Best course FOR FACEBOOK Advertising Build a Professional ADS + (ONLINE)


Best course FOR  FACEBOOK Advertising Build a Professional ADS + (ONLINE) 

Best courses FOR  FACEBOOK Advertising Build a Professional ADS + (ONLINE)

1. Facebook Traffic Secrets And Ad Brainstorming

00:04.990 --> 00:12.330Hey guys so in today's video we will start discussing the most awaited module of all and this is Facebook
00:12.330 --> 00:12.610ads.
00:12.630 --> 00:18.580Now this is going to be a large module because I will explain every every ad objective.
00:18.650 --> 00:20.950Now explain how you can target visitors.
00:20.950 --> 00:23.800I will explain how you can target your perfect audience.
00:24.100 --> 00:25.510I will explain all of that.
00:25.510 --> 00:29.210I will also explain how to use the pixel the page.
00:29.230 --> 00:34.870So I will also give you a basic funnel that works really really well that you can take people through
00:35.050 --> 00:39.570so they can end up buying your client's stuff or your own stuff.
00:39.580 --> 00:46.780So let's start and I'm going to head on to Facebook and show you the first ad objective that we're going
00:46.780 --> 00:47.630to discuss.
00:47.680 --> 00:49.840So we are on Facebook and now.
00:49.990 --> 00:52.810Right now you're probably wondering what is this here.
00:52.870 --> 00:55.780My ad account got suspended.
00:55.780 --> 01:00.430I've had a lot of problems with Facebook every time I spend a certain amount of money for some reason
01:00.430 --> 01:07.560my ad account gets suspended and I have to go through the whole process of free enabling it.
01:07.630 --> 01:10.690But this time they said that they want to enable it.
01:10.690 --> 01:12.810And I had to create a new ad account.
01:12.820 --> 01:14.290This is my main ad account.
01:14.290 --> 01:18.040This is the ad account that I use most often to create ads.
01:18.040 --> 01:19.390It's my personal ad account.
01:19.420 --> 01:23.670I know most people say you have to open a business page on Facebook.
01:23.680 --> 01:27.590That's that you can open through business dot Facebook dot com.
01:27.700 --> 01:29.070And I do have one.
01:29.110 --> 01:32.450But most of the time so it's just easier for me to use this ad again.
01:32.470 --> 01:36.630But now that it's suspended I have to use the other ones anyways in this video.
01:36.640 --> 01:43.090I will be discussing the first most important ad objective that you're going to be using for your clients
01:43.090 --> 01:48.090and for yourself depending on what you're what why you're watching this course anyway.
01:48.100 --> 01:54.790So the first one we're going to discuss the traffic objective so you probably know already what this
01:54.790 --> 01:55.200is.
01:55.210 --> 02:02.770So the idea of the traffic objective is to create an ad that brings people from Facebook to your or
02:02.770 --> 02:04.060your clients Web site.
02:04.300 --> 02:10.060So basically you take those people that are watching you on on Facebook that are seeing your ad on Facebook
02:10.360 --> 02:17.800and you're directing them to a Web site from which they can buy something or opt in and give you their
02:17.800 --> 02:21.910email address or their phone number and so on depending on your goal.
02:22.270 --> 02:24.140So it works really well.
02:24.250 --> 02:30.940Most of the times I use the traffic objective because it is the most intuitive one I've gotten great
02:30.940 --> 02:37.150results from this and I've made a lot of money from this objective but sometimes it's not the best objective.
02:37.150 --> 02:37.450Why.
02:37.450 --> 02:44.680Because you may want to for example increase the likes of your clients page for which you will be using
02:44.680 --> 02:48.110the engagement objective which we will discuss in the next week.
02:48.430 --> 02:55.750But for now this is the traffic objective you bring people from Facebook into a Web site to take any
02:55.750 --> 02:56.650action that you want.
02:56.650 --> 03:00.810So let's try to create a sample ad with the traffic objective.
03:00.850 --> 03:01.090OK.
03:01.090 --> 03:02.680So we've chosen the traffic objective.
03:02.680 --> 03:04.480I'm just going to click on continue.
03:04.480 --> 03:04.870All right.
03:04.870 --> 03:10.240So this is the menu that you're going to get when you get into Facebook ads as you can see your saved
03:10.270 --> 03:11.160audiences here.
03:11.170 --> 03:16.810And I'm going to show you how you can save an audience that may be reformed really well and you would
03:16.810 --> 03:17.920like to use again.
03:18.250 --> 03:21.560So for example here are your custom audiences.
03:21.590 --> 03:28.870Those are custom audiences either from your pixel or a list of people of people's e-mails that you have
03:28.870 --> 03:36.280collected either through giving something away for free and they opting in or just because they want
03:36.280 --> 03:37.990to receive a promotion or whatever.
03:37.990 --> 03:44.080And you can put those emails into Facebook which I'll show you I'll show you how to create custom audiences.
03:44.230 --> 03:46.470And basically you can target all of those people.
03:46.930 --> 03:52.180So we're not going to discuss this extensively right now I'm just showing you an overview of how you
03:52.180 --> 03:54.040create a traffic ad.
03:54.160 --> 03:56.920So this right here is the location.
03:56.920 --> 04:01.920So here you're going to be choosing which locations you want to target which countries which cities.
04:02.020 --> 04:05.380Let's say we want to target the United States.
04:05.380 --> 04:10.400And now remember the top six countries people say they're their top five.
04:10.420 --> 04:14.070But I include one because it's also one of the richest countries.
04:14.110 --> 04:15.440And that is Ireland.
04:15.700 --> 04:20.200But anyways the top countries the top six countries you should be targeting.
04:20.200 --> 04:23.470And of course it depends on where your clients are.
04:23.470 --> 04:28.630But if you're targeting something that's international something that can be bought online and can be
04:28.630 --> 04:37.330shipped international internationally you have to target either the USA the United Kingdom Australia
04:37.660 --> 04:41.140New Zealand Canada and Ireland.
04:41.140 --> 04:45.170Those are the countries I targeted specifically because those are the best.
04:45.310 --> 04:46.230To your country.
04:46.810 --> 04:51.670And if you want real results and not just numbers you have to target those countries.
04:51.670 --> 04:56.440Those are the best countries to target and almost every marketer is targeting them.
04:56.680 --> 04:59.400And that's why they're a little more expensive.
04:59.620 --> 05:04.900So you're going to include a location so for just for the sake of this video I'm going to include the
05:04.900 --> 05:05.830United States.
05:06.430 --> 05:06.660OK.
05:06.660 --> 05:08.760So we've chosen the United States.
05:08.890 --> 05:13.720That's just for example choose people let's say we are target.
05:13.780 --> 05:17.040We're creating an ad for a real estate agent.
05:17.740 --> 05:24.460So let's not choose United States and let's choose a specific city in the U.S. let's say New York for
05:24.460 --> 05:25.030example.
05:25.210 --> 05:25.410OK.
05:25.420 --> 05:32.080So we are creating an ad for somebody who is a real estate agent and they're selling some piece of real
05:32.080 --> 05:34.680estate in the New York area.
05:34.690 --> 05:37.660So right now we've chosen New York.
05:37.850 --> 05:46.390And what we can do is we're going to choose people from that's a most of the people who can buy real
05:46.390 --> 05:48.940estate or something like that are over 30 years old.
05:49.300 --> 05:57.080So let's say we choose people from 30 years old to let's say 50 for now.
05:57.130 --> 06:05.020Just by targeting New York and getting people from 30 to 50 years old we have 10 to 50 to link clicks
06:05.020 --> 06:05.440per day.
06:05.440 --> 06:14.050Now this is going to vary depending on how much money you put into the ad but this is also not always
06:14.050 --> 06:14.560accurate.
06:14.560 --> 06:22.900Sometimes your ad will blow up and it will get a lot of clicks sometimes it will be really bad and it
06:22.960 --> 06:25.170won't even get two clicks.
06:25.210 --> 06:33.040So let's say we want to target only men and we're not going to be entering the language because most
06:33.040 --> 06:37.430people in New York you know speaking the English language.
06:37.600 --> 06:40.120But even if they don't they probably know it.
06:40.150 --> 06:43.420So now we're going into the detail targeting.
06:43.420 --> 06:51.550Now what I want to explain here is look if you're targeting something that can be bought online and
06:51.560 --> 06:56.410that's that can be shipped internationally and so on something that can be bought internationally.
06:56.410 --> 07:04.620Choose an audience size of 500000 to a million a million and thousand.
07:04.660 --> 07:08.350Somewhere along those lines to more than that.
07:08.350 --> 07:15.130And Facebook will start giving you diminishing returns less than that and you might be losing customers.
07:15.430 --> 07:22.360So 500000 to 1 2 million and 500000 is a good place to start.
07:22.750 --> 07:27.080So how do you reduce how do you reduce this audience size.
07:27.080 --> 07:33.160But for example this one this potential reach is 1 million and one hundred thousand people.
07:33.160 --> 07:36.370Now we only want to target people who are interested in real estate.
07:36.370 --> 07:40.410We don't really want to target one million and one hundred thousand people.
07:40.420 --> 07:46.930So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to go into the detail targeting area of you know building
07:46.930 --> 07:48.380an ad and I'm going to.
07:48.730 --> 07:51.070I'm gonna just type in real estate for example.
07:51.250 --> 07:51.520OK.
07:51.550 --> 07:58.390So here there are people who are interested in real estate and they're also people who are owners or
07:58.390 --> 08:01.450employees of a business in the real estate industry.
08:01.810 --> 08:06.160So those people are for sure interested in real estate.
08:06.160 --> 08:06.720Right.
08:06.740 --> 08:15.100There's real estate brokers there was real estate development luxury luxury real estate real estate
08:15.100 --> 08:16.300appraisal and so on.
08:16.300 --> 08:23.500So let's let's chew the real estate interest and as you can see we have we now have three hundred and
08:23.500 --> 08:31.030twenty thousand people in the in New York from 30 to 50 years old or interested in real estate.
08:31.030 --> 08:37.120But let's narrow with a bit more let's say we want to target somebody interested in real estate and
08:37.120 --> 08:44.170somebody who is an employee or an owner at a real estate and in the real estate industry.
08:44.200 --> 08:48.820So now we're targeting twenty two thousand people as you can see now we're targeting people who are
08:48.880 --> 08:57.010interested in real estate and who also are employees or owners of companies in the real estate industry.
08:57.070 --> 08:59.320Let's say we want to sell a house.
08:59.380 --> 09:02.170We have a client that's real estate agent.
09:02.170 --> 09:05.070We want to be targeting people who are interested in real estate.
09:05.080 --> 09:06.970We want to target consumers.
09:06.970 --> 09:08.970Somebody who wants to buy that house.
09:08.980 --> 09:11.300So how are we going to do this.
09:11.320 --> 09:12.520Let's brainstorm a little.
09:12.610 --> 09:19.150Sometimes we will not be able to think of any types of people who might like real estate who might want
09:19.150 --> 09:19.900to buy a car.
09:20.350 --> 09:21.920So what are we going to do.
09:22.060 --> 09:28.690We we can click on the Browse but on over here and Facebook is going to give us all kinds of suggestions
09:28.700 --> 09:33.410behaviors interest demographics and more categories really in the more categories.
09:33.430 --> 09:38.020There's only this I don't know if this is for everybody but I have nail care for some reason.
09:38.050 --> 09:42.490But the main ones are Behavior Center interests and demographics.
09:42.490 --> 09:45.850So let's see let's see the demographics section.
09:45.850 --> 09:52.030OK we can go into net financial and we can choose an income that most of those people have.
09:52.030 --> 09:59.050So let's say you're selling a house for animal just giving them a number out there for fifty thousand.
09:59.680 --> 10:03.550So we want to choose somebody who can actually afford that house.
10:03.580 --> 10:09.040So let's say we choose people from one hundred thousand who have an income of one hundred thousand to
10:09.310 --> 10:14.380one hundred twenty five thousand per year let's choose those.
10:15.120 --> 10:19.360Let's also choose one hundred twenty five thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand.
10:20.260 --> 10:24.550And let's also choose one hundred and fifty thousand two two hundred and fifty thousand.
10:25.300 --> 10:31.900So now we're targeting people who have an income from one hundred thousand two hundred and fifty thousand
10:32.050 --> 10:32.830a year.
10:32.930 --> 10:37.160And as you can see our audience is now three hundred and forty thousand people.
10:37.450 --> 10:46.180So three hundred and forty thousand people in New York that Facebook recognizes are having those those
10:46.180 --> 10:46.980kinds of income.
10:47.140 --> 10:50.360But now we can also narrow it a bit further.
10:50.380 --> 10:54.460Let's say we want to target some buyers as you can see there.
10:54.520 --> 10:56.080I just typed in credit card.
10:56.080 --> 11:04.000We can now see Facebook has a collection of people who are active credit card users will primarily use
11:04.000 --> 11:07.310credit cards who have premium credit cards.
11:07.330 --> 11:14.140So let's just choose all of those active credit card user and let's actually let's choose active credit
11:14.140 --> 11:18.580card user and premium credit cards or just premium credit cards.
11:18.580 --> 11:20.970Let's just go with a premium credit card.
11:20.980 --> 11:23.340Those are people who have good credit scores.
11:23.380 --> 11:26.170I don't know how that works in the US.
11:26.170 --> 11:32.440I just know from basic knowledge that premium credit cards is basically they have good credit scores

