fact on that note is often good to find two or three suppliers that stock the product you want.

02:53.430 --> 02:55.580
So you always have some sort of insurance policy.

02:55.650 --> 02:56.940
Not that that's always possible.

02:56.940 --> 03:01.500
So if you do have the one supplier make sure there there's plenty of stock available and you can see

03:01.500 --> 03:01.840

03:01.860 --> 03:07.380
I've got nine thousand eight hundred and twenty five PCs available so that is more than enough to build

03:07.380 --> 03:08.550
my business upon.

03:08.890 --> 03:12.750
And the other thing I do is I always make sure that IPAC it is still available.

03:12.750 --> 03:18.000
So by clicking on this part here I can scroll down and sure enough in this case it is.

03:18.000 --> 03:18.960
So it's all good.

03:18.960 --> 03:26.080
I select the packet go to OK which gives me total price of $4 50 song to make a great markup on that.

03:26.160 --> 03:32.500
And the next thing I ought to do is hit by now and this is where you only to fill in the shipping information

03:32.500 --> 03:36.440
now these are the details of the customer that bought from your site.

03:36.440 --> 03:38.000
These are your details.

03:38.000 --> 03:42.860
This is the person who bought from your site because the supplier here on EARLY Express is going to

03:42.860 --> 03:45.100
ship directly to them.

03:45.110 --> 03:50.450
So remember again I repeat myself we are never going to touch or handle this product.

03:50.450 --> 03:54.260
So the information you want here is be found back on your orders page.

03:54.260 --> 04:01.800
So let's go back there and what you're looking at here is the name and then the address.

04:01.850 --> 04:03.500
So I'm going to quickly fill those in.

04:03.500 --> 04:05.450
All right so that's all done through to erode.

04:05.450 --> 04:06.640
Anchorage Alaska.

04:06.770 --> 04:13.010
Now the important thing here is the mobile number what you want to do here is put in your mobile number

04:13.340 --> 04:17.700
because if there's any kind of issue you want and express to contact you directly.

04:17.810 --> 04:19.790
Now even then it's a very very long time.

04:19.880 --> 04:25.450
And I have never ever been contacted by Ali express but if I was it's really no big deal.

04:25.460 --> 04:28.020
I'm simply buying something off of alley.

04:28.070 --> 04:28.810
So every time.

04:28.850 --> 04:33.890
Make sure you put your number into this field so I going to put in a fictitious number here.

04:33.890 --> 04:38.390
All right so the telephone number is in there and then all I need to do now is click on Save and ship

04:38.390 --> 04:43.120
to this address.

04:43.450 --> 04:48.040
So we get a confirmation screen and this address is now actually saved into the alley system so if you

04:48.040 --> 04:53.130
ever want to shipped this person again you're going to find it in your saved addresses at a later stage.

04:53.380 --> 04:55.720
But just check that that looks all great.

04:55.900 --> 05:00.820
And then we want to do is scroll down to this but here the review and confirm your order.

05:00.820 --> 05:03.190
Right so just make sure everything is in place.

05:03.340 --> 05:06.400
Make sure this shipping bit here is selected correctly.

05:06.400 --> 05:10.180
Sometimes I've seen that skip out and doesn't select IPAC it for some reason.

05:10.180 --> 05:14.710
So make sure you get a packet give it the once over and make sure everything looks great.

05:14.710 --> 05:18.370
OK so total price of $3 and 18 cents.

05:18.370 --> 05:20.710
So some very very nice profit to be had there.

05:20.710 --> 05:22.060
I'm sure you'll agree.

05:22.090 --> 05:25.210
Now the last thing I want to do is to fill in this bit here.

05:25.210 --> 05:32.020
Leave a message for the seller and what you want to write is please do not include the original invoice.

05:32.020 --> 05:33.660
This is a dropship.

05:33.670 --> 05:34.370
Thank you.

05:34.420 --> 05:34.720
All right.

05:34.720 --> 05:40.750
So when the supplier sends this to the customer you don't want them to include the original invoice

05:40.750 --> 05:45.790
in there for three dollars and 18 cents because otherwise your customer is going to know exactly where

05:45.790 --> 05:50.230
it came from and how much you paid for it in the first place which is something you want to avoid.

05:50.230 --> 05:55.360
Clearly now you will find suppliers on and have absolutely no problem putting them in.

05:55.360 --> 06:01.120
They know that many many people drop ship from Ali and they want to work with dropship as you know at

06:01.120 --> 06:05.020
the end of the day they're making exactly the same money the suppliers making exactly the same money

06:05.380 --> 06:09.150
whether it's a dropship ordering or an individual customer.

06:09.220 --> 06:13.850
And not only that they know that dropship could be ordering an enormous amount in the future.

06:13.900 --> 06:15.580
So the interests are completely blind.

06:15.580 --> 06:18.360
You have absolutely no issues with this statement whatsoever.

06:19.500 --> 06:22.590
Now the last thing you ought to do of course is to pay.

06:22.620 --> 06:25.810
So let's scroll down to the payment method.

06:25.840 --> 06:30.670
Now this is where you're going to pay with your card but remember you are cash positive at this point.

06:30.670 --> 06:34.210
You've already got the money upfront from the customer.

06:34.210 --> 06:38.710
You know you've got twenty twenty five dollars whatever it is in your hands here more or less and now

06:38.710 --> 06:39.490
you're going to pay out.

06:39.490 --> 06:42.240
In this case $3 an 18 cents.

06:42.250 --> 06:47.440
So you've got the money up front but what you'll need to do here for the first time is to put in your

06:47.530 --> 06:48.610
card details.

06:48.610 --> 06:49.960
You know as I said a little while back.

06:49.990 --> 06:55.030
I've set up a brand new account here because I want you to see exactly what it looked like the first

06:55.030 --> 06:55.800
time around.

06:55.870 --> 06:59.830
But once you set up that card is going to save your card details you're not going to have to re-enter

06:59.830 --> 07:01.600
this every single time.

07:01.600 --> 07:06.740
Now one thing just to be aware of when you're doing this for the very first time is the billing address.

07:06.820 --> 07:09.940
You see how it's basically put in here the customer's address entirely.

07:09.940 --> 07:11.900
That's not my billing address.

07:11.950 --> 07:17.500
So make sure you go in at that and put in the address that corresponds with your card but otherwise

07:17.530 --> 07:18.210
that's it.

07:18.250 --> 07:19.510
You are done.

07:19.600 --> 07:22.750
You have absolutely everything to order the item off of Ali.

07:22.750 --> 07:25.300
Now Ali will now do it automated process.

07:25.300 --> 07:26.890
The supplier will see the order.

07:26.920 --> 07:31.510
You will see you paid and he will ship the product directly to the customer.

07:31.630 --> 07:35.180
With that little note in there to not include the original invoice.

07:35.410 --> 07:37.300
Everything is in place.

07:37.300 --> 07:39.460
Now we just have a few things left to do.

07:39.460 --> 07:42.210
Back on Shopify to complete the process.

07:42.250 --> 07:44.770
So I'll see you back there in a moment.

07:44.770 --> 07:49.870
So here I am now back on the familiar order or never scroll down a bit you'll see that got this start

07:49.900 --> 07:51.340
fulfilling button.

07:51.520 --> 07:57.310
So if I click on that I get this next form I have the option to fill in some tracking information.

07:57.340 --> 07:59.360
Should I be working with a particular carrier.

07:59.500 --> 08:05.980
But otherwise I can just leave this blank and always leave this as well send shipment details to your

08:05.980 --> 08:06.420

08:06.420 --> 08:09.580
Now this will relate to those e-mails that we were looking at some time ago.

08:09.580 --> 08:14.680
There's e-mail notifications that go out automatically which I'm sure you remember and then we got to

08:14.680 --> 08:22.430
do is just basically click on fullfil items and that's it the order has been fulfilled you'll see the

08:22.430 --> 08:24.960
status here as change to fulfilled.

08:25.100 --> 08:29.570
And if I scroll down here a bit you'll see fulfillments marked as fulfilled et cetera.

08:29.750 --> 08:33.610
And then in the timeline you also see fulfilled so it's all there.

08:33.740 --> 08:40.790
And just for absolute confirmation if I go back to the old orders page you see now 23 minutes ago authorized

08:40.910 --> 08:43.000
and fulfilled.

08:43.040 --> 08:48.040
So the order is well on its way but there still is one very important thing that we still need to do.

08:48.170 --> 08:52.980
And that's actually to get paid although we've had a payment on our site.

08:53.060 --> 08:58.800
We haven't actually received the money yet and that's because we haven't captured the payment.

08:58.850 --> 08:59.830
So what am I talking about.

08:59.820 --> 09:01.970
And why would this need to be a manual step.

09:01.970 --> 09:06.530
Surely when somebody buys something off their site it automatically goes to the bank and gets authorized

09:06.560 --> 09:08.810
and we automatically get paid.

09:08.810 --> 09:13.010
Now the good news is is we'll set it up to do exactly that in a moment.

09:13.010 --> 09:18.040
Now the reason why some people always have it on manual is to do with the amount of stock.

09:18.260 --> 09:22.910
So let's imagine that somebody comes and buys something off their site and then we go to the warehouse

09:22.970 --> 09:27.650
and realize we don't have any left then we're going to have to start a different sort of process.

09:27.710 --> 09:29.180
We might not take the payment at all.

09:29.180 --> 09:33.560
We might try and offer a different product but that's a different model with drop shipping.

09:33.570 --> 09:40.130
And you remember on early express I emphasized the importance of a supply having a lot of stock.

09:40.160 --> 09:42.590
This should never be a problem.

09:42.590 --> 09:46.610
So right now we're just going to manually capture the payment by simply clicking on the capture payment

09:46.610 --> 09:48.410

09:48.630 --> 09:54.870
And then why do we simply click on accept and then we go payment of 20 or 95 has been accepted.

09:54.870 --> 09:58.650
So as I just said you can set this up automatically so you don't have to click on that button every

09:58.650 --> 09:59.450
single time.

09:59.460 --> 10:00.780
It's another thing to remember.

10:00.930 --> 10:09.590
So in order to do that just go down to your settings coach your payment providers and then scroll down

10:09.590 --> 10:10.610
to the bottom here.

10:10.790 --> 10:13.040
And this is where you see payment authorization.

10:13.040 --> 10:17.280
OK here we have manually capture payments for orders.

10:17.360 --> 10:19.820
And over here we have automatically capture payment for this.

10:19.940 --> 10:22.870
So all you do is simply select the automatic.

10:22.880 --> 10:26.660
Now I'm going to leave a manual because for teaching purposes there's a couple of things I still want

10:26.660 --> 10:27.260
to show you.

10:27.440 --> 10:32.810
But by all means now set yours on automatic and then any payments that you receive on your store will

10:32.810 --> 10:35.840
be automatically processed by the bank.

10:35.840 --> 10:41.560
So everything has been done that is how you mentally fulfill an order.

10:41.570 --> 10:46.640
Now if you got hundreds maybe thousands of orders coming in in the future clearly you don't to be sitting

10:46.640 --> 10:49.010
there all the time manually fulfilling orders.

10:49.010 --> 10:54.680
So let's have a look and see how below that same software that we looked at was helping us import products

10:55.010 --> 10:59.080
can help us automate the whole manual fulfillment process.

2. Automatic fulfillment (almost) with Oberlo


00:00.360 --> 00:05.500
OK so we're now going to have a look at how to automatically fulfill orders using overload.

00:05.730 --> 00:11.580
And he knows that I call this lecture automatic fulfillment almost with Lobello because while overblow

00:11.580 --> 00:14.800
is an amazing product and I certainly encourage you to use it it is free.

00:14.820 --> 00:17.670
After all it is not 100 percent automation.

00:17.670 --> 00:20.170
There are certain things that you need to keep an eye on.

00:20.190 --> 00:23.910
And of course I'm going to be pointing those out during the course of this lecture.

00:23.910 --> 00:26.380
Now there are some key points that we need to understand.

00:26.400 --> 00:34.110
First off obal low order fulfillment will only work if you used Oberland to import the product in the

00:34.110 --> 00:34.870
first place.

00:34.890 --> 00:40.140
OK so you remember many lectures ago now when we automatically imported products using Ogola you need

00:40.140 --> 00:45.390
to use that process if you then want to use overblow to automatically fulfill orders.

00:45.390 --> 00:46.770
So that's exactly what I've done here.

00:46.770 --> 00:52.680
You're looking at a new product on my site my cute French bulldog cufflink and I used obal to directly

00:52.770 --> 00:54.600
import this to my site.

00:54.870 --> 00:59.370
And then of course I went ahead and bought it so I can show you exactly how all of this works.

00:59.370 --> 01:04.170
Now before we do have a look at the order and actually delve into obal itself there's another important

01:04.170 --> 01:08.880
thing that you need to understand and that is the obal only works with Chrome.

01:08.880 --> 01:13.380
So if you're using Firefox or Safari or some of the browser This is not going to work.

01:13.380 --> 01:16.410
So you would have to download the free Chrome browser.

01:16.710 --> 01:21.390
Now most people have Chrome but of course not everybody does so if you don't you might want to consider

01:21.420 --> 01:24.630
installing it now with chrome installed.

01:24.630 --> 01:29.940
What we then have to do is to add an extension and an extension is something we just download onto the

01:29.940 --> 01:32.050
browser to increase its functionality.

01:32.100 --> 01:35.940
In this case make it work with the Obote automation process.

01:35.940 --> 01:38.460
So that's the next thing we need to do.