11:32.890 --> 11:33.360anyway.
11:33.360 --> 11:36.760So now we're getting one hundred and twenty thousand people.
11:36.820 --> 11:40.780So how are we going to narrow people who are looking for a house.
11:40.810 --> 11:41.880Let's see.
11:42.100 --> 11:46.310We're going to click on narrow further and then we're going.
11:46.630 --> 11:52.090We're going to go into browse again and let's see if we have something like this.
11:52.090 --> 11:54.380People who are looking for a house.
11:54.470 --> 12:02.680So I just typed in home and in Facebook and let's see what we have in in the interest in demographics
12:02.680 --> 12:03.850and behavior section.
12:03.850 --> 12:07.370So what suggestions does Facebook give us.
12:07.420 --> 12:10.470Now we can see there is an interest home.
12:10.480 --> 12:14.710Now we want to be targeting this is too big.
12:14.710 --> 12:21.730I know that some people just you know put home as an interest in their Facebook just for fun house made
12:21.730 --> 12:23.300based households.
12:23.320 --> 12:30.520Now look some people most people who have an income of this type want to be have housemates probably
12:31.100 --> 12:32.470a family based household.
12:32.560 --> 12:39.370Yeah some of them will you know most of them will have family based households younger adults and home
12:39.790 --> 12:41.920homeowners.
12:42.370 --> 12:47.950Let's see home type single home household composition working women.
12:48.100 --> 12:50.710I don't know what that is.
12:50.710 --> 12:51.710Homeownership.
12:51.740 --> 12:52.120Renters.
12:52.150 --> 12:58.180So you can target people who have this income and are currently renting an apartment.
12:58.270 --> 13:02.950And if you have a better looking apartment or a better looking house you can sell it to them.
13:03.460 --> 13:13.360So we didn't find any interests that may that people who may want to buy a house would have in their
13:13.360 --> 13:16.460Facebook account most of those at least I don't think.
13:16.570 --> 13:22.480I don't know if we can use all of those maybe the home ownership renters thing but most of those are
13:22.480 --> 13:25.810not the exact thing I'm searching for.
13:25.900 --> 13:30.630I'm searching for people who would be interest read interested to buy a house right now.
13:30.670 --> 13:36.640So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go on Google and research a bit for the best Web sites that sell
13:36.640 --> 13:43.450homes for example and then I'm gonna come back to Facebook and type every one of those Web sites until
13:43.450 --> 13:50.920I find one that Facebook hasn't had as an interest so we can target people who like that page the page
13:50.920 --> 13:52.760of that Web site and Facebook.
13:53.020 --> 13:56.010So let's see what we can find in Google.
13:56.050 --> 14:00.170So I went into Google and I found this Web site to homes dot com.
14:00.190 --> 14:01.950So people.
14:02.230 --> 14:04.590So Facebook recognized this as an interest.
14:04.600 --> 14:10.480So I guess maybe this Web site that Web site has a Facebook page and that Facebook page you know Facebook
14:10.480 --> 14:13.390recognizes that it recognizes this as an interest.
14:13.660 --> 14:21.610And now we can target people who will like that Page who are in New York who are 30 to 50 year old who
14:21.610 --> 14:26.970are men who use premium credit cards who have this type of income.
14:27.100 --> 14:30.370And as he said cool like this this Web site.
14:30.640 --> 14:32.530So let's let's click on this.
14:32.530 --> 14:38.890Let's use it as an interest and you know Facebook shows us that there are fewer than 1000 people in
14:39.250 --> 14:43.660New York who are men 30 to 50 years old who have this type of income.
14:43.790 --> 14:47.840Are premium card credit cards users and who like this Web site.
14:48.070 --> 14:51.480So let's just remove the premium premium credit cards thing.
14:52.000 --> 14:52.800Let's just leave.
14:52.800 --> 14:59.560People who have this type of income and like this page again fewer than 1000 people now.
14:59.650 --> 15:01.660I think this is not enough.
15:01.720 --> 15:03.980So let's target another Web site that I found.
15:03.970 --> 15:07.700Let's see if Facebook has it real estate dot com.
15:09.670 --> 15:17.810OK so real estate dot com dot a you let's just try this one again fewer than 1000 people.
15:17.870 --> 15:20.970I'm going to find another Web site that we can use.
15:21.410 --> 15:29.840OK so I know this is not a Web site that people use to rent homes or to buy homes but people who are
15:29.840 --> 15:37.340interested in Air B and B might be interested in buying a home in New York for example if they are from
15:37.340 --> 15:37.980New York.
15:38.570 --> 15:44.180Remember that we are currently targeting people in New York for a house that we are selling in New York.
15:44.180 --> 15:52.310So let's just target urban users and as you can see right now immediately we have 70000 people that
15:52.310 --> 16:00.560we can target who as I said are in New York 30 to 50 years old men only let's say we want to target
16:00.560 --> 16:01.870men and women.
16:04.200 --> 16:04.470OK.
16:04.520 --> 16:12.860So men and women 30 to 50 years old who have this type of income and like those Web sites as you can
16:12.860 --> 16:18.190see at one hundred and seventy thousand people we can target right now.
16:18.200 --> 16:23.430So now let's say you have created the ad you ran it for a while.
16:23.510 --> 16:30.020You can go back to the ad from the ad manager and you can save the audience or you can save every audience
16:30.020 --> 16:33.920you create in case one of the ads you know blows up.
16:34.190 --> 16:39.740And now you will know which of the audiences that you've used has given you that type of result.
16:39.740 --> 16:41.670So we can save this audience.
16:41.750 --> 16:44.950We can name it as you can see we can name it over here.
16:44.990 --> 16:51.080I'm not going to say this but basically you can save it from here and then you can access it again by
16:51.080 --> 16:55.730going over here to use a saved audience.
16:55.740 --> 16:58.450Anyways we can edit placements.
16:58.640 --> 17:05.150Usually people say you know some marketers say that it's best to only target feeds but I found that
17:05.180 --> 17:13.680if I target feed and for right column I get a lot of I don't get bad results at all.
17:14.330 --> 17:20.990So let's say we want to target the feeds of Facebook Facebook feeds and right column on Facebook.
17:22.040 --> 17:28.610And we also want to target Instagram feeds or I'm going to actually create a separate ad that's going
17:28.610 --> 17:30.160to target Instagram feeds.
17:30.680 --> 17:37.220And now I'm going to target feeds or Facebook the feed of Facebook and the right column of Facebook.
17:37.220 --> 17:39.980Now we can also use this.
17:40.130 --> 17:46.400I found that mobile only usually costs less but sometimes you know depending on what you sell people
17:46.400 --> 17:48.800are not going to buy from their phones.
17:48.920 --> 17:52.160You can also only target desktop only.
17:52.220 --> 17:54.350So depending on what you sell you can use this.
17:54.350 --> 17:57.300But I found that mobile only is cheaper to get results.
17:57.650 --> 18:01.320But let's just use all devices just for the sake of this video.
18:01.580 --> 18:04.870You can target specific mobile devices.
18:04.910 --> 18:06.390I don't think we need this.
18:06.380 --> 18:07.060We can only.
18:07.130 --> 18:11.220You can also target only people when or that are connected to Wi-Fi.
18:12.350 --> 18:15.040And now here you're going to set your budget.
18:15.050 --> 18:20.720So let's say that the real estate agent you're working with has said that he has a five hundred dollar
18:20.960 --> 18:25.480five hundred key guru or five hundred dollars a month for ads.
18:25.490 --> 18:29.380Now you're not going to use all of those five hundred dollars on one app.
18:29.390 --> 18:31.000You have to be testing.
18:31.010 --> 18:34.290You have to test at least five to 10 ads.
18:34.370 --> 18:41.120See the ones that are working the best cut the others off and only use the best ones and put some more
18:41.120 --> 18:41.900money in them.
18:42.650 --> 18:47.720And when you're putting more money in them don't just edited your budget.
18:47.740 --> 18:50.420You know just duplicate the ad and create it.
18:50.510 --> 18:57.980Create a new ad but duplicated duplicate your old one the one that has worked well because Facebook
18:57.980 --> 19:07.730has this this error where if you increase the budget of an ad by a lot it will start giving you very
19:07.730 --> 19:09.430very big diminishing returns.
19:09.440 --> 19:15.770And the ad will start you know not bringing in any results or the results are going to be really bad.
19:16.070 --> 19:18.410So let's say you want to test this ad.
19:18.560 --> 19:25.620I would usually be tested at 10 or five dollars a day you know depending on how much.
19:25.790 --> 19:27.190How much of a budget you have.
19:27.560 --> 19:34.100And you know you are you're going to just set your start and end date and you're going to optimize for
19:34.100 --> 19:34.960link clicks.
19:34.970 --> 19:40.940Now you can also optimize for a landing page views impressions and they a unique reach and link clicks
19:41.030 --> 19:47.480will Facebook both create the ad and it will optimize it and it will show it to people who are more
19:47.480 --> 19:50.410likely to click on what you have to offer.
19:50.540 --> 19:56.090Landing page views Facebook will basically optimize the ad for people who are more likely to click and
19:56.090 --> 19:57.230view your page.
19:57.500 --> 20:00.080But it's a bit more expensive.
20:00.080 --> 20:05.360Most of the Times ad gets better results from link links even though landing page views sounds better
20:06.380 --> 20:07.250impressions.
20:07.250 --> 20:14.120They're basically going to deliver your ad to the same people or a group of people as much time as possible
20:14.570 --> 20:21.530and they let you decrease they're going to deliver your ad to new people every day as much as possible
20:22.310 --> 20:27.880so you can also use the daily unique reach but then Facebook will just optimize for you at your ad just
20:28.010 --> 20:29.620to show it to more people.
20:29.660 --> 20:35.510But if you use link clicks Facebook will optimize the ad to show it to people who are more likely to
20:35.510 --> 20:36.520click on the link.
20:36.590 --> 20:37.590If you get what I'm saying.
20:37.610 --> 20:40.490So let's just use the link clicks option.
20:40.490 --> 20:43.370You can use a specific bit.
20:43.370 --> 20:48.980Now I'm not an expert in this and most of the times I just stay away from this because I don't really
20:48.980 --> 20:55.940understand it that well and I'm humble enough to say it but basically you can tell Facebook how much
20:55.940 --> 21:00.080you're eager you're ready to spend for Brazil.
21:00.410 --> 21:07.040So as you can see here the automatic one is two euros per link click.
21:07.040 --> 21:15.830So basically Facebook will now see that I am I am willing to spend up to two years or two dollars whatever
21:15.830 --> 21:19.410you're using up to two dollars for a link click.
21:19.410 --> 21:23.030Now I don't think that's very good.
21:23.060 --> 21:29.020So I usually I just stay on the automatic option and Facebook does it for me.
21:29.150 --> 21:35.780And you can also choose when you get charged or if you get charged by impression you're basically going
21:35.780 --> 21:42.110to get charged every time a thousand people see your ad if you're going to get charged by link click.
21:42.140 --> 21:46.570So you're going to get charged on every link click you get most of the times.
21:46.580 --> 21:50.580I leave it to an impression because I get cheaper results.
21:50.600 --> 21:52.280So it's your choice.
21:52.280 --> 21:54.880You can do both of them whatever suits you.
21:55.160 --> 22:00.550But in my opinion impression is good enough and you'll be able to get cheaper results than using link
22:00.560 --> 22:02.110clicks.
22:02.150 --> 22:08.270Also I've had some problems when choosing the link click option where Facebook takes a ton of hours
22:08.270 --> 22:09.930to just approve the ad.
22:10.010 --> 22:13.210So again that's your choice.
22:13.210 --> 22:14.580You can do both.
22:14.620 --> 22:19.780I recommend impressions because I've seen I've always done impressions and I've seen that I've seen
22:19.780 --> 22:21.160great great results with it.
22:21.580 --> 22:23.120So let's just continue.
22:23.950 --> 22:29.130Now here you can choose what type of advertisements you want to make.
22:29.140 --> 22:35.560So you can put a carousel that can be interesting you know you can create an ad with multiple pictures
22:35.560 --> 22:37.010of the home you're selling.
22:37.120 --> 22:39.800You can also create just a single image of the house maybe.
22:39.820 --> 22:42.820And when they click on the Web site they can see more.
22:42.850 --> 22:48.240You can also use video and I recommend this one or the slideshow.
22:48.280 --> 22:52.220You can create a slideshow with different pictures of the house.
22:52.270 --> 22:55.320And why do I recommend a single video or slideshow.
22:55.330 --> 23:00.730Because let's say you have a video of the House really nice made professionally made video of the House
23:00.730 --> 23:04.420that the the real estate agent is selling.
23:04.420 --> 23:10.120Now you can create an ad with a video and then you can retarget everybody who's watched more than 50
23:10.120 --> 23:13.940percent of the video or more than 75 percent of the video.
23:14.050 --> 23:16.390And now you have interested buyers.
23:16.420 --> 23:23.120Now you have interested people they watch 75 percent of the video of an ad that is basically selling
23:23.120 --> 23:23.530a home.
23:23.560 --> 23:29.470So they have been interested but maybe they didn't click on your ad because it didn't really catch them
23:29.710 --> 23:34.340the first time and most of the times people want to buy from the first time they see you.
23:34.360 --> 23:35.380You have to follow.
23:35.440 --> 23:42.310That's the golden rule or anything that you're selling and no matter how you're selling it whether it's
23:42.310 --> 23:48.760through ads emails phone calls whatever you have to follow up because 80 percent of the sales are made
23:48.850 --> 23:51.630after the fifth to 12th follow up.
23:51.640 --> 23:59.450So always remember the follow up and use for example a single video I would use a view and then I would
23:59.560 --> 24:04.000target people who have watched a certain type or a certain percentage of the video.
24:04.330 --> 24:08.710But anyways let's just for this for the sake of this video we use the single image because it's the
24:08.710 --> 24:09.990easiest one.
24:10.000 --> 24:16.450Now here what you're going to do is basically you're going to first upload your image then you're going
24:16.450 --> 24:17.850to put the Web site.
24:17.980 --> 24:19.390It can be whatever.
24:19.560 --> 24:28.630You know the Web site of your client or or link to this specific page of that home that the that the
24:28.630 --> 24:36.490real estate agent is selling or it may be you know it may be to a page where the real estate agent can
24:36.820 --> 24:42.640collect phone numbers from people who are at least somewhat interested in the house.
24:42.670 --> 24:45.500So that will be a bit expensive to get.
24:45.520 --> 24:48.880I mean every result will be a bit expensive to get.
24:48.970 --> 24:53.020If you're if you're looking for phone numbers because most people don't want to give out their phone
24:53.020 --> 24:58.900numbers on the Internet but you'll still get some results from people who are interested and then that
24:58.900 --> 25:04.390real estate agent can call those people and close them and then you you've made a sale together for
25:04.690 --> 25:06.910fifty thousand dollars for example.
25:06.910 --> 25:14.770So you can use all kinds of stuff and you can create a simple landing page from in click finance or
25:15.100 --> 25:21.500leaf pages and you can collect phone numbers from there or you can just use one of the other objectives
25:21.640 --> 25:29.190that they're going to show you later which is the lead generation objective and you can use it for four
25:29.200 --> 25:29.550leads.
25:29.550 --> 25:34.430So anyways you can put the Web site off your each of your client over here.
25:34.450 --> 25:37.310You can preview the link to make sure it's right.
25:37.540 --> 25:42.580And then you can enter some text of the ad so let me just choose.
25:42.590 --> 25:44.030This simple image.
25:44.390 --> 25:51.880OK so let's say I'm I'm just selling this house over here and here I'm going to the website of my client
25:52.840 --> 26:02.030and then I'm going to type in something like just for example house on sale.
26:02.040 --> 26:07.630And the headline will be maybe something along the lines of click here
26:10.480 --> 26:14.690or really read for it.
26:16.330 --> 26:20.500And you know that report can include pictures of the house or something something like that.
26:20.740 --> 26:24.210And you know you can change also the button over here that you're seeing.
26:24.460 --> 26:28.010Maybe it will be you know you can do.
26:28.630 --> 26:34.570Let's say you're collecting leads or phone numbers or you want them to sign up so they can view the
26:34.570 --> 26:36.080house or something like that.
26:36.130 --> 26:38.000You can use the sign up button.
26:38.170 --> 26:44.020You can use watch more if you have more videos or pictures of the of the house.
26:44.020 --> 26:47.640You can just use the normal one which is learn more.
26:47.650 --> 26:54.940And you know when people click on it they get on the on the on the web of your phone so you can also
26:54.940 --> 26:59.130create the ad in different language if you want to.
26:59.230 --> 27:03.280But if you're selling to people on you in New York then you don't need that.
27:03.700 --> 27:05.020But basically that's it.
27:05.080 --> 27:06.690That's how you create that.
27:06.700 --> 27:12.970And then you can you know of course choose the Facebook pick so and confirm the ad and you're off to
27:12.970 --> 27:16.850the races you know and you can start monitoring your ad.
27:16.900 --> 27:19.110So I hope you enjoy this view.
27:19.120 --> 27:22.710I'm going to meet you in the next one and talk about a little more ad objectives.
27:22.710 --> 27:29.380Now I'm not going to go into detail for every one of them because most of the things are the same but
27:29.410 --> 27:32.070I'm going to show you the things that are different.
27:32.500 --> 27:34.000So meet me in the next meeting.