01:38.460 --> 01:47.060
So what I want you to do is to head over to Google and type in Chrome web store and then take the first

01:47.060 --> 01:48.290
result that pops up.

01:52.390 --> 01:56.010
And you'll be taken directly to the Chrome Web store and if you're probably familiar with this this

01:56.010 --> 01:58.880
is basically where you can download all kinds of extensions.

01:59.190 --> 02:08.570
Now up there in the top left hand corner we want to type overflow early express take the first result

02:09.350 --> 02:10.390
and you'll be presented with this.

02:10.400 --> 02:15.590
This is the extension we want to call the obal Alec's press dot com product importer.

02:15.650 --> 02:22.520
So we want to click on the ad to Chrome button at the extension and once it's installed you get this

02:22.520 --> 02:24.530
confirmation and you are all done.

02:24.530 --> 02:26.510
Now you only have to do that once.

02:26.510 --> 02:27.020

02:27.140 --> 02:28.780
So once you've done it that's it.

02:28.780 --> 02:33.860
We can close this and head back to your phone so we can start to see exactly how this process is going

02:33.860 --> 02:34.480
to work.

02:34.700 --> 02:39.410
So here we are was all too familiar format now and the only thing we need to make sure is that the payment

02:39.470 --> 02:40.950
was accepted.

02:40.990 --> 02:44.840
You remember the previous lecture where I had the authorization set to manual.

02:44.840 --> 02:50.150
So I've actually had to go in a manual except this already but if you had said it's automatic as I was

02:50.150 --> 02:53.580
encouraging you to do then this would have been already done.

02:53.750 --> 02:59.000
So either way manually accepted or done automatically just make sure that steps occur because we need

02:59.000 --> 03:02.690
that to happen for the synchronization to be complete with obol.

03:02.690 --> 03:10.570
So with that done we can now go to apps and head straight to Obama.

03:10.610 --> 03:14.230
Now you will notice on the left hand menu here that we have orders on one.

03:14.540 --> 03:16.820
So I click on that.

03:17.100 --> 03:22.890
We see the put up within the overflow app itself and it's from here that we're going to initiate the

03:22.920 --> 03:25.860
automated fulfillment process.

03:25.890 --> 03:26.920
We're going to look at that in a minute.

03:27.030 --> 03:31.850
But just before we do we do need to change some settings within this app.

03:32.100 --> 03:34.040
So we go down to setting's

03:37.270 --> 03:44.210
we want to go to suppliers and I draw your attention to this section here Ali Express.

03:44.280 --> 03:48.990
Now what we're going to do here is when this automated process visits Ali Expressen or so you'll see

03:48.990 --> 03:53.220
that in a moment we wanted to basically have some parameters that we can immediately work with so we

03:53.220 --> 03:56.110
don't have to keep on reentrant information.

03:56.160 --> 03:57.260
It sounds a bit odd.

03:57.300 --> 03:59.520
It will become very clear in a moment.

03:59.520 --> 04:03.550
So what we want to do is set the default shipping method to the packet.

04:03.600 --> 04:08.850
Now here the override phone number this refers to the fact that when we were making the order in the

04:08.850 --> 04:13.170
manual fulfillment process I told you to put your own telephone number in there.

04:13.170 --> 04:15.230
So if there are any issues and we contact you.

04:15.240 --> 04:18.170
So this is where you put your own telephone number in.

04:18.870 --> 04:23.400
And then the customer note this was the note that we put in to say that we drop shipping.

04:23.400 --> 04:26.300
And please don't include the original invoice.

04:26.490 --> 04:28.350
So please do not include the original invoice.

04:28.350 --> 04:29.430
This is a dropship.

04:29.430 --> 04:30.190
Thank you.

04:30.540 --> 04:31.590
So that all done.

04:31.620 --> 04:33.640
We want to save the settings.

04:35.580 --> 04:39.140
Now want to head back to the oldest page.

04:39.350 --> 04:40.490
So this is where the fun starts.

04:40.490 --> 04:45.830
Because when I click on that order put a button is actually going to go through the manual process that

04:45.830 --> 04:48.180
I showed you previously automatically.

04:48.200 --> 04:49.790
I'm not going be doing anything.

04:49.910 --> 04:52.060
So let's do exactly that.

04:56.420 --> 05:02.260
So the process goes to Ali to my product that's it to the cops.

05:07.090 --> 05:12.650
Takes me to the shipping information page that we saw before puts in my telephone number

05:23.910 --> 05:29.120
sets the shipping method to IPAC it and includes that message.

05:29.120 --> 05:31.700
Please do not include the original invoice.

05:31.700 --> 05:32.820
This is a dropship.

05:32.870 --> 05:33.430
Thank you.

05:33.420 --> 05:37.510
It did all of that none of that I didn't touch the keyboard didn't touch the computer at all.

05:37.510 --> 05:39.050
While it was happening.

05:39.050 --> 05:44.840
Now before we proceed to payment which really is the last step do give everything a once over just to

05:44.840 --> 05:46.310
make sure it all looks great.

05:46.310 --> 05:46.550

05:46.550 --> 05:48.830
I mean typically it works extremely well.

05:48.830 --> 05:50.710
You really don't have much to worry about.

05:50.870 --> 05:54.620
And I'm sure you agree that is a big big timesaving.

05:54.770 --> 05:59.480
Now the last thing obviously is to pay and as I said before this is the test sites in my card details

05:59.540 --> 06:04.280
are in there but typically they would be in or you would have to do is just click on confirm and pay.

06:04.280 --> 06:10.060
Now I am going to make this payment because I want to show you the very last piece of the process.

06:10.280 --> 06:15.350
So once the order has been approved by your supplier you'll want to come to the orders page on Alig

06:15.350 --> 06:18.470
express in order to do the final sync with olo.

06:18.500 --> 06:22.590
Now to get your orders page is simply up in your menu my orders.

06:22.850 --> 06:26.950
So all you need to do now is either sink this page or sink orders.

06:26.960 --> 06:33.750
We've only got one so I should just go with sync this page so you see that very quickly up in the top

06:33.750 --> 06:37.710
right hand corner it says data sync completed.

06:37.710 --> 06:39.680
Now let me go back to overblow.

06:39.870 --> 06:43.080
We see things have changed we are now in processing.

06:43.080 --> 06:46.390
But what I want to draw your attention to is this Ali number here.

06:46.400 --> 06:46.960

06:47.250 --> 06:53.510
Because that number there corresponds directly with this number here.

06:53.520 --> 06:58.310
So in other words and express and Oberland are completely sync up.

06:58.380 --> 07:02.680
And what that means is you essentially have nothing left to do because everything now happens on hourly.

07:02.760 --> 07:06.890
We'll be talking to overflow which in turn is talking to your store.

07:07.140 --> 07:11.410
So I really hope you can see the power of this because obviously if you're doing many many orders we've

07:11.430 --> 07:17.760
reduced the time to make an order from perhaps 5 to 10 minutes with the manual process to under a minute

07:17.820 --> 07:21.780
typically using this automated process.

07:21.780 --> 07:27.110
Now there is in fact still one more option with Joe Blow that makes it even easier.

07:27.120 --> 07:31.330
It's called oberlé supply and again me talking about that in the upcoming section.

3. Dealing with refunds, returns & customer complaints


00:00.680 --> 00:08.250
OK so let's finish up this section by talking about the sad subject of refunds.

00:08.280 --> 00:09.910
Now it's a fact of life.

00:09.920 --> 00:10.300

00:10.310 --> 00:14.390
At some point somebody's going to want a refund or they're going to want to return it or they're going

00:14.390 --> 00:18.350
to complain in some other way or they might be a supply issue or whatever it is.

00:18.410 --> 00:18.960

00:19.160 --> 00:25.040
Now the best thing to do here is just to be upfront and take it on the chin.

00:25.130 --> 00:29.930
Now the good news is we're dealing with low value items we're not talking about people buying cars or

00:29.930 --> 00:34.820
TVs or you know hundreds or thousands of dollar items that refunds and returns becomes a real major

00:34.820 --> 00:35.830

00:35.900 --> 00:38.360
We're talking about maybe losing some dollars.

00:38.360 --> 00:42.310
You know don't forget you know I'm talking about $20 or something like that.

00:42.320 --> 00:45.120
It's not going to be massive.

00:45.290 --> 00:49.230
Now when you're up front with your customer and you just say yeah no problem.

00:49.250 --> 00:55.970
You know keep it or you know I'll refund you the money or whatever the reason is when you do that mostly

00:55.970 --> 01:00.260
by e-mail of course when you do that they will enormously appreciate it.

01:00.380 --> 01:08.480
And in fact believe it or not it is an opportunity I have had many occasions where a customer has been

01:08.480 --> 01:13.380
unhappy with their product for whatever reason and I've emailed them back saying I'm terribly sorry.

01:13.460 --> 01:16.130
You know we didn't realize this or whatever.

01:16.130 --> 01:19.650
I'm not making anything up by the way just you know straight out.

01:19.760 --> 01:23.000
You know we're fully happy to offer you a full refund blah blah blah.

01:23.000 --> 01:24.890
Often they'll say something like No don't worry about that.

01:24.890 --> 01:26.720
I will keep that it.

01:26.990 --> 01:29.940
Or they might say yeah I want a refund.

01:30.260 --> 01:34.310
And then after that you're sort of saying well you know we'd love to have you back as a customer and

01:34.310 --> 01:36.380
offer them a coupon or something like that.

01:36.440 --> 01:40.640
It's an opportunity to actually build a relationship with the customer.

01:40.640 --> 01:46.280
We've all been into situations I think as a sort of an angry customer mode where we actually go in there

01:46.910 --> 01:50.330
and we start talking to the person who's getting his best deal with us.

01:50.330 --> 01:53.790
Maybe he's a sales person in a shop or we're on the telephone with somebody.

01:53.960 --> 01:56.920
The skilful people will always agree with you.

01:56.930 --> 01:58.950
They will calm you down naturally.

01:59.020 --> 01:59.520

01:59.780 --> 02:02.570
They will offer you something for them to come back into the shop.

02:02.690 --> 02:07.670
They'll never say yeah OK here's your money get lost when interested in here's a customer we never liked

02:07.670 --> 02:09.380
you in the first place anyway.

02:09.830 --> 02:10.700
They don't do that.

02:10.700 --> 02:13.750
They treat it as an opportunity and so should you.

10. Oberlo Supply

1. What is Oberlo Supply


00:00.320 --> 00:06.080
So at the end of the lecture an automated fulfillment a couple of lectures ago I mentioned oberlé supply.

00:06.270 --> 00:07.500
So what is overblow supply.

00:07.500 --> 00:13.440
Well it's a product and a service the overblow have been developing over time but not to fully understand

00:13.440 --> 00:14.280
what it's all about.

00:14.280 --> 00:21.120
I want to give you a little bit of history so a few years back we had a store with an express an open

00:21.120 --> 00:26.690
go develop their product to sit in the middle to allow you to automatically import products.

00:26.700 --> 00:31.970
We've seen that many many lectures ago so it avoids that whole manual process of adding products to

00:31.980 --> 00:33.330
your Shopify store.

00:33.330 --> 00:37.420
So that was a great product offering and that got them started.

00:37.440 --> 00:42.420
Now the next thing they went for which was completely logical was then to allow you to fulfill orders

00:42.540 --> 00:43.560

00:43.590 --> 00:48.630
And we've seen that a couple of years ago with the Chrome extension and the various processes around

00:48.630 --> 00:49.200

00:49.200 --> 00:54.360
And of course that eliminated the need for the manual fulfillment and the reduced the time to make fulfillments

00:54.450 --> 00:55.690

00:55.740 --> 00:59.910
So by this date there was no doubting the oberlé was a fantastic product.

00:59.910 --> 01:06.270
So fantastic in fact that Shopify decided to buy it out right now with all those products being imported

01:06.270 --> 01:12.990
and all those orders being fulfilled began to realize that there were some limitations with an express.

01:12.990 --> 01:18.990
The main one being that some supplies and an Express were more trustworthy than others which is inevitable

01:18.990 --> 01:20.060
in a free market.

01:20.250 --> 01:29.500
So what they decided to do was to create their own list of Ali express suppliers and create low supply.

01:29.790 --> 01:36.690
So what they did was they hand picked supplies from an express based on their experience and put them

01:36.690 --> 01:40.510
into a separate database which they called obols supply.

01:40.800 --> 01:45.730
And from there they would show those products directly on overload.

01:46.080 --> 01:52.350
So with that diagram in mind let's go over to obal and see exactly how they are displaying their overload

01:52.440 --> 01:54.270
supply products.

01:54.270 --> 01:58.550
So I'm over here my mobile app and I'd gone straight to a search on dog jewelry.

01:58.590 --> 02:04.060
Now many many lectures ago I said to all of these products were coming directly from early express and

02:04.060 --> 02:06.360
that is true to a certain extent.

02:06.360 --> 02:11.670
Back then I didn't want to confuse you with the whole overblow supply concept but as you look down through

02:11.670 --> 02:17.400
the results now you see that many of them if not all of them are coming from oberlé supply they've all

02:17.400 --> 02:21.490
got this branding overblow supply at the bottom of the products.

02:21.570 --> 02:24.890
Now that means that the suppliers have been handpicked.

02:24.930 --> 02:31.280
They've been pre-approved if you like bio below based on their trustworthiness and their reputation.

02:32.370 --> 02:35.640
So what Obama is trying to do is extremely commendable.

02:35.640 --> 02:41.630
They're basically trying to help us to work with the best possible suppliers of allée Express.