2. Viral Engagement Ads


00:04.540 --> 00:05.190

00:05.200 --> 00:09.570
So the next objective that we are going to discuss is the engagement objective.

00:09.580 --> 00:16.660
Now there are multiple types of engagement ads that are posting data at that age likes and event responses.

00:16.660 --> 00:23.230
Now I had a client that basically we needed event responses for them to make any money at all because

00:23.230 --> 00:26.600
they were making kind of a meeting kind of meetings.

00:26.620 --> 00:32.530
Basically they were selling very expensive chocolate and they were selling them in meetings where multiple

00:32.530 --> 00:38.200
people just meet together and you know have a good time drink some wine and eat some chocolate and then

00:38.410 --> 00:43.170
they would sell them to other types of chocolate that they can take home with them.

00:43.270 --> 00:49.810
And that's how I create an ad for one of my clients that basically costed us ten dollars and they made

00:49.810 --> 00:50.740
four hundred back.

00:50.740 --> 00:53.070
So I'm really proud with that ad.

00:53.100 --> 00:58.660
But basically we did it with the event responses thing and most of you guys won't need this.

00:58.660 --> 01:04.690
But you know it's a great ad to create because then people just making click on I'm going to the event

01:04.720 --> 01:08.190
or I'm interested in the event and then you can retarget those people.

01:08.320 --> 01:14.020
And that's how I actually made that much money for my client because I retired in people who said that

01:14.020 --> 01:20.260
they are interested in the event and I retargeting them and they saved their spots on the meeting and

01:20.260 --> 01:21.850
then they bought some chocolate.

01:21.850 --> 01:27.460
And you know we made a lot of money with that ad but anyways I'm going to show you the post engagement

01:27.490 --> 01:30.550
one that I'm going to use because the page likes to let us continue.

01:30.760 --> 01:35.330
So again we've been through all right we've been through this already.

01:35.380 --> 01:42.600
You choose your audience you choose your targeting and then you edit the placements it may be just Instagram

01:42.600 --> 01:46.950
it maybe just Facebook feeds you set your budget and then you just choose both engagement.

01:46.960 --> 01:54.290
You know when you get charged it's always for it but for post engagement ads it's always impression.

01:54.580 --> 02:01.670
And then you continue you can use an existing post or create a new ad again choose a video slideshow

02:01.690 --> 02:07.600
or single image and then you can also retarget people who have liked the picture or who have watched

02:07.600 --> 02:10.820
The View to a certain percentage and so on.

02:10.840 --> 02:14.900
Now you can also add a button to an engagement.

02:14.920 --> 02:19.840
It can be a learn more button send message or shop now button so you can basically create two ads in

02:19.840 --> 02:20.370

02:20.530 --> 02:27.580
But remember this Facebook will optimize the ads they add for people who are more likely to like the

02:27.580 --> 02:31.210
post and not click on your link but you can always try.

02:31.210 --> 02:37.900
You know we can always do this and try two things at once because you'll be getting more results that

02:37.900 --> 02:38.520

02:38.530 --> 02:41.280
So let's discuss the page likes ad.

02:41.380 --> 02:47.860
So before we continue for I because the other the other objectives I wanted to show you it's cool cool

02:47.860 --> 02:50.510
little trick that you can use on Facebook.

02:50.980 --> 02:57.100
And this is only used in the beginning when you're creating a new page for a client or you know you

02:57.100 --> 03:03.610
want to just boost the numbers up a little bit to make them know look a bit to have more social proof.

03:04.000 --> 03:11.680
So what you have to do basically let's say you want to get a ton of likes on a post of a house that

03:11.890 --> 03:13.060
your client is selling.

03:13.060 --> 03:19.720
So when that video or picture has so many likes a lot of people will stop and look at it because it

03:19.720 --> 03:20.740
has social proof.

03:21.130 --> 03:26.680
So what we can use here is there are certain countries that are really low cost.

03:27.250 --> 03:31.380
It's called the low cost countries and they're basically third world countries.

03:31.420 --> 03:37.060
And some European countries that cost a lot less to get results from.

03:37.060 --> 03:38.940
And let's say you want to moves to post.

03:38.950 --> 03:46.450
So it gets a lot of likes and then you know you can use the same post and target people from the country

03:46.450 --> 03:48.640
or actually you actually want to target.

03:48.670 --> 03:50.650
So how would you do that.

03:50.650 --> 03:57.280
You're going to go on you know the same place where we are entering our detail targeting in our locations

03:57.670 --> 04:02.980
and we're just going to click on you know we're going to use third world countries.

04:02.980 --> 04:06.310
So let's say Egypt let's say Iraq.

04:06.310 --> 04:08.720
We can use Pakistan.

04:08.830 --> 04:10.190
We can use India.

04:10.270 --> 04:12.970
We can use the Philippines and Singapore for example.

04:12.970 --> 04:18.650
So those are some third world countries that you can use to boost your posts engagement.

04:18.760 --> 04:22.750
Just so it can have a little bit more social proof for your client.

04:22.750 --> 04:27.940
And then I'm going to show you how you can use the same boat to create a new ad that's going to target

04:27.970 --> 04:32.740
your specific you know your specific country the country that you actually want to target.

04:32.890 --> 04:40.520
And so what you have to do basically now is just choose those countries and let the ad run for a while.

04:40.540 --> 04:46.690
It will get a lot of a lot of likes and then you can use that same post for a new ad.

04:46.720 --> 04:49.260
So how do you do that after you've led the run.

04:49.270 --> 04:52.420
Let the ad run for a while and you can click on here.

04:52.450 --> 04:58.300
You're going to click on page posts in here when you are in page posts you can see all of the posts

04:58.330 --> 05:05.090
that you have created for your ads you can just click on one of them and click on actions and create

05:05.100 --> 05:05.480

05:05.760 --> 05:11.240
So as you can see here I had a post that had a reach of one hundred seventy two thousand people.

05:11.250 --> 05:18.660
Now I can what I can do is I can click on it here and click on Create at and create a new ad using the

05:18.660 --> 05:22.560
same metrics that this post collected.

05:22.560 --> 05:30.240
So basically what I mean is as you can see this this post had seven three hundred seventy four engagements.

05:30.240 --> 05:35.430
Now I can use that same post and it's still going to have three hundred seventy four engagements when

05:35.430 --> 05:36.690
it's shown to people.

05:36.720 --> 05:43.410
It's cold dark boasts its boast that Facebook only Facebook knows that you've done and they can only

05:43.410 --> 05:49.590
be shown by creating an ad and they're not really showing on your original page.