02:41.640 --> 02:46.100
So I hope this brief lecture has helped you understand exactly what Obledo supply is all about.

02:46.290 --> 02:52.010
And I've no doubt that you're already starting to see some of the major advantages of using low supply.

02:52.200 --> 02:53.370
So in the next lecture.

02:53.400 --> 02:56.690
Let's have a look at those advantages in a bit more detail.

2. What are the advantages of Oberlo Supply


00:00.390 --> 00:02.480
So what are the advantages of olo supply.

00:02.490 --> 00:03.960
Well there are many.

00:03.960 --> 00:07.550
First off as we now fully understand the suppliers are handpicked.

00:07.680 --> 00:11.760
So they should guarantee a level of trustworthiness.

00:11.790 --> 00:17.400
Now the second thing is that all the supplies of the obolus supply database know that you are drunk

00:17.400 --> 00:17.940

00:18.120 --> 00:23.340
So that note that we have to put in about please do not include the original invoice etc. that's not

00:23.340 --> 00:24.000

00:24.000 --> 00:27.640
They know exactly what you're up to they're not going to include the original invoice.

00:27.720 --> 00:30.790
They're never going to include any promotional material nothing like that.

00:30.810 --> 00:35.270
If they do they will be struck off the overload supply database.

00:35.280 --> 00:39.310
The third thing is the shipping times are a bit less OK.

00:39.420 --> 00:43.860
There's a little bit of reduction in shipping time if you click around you will see compared to each

00:43.860 --> 00:48.570
pocket it is sometimes an improvement but it's not a massive difference in my opinion.

00:48.570 --> 00:53.190
Now the fourth one and this is a big one is that the order fulfillment is super easy.

00:53.190 --> 00:58.360
We've looked at manual fulfillment and we've looked at that kind of semi automatic fulfillment using

00:58.470 --> 01:02.430
below but order fulfillment with this is basically one click.

01:02.430 --> 01:08.670
First of all you do not need the Chrome extension all you'll do is once you have that order in your

01:08.670 --> 01:13.680
mobile app as we've seen before there's a button you click on it and you are done the very first time

01:13.680 --> 01:18.510
you do it you'll need to put your credit card details in because oberlé will basically handle the process

01:18.510 --> 01:19.190
for you.

01:19.250 --> 01:22.410
But once you've done that there is nothing more to do.

01:22.410 --> 01:24.870
It is simply one click.

01:24.870 --> 01:30.330
So we come from a manual process that takes minutes to a semi-automatic process that takes tens of seconds.

01:30.380 --> 01:34.710
We say to this process now which is almost immediate.

01:34.710 --> 01:39.270
Now a couple of lectures ago I talked about how to handle returns and refunds et cetera.

01:39.360 --> 01:44.610
And that's still great advice but overload gives you an extra leg up because you can now take it up

01:44.610 --> 01:46.650
directly with the supplier.

01:46.770 --> 01:51.660
And if those suppliers want to stay with Obledo low supply they need to respond appropriately.

01:51.660 --> 01:53.240
They can't just ignore you.

01:53.250 --> 01:57.780
So that gives you an extra bit of leverage with your whole returns and refund processes.

01:57.900 --> 02:03.210
And in that same vein if you have any kind of dispute you can open it directly with supplier and they

02:03.210 --> 02:05.910
have to respond to you within two to five days.

02:05.910 --> 02:10.300
Otherwise it will be referred to a staff member of oh below supply.

02:10.800 --> 02:15.840
And lastly there's an ongoing discussion about custom labeling which would mean that you would be able

02:15.840 --> 02:21.000
to brand your products so that when they deliver to the customer for example in my case they will be

02:21.000 --> 02:23.680
branded as Tymms super deals.

02:23.730 --> 02:24.330
So there we go.

02:24.330 --> 02:30.650
I'm sure you can see the advantages are massive and in my opinion oberlé supply is a game changer.

02:30.720 --> 02:34.010
And from here things are only going to get better.

3. A quick tip


00:00.210 --> 00:05.760
Now I'm sure you're very very excited about overblow supply but I do want to say one word of caution

00:06.240 --> 00:10.800
and that is that when you're searching NOBUO there is now a massive bias towards Ogola supply which

00:10.800 --> 00:11.390
is great.

00:11.400 --> 00:14.110
We're getting those supplies that we really want to work with.

00:14.280 --> 00:19.860
But it does mean that you may miss out on opportunities which are on early express with very trustworthy

00:19.860 --> 00:20.540

00:20.580 --> 00:24.390
They don't just happen to have made it to the glo supply database yet.

00:24.390 --> 00:30.280
So my advice here is to use this overblow app to do your searches but don't forget about doing those

00:30.300 --> 00:35.310
searches directly on L.E. because otherwise you may be missing out on some hidden gems.

00:35.310 --> 00:39.300
Now if you do find something anally but you really really like and you want to add it to overblow so

00:39.300 --> 00:41.060
that you can use the import process.

00:41.160 --> 00:45.000
And of course the order fulfillment method then it's very easy to do.

00:45.000 --> 00:46.290
You can use this button up here.

00:46.300 --> 00:48.390
Import Parlak by you are.

00:48.540 --> 00:52.890
So if you click on this all you need to do is to put in the Journal of the product you found on Ali

00:53.250 --> 00:56.740
and just click on import and it will be added to your product list.

00:56.750 --> 00:59.310
Now if you can then push it to the store.

00:59.850 --> 01:00.630
So there we go.

01:00.630 --> 01:02.280
Just a quick bit of advice.

01:02.370 --> 01:08.000
Definitely use oberlé supply but please please please don't forget about L'Express all together.

4. Oberlo UPDATE  Oberlo SUPPLY is now Oberlo VERIFIED


00:00.360 --> 00:05.940
So is I hope you realize I'd keep this course as up to date as I possibly can to keep you guys fully

00:05.940 --> 00:09.170
informed of what's going on in the world of dropship.

00:09.420 --> 00:14.880
And that's actually the point of this lecture because oberlé has evolved slightly from those lectures

00:14.880 --> 00:15.580
that I made.

00:15.660 --> 00:21.150
You've just been listening to about oberlé supply now those lectures still stand completely but what's

00:21.150 --> 00:27.440
happened is the oberlé supply has now evolved into something they're calling below verified.

00:27.480 --> 00:32.370
So I only been listening to those lectures if you have been a or you might have noticed this popping

00:32.370 --> 00:38.270
up a lot of varified rather than perhaps supply as I was showing in the previous lectures.

00:38.280 --> 00:43.860
So what is varified world is actually very very straightforward and it really is only a slight addition

00:43.860 --> 00:46.220
to what global supply is.

00:46.230 --> 00:49.580
So let's have a look at a table and make very very clear for you.

00:49.830 --> 00:56.370
OK so here's the table what we have is our express olo suppliers and verify suppliers and on the left

00:56.370 --> 01:00.940
hand side are a number of functionalities and other features let's call them.

01:00.960 --> 01:07.160
So what we have is at the beginning a huge catalog of products and operations check my overflow warehouse

01:07.160 --> 01:10.140
is checked by a bunch of different Obledo stuff.

01:10.140 --> 01:10.770

01:10.830 --> 01:16.290
And then finishing on successfully process 1000 orders 95 percent of orders are shit and delivered on

01:16.290 --> 01:16.920

01:17.010 --> 01:19.460
And a dispute rate lower than 2 percent.

01:19.680 --> 01:25.440
And what you'll see straightaway with these green takes is that varified suppliers are the ones that

01:25.440 --> 01:31.070
have successfully process the 1000 orders that 95 percent of orders shipped and they very low dispute

01:31.070 --> 01:31.300

01:31.310 --> 01:31.720

01:31.890 --> 01:37.140
So they basically taken their own bhalo suppliers their databases based improving all the time with

01:37.140 --> 01:41.460
the feedback they're getting from their various suppliers and their customers et cetera and they are

01:41.460 --> 01:48.260
giving them an extra badge right there giving them an extra authority if you like and calling them verified.

01:48.300 --> 01:49.140
So that's the difference.

01:49.140 --> 01:52.160
That's what varified supplies is all about.

01:52.170 --> 01:53.930
So I hope that makes it nice and clear.

01:53.940 --> 01:58.260
And of course should things change with Obama in the future which is possible because a fast evolving

01:58.260 --> 02:02.510
product I will let you know and keep this course completely up to date.

11. Adding Cerdibility

1. Social proof - Your Facebook page


00:00.360 --> 00:05.520
Now in this section I want to give you a few tips on how you can build credibility and it's all about

00:05.550 --> 00:08.360
basically building trust with your customer.

00:08.430 --> 00:13.440
Now in fact we've already looked at building credibility primarily through those product reviews which

00:13.440 --> 00:19.720
for me are probably the most important of all of the building credibility exercises you would do.

00:19.980 --> 00:24.720
But the other thing I get asked about an awful lot is what do I do with the Facebook page.

00:24.720 --> 00:29.650
The Facebook page we created some time ago and haven't revisited since.

00:29.700 --> 00:33.210
Now in the past I'm talking several years ago when we used to get asked that question.

00:33.210 --> 00:37.390
I would say a lot and I have all kinds of tips about what to do with your page.

00:37.560 --> 00:41.350
But these days it's almost pointless doing anything.

00:41.370 --> 00:45.180
Or should I say at least do the absolute bare minimum.

00:45.210 --> 00:49.500
Now the reason for that is because Facebook has evolved massively since it used to be that you could

00:49.500 --> 00:55.470
have a page and you could reach all those people who had liked your page and slowly on that diminished

00:55.470 --> 00:59.760
to the point where we're now getting probably one to two percent of organic reach.

00:59.760 --> 01:05.700
So to put that in perspective imagine you've got 1000 likes when you post something let's say 1 percent

01:05.880 --> 01:08.990
that's 10 people might see it.

01:09.000 --> 01:11.500
And I say might because we're going to show up in their news feed.

01:11.580 --> 01:14.850
They might see it then they're going to click on it and take some action.

01:14.940 --> 01:18.660
You can start to say that the probability of anything actually happening with you posting on your page

01:19.140 --> 01:20.130
is minimal.

01:20.130 --> 01:24.420
Now the other thing of course is you're advertising on Facebook and again many lectures ago when we

01:24.420 --> 01:29.400
looked at Facebook ninja Troke you saw all the likes and shares and comments that people were getting

01:29.460 --> 01:33.810
on their ads and the same thing will happen to you particularly when you find a winning product.

01:33.810 --> 01:39.270
So in a sense you get that social proof if you like through your Facebook advertising.

01:39.270 --> 01:43.560
So really my advice here is simply to tidy up your page.

01:43.560 --> 01:45.110
So should somebody visit it.

01:45.210 --> 01:50.660
They want to see something that's really all these it's kind of like a bit of a business card in a sense.

01:50.670 --> 01:56.640
So what I've done here is I've added a Facebook cover photo and a logo using Kanva wish I showed you

01:56.640 --> 01:57.680
a long time ago.

01:57.680 --> 02:02.730
I've used their templates to literally knock these things up in about two minutes and uploaded them

02:02.730 --> 02:03.770
to my page.

02:03.780 --> 02:10.390
Now from here what I might do is when I post a product on my site I might also post it on my page.

02:10.500 --> 02:14.760
And should there be any other little bits of info that I might want to give I may as well post them

02:14.760 --> 02:15.620
onto my page.

02:15.750 --> 02:18.750
But really it's just there for credibility.

02:18.750 --> 02:20.880
Should someone visit my page.

02:20.880 --> 02:25.560
I don't want to delude myself that somehow this page is getting me any extra business.

02:25.560 --> 02:27.090
It's really not.

02:27.090 --> 02:31.860
Now with all that being said it still is a good idea to get some light so that when somebody visits

02:31.860 --> 02:35.670
your page they do see some sort of social proof.

02:35.670 --> 02:40.860
Now what you don't want to do is to govern by likes from fiber or various other services because they

02:40.860 --> 02:45.710
will almost certainly be all fake and you run the risk of having your Facebook page shut down.

02:45.900 --> 02:50.340
So not surprisingly Facebook makes it very easy to buy likes through their system.

02:50.340 --> 02:53.730
Now as I said before none of these likes are going to be buying from you.

02:53.730 --> 02:59.550
OK this is going to have no impact on your business and therefore you basically want to get likes in

02:59.550 --> 03:01.690
the cheapest possible way.

03:02.010 --> 03:03.790
And buying bikes is a marketplace.

03:03.840 --> 03:08.050
And the cost of alike varies massively from country to country.

03:08.130 --> 03:12.750
So there's actually no point buying likes from expensive countries because as I say it's not going to

03:12.780 --> 03:14.350
impact your business.

03:14.370 --> 03:19.170
So in the next lecture on the next slide I've got a list of countries for you where you can get likes

03:19.530 --> 03:22.530
for around one possibly two cents.

03:22.560 --> 03:28.530
Like now I'd recommend getting something like a thousand lives as really all you need.

03:28.530 --> 03:33.570
So if you're paying one cent you're looking at vesting potentially 10 dollars or something like that

03:33.570 --> 03:35.330
in order to get your thousand likes.

03:35.370 --> 03:38.030
But please don't go any further than that.

03:38.130 --> 03:40.530
Now if you do want to do this you can see this.

03:40.530 --> 03:48.640
Promote button here or you need to do is click on that and click on this promote your page and you can

03:48.640 --> 03:52.430
see here this preview that showing up is showing my page logo.

03:52.600 --> 03:57.310
And it's prompting for a like page that's how you're going to get your likes and when you see in the

03:57.310 --> 04:00.750
next slide that list of countries you'll want to add them in here.