05:49.590 --> 05:54.900
So that's why they're cold dark folks so you can use the same boat that you created for that ad that

05:54.900 --> 05:56.820
got a lot of a lot of likes.

05:57.150 --> 06:04.910
And then you can use it again as a traffic ad or as an engagement ad for the original country launch

06:04.950 --> 06:05.360

06:05.610 --> 06:11.800
So let's go back to the creation of ads and I'm going to show you how you can do that for boosting pages

06:11.940 --> 06:12.510

06:12.510 --> 06:13.550
You can do the same thing.

06:13.580 --> 06:16.200
So you can boost your clients pages likes.

06:16.230 --> 06:22.500
So now you can also use this to increase your clients page likes and what you have to do is just choose

06:22.500 --> 06:28.110
the page likes option and you can target the same countries and you'll get very very very cheap likes

06:28.530 --> 06:35.000
to the page that can boost the client's page in terms of amount of light so it can look a bit more credible.

06:35.250 --> 06:41.400
If your client is just starting out on Facebook so you're going to target those countries again.

06:41.540 --> 06:48.800
And when I'm talking about cheap results I'm talking about likes for zero point zero zero one sense.

06:48.900 --> 06:51.640
So that's less than 1 cent like.

06:51.690 --> 06:58.260
And if your if your client has a five hundred dollar budget this month and he wants to spend it all

06:58.260 --> 07:04.050
on just like well he can get around one hundred thousand likes for that and he was going to look really

07:04.050 --> 07:09.660
really credible and then you can start creating new as they're targeting the country the more you know

07:09.660 --> 07:11.460
that the top tier countries.

07:11.460 --> 07:16.830
So you can also get some likes from people who are going to be buyers.

07:16.980 --> 07:20.160
So let's just continue and I'm going to show you how to do that.

07:20.280 --> 07:25.910
So here you're going to use it to choose the page of the page to which you want to bring blacks to.

07:25.980 --> 07:33.700
Then you're going to you know enter all of those countries here that we talked about Pakistan Singapore.

07:33.720 --> 07:37.560
Just think of annual third world countries that you can think of.

07:37.740 --> 07:40.190
You can put as many countries as you'd like.

07:40.200 --> 07:46.830
I don't recommend more than five to six but you can use five to six countries and you'll get very very

07:46.830 --> 07:49.560
cheap likes that you only use.

07:49.650 --> 07:55.440
So you can have a bit more credibility because you don't expect those people to really engage with most

07:55.440 --> 07:59.250
of your posts and don't expect them to buy something from you.

07:59.250 --> 08:02.720
Those are people from third world countries and they're not buyers.

08:02.880 --> 08:05.700
So the only thing you want from them is to like the page.

08:05.700 --> 08:11.430
So it looks a bit more credible when you're creating ads to the country that you really want to target

08:11.460 --> 08:16.740
because when you when people see an ad from you they're going to check out your page and if they see

08:16.740 --> 08:21.460
you have three likes on the page or something they're going to think you're a piece of shit you know.

08:21.540 --> 08:28.440
But if you have 500 or 1000 or 50 thousand likes on your Facebook page they're going to see it and they're

08:28.590 --> 08:34.170
going to say oh this guy is somebody so use this as a trick and I'm going to meet you in the next video

08:34.170 --> 08:35.670

to show you the next ad object.

3. Amazing Video Ads


00:04.920 --> 00:09.540
OK so the next objective that we're going to discuss is the video views objective.

00:09.580 --> 00:13.330
Now you can use this to target people who will watch your videos.

00:13.540 --> 00:14.810
And then you can retarget that.

00:14.840 --> 00:15.790
Then let's continue.

00:15.820 --> 00:21.400
And I'm going to show you how to create a video to use ad basically what you have to do is again choose

00:21.400 --> 00:24.480
your audience the same way as in the first video.

00:24.640 --> 00:26.200
It's really really easy.

00:26.210 --> 00:30.800
Look people think Facebook and Facebook ads is hard.

00:30.830 --> 00:32.710
It's actually not that hard.

00:32.740 --> 00:35.140
The hardest thing is making those people buy.

00:35.170 --> 00:40.040
And when you're working for somebody else most of the times they have to worry about that.

00:40.070 --> 00:43.300
They only worry about reaching profitable ads.

00:43.360 --> 00:46.600
And how do you create profitable ads when you're getting results.

00:46.930 --> 00:53.710
And don't think that somebody will ever buy you know it happens but don't think that somebody will buy

00:53.710 --> 01:01.270
from an ad the first time all the money that people make online is made on the back end where people

01:01.270 --> 01:07.060
don't see you know it's the back end of their business where only they know what's happening with the

01:07.060 --> 01:09.130
business owners know what's happening.

01:09.160 --> 01:14.800
So basically when I'm creating an ad I don't actually expect to make any money off it.

01:15.490 --> 01:19.950
I expect to make money of it in the back and where my profits will triple.

01:19.960 --> 01:25.090
For example for the same client that was selling chocolates we didn't expect them.

01:25.090 --> 01:32.080
We didn't expect people to buy do correctly from the ad we expect them to buy after we have targeted

01:32.080 --> 01:32.440

01:32.560 --> 01:36.190
A couple of times already or we have talked to them in person.

01:36.220 --> 01:43.330
So what we did is we put a number on the ad that they can call and talk to a real person that can sell

01:43.330 --> 01:45.330
to them to come to the event.

01:45.340 --> 01:46.210
So that's what I did.

01:46.210 --> 01:49.420
I created an ad I put on a real name a real number.

01:49.480 --> 01:56.710
I wrote some good copy but a real number that they can call and people started calling my client and

01:56.710 --> 02:02.470
he basically closed them on coming to the event from that one ad we did.

02:02.950 --> 02:04.960
And I wasn't expecting people to buy from it.

02:05.230 --> 02:11.440
I was expecting them to buy from the next steps that they have to take in order to buy for example calling

02:11.500 --> 02:18.070
my client or checking out my client's Facebook page where he posted a lot of content.

02:18.340 --> 02:23.420
After you have indoctrinated the person that's when people buy they don't buy from the first ad nobody's

02:23.440 --> 02:25.340
gonna buy from somebody that you don't know.

02:25.360 --> 02:29.200
That's one of the things that I realized very very late.

02:29.620 --> 02:32.320
And before that I was thinking I was a bad marketer.

02:32.340 --> 02:36.400
But in reality I was just having unrealistic expectations.

02:36.400 --> 02:37.040
Nobody is.

02:37.250 --> 02:39.850
I have never bought anything from one ad.

02:39.880 --> 02:45.400
I had to be to be targeted a couple of times before I even consider buying from that person.

02:45.430 --> 02:50.530
So always remember the follow up people are not going to buy on the first that they're going to buy

02:50.530 --> 02:58.150
on that second third fourth fifth sometimes on the 12th step as the study shows that most people buy

02:58.660 --> 03:04.620
after the fifth to 12th follow up so don't get discouraged if nobody buys from your ad.

03:04.920 --> 03:08.020
But anyways let's continue with the creation of the ad.

03:08.180 --> 03:14.260
So after you've done this after you've been through your budget the same thing the same thing you go

03:14.260 --> 03:20.590
to identity and you upload the video and you use it and you know you upload to be you here you use some

03:20.590 --> 03:26.350
cool copy that you can write and make sure your pixel is ready down here.

03:26.980 --> 03:35.530
But anyways this is basically the video views objective most of the objectives are very very simple.

03:35.800 --> 03:41.800
And now I'm going to show you one that is a bit more complicated but it's it's going to bring amazing

03:41.800 --> 03:45.220
results for your clients that they can actually use.

03:45.220 --> 03:48.950

And most clients are searching for this type of results so meet me in the next.

4. Lead Generation Ads


00:04.900 --> 00:05.280

00:05.310 --> 00:10.630
So the next objective that we're going to discuss is one of my favorites because it has the biggest

00:10.630 --> 00:14.660
potential for your clients and that's the lead generation objective.

00:14.670 --> 00:21.470
Now when you choose this you'll have to accept some terms and conditions which are over here.

00:21.580 --> 00:23.070
You'll have to accept them.

00:23.200 --> 00:25.900
Otherwise Facebook won't let you create ads like this.

00:26.140 --> 00:30.940
But anyways what you can do now is again target all the people you want to target and so on.

00:31.030 --> 00:31.990
Edit your placements.

00:31.990 --> 00:36.390
Now you can do a lead generation ad everywhere.

00:36.400 --> 00:43.480
I was skeptical if you can create it on Instagram Stories and you actually can and why generation ads

00:43.480 --> 00:44.470
are so important.

00:44.470 --> 00:50.950
Look if you don't have a Web site on which you collect leads you don't need to have one right now because

00:50.950 --> 00:58.090
Facebook allows that allows you to collect leads without having a Web site because when people scroll

00:58.090 --> 01:05.100
up or when they swipe up or when they click on the link there they're going to automatically have a

01:05.110 --> 01:12.430
screen pop up from Facebook that is going to be pre filled with their information that they've entered

01:12.610 --> 01:14.220
in Facebook already.

01:14.290 --> 01:16.900
So they don't even have to fill out anything.

01:16.900 --> 01:22.540
They only have to press a couple of buttons and you have their information forever.

01:23.020 --> 01:28.780
And you can add an option to add their phone number which they may not have entered into Facebook and

01:28.780 --> 01:30.350
they'll have to enter it for they.

01:30.550 --> 01:32.650
They were just going to click away.

01:32.680 --> 01:39.280
But if they have enter their phone number and Facebook they will also have that he filled into the app

01:39.490 --> 01:44.410
so that the person that is seeing the ad doesn't have to know anything.

01:44.410 --> 01:50.500
He just has to click two or three buttons and you know he's going to receive what you what you can offer

01:50.500 --> 01:50.860
to him.

01:51.160 --> 01:52.900
But anyways let's let's continue.

01:52.900 --> 02:00.940
I'm going to choose my fees for this example and maybe it's an instant articles and I'm going to exclude

02:01.390 --> 02:02.800

02:02.800 --> 02:08.710
And actually let's just choose feeds without Instant Articles so only feeds I'm going to leave this

02:08.710 --> 02:10.110
budget for an example.

02:10.560 --> 02:11.650
And I'm going to continue.

02:11.710 --> 02:17.470
So now what you have to do is you can use this single image and Facebook just chose some random image

02:17.470 --> 02:19.010
that I have on my page.

02:19.090 --> 02:25.840
You can put in your text you can put in your display link headline use fit in the News Feed link description

02:26.130 --> 02:32.070
and now you have a call to action that that's called sign up basically that's it.

02:32.770 --> 02:38.800
When people click that sign a button they're going to be presented with a form with a lead form from

02:38.800 --> 02:44.470
Facebook that they only have to click a couple of buttons and then you will have their information forever.

02:44.470 --> 02:49.690
And this is how you edit your leaked form you go a bit down and you can create a new form.

02:50.770 --> 02:53.470
So as you can see you'll see how it looks over here.

02:53.620 --> 02:56.600
So right now it only has those auction email.

02:56.610 --> 03:01.180
And for me there are two options you can use more volume and higher intent.

03:01.180 --> 03:06.490
So basically when you choose higher intent they have the chance to confirm the information they are

03:06.490 --> 03:06.940
giving you.

03:07.210 --> 03:12.310
If you're just if you just want more volume then basically they don't have to fill in anything they

03:12.310 --> 03:14.060
don't have to confirm anything.

03:14.290 --> 03:16.240
And your information is yours.

03:16.240 --> 03:20.770
The information they have entered into Facebook is going to be yours.

03:20.850 --> 03:27.880
Now you can also include an intro which which goes over here is basically the image and a little text

03:27.880 --> 03:33.010
over here headed by a text sign a book by writing your info below and so on.

03:33.520 --> 03:39.460
You can use it to the image you're using in your act or you can upload a different image then you can

03:39.460 --> 03:46.390
add more questions instead of email and full name I can remove full name and maybe they control more

03:46.420 --> 03:48.670
options and maybe choose a phone number.

03:48.790 --> 03:55.420
So now they have to give me their email and their phone number to receive anything from me or I can

03:55.420 --> 04:00.610
just choose a phone number if I want to phone leads and they have to enter their phone number if they

04:00.610 --> 04:07.750
want to receive anything from me or if they want to have a call with one of myself salespeople or something

04:07.750 --> 04:08.290
like that.

04:08.650 --> 04:16.480
And then you know my client or or me or anybody that I'm working for when we receive that phone number

04:16.810 --> 04:19.400
we're just gonna call those people and try to sell them stuff.

04:19.650 --> 04:21.890
And that's what you can do for your client.

04:22.030 --> 04:27.550
You you've received that phone number you give it to your client and you say hey look look I've collected

04:27.570 --> 04:32.700
one hundred phone numbers from one hundred interested people in the house you're 17.

04:32.920 --> 04:34.020
You can now call them.

04:34.300 --> 04:40.290
And if you close one guy if you close one of those people then you guys have made a ton of money and

04:40.290 --> 04:45.850
you have what you can you know if the house cost fifty thousand dollars you can.

04:46.030 --> 04:53.350
How much money do you think you can spend on ads to still be in profit if the house costs wipes out

04:53.650 --> 04:55.180
fifty thousand dollars.

04:55.180 --> 05:00.580
You can spend up to forty nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars and be at a one dollar profit

05:00.880 --> 05:05.950
that's a lot of money to spend on ads and you're probably going to get the sale a lot earlier than that.

05:05.950 --> 05:07.540
So use it.

05:07.540 --> 05:09.460
Use the lead generation ads.

05:09.460 --> 05:16.380
You can include your privacy policy or not but if you don't Facebook will just put their own.

05:16.630 --> 05:18.850
And then you can put a thank you screen.

05:19.000 --> 05:19.470

05:19.480 --> 05:20.710
You're all set.

05:20.710 --> 05:23.770
Your input has been sent to Danielle bird and so on.

05:23.770 --> 05:31.240
Or you can just use thank you or something like that you can now add another button over here that basically

05:31.420 --> 05:36.820
that basically can send them to your Web site or a button that they can use to download something that

05:36.820 --> 05:43.390
you've offered them or they can call your business right now while he's still in the lead generation

05:43.770 --> 05:44.300

05:45.160 --> 05:50.410
I would usually use the download button because then I can give them something you know.

05:50.410 --> 05:53.990
For example let's say the button text will be download.

05:54.070 --> 05:57.690
So now I can get them something for free in exchange for their email.

05:57.900 --> 05:59.000
They click on download.

05:59.020 --> 06:01.330
They go to a Web site for example.

06:01.330 --> 06:07.150
Maybe we can use Dropbox and they can download the thing that I'm offering and I have their email forever

06:07.510 --> 06:10.960
and it's it's amazing that Facebook included this.

06:10.960 --> 06:16.880
These types of ads into their you know into their Web site because this saves you from having a Web

06:16.880 --> 06:17.400

06:17.410 --> 06:19.970
You don't need a Web site to collect leads now.

06:20.350 --> 06:25.790
You only need a Facebook page and a Dropbox for example or a phone number.

06:25.900 --> 06:26.780
That's it.

06:26.780 --> 06:28.180
And it's amazing.

06:28.210 --> 06:32.310

So meet me in the next video and we'll discuss some more advanced strategies.

5. Conversion Ads


00:04.930 --> 00:11.980
Now how to create conversion ads in order to create conversion ads you have to have a season's big Facebook

00:11.980 --> 00:14.370
pixel because convert is it.

00:14.440 --> 00:22.310
This you use this at only when your pixel has already fired a feast 50 to 100 purchases from your Web

00:22.310 --> 00:30.760
site because Facebook uses the pixels data to find more people like that so you can choose the conversion

00:30.790 --> 00:31.540

00:31.540 --> 00:36.310
The conversion objective and then favorite Facebook will basically optimize the ad for people who are

00:36.310 --> 00:38.620
more likely to convert and buy stuff from you.

00:38.620 --> 00:44.710
But you have to have a Facebook pixel so it's time to actually explain the Facebook pixel.

00:45.000 --> 00:47.590
This is going to change how you create ads.

00:47.620 --> 00:48.520
It's amazing.

00:48.520 --> 00:51.760
The first thing that we're going to discuss is custom audiences.

00:51.970 --> 00:53.680
So meet me in the next video and let's start.

6. Custom Audiences And Retargeting


00:04.930 --> 00:05.310
All right.

00:05.320 --> 00:11.470
So in order to see your audience as you have to click here and you have to go on and the assets row

00:11.590 --> 00:13.690
and then you're going to click on audiences.

00:13.690 --> 00:17.300
This is how you basically find your custom audiences.

00:17.320 --> 00:24.400
If you have a now I've chosen an account and add account on which I don't have any custom audiences.

00:25.240 --> 00:27.270
So basically I don't have anything on.

00:27.430 --> 00:28.740
And you'll get this screen.

00:29.320 --> 00:33.340
So what you have what you can do is you can create a safe audience.

00:33.340 --> 00:34.250
Now what is that.

00:34.270 --> 00:41.950
You can create an audience the same way we created one when creating an ad and you can you know target

00:41.950 --> 00:45.510
your people here and save that audience to use it later in an ad.

00:46.240 --> 00:48.970
But we we already discussed this.

00:49.090 --> 00:55.210
The most important things are creating a custom audience and creating a look like audience so we can

00:55.210 --> 00:56.920
create a custom audience right now.

00:57.100 --> 00:59.400
And these are all the options.

00:59.440 --> 01:05.920
So customer file is basically if you have a list of emails from people who have opted in from your lead

01:05.920 --> 01:13.180
generation forum or from your Web site you can now click on this upload to the Excel file on which you

01:13.180 --> 01:18.550
have the e mails and then you can create an ad that's targeting only those people only the people who

01:18.550 --> 01:24.420
have opted in to your email and that's amazing because those people are already a bit interested.

01:24.610 --> 01:30.880
And now you're and now you're basically following up with them as hard as you can through ads.

01:30.980 --> 01:33.930
And that's that's that will make you a lot of sales.

01:34.030 --> 01:35.820
The next thing is Web site traffic.

01:35.820 --> 01:41.620
Create a list of people who visited your Web site or took specific actions using the Facebook pixel.

01:41.620 --> 01:43.170
Then you have activity.

01:43.170 --> 01:51.340
Now if you have an app and you have created an app download add on Facebook you can use this app activity

01:51.970 --> 01:53.340
because to.