04:00.760 --> 04:07.310
So when you click on edit here this is where you would build up in this location box here you would

04:07.310 --> 04:10.140
enter all of the countries that are prepared for you.

04:10.340 --> 04:14.630
And then just click on Save and go ahead and you get your likes in no time at all.

04:14.630 --> 04:20.300
Make sure you have a daily budget which is very low and run it for a minimum number of days so you don't

04:20.300 --> 04:21.840
go over that ten dollar limit.

04:21.860 --> 04:23.020
I have suggested.

04:23.360 --> 04:23.960
So there you go.

04:23.960 --> 04:29.090
That's really all you need to do with your Facebook page in order to start building some credibility.

2. Country List

As I mentioned in the previous lecture, below are a list of countries that will enable you to get cheap Facebook likes.
Please note, this is purely for SOCIAL PROOF. Likes from these countries will almost certainly NOT help you build your page as engagement is likely to be extremely low.
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines
  • Bangladesh
  • Egypt
  • Thailand
  • South Africa
  • Poland
  • Turkey
  • Brazil
  • Kenya
  • Cameroon
  • Romania
  • Malaysia
  • Zimbabwe
  • Ghana
  • Sierra Leone
  • Mexico
  • Tanzania
  • Liberia
  • Algeria
  • Uganda

3. FAQ page


00:00.710 --> 00:05.880
Know another way to build credibility and something in my opinion is often overlooked is to build an

00:05.960 --> 00:06.540
F A.

00:06.540 --> 00:12.810
Q Page a Frequently Asked Questions page because not only does it help your customer answer they're

00:12.870 --> 00:19.280
frequently asked questions but it also demonstrates a level of understanding of your business.

00:19.290 --> 00:24.900
It basically builds trust and loyalty and credibility with your business.

00:24.900 --> 00:30.330
Now you can very easily create an FAA page on your site by simply clicking on ad page on your Shopify

00:30.330 --> 00:30.960

00:31.110 --> 00:34.710
Or you can come over to an app like this if you want to improve the presentation.

00:34.710 --> 00:36.780
For example it's free.

00:36.780 --> 00:42.510
There is a small paying part if you want to go down that route but either way make sure you start constructing

00:42.540 --> 00:47.970
a Frequently Asked Questions page right from the very beginning because in the beginning you won't necessarily

00:47.970 --> 00:53.880
know exactly the sorts of questions your customers will be asking but as time goes by you will see a

00:53.880 --> 00:54.750
pattern evolving.

00:54.750 --> 01:00.900
It's inevitable you will see the five or 10 questions that people ask all the time and it could be anything

01:00.990 --> 01:02.170
it could be about shipping.

01:02.220 --> 01:05.260
It could be something to do specifically with your business.

01:05.310 --> 01:09.200
It really could be any subject but you will see a pattern.

01:09.390 --> 01:10.350
So start now.

01:10.380 --> 01:14.960
And as you see those questions coming in gradually build out your F.A. page.

4. Securing your site


00:00.540 --> 00:05.790
Now another thing that builds credibility and certainly confidence is securing your site.

00:05.790 --> 00:06.840
So what do I mean by this.

00:06.840 --> 00:12.710
Well what I mean is when people go to e-commerce sites they like to know they're in a secure environment.

00:12.750 --> 00:17.660
In other words the data that's being exchanged between the site itself and servers particularly payments

00:17.760 --> 00:23.820
as is done in an encrypted fashion if you like so that nobody can hack and nobody can get that information.

00:23.820 --> 00:29.040
Now obviously once they get off your site to pay providers like PayPal and stropping cetera those sites

00:29.100 --> 00:30.410
are fully secure.

00:30.420 --> 00:33.600
So any payment transactions you never have to worry about.

00:33.840 --> 00:39.320
But nevertheless people do like to see that sense of security when they're on the site itself.

00:39.630 --> 00:41.430
So demonstrate what that looks like in practice.

00:41.430 --> 00:49.020
I'm over here on my TMD Logan area and you can see a little padlock up here and also h t t p s s standing

00:49.020 --> 00:49.960
for secure.

00:50.190 --> 00:55.230
So in technical terms that means as I said before that basically information transfer between this site

00:55.290 --> 00:57.070
and a server is encrypted.

00:57.210 --> 01:02.820
But more importantly in psychological terms people know and they feel they're on a secure site and therefore

01:02.880 --> 01:07.740
they will continue to shop or to put it another way if they don't see that they might feel better on

01:07.740 --> 01:10.470
an unsecure site and therefore leave.

01:10.470 --> 01:11.440
So how do we set this up.

01:11.460 --> 01:15.870
Well if you bought your domain through Shopify then you already have this by default you have nothing

01:15.960 --> 01:16.980
else to do.

01:17.370 --> 01:21.290
And equally if you bought your domain through TMD hosting then you also have nothing to do.

01:21.290 --> 01:26.700
I'm now over here on my side as you know I connected my domain to my Shopify store as I demonstrated

01:26.700 --> 01:32.420
to some time ago and you can see here I've got the little padlock and I've got the HGT POS Nathi boy

01:32.430 --> 01:33.200
domain elsewhere.

01:33.210 --> 01:34.440
You just need to check.

01:34.440 --> 01:35.840
You might get it by default.

01:35.850 --> 01:39.850
So simply go to your store and see if you can see that padlock in the TTP s.

01:39.990 --> 01:43.800
But if you don't see that you might have to go through some sort of procedure to set up what's called

01:43.800 --> 01:46.370
an SSL certificate.

01:46.410 --> 01:47.380
Often that's free.

01:47.400 --> 01:51.260
Sometimes it can be paying but totally depends on your hosting provider.

01:51.600 --> 01:56.310
So there we go a very very simple but a very very important step towards building that credibility and

01:56.310 --> 01:58.160
trust with your customer.

5. Live chat & contact numbers


00:00.420 --> 00:05.430
So everything that we've done in this section up to this point so the Facebook page a Q Page and securing

00:05.430 --> 00:07.770
your site I would say absolutely essential.

00:07.770 --> 00:10.540
You really should implement those three things.

00:10.700 --> 00:15.480
But in this lecture I want it to be some things that are not necessarily essential on day one but you

00:15.480 --> 00:19.180
might want to implement in the future when your presence is more up and running.

00:19.410 --> 00:23.670
So please don't get bogged down in these things right now is just there to whet your appetite and get

00:23.670 --> 00:28.820
you thinking about how you might add further credibility six months or so from now.

00:28.830 --> 00:31.630
So this first suggestion is to implement some sort of live chat.

00:31.650 --> 00:35.940
I've no doubt been on some sort of site where at some point a little thing has popped up and said How

00:35.940 --> 00:36.660
can I help you.

00:36.660 --> 00:41.550
Well that's kind of what TVO live chat and many other live chat apps can do for you.

00:41.760 --> 00:42.800
Now live chat is great.

00:42.810 --> 00:44.640
But of course you then need to be responsive.

00:44.640 --> 00:49.170
You know you type something and nobody replies that in some ways that decreases credibility.

00:49.170 --> 00:50.850
So you need to be able to react.

00:51.030 --> 00:56.440
But having said that these types of apps also allow the user to see actually at the moment you're offline

00:56.730 --> 00:59.010
and basically you then get a message a bit later.

00:59.020 --> 01:00.600
Now that's not ideal.

01:00.630 --> 01:05.190
You'd prefer to be more reactive but at least you're getting something at least you have the opportunity

01:05.190 --> 01:06.520
to build that relationship.

01:06.750 --> 01:12.310
And then you can grow you know as you basically built you might want to get a virtual assistant V.A

01:12.600 --> 01:16.920
to be there to answer your questions or you might say to yourself Well you know what I'm basically here

01:16.920 --> 01:17.350

01:17.370 --> 01:21.780
Most of the time so I will be able to answer these questions at least for those potential customers

01:21.840 --> 01:23.150
with my time zone.

01:23.490 --> 01:27.540
Now the other thing you might want to do is do include a telephone number on your site so that people

01:27.540 --> 01:28.600
can call you.

01:28.740 --> 01:33.390
Now this needs some careful thought because if they call you clearly they want to have some sort of

01:33.390 --> 01:35.950
response or some sort of answering system.

01:36.270 --> 01:39.930
So please don't be tempted to use your own mobile telephone number.

01:40.020 --> 01:44.490
That will make it very very difficult to manage your business and probably at best you'll look fairly

01:44.550 --> 01:51.030
unprofessional but you could get a Skype in number for a very small fee or you could use services like

01:51.090 --> 01:55.710
this grasshopper site where you can basically get a business telephone number that you can then put

01:55.710 --> 02:00.810
on your site and you get all kinds of other functionality with this as well allowing you to do things

02:00.810 --> 02:03.150
like leave voicemails et cetera.

02:03.540 --> 02:04.080
So there we go.

02:04.080 --> 02:05.580
Just a quick lecture as I said before.

02:05.580 --> 02:07.130
To whet your appetite.

02:07.170 --> 02:12.360
I really don't think from day one you need to worry about live chat or even contact telephone numbers

02:12.420 --> 02:13.040
on your site.

02:13.050 --> 02:18.870
As I said but certainly as you grow that site once you get past perhaps $5000 a month I would certainly

02:18.870 --> 02:23.790
consider building the credibility of your site by providing services such as these.

11. Housekeeping

1. Backing up your site


00:01.760 --> 00:08.510
So our first port of call on the housekeeping section is back up back up please with multiple exclamation

00:08.510 --> 00:10.110

00:10.400 --> 00:13.550
You know it's something we tend to ignore.

00:13.580 --> 00:19.460
Yeah it's a pain but it is so important to consider backing up your side.

00:19.640 --> 00:25.130
Now you know you may feel confident or you may just believe the Shopify has got it all worked out there

00:25.130 --> 00:27.340
in the cloud and you really don't have to worry about it.

00:27.380 --> 00:28.690
You know somehow they got it all sorted.

00:28.700 --> 00:31.390
And of course they have it's a professional set up.

00:31.390 --> 00:32.980
You really shouldn't have any issues.

00:33.260 --> 00:36.670
But it's always great to have an insurance policy.

00:36.680 --> 00:39.760
Believe me I've learned the hard way.

00:39.770 --> 00:45.100
The other thing of course is that you know you may delete products by accident who knows.

00:45.100 --> 00:50.910
Or one of your virtual assistants in the future does that and you need to roll back to a previous version.

00:50.960 --> 00:55.490
You can only do that if you've got some sort of backup from before.

00:55.490 --> 00:59.310
So you know two extremely good reasons to do it.

00:59.330 --> 01:02.940
Now the third really good reason to do it is that it's super easy.

01:02.960 --> 01:08.000
I'm going to show you right now a little app that I use from the Shopify app store which is very very

01:08.000 --> 01:08.570

01:08.570 --> 01:11.280
So let's jump over to the App Store.

01:12.500 --> 01:14.340
OK so here I am in the App Store.

01:14.420 --> 01:19.410
You know come in here and type of type in back up.

01:19.510 --> 01:20.740
So back up.

01:21.010 --> 01:24.640
And this one here rewind backups for Shopify.

01:24.640 --> 01:25.990
This is a very nice product.

01:25.990 --> 01:33.680
There's a 14 day free trial and then prices actually start from $5 per month go right up to $99 a month.

01:33.880 --> 01:37.410
Don't be freaked out basically the subscription model kind of follows you.

01:37.420 --> 01:39.770
So you'll see that for $5 a month.

01:40.060 --> 01:42.860
It's like $100 getting $100 per month.

01:43.060 --> 01:43.780
You're good for that.

01:43.790 --> 01:47.820
You know as you increase your orders then you take bigger and bigger plans which makes sense.

01:47.830 --> 01:49.060
Your business is growing.

01:49.270 --> 01:52.470
And this whole backup process is going to grow with it.

01:52.480 --> 01:54.290
So yeah very nice.

01:54.310 --> 01:59.950
You'll also see depending on your plan how often the backups happen and then the cheapest plan is backing

01:59.950 --> 02:02.690
up once a day which is which is more than sufficient.

02:02.890 --> 02:04.310
Absolutely fantastic so yeah.

02:04.330 --> 02:05.410
Have a look at this.

02:05.410 --> 02:08.860
Install it on your site make very very good use of it.

02:08.860 --> 02:11.600
It really is worth the investment.

2. A simple way to keep track of your sales & expenses


00:00.810 --> 00:07.340
OK so just want to basically take this lecture to introduce the concept of good housekeeping right.

00:07.380 --> 00:14.160
Good discipline when we talk about sales and expenses you know this is this is the lifeblood of your

00:14.160 --> 00:15.030

00:15.060 --> 00:22.410
Keeping track of these key figures and you know in my experience at least I am absolutely amazed of

00:22.410 --> 00:25.820
the number of people who don't do this.

00:25.920 --> 00:27.780
It's a daily discipline.

00:27.780 --> 00:29.640
Please don't ignore it.

00:29.670 --> 00:34.980
And what I'm going to show you here is a very very basic method right this is what I use still actually

00:34.980 --> 00:39.930
to a certain extent but it's by no means you know your definitive accounting package.

00:39.930 --> 00:45.450
Nothing like that but it's going to help you enormously to give you a very good overview of what you

00:45.450 --> 00:47.560
have and how well you are doing.

00:47.610 --> 00:51.200
And in fact a lot of these figures you can get your accountant know later on in the day later on the

00:51.200 --> 00:52.580
year as your business develops.

00:52.620 --> 00:56.430
You do need to actually file your accounts.