01:53.830 --> 02:00.040
Let's say you work with with with a company that's that has created some kind of ad you can use this

02:00.310 --> 02:05.800
and you can retarget people who have downloaded the app from Facebook and then you can retarget those

02:05.800 --> 02:11.850
people and maybe you know advertise a new app that they have to pay for something like that.

02:11.860 --> 02:14.460
The next thing you can use is the engagement retargeting.

02:14.470 --> 02:15.280
This is amazing.

02:15.280 --> 02:19.320
This is where you can find you know people who have watched your video.

02:19.450 --> 02:24.990
People who have interacted with your lead forums so you don't even have to upload this to Facebook.

02:25.000 --> 02:31.250
If you've used the Facebook lead generation ad you don't have to upload those emails into Facebook.

02:31.270 --> 02:35.220
Facebook will just use them because it has store them for you.

02:35.230 --> 02:41.650
So basically you can create an ad that re targets people who have opted in from your Facebook lead generation

02:41.650 --> 02:48.580
for you can you know we target people who have had a full screen experience who have left your Facebook

02:48.580 --> 02:56.170
page who have interacted with your Instagram business account or who have gone to an event or who have

02:56.170 --> 02:57.740
interacted with an event.

02:57.760 --> 03:00.250
That's how I created the app for my client.

03:00.310 --> 03:06.910
We created an event response ad then we could target people who have been interested in the event and

03:06.910 --> 03:08.320
that's how we made some money.

03:08.320 --> 03:11.540
So let's just click on the video one when you click on the video one.

03:11.680 --> 03:13.540
Look you have all of these options.

03:13.570 --> 03:18.200
People who are viewed at least three seconds of the video then 25 percent of the video.

03:18.250 --> 03:22.470
50 percent 75 95 in the past three hundred sixty five days or.

03:22.990 --> 03:28.680
I think this is the maximum you can you know create a name that audience.

03:28.700 --> 03:33.130
So you just type in name then you choose the video that you want to retarget people from.

03:33.490 --> 03:35.810
So let's let me show you the other ones.

03:35.860 --> 03:38.420
Again you go through all of this options.

03:38.500 --> 03:41.400
Anyone who open this forum in the past 90 days.

03:41.650 --> 03:47.500
So the maximum is 90 days for the lead generation forms include people who meet any of the problem people

03:47.500 --> 03:54.730
who open this forum who opened but didn't didn't submit anything or people who opened and submitted

03:54.820 --> 03:55.720
their email.

03:55.720 --> 03:56.620
Isn't this amazing.

03:56.650 --> 04:02.920
You can select your specific forum and you can agree to an you know Facebook fix Facebook speak so terms

04:03.190 --> 04:08.080
and then again you know you name your audience and then you can retarget all of those people with Facebook

04:08.080 --> 04:08.410

04:08.410 --> 04:13.870
This is easy you know you just choose your fate fake Facebook page from here and you're retarget everyone

04:13.870 --> 04:20.500
who engages with your page everyone who anyone who visited your page people who engage with a post or

04:20.500 --> 04:28.870
an ad and this one is amazing because now before before a few months you could only create a video and

04:28.870 --> 04:32.650
then retarget people who have watched a certain percentage of the video.

04:32.680 --> 04:37.630
Now you can retarget people who have engaged with one of your posts or one of your ads.

04:37.870 --> 04:44.170
So when you click on people who engage with any post or ad in the past three hundred sixty five days

04:45.010 --> 04:50.970
you can you can really target people who have engaged with your ads or with your posts and just you

04:50.970 --> 04:54.640
know target them and then try to make them buy something.

04:54.730 --> 04:57.040
People who click the call to action button.

04:57.160 --> 04:58.310
This is amazing.

04:58.570 --> 05:03.040
They may have clicked the call to action button but they never took action so you can now retarget them

05:03.100 --> 05:04.610
and try again.

05:04.840 --> 05:09.610
People people who sent a message through your page if you if you're getting a lot of messages you can

05:09.610 --> 05:14.680
retarget those people or people who saved your page or any post.

05:14.680 --> 05:21.400
This is also something that's interesting because those people who saved your page or they saved one

05:21.400 --> 05:26.440
of your posts are more likely interested because they have saved some of your posts or your page.

05:26.440 --> 05:35.350
So you know it's simple but you have to know how to create all of these things and you can you know

05:35.530 --> 05:42.010
I've done this with the Instagram done business profile of we targeted a lot of my instagram followers

05:42.590 --> 05:51.010
and know the event one is again people who are or going or interested in the past 365 days.

05:51.100 --> 05:55.380
People who have responded going and you can select the specific events.

05:55.480 --> 05:57.290
Now this is amazing.

05:57.310 --> 05:59.210
This is how you make money on Facebook.

05:59.290 --> 06:04.560
You retarget and you retarded you retarded and you retarded and you tried to get their information.

06:04.570 --> 06:08.110
Then you retarget again and again and again until those people buy.

06:08.110 --> 06:14.680
That's how you create as that's how you buy people buy on the back end where most people don't see anything.

06:15.220 --> 06:22.450
And people will never buy from your first ad almost never like you know it's it's it's it's it happens

06:22.600 --> 06:23.440
but almost never.

06:23.440 --> 06:24.910
So don't get discouraged from that.

06:24.940 --> 06:26.670
Just retargeting ministers.

06:26.740 --> 06:32.230
Then you see you can see how many options Facebook is giving you to retarget.

06:32.230 --> 06:37.450
So you don't even need to retarget people who have gone to your Web site.

06:37.480 --> 06:42.750
If you don't have a Web site you don't need to retarget people who have gone to your Web site.

06:42.760 --> 06:47.450
Now you can just create posts on Facebook and retarget the people who have engaged with that boasted

06:47.560 --> 06:48.740
that easy.

06:49.000 --> 06:53.610
Now I think it's time to explain how you can beat pixel and how to use it.

06:54.340 --> 06:56.000
So meet me in the next video.

7. Using And Installing The Facebook Pixel


00:04.900 --> 00:09.640
So as I said I've chosen an add account that we haven't used before just so I can show you how you can

00:09.640 --> 00:12.130
create a pixel what you do with it and so on.

00:12.160 --> 00:12.940
So let's do this.

00:13.030 --> 00:14.270
I'm going to create this pixel.

00:14.290 --> 00:19.050
I'm just going to call it add a count five pixel create.

00:19.140 --> 00:19.850
This is it.

00:19.860 --> 00:25.710
You have just created your your Facebook pixel can use an integration or a Tag Manager for example let's

00:25.710 --> 00:26.420
click on this.

00:26.430 --> 00:29.130
Facebook has an integration with Wordpress.

00:29.190 --> 00:35.070
We'll commerce Wix Shopify Google Tag Manager Magento MC commerce segment square space open cart.

00:35.310 --> 00:38.700
So basically you don't even have to install a pixel on your Web site.

00:38.700 --> 00:41.550
If you have your Web site or many of those platforms.

00:41.550 --> 00:41.760

00:41.760 --> 00:46.780
Because Facebook already has an integration with them and they're going to do it for you automatically.

00:46.830 --> 00:47.430
That's it.

00:47.430 --> 00:52.950
Now in order to go to your pixel to see your pixels you have to click here and then go to the measure

00:52.980 --> 00:54.350
and report.

00:54.530 --> 00:59.160
Row go under the events manager and curious pixels.

00:59.340 --> 01:02.640
So as you can see I haven't set up my pixel at all.

01:02.730 --> 01:04.970
I just created it and I didn't set it up.

01:04.980 --> 01:06.660
I didn't put it anywhere.

01:06.690 --> 01:09.290
So this is ad accounts five pixels.

01:09.330 --> 01:11.300
They're almost done finished setting up your face.

01:11.430 --> 01:13.440
So you've set up instructions.

01:13.570 --> 01:17.760
And basically you can also manually install the code yourself.

01:17.790 --> 01:25.500
Facebook is going to give you a piece of code that you just have to put in the head tags off your Web

01:25.500 --> 01:25.930

01:26.220 --> 01:30.100
So you just copy this copy code to clipboard.

01:30.510 --> 01:32.390
Then you go to your Web site.

01:32.600 --> 01:35.650
In the end you base that into the AGM.

01:35.790 --> 01:41.850
I can't show you all of that because you may use you know you might use click photos.

01:41.880 --> 01:46.290
Somebody else might be using late lead pages and I'm might if I have to go through all of those Web

01:46.290 --> 01:47.180

01:47.430 --> 01:49.490
You know this module will get even bigger.

01:49.560 --> 01:51.180
And I want to be able to do it.

01:51.540 --> 01:54.660
But what I can show you is just an example.

01:55.230 --> 02:01.820
And I'm going to copy this this code if you're pixel isn't installed what you're going to get this.

02:01.950 --> 02:03.060
Something wasn't right.

02:03.690 --> 02:07.050
So what you have to do is you copy that code and let's go.

02:07.050 --> 02:12.240
I'm going to go on my courses page and show you how I have installed it in my courses page.

02:12.360 --> 02:12.690

02:12.720 --> 02:17.880
So now I am in my courses Web site and this is where you guys have probably bored the course.

02:17.880 --> 02:20.480
There is a specific page on here.

02:20.580 --> 02:27.810
And for any Web site for any platform you're using you can just type in Google how to input my Facebook

02:27.810 --> 02:34.320
pixel into my web site and use the name of the platform you're using for for example I'm selling my

02:34.320 --> 02:39.750
course I'm teachable so when I started selling my course it was my first time ever selling of course

02:39.750 --> 02:45.640
or I didn't know how to use teachable or I just google how to input Facebook pixel gold into teachable.