00:56.550 --> 01:02.630
All the information that he or she will need will be there but most importantly right now it's for you.

01:02.730 --> 01:03.170

01:03.240 --> 01:07.810
So if you've been in business for a while forgive the simplicity of what I'm doing here OK.

01:07.900 --> 01:13.170
But if you're new to business I really hope you find this to be useful it's not supposed to be patronizing

01:13.170 --> 01:13.980
in any way.

01:14.010 --> 01:20.830
OK I'm just trying to sort of give you a very nice introduction to some simple but very effective methods.

01:20.850 --> 01:25.450
So as you can see I've basically got here an Excel spreadsheet.

01:25.560 --> 01:27.490
So let's just get rid of the top headache here.

01:27.780 --> 01:31.490
So an Excel spreadsheet with sales.

01:31.590 --> 01:33.090
OK that's it.

01:33.090 --> 01:36.060
And what I have here on the left hand side is the start date.

01:36.060 --> 01:39.560
So when I actually started my campaign to sell these things.

01:39.570 --> 01:40.040

01:40.110 --> 01:42.630
So I took down the first of May 2017.

01:42.630 --> 01:44.710
Obviously this is just an example.

01:44.940 --> 01:48.610
No end date for the moment because you know we are still doing this.

01:48.630 --> 01:51.850
All right then we got the product name itself.

01:51.870 --> 01:56.880
OK my heart shaped dog pendant necklace what I actually called it on my site.

01:56.880 --> 02:00.960
And then the actual You are out of that product on my site.

02:01.020 --> 02:05.040
OK if I start to get many many products on my site I need to be able to go there quickly if I need to

02:05.300 --> 02:06.390
to keep track of it.

02:06.390 --> 02:10.290
So that's exactly the product you are all on my site itself.

02:10.290 --> 02:10.820

02:10.890 --> 02:15.060
If you can see here you don't see much of the product yourself if I draw your attention to the top part

02:15.060 --> 02:16.340
here of the sheet.

02:16.380 --> 02:19.410
You can see the full URL appearing here.

02:19.980 --> 02:27.310
Now next to that I've now got excuse me I've now got the product you're out on Ali Express.

02:27.360 --> 02:27.670

02:27.670 --> 02:33.130
The actual corresponding address for that product on Ali Express and as you can see here.

02:33.300 --> 02:34.110
The whole thing.

02:34.120 --> 02:34.720
All right.

02:34.860 --> 02:37.100
Now this is also very important.

02:37.110 --> 02:42.930
OK because I get people saying to me things like you know how do I keep track of you know where my products

02:42.930 --> 02:44.170
were that I bought on our L'Express.

02:44.190 --> 02:46.820
Well this is a very simple method to do it.

02:46.830 --> 02:50.610
You'd be amazed that people who sell something on highly expressed maybe two or three weeks after they

02:50.610 --> 02:56.430
started advertising or later on or whatever it could be and they can't find the Pagnell Express because

02:56.430 --> 03:00.360
they simply haven't taken the time to record where it was in the first place.

03:00.360 --> 03:01.190
So there we go.

03:01.200 --> 03:04.100
That's exactly where it is on daily express.

03:04.260 --> 03:07.580
Now this next one is called the U.

03:07.770 --> 03:14.490
Kate which is basically just a it's called a stop stock keeping units OK askew and it's just basically

03:14.820 --> 03:21.080
a number a unique number that identifies where that is on our Express.

03:21.080 --> 03:26.120
So let me just take you to Ali express itself.

03:27.030 --> 03:27.420

03:27.420 --> 03:34.610
So now here we are on my on the next list that we're talking about and here is a unique Jaro you know

03:35.160 --> 03:38.910
which relates to where we actually can get this from from our supplier.

03:38.910 --> 03:45.740
When somebody buys and the skew is actually this last number here I hope you can see that.

03:45.900 --> 03:49.450
Basically you've got just before the age demand you get a series of numbers here.

03:49.500 --> 03:50.100

03:50.280 --> 03:52.060
7:57 so probable.

03:52.200 --> 04:00.580
What I've done is I've taken that and I've copied it and I've pasted it into my spreadsheet here.

04:00.780 --> 04:01.370

04:01.620 --> 04:04.480
Now just to show you something that you might not be aware of.

04:04.680 --> 04:09.780
I can now find that products store straight away just using that skew.

04:09.780 --> 04:15.530
So let me demonstrate to find out copy this let's go back to early Express.

04:15.530 --> 04:17.000
Let's just go to the home page.

04:17.070 --> 04:21.130
OK let's imagine we've just come into well-expressed and we need to go straight to that product.

04:21.160 --> 04:21.490

04:21.490 --> 04:30.070
All I need to do is actually paste that number into the search bar on an express click on the search

04:30.070 --> 04:32.650
icon and it takes me straight there.

04:32.830 --> 04:37.510
It's a unique number that identifies it on our Express.

04:37.510 --> 04:42.440
So that's very very useful very very important to have in my spreadsheet right.

04:42.640 --> 04:44.300
So now I've got everything linked up I know.

04:44.340 --> 04:49.810
You know the product you're on my site where it is on Ali and I can find it very easily on Ali as well.

04:49.840 --> 04:52.290
Now these next bits is just what I do.

04:52.420 --> 04:52.880

04:52.900 --> 04:57.370
And again this is just an example but I hope you're beginning to realize you know this is very simple

04:57.430 --> 04:58.920
but very powerful.

04:59.080 --> 05:01.450
So what I've got here is my advertising costs.

05:01.450 --> 05:03.270
OK this will be a running total.

05:03.280 --> 05:08.100
So just an example so far has been 12 dollars and 32 cents.

05:08.110 --> 05:09.490
Clearly I'm making this up.

05:09.730 --> 05:15.110
And then every time I get a sale I'm going to record it in these lines below.

05:15.160 --> 05:15.750

05:15.760 --> 05:18.820
So my example here I've got a sale on the first.

05:18.820 --> 05:20.320
How much money I got.

05:20.420 --> 05:25.840
Yeah nineteen dollars that's how much I'm selling it for how much I paid my supplier.

05:25.840 --> 05:26.200

05:26.240 --> 05:28.920
$3 50 that would be the cost the price of the shipping.

05:28.930 --> 05:30.130
Just for example.

05:30.250 --> 05:31.800
And then some sort of difference.

05:31.940 --> 05:32.370

05:32.530 --> 05:34.870
And this difference here is curative.

05:34.900 --> 05:38.940
So you know the same day I got another sale of 19.

05:39.130 --> 05:39.830

05:39.850 --> 05:43.040
And my cumulative amount now is 31.

05:43.080 --> 05:43.490
All right.

05:43.510 --> 05:49.860
Fifteen point five plus the 19 I got minus 3.5 that I gave to the supplier.

05:49.900 --> 05:51.860
Now I've got thirty one dollars.

05:51.900 --> 05:58.300
Yeah those are my actual sales now and then hopefully now becoming obvious the next day I got another

05:58.300 --> 06:03.330
sale and then I put this last one in here just to demonstrate you know that now I receive perhaps 25

06:03.350 --> 06:04.890
because it's no longer on sale.

06:05.020 --> 06:07.500
So I got a different price for it this time.

06:07.570 --> 06:08.480

06:08.500 --> 06:17.470
So straight away I can see from this very very basic exercise that at the moment I have got excuse me

06:19.230 --> 06:23.500
I have got sixty eight dollars received as a result of this.

06:23.550 --> 06:27.950
And I spent $12 and 32 on advertising so you know I'm doing well.

06:27.960 --> 06:29.210
This is great.

06:29.340 --> 06:33.870
And you can imagine Yeah I can just basically list all my other products that I have on my site that

06:33.870 --> 06:39.240
I'm using and I can list them down here and I can very easily see how well they're doing how much I'm

06:39.240 --> 06:44.040
spending on advertising how much I'm actually getting them from the suppliers when I get an order I

06:44.040 --> 06:49.990
just grab that SKU from Ali and I put it into the site and I go straight there straight to my supplier.

06:50.070 --> 06:52.820
So it's a very very nice little exercise.

06:52.860 --> 06:54.980
Nice little control panel.

06:55.230 --> 06:59.870
So on a second tab down here I've got expenses and this is even simpler.

06:59.880 --> 07:02.950
But again you'd be amazed the number of people who don't do this.

07:03.210 --> 07:10.950
So you know again just as an example on the first of May I spent three dollars and 14 cents on Facebook

07:10.950 --> 07:11.660

07:11.730 --> 07:12.060

07:12.300 --> 07:18.060
Two days later I had an expense for web hosting for $4 50 and so on and so on.

07:18.090 --> 07:23.230
Basically every time record my expenses now do this every day.

07:23.300 --> 07:27.430
OK assuming there's something going on every day but do it every day.

07:27.540 --> 07:27.890

07:27.900 --> 07:28.860
Don't do it.

07:28.860 --> 07:35.550
You know once a month or so I just do that on Friday or of course I'll do it tomorrow because you won't

07:35.550 --> 07:35.880
do it.

07:35.880 --> 07:37.120
I know it's boring.

07:37.150 --> 07:37.400

07:37.410 --> 07:41.400
And that's the reason why people don't do it because it's boring we've done all the fun stuff of designing

07:41.400 --> 07:42.160
the site.

07:42.240 --> 07:44.630
We've done all the fun stuff of you know driving targeted traffic.

07:44.630 --> 07:47.170
We've had great fun making sales of feeling great.

07:47.250 --> 07:50.730
What we need to do now is to actually record this stuff.

07:50.730 --> 07:51.330

07:51.420 --> 07:54.820
So just use a very simple spreadsheet like this.

07:54.840 --> 07:56.310
You know this is just to give you a start.

07:56.310 --> 08:01.060
This is not a definitive you know this is the solution you must do this is just to give you a start

08:01.120 --> 08:04.100
start to give you an idea you know take your own spin on it.

08:04.410 --> 08:05.490
But definitely do it.

08:05.490 --> 08:07.770
Please please please don't ignore it.

08:07.770 --> 08:10.470
You will not regret it in the long run.

3. Registering a business


00:00.710 --> 00:06.050
Say something else I just want to cover off and miss a housekeeping section is registering a business

00:06.350 --> 00:09.640
because it's something I get asked a lot.

00:09.790 --> 00:14.840
You know the moment we start making sales and making expenses people are thinking that they need to

00:14.840 --> 00:20.180
have a business or maybe they need to have a business even before they start doing anything.

00:20.300 --> 00:26.340
Now it is not entirely necessary to have a business when you kicked this whole thing off.

00:26.360 --> 00:32.540
Obviously long term you do you'll have noticed that with the Pay Pal account that we've done and also

00:32.540 --> 00:38.290
the strike if you've been down that route you've basically linked that to your personal accounts.

00:38.300 --> 00:39.470
That's what you would have done.

00:39.470 --> 00:44.440
You don't have a business account at the moment and that's absolutely fine with me just messing about

00:44.450 --> 00:47.360
on way we're testing.

00:47.360 --> 00:51.950
We are saying you know what products we're getting used to this whole process that we've been teaching

00:52.630 --> 00:57.010
and that you know you're going to start building up to a much bigger level.

00:57.080 --> 01:00.690
But right now it's not absolutely necessary.

01:00.710 --> 01:04.210
And what I would say to you is referring back to the previous slide.

01:04.280 --> 01:06.250
Keep track of everything.

01:06.430 --> 01:06.990

01:07.340 --> 01:09.600
Keep track of everything from day 1.

01:09.650 --> 01:11.780
Be absolutely rigorous about that.

01:11.780 --> 01:13.770
Be disciplined about that.

01:13.850 --> 01:20.820
And then once the sale starts to move up into the you know few hundred dollars and you got some proper

01:20.820 --> 01:26.870
expenses then think about registering a business as to where to register.

01:26.930 --> 01:33.310
Just register in your country residence wherever you are and this how well that's a huge question.

01:33.320 --> 01:40.610
But for example in the UK it's very easy you can do it online in the U.S. I imagine it's it's also pretty

01:40.610 --> 01:45.450
straightforward and you know try to try to keep it simple.

01:45.470 --> 01:50.780
You don't want to run up expenses of running a business and paying accountants and all that kind of

01:50.780 --> 01:51.410

01:51.410 --> 01:54.200
You can do all this sort of thing on your own in the beginning.

01:54.200 --> 01:59.750
And as you grow as a business you'll want to bring on extra stuff but right now you don't need anything

01:59.750 --> 02:00.490

02:00.830 --> 02:03.060
So in summary keep it simple.

02:03.090 --> 02:05.420
You know I think you got that as one of my mentors by now.

02:05.420 --> 02:09.380
Keep it simple when you're playing around with the stuff in the beginning.

02:09.380 --> 02:15.400
No need to necessarily respect your business but do keep track of stuff when things start to take off.

02:15.620 --> 02:16.790
Yeah at that point.

02:16.790 --> 02:23.660
Go and register register yourself a business in your country of residence and also keep that as simple

02:23.660 --> 02:24.380
as you can.

02:24.380 --> 02:28.250
Don't get involved with any extra expenses in the early days.

02:28.250 --> 02:29.510
I hope that helps.

13. Building a Nichr Store -Towards a 100K+yr Business

1. Introduction



00:01.700 --> 00:05.100
OK so we've reached a massive milestone here.

00:05.250 --> 00:11.770
We reached the point in fact where you have all the knowledge you need to all all the foundation knowledge

00:11.790 --> 00:16.150
at the very least you have to build out an e-commerce business.

00:16.270 --> 00:19.760
You know we've basically got a general store one was called Tim's hot deals.

00:19.770 --> 00:22.590
Yours might be called Bob's great bargains whatever it might be.

00:22.590 --> 00:23.920

00:23.970 --> 00:29.220
And with that general store you can you know you can build out a business with with hundreds or maybe

00:29.220 --> 00:31.760
thousands of dollars.

00:31.980 --> 00:33.690
Everything is there for you.

00:33.780 --> 00:40.440
Now this next section is really about taking it to the next level should you want to do that of course

00:40.440 --> 00:42.040
you're not obliged to.

00:42.750 --> 00:48.390
Well you might want to take it up to 100 K plus per year business you might want to build out real financial

00:48.390 --> 00:52.240
freedom you might have you know real entrepreneurial ambition that you want to put in place.

00:52.260 --> 00:56.940
And if you have that that's why I put this section together because I want to take you you know where

00:56.940 --> 01:03.180
I go if you like and give you a lot of great tips that you can use going forward.

01:05.640 --> 01:12.270
Before you do that however I would really encourage you to spend two to three months with your general

01:12.270 --> 01:12.850

01:12.900 --> 01:17.190
You know there's a lot that we've talked about there's a lot that you've learned and you want to just

01:17.190 --> 01:18.870
let that kind of pared down a bit.

01:18.870 --> 01:24.590
You want to you know take products load them onto your site get a feeling for how Alyx press works.

01:24.590 --> 01:31.440
Facebook advertising you know create your store with the with the themes or any of the bits and pieces

01:31.440 --> 01:35.540
that you want to personalize your site all the stuff that we talked about implement that.

01:35.550 --> 01:40.850
Take your time because I fully appreciate that not everybody has you know a whole day to do this.

01:40.890 --> 01:45.310
Everyone's busy maybe families maybe got real jobs.

01:45.480 --> 01:47.180
You know they are taking up all of your time.

01:47.190 --> 01:51.020
But you know you maybe only get an hour in the evenings whatever it might be.

01:51.030 --> 01:54.590
So take your time and let yourself be led.

01:54.600 --> 02:00.090
So here I've written a fairly wordy point here but give you give yourself the time to engage with the

02:00.090 --> 02:06.730
business model see what sells stock discover interesting products that would lead you kind of towards

02:06.730 --> 02:09.060
a Naish because that's sort of what happens.

02:09.060 --> 02:13.650
You know you'll start selling products and you'll think oh that one sells well or you might see other

02:13.650 --> 02:15.070
products you think yeah that's kind of.

02:15.080 --> 02:16.200
I know about that sort of thing.

02:16.200 --> 02:19.040
Maybe I could sell that maybe I can add value there.

02:19.350 --> 02:24.810
You know maybe two three four types of products start selling and the need starts to define it for you.

02:24.810 --> 02:29.030
So what I'm trying to say is don't force it don't force it just let it happen.

02:29.220 --> 02:32.720
You will begin to feel you'll get a good feeling for this after a while.

02:32.730 --> 02:36.440
After a couple of months to get a good feeling about what's working what's not.

02:36.650 --> 02:38.180
You know do that.

02:38.180 --> 02:45.330
Don't try to ram it you know don't try to sort of force it because that way it won't work.

02:45.690 --> 02:51.120
And I just want to say before we move on to the next lecture actually in a store start talking about

02:51.120 --> 02:52.200
what is a niche.

02:52.440 --> 02:55.260
But you know you're not obliged to do this.

02:55.260 --> 02:57.300
You're not obliged to build that in the store.

02:57.480 --> 03:02.280
As I've already said you've got everything you can build a general store with make some nice money on

03:02.280 --> 03:02.640
the side.

03:02.640 --> 03:04.060
There's no question about that.

03:04.140 --> 03:11.100
But if you do want to take it to the next level the Naish store is where the real money lies.

2. What is a niche 


00:01.450 --> 00:08.080
Fantastic So you've decided to come with me on this next part of the journey and I promise you I'm not

00:08.080 --> 00:09.000
going to be disappointed.

00:09.010 --> 00:10.930
I'm going to impart a lot of knowledge.

00:10.930 --> 00:16.150
In fact this part of the Course is going to be quite different this is going to be much more slides

00:16.150 --> 00:17.130
and bullet points.

00:17.200 --> 00:17.750

00:17.860 --> 00:22.900
I'm not going to be delving into how to type tutorials on on Wordpress or Alex press.

00:22.900 --> 00:23.650
We've done all that.

00:23.650 --> 00:29.090
You've got all the kind of point we click technical knowledge that you need to build out a store.

00:29.170 --> 00:33.490
So I'll be giving you a helicopter view of stuff and then you know you can take that.

00:33.490 --> 00:35.140
Make your own.

00:35.280 --> 00:39.520
So I'm giving you some essential guidelines as we go through these next lectures which are going to

00:39.640 --> 00:41.110
help you massively.

00:41.470 --> 00:44.050
So first question is you know what is a age.

00:44.050 --> 00:45.900
Well there's many definitions.

00:45.910 --> 00:49.540
I basically just define it as a group of people with a common interest.

00:49.540 --> 00:54.040
Simple That could be anything.

00:54.160 --> 01:03.850
Right now when it comes to business Naish should not be too broad and neither should it be too focused.

01:03.970 --> 01:10.950
And I put down these three points Here's the way I'm going to illustrate what is too broad What is too

01:10.960 --> 01:14.780
focused and then kind of what your site should look like because the.

01:14.830 --> 01:17.260
So bear with me here is quite a bit of information coming up.

01:18.060 --> 01:21.950
So cooking is a very broad Naish.

01:22.080 --> 01:22.900
It's massive.

01:23.020 --> 01:28.180
You know millions and millions of people are interested in cooking cooking with Pastor.

01:28.200 --> 01:32.130
Now was trying to drill down a bit and then cooking with gluten free.

01:32.120 --> 01:34.760
Pastor he's drilling down even more.

01:34.860 --> 01:36.060

01:36.060 --> 01:41.670
Now if we were going to get into the cooking that first bullet point and just made a site about cooking

01:41.730 --> 01:48.450
we would be competing with zillions of other multinationals a bazillion other Web sites out there very

01:48.450 --> 01:56.160
very difficult to make you know some sort of distinctive point about what we're actually doing why people

01:56.160 --> 01:57.360
want to come to us.

01:57.690 --> 02:00.050
If we got the second bullet point cooking with Pastor.

02:00.090 --> 02:00.510

02:00.540 --> 02:01.530

02:01.770 --> 02:07.410
Still massive cooking with Pastor is clearly huge but at least we start and define a little bit more

02:07.410 --> 02:08.560
about what we're about.

02:08.560 --> 02:12.020
What's sad differentiation is they often say a different critter.

02:12.030 --> 02:14.370
I guess I should say and then the third one.

02:14.370 --> 02:15.910
Cooking with gluten free.

02:15.910 --> 02:17.040

02:17.340 --> 02:23.530
Now what we're doing is we're talking to people who are gluten free that want be Pastor Kelly.

02:23.570 --> 02:23.900

02:23.910 --> 02:26.920
Now that's a much more Naish group.

02:27.150 --> 02:27.760

02:28.170 --> 02:33.180
So on your site you would you could still sell cooking utensils.

02:33.300 --> 02:33.900

02:34.190 --> 02:38.430
It doesn't matter whether you're cooking with Pastor cooking with whatever but you can still sell cooking

02:38.430 --> 02:39.600

02:39.810 --> 02:44.620
But your site is now much more focused on gluten free.

02:44.620 --> 02:46.910
Pastor So advice that you're offering.

02:46.920 --> 02:49.220
You know we all talk about blogs and a bit later on.

02:49.370 --> 02:53.940
You know you might want to start a blog about gluten free pass to imagine you are a gluten person who

02:53.940 --> 02:54.990
doesn't eat gluten.

02:54.990 --> 02:55.850
You know a lot about this.

02:55.860 --> 03:01.940
You can start writing things about it and you become you start to become a go to place for gluten free

03:01.950 --> 03:08.310
pastor for example knowledge and feedback and a little community and so on and so forth.

03:08.520 --> 03:10.830
But you're also selling these cooking products.

03:11.070 --> 03:17.250
So you know you start to define yourself you're no longer just a massive cooking site competing with

03:17.250 --> 03:19.520
many others you're cooking with gluten free pastor.

03:19.530 --> 03:20.310
That's nice.

03:20.460 --> 03:21.750
That's nice.

03:22.350 --> 03:25.780
Now next question is is it profitable.

03:25.800 --> 03:29.790
So cooking utensils clearly are profitable.

03:29.790 --> 03:34.620
Right there's a million out there and as I said before if you're cooking with Gluten-Free pastor you

03:34.620 --> 03:40.170
can sell a colander or I don't know you know forks or whatever it is that you saucepans whatever you

03:40.170 --> 03:47.520
might be using to cook past that you can still sell that stuff on your on your site and just use what

03:47.520 --> 03:51.880
I've already taught use Outlook Express go to express find out what's selling.

03:51.990 --> 03:56.280
You'll find out what's profitable and then you can start selling that on your site.

03:58.110 --> 04:03.930
Now I'm going on about gluten free pass here is something I'm not interested in.

04:03.930 --> 04:04.890

04:05.010 --> 04:10.740
But so what if it is you know ideally it's something that you are interested in something way you can

04:10.830 --> 04:12.550
add value.

04:12.750 --> 04:13.560

04:13.570 --> 04:22.050
So you know my wife for example makes amazing cakes incredible like wedding cakes.

04:22.120 --> 04:29.780
So she hasn't done this but she can have an e-commerce store where she's selling cake making products.

04:29.820 --> 04:30.460

04:30.780 --> 04:37.230
Cooking type products if you like but the site is focused on making let's say high end wedding cakes

04:37.740 --> 04:44.100
and tips of how to do that how to make beautiful sugar roses are incredible fondue dicing whatever it

04:44.100 --> 04:49.410
is that's where the value add is coming and that's why people come to the site.

04:49.470 --> 04:53.460
That's why people will come back to the site yeah they will follow you.

04:53.460 --> 04:55.840
They will buy from you in the future.

04:55.840 --> 04:56.270
All right.

04:56.280 --> 05:05.220
So I hope that's starting to become clear as to what a nation is and how you can actually build a profitable

05:05.220 --> 05:06.120

05:06.120 --> 05:07.620
This isn't rocket science.

05:07.620 --> 05:08.650
This is a classic.

05:08.670 --> 05:13.230
And now it's this paralysis type situation where people freak out spend months thinking about money

05:13.950 --> 05:14.970
don't do that.

05:14.970 --> 05:15.270
All right.

05:15.270 --> 05:20.470
Just just start thinking about the things you're interested in where you can genuinely add value.

05:20.700 --> 05:26.820
Then think about the products that you could sell within that Naish go over to Daily Express see what

05:26.820 --> 05:28.310
you can find.

05:28.590 --> 05:34.620
And then once you get to that point register a domain name and the domain name will go back to TMD hosting

05:34.620 --> 05:37.920
and just buy another domain name is going to cost you whatever it is $10.

05:38.570 --> 05:40.400
Maybe less.

05:40.800 --> 05:45.450
So you register another domain name cooking with Pastor cooking with Gluten-Free pastor whatever it

05:45.470 --> 05:47.280
is that you're going to do.

05:47.280 --> 05:53.070
So make the domain name Neech pick something meaningful and then just basically go back through the

05:53.070 --> 05:55.920
whole process build out another store.

05:56.010 --> 05:56.400

05:56.430 --> 05:57.580
You've got a lot of education.

05:57.600 --> 05:59.620
This thing is going to go much much quicker this time.

05:59.880 --> 06:01.050
BUILDER a store.

06:01.320 --> 06:02.410
Excuse me.

06:02.410 --> 06:07.460
You know this time perhaps with a proper logo that that says exactly what you're doing now.

06:07.470 --> 06:12.390
Now think about a theme and the home page and stuff that I've taught you.

06:12.390 --> 06:18.270
But now you know you start to really think about how it would really look for somebody who is interested

06:18.270 --> 06:20.790
in cooking with gluten free pastor.

06:21.300 --> 06:21.740

06:21.750 --> 06:26.320
Really there's a lot of knowledge that take a deep breath maybe watch this slide again.

06:26.430 --> 06:27.340

06:27.720 --> 06:29.040
You know talk to your friends.

06:29.040 --> 06:31.280
Talk to your wife whatever.

06:31.290 --> 06:32.060
Talk to yourself.

06:32.070 --> 06:33.100
Come on.

06:33.180 --> 06:39.110
Is that how you could create a nation into which you can add value.

3. Becoming an authority


00:02.080 --> 00:11.650
OK so in the last lecture I was starting to talk about authority and becoming an authority is the key

00:11.950 --> 00:14.410
to creating a niche business.

00:14.550 --> 00:14.940

00:14.980 --> 00:18.960
Becoming an authority is the key to creating a niche business.

00:18.970 --> 00:19.360

00:19.360 --> 00:22.080
I just said that to us this is very important.

00:22.330 --> 00:33.040
Now people love or 30 sites you probably already use authority sites the sites that you trust.

00:33.040 --> 00:40.000
So for example I'm big into my sport so I'll have sites all go to for running advice or for example

00:40.000 --> 00:45.010
I love kitesurfing So there are still there are signs that I go to that I know give me great advice

00:45.010 --> 00:48.140
about kitesurfing and the products that I need to buy.

00:48.610 --> 00:55.300
And the reason why I go to them is because they've helped me they've gained my trust with the knowledge

00:55.300 --> 00:56.640
that they've given to me.

00:56.840 --> 00:57.310

00:57.580 --> 01:00.170
And I'm basically now part of their tribe.

01:00.190 --> 01:01.540
I will buy from them.

01:01.870 --> 01:03.190
It's going to be now.

01:03.250 --> 01:07.530
You know to get into it for some other site to get my attention that's going to take some doing.

01:07.540 --> 01:15.340
I have my trusted sources so if you can help people they will trust you and they will buy from you.

01:15.480 --> 01:18.210
OK whatever name you're thinking about.

01:18.250 --> 01:21.500
You know let's just carry on with the whole gluten free pasture analogy.

01:21.700 --> 01:30.190
But if you can help people say identify or come up with gluten free recipes or things that you shouldn't

01:30.190 --> 01:33.100
eat or things that you should eat or do's and don'ts.

01:33.100 --> 01:34.890
Be careful of this.

01:35.080 --> 01:40.480
What you should do when you're away on holiday is that the list is endless and the advice you can give

01:40.480 --> 01:47.200
to people and you will become an authority is you build this out now.

01:48.050 --> 01:53.050
The way to do this in the online world is typically with a blog.

01:53.210 --> 01:56.040
All right blogs are everywhere there's a brazilian of them.

01:56.080 --> 01:56.770

01:57.290 --> 02:07.050
And you'll see here build trust and maybe traffic and I put maybe because it's important because what

02:07.050 --> 02:11.850
I believe is a mistake that so many people make is that they start a blog thinking somehow that's going

02:11.850 --> 02:15.090
to drive an enormous amount of traffic to their site.

02:15.340 --> 02:22.050
It just isn't unless you've got you know a huge budget or you get very very lucky or you're super super

02:22.050 --> 02:26.670
Naish or whatever it is you're going to find it difficult frankly to drive traffic you will drive some

02:26.670 --> 02:27.160

02:27.210 --> 02:32.430
But I'm talking about a significant amount of traffic that will result in sales on your site you know

02:32.430 --> 02:37.290
something that can replace your Facebook advertising for example you're going to have to go some are

02:37.290 --> 02:39.340
going to have to have a massive blog to do that.

02:39.360 --> 02:43.960
So don't be under the illusion that you know you can create a massive amount of traffic with a blog

02:44.000 --> 02:46.140
but you will build trust.

02:46.320 --> 02:50.250
Trust me when people come to your block and they start seeing that you're writing about stuff they're

02:50.250 --> 02:55.200
interested in and they you know they they start to trust you they'll come back from all that actually

02:55.200 --> 02:58.920
come back for more they'll sign up for your e-mail newsletter for example that something else you should

02:58.920 --> 02:59.590
put on your site.

02:59.600 --> 03:01.340
No sign of my e-mail newsletter.

03:01.350 --> 03:07.860
Get their e-mail in the next slide that you are going to be talking about the importance of the e-mail

03:07.860 --> 03:08.290

03:08.370 --> 03:11.860
And how is gold.

03:12.120 --> 03:13.220
YouTube channel.

03:13.560 --> 03:18.220
OK that's another thing that you could do a little bit more involved because obviously that's visual.

03:18.540 --> 03:26.580
You can do how videos how to cook gluten free pasta how to use certain utensils whatever could be demonstrations.

03:26.580 --> 03:27.600
I don't know.

03:27.720 --> 03:31.020
And just a point about both these the blog and the YouTube channel.

03:31.290 --> 03:37.230
If you decide to go down that route come up with a content plan you know come up with what you're going

03:37.230 --> 03:41.110
to actually post on a regular basis.

03:41.160 --> 03:45.820
OK because that's how you'll gain attention of the Googles of this world for example.

03:45.930 --> 03:51.540
And also it looks good on blogs where you know the last post was five years ago or something like that

03:51.600 --> 03:57.720
or they posted you know yesterday to that the last one was eight months ago.

03:57.720 --> 03:59.990
It doesn't look good you need a steady flow.

04:00.030 --> 04:04.430
You know maybe once a week might be once a month once a month as far as I'm concerned is fine.

04:04.620 --> 04:06.480
But just think about what you're going to write.

04:06.480 --> 04:08.100
So you're stressing about it every month.

04:08.100 --> 04:12.660
Think about what you can actually know where are you going to add value each time make sure every post

04:12.750 --> 04:14.040
is going to add value.

04:14.040 --> 04:18.720
Don't just post pointless waffle that won't get you anywhere.

04:19.380 --> 04:23.860
Yeah I think Dave is writing the book now.

04:23.860 --> 04:26.820
The book doesn't have to be you know a novel when we're talking about 500 pages.

04:26.830 --> 04:31.860
You can write an e-book that's 10 pages long 15 pages long something again is imparting a knowledge

04:31.860 --> 04:39.000
something build trust put it on your site you know always ask somebody to email email address so that

04:39.000 --> 04:41.500
they can then download off your site so you grab their email.

04:41.520 --> 04:42.600
They download it.

04:42.600 --> 04:44.410
Now you've got their e-mail.

04:44.530 --> 04:45.780
You're now building trust.

04:45.780 --> 04:46.820
They know about your site.

04:46.830 --> 04:48.180
They've got their start shopping with you.

04:48.180 --> 04:49.830
They'll start buying with you that's how it works.

04:49.830 --> 04:52.020
This is a great method of doing it.

04:52.020 --> 04:56.550
The other thing you do with the book is that not many people do actually but a great tip here is you

04:56.550 --> 04:58.950
can actually offer it on Amazon for free.

04:58.950 --> 05:04.490
So in your book Cooking with gluten free pasta and just offer on Amazon for free because it is a lead

05:04.560 --> 05:07.500
magnet is something that's going to bring people to your side.

05:07.710 --> 05:10.500
You know people will download that of Amazon it's free.

05:10.500 --> 05:12.590
They'll read it right.

05:12.810 --> 05:16.460
And in there is going to be all kinds of references to your site clearly WWI.

05:16.530 --> 05:23.190
Cooking with gluten free pass it or whatever it is you know so that is another idea a great way to build

05:23.220 --> 05:24.090
or authority.

05:24.090 --> 05:26.990
So you know again reflect on this.

05:27.000 --> 05:33.570
These are great ways to build authority and becoming an authority will lead to success.

4. Refining your niche audience


00:01.600 --> 00:06.100
See you go on the site and you're starting to become an authority in your niche.

00:06.150 --> 00:07.250

00:07.270 --> 00:14.090
The thing that is going to be of super super importance is refining your audience or I could have called

00:14.090 --> 00:21.910
this defining your audience or improving your audience or whatever you are but your audience is key.

00:21.910 --> 00:29.620
Now obviously within age you have a much more carefully defined audience and you can use Facebook audience

00:29.620 --> 00:32.160
insights to help you find those audiences.

00:32.160 --> 00:35.880
We looked into quite a lot of this stuff during the course of course.

00:36.130 --> 00:41.650
And you know what you're really sad to get familiar with those posts is because those Facebook arguments

00:41.720 --> 00:49.570
incites those those literally those insights that can give you are of super importance now uncovering

00:49.630 --> 00:52.220
hidden audiences is the key.

00:52.240 --> 00:52.920

00:53.380 --> 00:59.210
I've sort of alluded to how for example Labradors in general are not going to make any sales.

00:59.310 --> 01:00.960
Yup everyone does that.

01:01.090 --> 01:01.780
Everyone does that.

01:01.780 --> 01:02.860
It's an obvious one right.

01:02.920 --> 01:04.110
And it doesn't work anywhere.

01:04.470 --> 01:09.550
You know I've taught you how to overlap audiences with bias communities in order to actually define

01:09.550 --> 01:11.000
those proper buyers out there.

01:11.320 --> 01:16.490
But the hidden audiences those are the ones that's where the gold is those where the gems are.

01:16.620 --> 01:17.160
All right.

01:17.290 --> 01:20.570
And you can work use words like I do in fact this is a great tip.

01:20.590 --> 01:21.250

01:21.340 --> 01:27.590
You can use words like Foundation society Association club Federation if you think about it.

01:27.670 --> 01:35.350
These are groups of people of Facebook that are showing a genuine interest in something if you're a

01:35.350 --> 01:40.600
member of a club or a federation or a society or whatever you know you're generally not going to follow

01:40.600 --> 01:46.360
those pages unless you have a genuine interest in that subject.

01:46.360 --> 01:52.870
Now just as a sort of final comment on this because you know this is this is a mega subject if you like

01:53.380 --> 01:58.660
but this is where you will slash should spend most of your time going forward.

01:58.660 --> 02:05.920
Now I put Will's last should on purpose because what happens is that people do not spend nearly enough

02:05.920 --> 02:06.950
time doing this.

02:07.120 --> 02:12.070
But a lot of time or products a lot of time on making the site look good and the audience for the most

02:12.070 --> 02:14.750
part is an afterthought.

02:14.800 --> 02:21.640
You really should turn your brain around and think of this as you know 70 80 percent of what you need

02:21.640 --> 02:28.090
to do if you want to build a successful niche spend really a lot of time delving into a Facebook audience

02:28.090 --> 02:32.930
insights you know saving your audiences they're testing different audiences.

02:32.950 --> 02:38.590
Once you've found those hidden audiences I promise you then you can lead them to your products and you

02:38.590 --> 02:40.930
will start to make some serious money.

5. Want To Discover More
I hope you've enjoyed this section of the course on defining your niche. 
If, however, you would like to explore things further and discover your profitable niche, I'd love you to join me in my course 'How to find a profitable niche (in under 1 hour) '.
Click here to get the course.
To your success,

6. Your email list is gold !


00:01.280 --> 00:04.490
So your email list is gold.

00:04.700 --> 00:05.200

00:05.210 --> 00:07.000
This is this is true.

00:07.010 --> 00:08.320
I even tried to write gold and gold.

00:08.330 --> 00:09.560
I think it's a very tender moment.

00:09.570 --> 00:12.860
But anyway your email list is gold.

00:12.860 --> 00:16.610
You'll often hear people say things like the money is in the list.

00:16.620 --> 00:18.170
All right.

00:18.260 --> 00:23.150
If you told the money is in the relationship you have with your list you're going to hear these kinds

00:23.150 --> 00:27.320
of expressions as you as you get into e-mail marketing.

00:27.320 --> 00:29.220
Now you've seen this already.

00:29.240 --> 00:33.220
Every time you make a sale you're going to get an e-mail address.

00:33.440 --> 00:37.910
You want to keep that e-mail address because you want to keep the e-mail address and you want to keep

00:37.910 --> 00:40.480
the name of the person you want to keep.

00:40.490 --> 00:45.440
You know what they bought as well if you like but most importantly is the e-mail address and the name

00:45.440 --> 00:46.580
of the person.

00:46.670 --> 00:48.520
Now we're working in a niche here.

00:48.680 --> 00:53.280
OK we're working in a major So all of the e-mails and all of the names that you collect.

00:53.300 --> 00:55.610
They all have a common interest.

00:55.610 --> 01:00.830
The thing that you are basically selling the thing that you are your your your authority site is based

01:00.830 --> 01:02.240

01:02.390 --> 01:08.180
So I mean list building and marketing is a huge topic right.

01:08.180 --> 01:10.220
I can't possibly cover it in this course.

01:10.220 --> 01:14.960
Maybe I should do another course on this because it is hugely important.

01:14.960 --> 01:23.720
But suffice it to say that you know the idea is you want to market to your list periodically but you

01:23.780 --> 01:26.050
do not want to spam.

01:26.090 --> 01:26.370

01:26.390 --> 01:31.460
The quickest way to get rid of everybody off your list is to spam them and then on the subscribe in

01:31.460 --> 01:35.460
no time and never come back to your site that is not what you are doing here.

01:35.540 --> 01:36.130

01:36.200 --> 01:43.570
The whole purpose of sending emails is your goal is to build continued trust.

01:43.640 --> 01:49.100
Just like on the site it's just like with your blog it's just like with your YouTube channel it's just

01:49.100 --> 01:55.070
like with your e-book any other outlet you have is all about building trust.

01:55.070 --> 01:57.610
And this is no different.

01:58.310 --> 02:07.640
So a kind of a best practice if you will is that for every three e-mails that you send only one of them

02:07.640 --> 02:08.990
is going to be a sales one.

02:09.230 --> 02:09.570

02:09.590 --> 02:14.330
So the idea here is of course that you know you've got this list let's say you've got a thousand people

02:14.330 --> 02:16.440
on your list.

02:16.880 --> 02:24.710
And you know you find a new product that your tribe they trust you they're interested in what you have

02:24.710 --> 02:25.600
to say.

02:25.700 --> 02:31.010
So rather than waiting for them to come to your site now you can send them an email with a direct link

02:31.010 --> 02:35.390
saying Hey I thought you might be interested in this X Y Z product.

02:35.700 --> 02:36.100

02:36.170 --> 02:39.850
You can e-mail that out to a thousand people in one go.

02:40.070 --> 02:45.260
And you know you might generate 100 cells just off of that much right 10 cells might generate 300 cells.

02:45.260 --> 02:49.160
I don't know what we're talking about pressing a button and sending an e-mail here.

02:49.160 --> 02:50.770
It costs nothing.

02:50.930 --> 02:51.290

02:51.410 --> 02:52.130
It's gold.

02:52.130 --> 02:54.460
It really really is.

02:54.530 --> 02:57.690
Now the other two e-mails are content.

02:57.710 --> 02:57.970

02:57.980 --> 03:02.960
This is about building up trust so you're right you're you're doing and maybe putting a product review

03:02.960 --> 03:04.700
you're talking about stuff in your blog.

03:04.700 --> 03:05.270
Maybe you can.

03:05.270 --> 03:08.550
Sometimes I put like blog links into an email.

03:08.570 --> 03:12.300
It's part of the content you know hey check out my latest blog posting is also quite nice.

03:12.300 --> 03:13.920
It brings them to the site.

03:14.060 --> 03:15.490
Keep the e-mails fairly punchy.

03:15.500 --> 03:17.810
Don't you know don't make them long and drawn out.

03:17.820 --> 03:24.010
What have you but you know you basically want to use that procedure.

03:24.020 --> 03:26.490
Now how often you email is up to you.

03:26.840 --> 03:28.280
But you know judge.

03:28.310 --> 03:30.190
I work my email once a week.

03:30.340 --> 03:32.340
Now I know people who e-mail every single day.

03:32.460 --> 03:34.080
I mean that would be the absolute max.

03:34.370 --> 03:36.700
But the point is you got to have something to say.

03:36.700 --> 03:40.780
If you go to email every single day make sure that you know they want to get your e-mails.

03:40.790 --> 03:43.540
You should be waiting for your next e-mail.

03:43.570 --> 03:44.990
You know in anticipation.

03:45.050 --> 03:46.500
That's what they want.

03:46.650 --> 03:50.270
And as a general thing here and I haven't put this is a bullet point but as a general thing as a nice

03:50.270 --> 03:57.840
little takeaway for you age e-mail is worth about $1 per month in revenue.

03:57.960 --> 03:58.770
You can.

03:58.910 --> 03:59.440

03:59.470 --> 04:03.410
So remember I said right in the beginning of the beginning when we were in the Facebook advertising

04:03.680 --> 04:10.230
I said you know either turn a profit or breakeven because you have got a customer you got an e-mail.

04:10.230 --> 04:11.150
That's what that was about.

04:11.150 --> 04:13.170
That's what that's what that's the point we are at.

04:13.180 --> 04:17.980
Now that e-mail if you like is worth $1 per month.

04:18.080 --> 04:22.960
So let's imagine you build up a list of 5000 e-mail addresses.

04:23.150 --> 04:23.510

04:23.510 --> 04:24.440
Entirely possible.

04:24.450 --> 04:30.720
That's not a big list a big list is 400000 as a massive list actually but you know a big list is 50000.

04:30.830 --> 04:34.160
So 5000 is a doable list.

04:34.430 --> 04:35.420
That would equate to.

04:35.450 --> 04:39.770
And this is very rule of thumb because that would equate to $5000 a month.

04:40.040 --> 04:40.630

04:40.760 --> 04:41.620
Think about that.

04:41.750 --> 04:47.390
You've built up this list you got a great relationship and now you can generate $5000 a month you know

04:47.630 --> 04:50.310
pretty much by pressing buttons is genius.

04:50.310 --> 04:53.960
It's how people bake a lot of money with these sites.

04:55.570 --> 05:01.810
And as a last point just a technical point if you like is use an email provider not talking about sending

05:01.810 --> 05:09.820
out emails from your Gmail account or whatever you're using or you know webmail account use a professional

05:09.820 --> 05:12.400
provider a Aoba MailChimp get response.

05:12.520 --> 05:15.330
Those are some of the big players in the market.

05:15.340 --> 05:19.350
Reason being you know there is a small fee involved but it's well worth it.

05:19.360 --> 05:27.130
OK because you we can create professional looking emails which is great it's all drag and drop noble

05:27.130 --> 05:35.050
thing that your tech technical expertise and things like your chances of emails passing through spam

05:35.050 --> 05:38.110
filters and you will be will be increased.

05:38.110 --> 05:42.310
You can see which ones get opened which ones don't get opened which ones like and subscribe.

05:42.550 --> 05:46.360
You know there are so many benefits that use an e-mail provider.

05:46.360 --> 05:54.580
So there we go one slide one on the building of marketing which is a massive topic but do not ignore

05:54.580 --> 05:54.880

05:54.880 --> 05:59.230
Do not just let those emails slip through your fingers and wonder where they went.

05:59.230 --> 06:02.210
So many people to be amaze Kate.

06:02.590 --> 06:03.820
They are gold.

7. Outsourcing - just be cautious


00:01.770 --> 00:04.870
Outsourcing just be cautious.

00:04.970 --> 00:05.460

00:05.460 --> 00:09.190
The words of a wise man.

00:09.360 --> 00:16.920
Now as you build out your site you will want to outsource bits and pieces because you know it just gets

00:17.010 --> 00:17.950

00:18.060 --> 00:20.060
Loads of orders coming in all kinds of stuff.

00:20.290 --> 00:24.460
You'll want help and there's all kinds of ways to outsource online.

00:24.550 --> 00:30.620
You know things you can outsource are you know prescriptions Facebook advertising or fulfillment product

00:30.630 --> 00:31.600

00:31.650 --> 00:37.540
Yeah basically everything or just about anything right you can yeah.

00:37.740 --> 00:40.420
The sky's the limit in terms of what you want to outsource.

00:40.590 --> 00:49.230
What I would say is only outsource if is absolutely necessary because what happens is you will lose

00:49.230 --> 00:54.590
a certain amount of control of your business of what's actually going on.

00:54.600 --> 00:55.210
All right.

00:55.290 --> 01:00.710
If you let somebody right your own product descriptions and then you have issues with sales later on.

01:00.840 --> 01:05.070
Yeah it could well be down to that or the Facebook advertising or the product selection or whatever

01:05.070 --> 01:05.690
it is.

01:05.850 --> 01:11.940
The only thing I really outsource when I've got lots and lots of orders going on is the order fulfillment

01:11.940 --> 01:17.860
because that's just really just a sort of a process that that's got to be done it's very boring and

01:17.910 --> 01:19.080
extremely repetitive.

01:19.080 --> 01:21.340
You know you can't really screw it up.

01:21.390 --> 01:23.820
So that's what I do.

01:23.860 --> 01:25.700
I just pretty much do or fulfillment.

01:25.800 --> 01:31.380
And if I order organize my time manage my time well then I can do all this other stuff it's really not

01:31.380 --> 01:31.880
a big deal.

01:31.890 --> 01:34.760
And it keeps me close to my business.

01:34.870 --> 01:38.850
Otherwise I will be a disconnect with what's actually going on.

01:38.850 --> 01:40.860
I've made this mistake in the past that's why I've written.

01:40.860 --> 01:42.170
Just be cautious.

01:42.180 --> 01:46.560
I've made this mistake where I've thought Rob Garza up and running I'm doing great and I want to do

01:46.560 --> 01:47.040
something else.

01:47.040 --> 01:48.910
I'm going to outsource everything.

01:49.170 --> 01:54.830
I'll take a hit or I'll lose 20 percent or whatever it is by outsourcing but it'll be worth it.

01:54.870 --> 02:00.730
And what happens is you kind of have yeah you lose you lose that touch that you have with the business.

02:00.750 --> 02:05.340
What's going on particularly if you've got a you know an authority site in the site that's kind of you.

02:05.430 --> 02:13.840
Your knowledge stifling to somebody else it's going to be who's going to lose that personal touch.

02:14.070 --> 02:18.760
That's new business I talked about right from the beginning and hopefully sort of all through this course

02:18.760 --> 02:24.210
where you know be yourself have a picture of yourself connect with the people they want to hear from

02:24.210 --> 02:24.630

02:24.630 --> 02:27.200
That's how you're going to work this business.

02:27.690 --> 02:31.470
You know that that's what makes this successful at least in my experience.

02:31.470 --> 02:37.330
Others may have of course different experiences but my experience being me that's what helps.

02:37.460 --> 02:43.000
So I also by all means if you want to do what I do just do all the fulfillment.

02:43.170 --> 02:45.260
But if you can go with it more more and more.

02:45.270 --> 02:47.190
Just be cautious about what you do.

8. Aliexpress alternatives


00:01.310 --> 00:03.180
OK this is going to be a very quick lecture.

00:03.260 --> 00:10.850
I just want to make you aware that there are actually expressive alternatives is not the only show in

00:10.850 --> 00:16.660
town and express my views the best is the biggest but it's not the only show.

00:16.670 --> 00:21.020
If for some reason you got any issues with L'Express you should at least have some sort of backup insurance

00:21.020 --> 00:22.000
policy you know.

00:22.160 --> 00:27.380
So I just want to let you know that you know there are plenty of sites out there I've listed these ones

00:27.410 --> 00:29.260
you know more or less random.

00:29.480 --> 00:33.820
I don't have any great experience with this.

00:34.160 --> 00:37.140
To be honest I don't really use them.

00:37.190 --> 00:42.140
I've certainly had a good browse around and probably think they're pretty good sites but I don't have

00:42.140 --> 00:48.620
any real good feedback to give you on any of them but they're there for you they're there for me if

00:48.620 --> 00:51.700
I have an issue with an express I will turn to one of the sites.

00:51.740 --> 00:57.550
So just be aware that you do have alternatives as part of your insurance policy.

9. Selling your websitebusiness


00:00.840 --> 00:03.770
Selling your website or your business.

00:03.930 --> 00:04.700

00:04.950 --> 00:08.030
Maybe you've never even thought about that.

00:08.550 --> 00:11.200
But you know take a step back for a moment.

00:11.340 --> 00:12.850
Think about it.

00:12.870 --> 00:16.710
You know you probably at this point starting on your journey and you're just you know you're getting

00:16.710 --> 00:18.670
excited about building up your business.

00:18.720 --> 00:24.390
But think about you know 12 months from now or two years from now something like that you've built yourself

00:24.390 --> 00:30.210
up a great business is making a 100000 euros a year or two hundred thousand dollars a year or whatever

00:30.210 --> 00:35.220
it is that's an asset it's a real asset it's a real business it generates money.

00:35.220 --> 00:40.860
Therefore if you wanted to you could sell it in a general rule of thumb you know if something is making

00:40.890 --> 00:45.600
200000 a year then you can sell it for you know at least that.

00:45.780 --> 00:52.040
So don't be under any illusions here you are you know you're building something proper here.

00:52.090 --> 00:56.550
You've seen that this isn't a get rich quick scheme like this requires hard work it requires effort.

00:56.560 --> 00:57.950
There's an awful lot to learn.

00:57.960 --> 00:59.630
It can be a huge amount of fun.

00:59.700 --> 01:02.310
It can be enormously satisfying.

01:02.310 --> 01:08.130
At the same time and you know you're working from home you've got you know a lifestyle business at your

01:08.130 --> 01:12.180
fingertips and now you have potentially something good sell if you wish.

01:12.180 --> 01:14.930
The other thing you could do of course is you could do another one.

01:14.940 --> 01:18.720
You could do another site you know on your journey.

01:18.720 --> 01:22.580
This is basically what happened to me on my journey through one side.

01:22.740 --> 01:27.840
I start to bump against other things and I think well maybe when I've got this one going well I'll do

01:27.930 --> 01:28.840
another one.

01:28.900 --> 01:35.870
Now after all we are essentially repeating a process we're going through you know a series of lectures

01:35.880 --> 01:40.590
you know what I've taught you here is the same process to build up another site.

01:40.630 --> 01:47.420
So yeah I mean you know I'm really not making this up you can dream a little.

01:47.430 --> 01:47.720
All right.

01:47.780 --> 01:48.390
Dream it.

01:48.390 --> 01:53.850
Don't focus on it because I want you to focus on building up the business which is a day by day thing.

01:54.000 --> 02:01.180
But yet dream a little and think about you know one day perhaps selling your website or your business.

10. Final thoughts - the sky's the limit - go for it !!


00:00.180 --> 00:02.390
Wow we've come to the end of the course.

00:02.400 --> 00:03.510
I can't believe it.

00:03.570 --> 00:09.720
I have so enjoyed teaching you and thank you so much for inviting me into your homes wherever you are

00:10.020 --> 00:12.010
to give their opportunity.

00:12.020 --> 00:18.600
Now of course I really hope you've really really enjoyed this but as well as teaching you as well as

00:18.600 --> 00:24.660
giving you the skills and the knowledge what I really really wanted to do is kind of inspire me to perhaps

00:24.660 --> 00:31.460
get you thinking about the opportunities that this kind of course this business model can give you.

00:31.590 --> 00:37.590
Maybe you're you know already thinking about perhaps you know replacing a nine to five job in the most

00:37.590 --> 00:38.700
extreme case.

00:38.860 --> 00:45.410
You know you can see what this can do if that's the case then congratulations you know run with it.

00:45.410 --> 00:46.640
Go with it.

00:46.920 --> 00:53.970
Now you know it's the end of the course but I'm still here and you know what I would love to receive

00:53.970 --> 00:55.230
is constructive criticism.

00:55.230 --> 01:00.530
I understand that there are holes in the course there are things that I can improve.

01:00.630 --> 01:04.350
And the reality is in any case the whole thing is a moving target.

01:04.350 --> 01:09.780
New techniques develop all the time and I'm going to be adding that stuff in as we go along.

01:09.960 --> 01:15.750
But anything you want to add anything you want to give back to me I would very very happily take that

01:15.750 --> 01:22.640
on weave it into the course if it's appropriate now you know let me just finish by saying once again

01:22.920 --> 01:24.740
super congratulations.

01:24.750 --> 01:31.040
I just want to wish you the best of luck with everything you do between now and the future.

01:31.450 --> 01:32.370

01:32.640 --> 01:33.820

01:33.820 --> 01:35.590
I'll see you very soon I hope.

01:35.700 --> 01:38.780
And perhaps the next course of create goodbye.

14. Bonus Section

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