02:45.660 --> 02:50.430
And then a blog post from teachable itself came up on Google.

02:50.430 --> 02:53.860
I read it and I knew how to put in my Facebook fix.

02:53.880 --> 02:58.730
So you basically copy that code and you input it here in the script over here.

02:58.740 --> 03:04.620
Don't find any of this just to look at the code I've just pasted it here and I clicked on safe and that's

03:04.770 --> 03:05.070

03:05.070 --> 03:08.680
Now I can track anybody that's going into my web site.

03:08.700 --> 03:14.310
Now if you want to track specific actions that people take this is a bit more interesting.

03:14.310 --> 03:15.800
So let's go back to Facebook.

03:15.840 --> 03:17.370
I'm going to show you how you can do that.

03:17.490 --> 03:17.700

03:17.730 --> 03:22.560
So after you've taken this code over here you are and you're basing it on your Web site and you want

03:22.560 --> 03:29.880
to track specific action not just visitors but you want to track everything you can go on continue.

03:29.880 --> 03:34.320
And now you're all the actions that you that you can track on Facebook.

03:34.320 --> 03:41.550
You can track purchases and what you you will usually put that code on the thank you page or your Web

03:41.550 --> 03:45.680
site after somebody has purchased you're going to put this code on the thing page.

03:45.990 --> 03:50.980
So track event on page load or track event on inline action.

03:51.000 --> 03:58.290
So basically using track event on page load Facebook is going to you know track this event when the

03:58.290 --> 04:01.110
page it has loaded for the for the visitor.

04:01.110 --> 04:06.120
If you click track event on inline action it's only going to track that event when somebody takes an

04:06.120 --> 04:07.550
action on that page.

04:07.560 --> 04:12.630
So if you put it on on the Thankyou page and you know that somebody has already purchased you're just

04:12.630 --> 04:17.620
going to use track event on page load because if the Thankyou page has loaded then he's probably purchased

04:17.910 --> 04:18.830
the thing you're selling.

04:19.470 --> 04:24.660
So conversion value you just set it put in the price of the product that that person has bought so let's

04:24.660 --> 04:27.580
say one hundred dollars in currency.

04:27.660 --> 04:30.450
We're just going to use dollars.

04:30.660 --> 04:31.620
So that's it.

04:31.620 --> 04:38.820
Value then you copy this this code and I'm just going to copy it and I'm going to go back on teachable

04:38.910 --> 04:40.260
and show you what to do with it.

04:40.260 --> 04:45.750
So the best thing about teachable is it doesn't let you put a code into the thank you Page.

04:45.750 --> 04:53.610
But if I had a thank you page and I could input the code in it I'll just go to the thank you page HMO

04:54.600 --> 04:56.020
and I'll just do this.

04:56.310 --> 05:03.570
Under that code under the code that you first pasted don't don't put anything there after you know don't

05:03.570 --> 05:08.960
put anything in here after it you can put in whatever other code you want.

05:08.970 --> 05:12.000
So I just pasted this here.

05:12.000 --> 05:15.140
This is what I copy just now to track purchases.

05:15.250 --> 05:21.580
Now if I save it every time this page Facebook is going through things somebody made a purchase.

05:21.920 --> 05:23.370
This is not the right age.

05:23.390 --> 05:26.830
I should put this code on I shouldn't be putting it on the thank you Page.

05:27.080 --> 05:30.730
I'm just showing you an example because teachable doesn't happen to incubate.

05:30.770 --> 05:32.810
So I'm going to delete it.

05:33.170 --> 05:40.430
But as you can see right here I've put in a custom event that I wanted to track which is a view content

05:40.430 --> 05:46.620
so every time somebody views the content on my teachable courses page I can then retarget them.

05:46.670 --> 05:52.280
So every time I send a person to that Web site I'm getting somebody to retarget and it's very valuable.

05:52.370 --> 05:57.530
Every time somebody clicks on my ad and goes to my courses page every time somebody does that I'm getting

05:57.530 --> 06:02.930
somebody who I can retarget somebody who has been at least somewhat interested because otherwise why

06:02.930 --> 06:04.180
would he click on the link.

06:04.190 --> 06:05.750
This is how you use the pixel.

06:05.920 --> 06:07.280
It's it's not that hard.

06:07.620 --> 06:14.090
You know you just you just take the big code and you put it on every page of your Web site in the HDMI

06:14.110 --> 06:15.090
amount of the web.

06:15.110 --> 06:16.820
You put it on in the head tax.

06:16.820 --> 06:18.120
Now click on us.

06:18.130 --> 06:22.110
Does that automatically for you if you're using click Finance you can just base the code and it will

06:22.200 --> 06:24.440
base it on all pages you have.

06:25.400 --> 06:31.370
But if you don't have one if you have your go your website on WordPress then you can just use the integration

06:31.400 --> 06:33.210
and you don't have to do any of this.

06:33.320 --> 06:35.590
But let's say you have a teachable account.

06:35.600 --> 06:42.840
You just take that big code that I showed you and you put it into the head desk and that's it.

06:42.890 --> 06:43.830
Then you save it.

06:44.030 --> 06:50.180
And then if you want to track any other events you just put the code for that event under the big code

06:50.510 --> 06:55.870
under this as you can see this code has an end where it says and Facebook pixel code.

06:56.180 --> 06:59.410
And after it you can put the events after.

06:59.450 --> 07:01.670
You can put additional events that you want to drink.

07:01.820 --> 07:02.480
That's it.

07:02.630 --> 07:04.150
It's not that hard at all.

07:04.160 --> 07:06.100
I was the same way in the beginning.

07:06.140 --> 07:07.900
I didn't I didn't know how to do this.

07:07.910 --> 07:13.480
But once you realized how easy it is it gets intuitive and becomes common sense.

07:13.480 --> 07:15.920
So that's it basically for pixels.

07:16.130 --> 07:21.870
I'm going to meet you in the next view and show you a really cool funnel that you can use right now.

07:21.950 --> 07:26.360
Even if you don't have a Web site to make some sales for your clients meet me in the next.

8. The Two 7 Figure Sales Funnels


00:05.080 --> 00:12.430
OK so let me show you a sample funnel that you can use right now to get some sales to get results for

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your clients to do whatever you want do.

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And it'll also give you an example of how to structure your say your sales funnel.

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So you can create thousands of variations of your own and test them and so on.

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That's what it means to be a marketer.

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You know I can't show you every funnel that I've ever thought of but if I show you a structure that

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you can follow you can create your own funnels test them and then get some results and those results

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will be your own because you have created the funnel.

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You have tested it and you know you have gone through the trial and error.

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And that's what it means to be a marketer.

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So let me show you a sample funnel.

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So what.

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So what I wouldn't do for example recently I had a meeting with some guys that wanted me to be their

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marketer and they asked me how would I go about selling their product.

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And this is what I told them.

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This is what I told one of my clients so I'm not giving you something that's not working.

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I literally showed this to the same people wanted to hire my agency to manage and create their ad.

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So let me show you the funnel itself.

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So what I will do is I would use Facebook and Instagram feeds and I would create a video that will show

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showcase the best features of the best benefits and features of my product.

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So if you're selling a house it will be a really professionally made video of the house showing it inside

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And you know videos on Facebook can be very long and they can also be very short on Instagram.

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You only have one minute so if you're going to target Facebook and Instagram then you have to make the

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view no more than a minute long.

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So I'm going to use a one man interview that showcases the thing I'm sending in a very very good way.

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Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to let it run for let's say two weeks at least at least two weeks.

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And what I'm going to do after that is I'm going to try to capture the e-mails of people who have watched

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50 percent of the video because those people are at least somewhat interested.

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So capture their emails depending on what you sell.

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You may want to capture their phone numbers.

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So I'm going to create this with you then I'm going to create a separate ad retargeting people who have

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watched 50 percent of this video to get their emails.

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Now I can always follow up with them on email and I can try to sell them through email.

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And then if they don't buy what I'm going to do is I'm going to create another ad that's going to retarget

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them again with a with a link to my Web site from where they can buy my products.

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If they don't buy I'm going to create another view a different one that's going to be that interesting

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as well.

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And then I'm going to retarget them with that with that video.

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And after they've watched that video I'm going to again retarget those people even if they haven't watched

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50 percent of the video.

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I'm going to retarget them with another ad to my Web site so they can buy.

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This is a sample funnel so video retarget to get emails from people who have watched at least 50 percent.

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Those are people who are interested.

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Then I'm going to try to follow up with them on email or through the phone depending on what you got

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over here.

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So if you've got phone numbers over here then I'm going to retard then I'm going to try to sell them

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on their phone.

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No I'm going to call them I'm going to give those phone numbers to my clients and I'm going to call

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them and try to close them on the phone if they don't close.

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I'm going to retarget them with an ad to my Web site so they can buy.

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If they don't I'm going to create another target them again.

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And you know with a new avenue and then I'm going to retarget those same people again with an ad to

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my Web site so you can see you can see how the main focus of my ads is true to follow up with people

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to reach people.

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Again and again through multiple mediums you know because if they've watched.

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That's why you have to let the ad run for a while.

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So you can get enough people who would have watched the video for 50 percent because if you let it run

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for like three days or something you might get maybe 20 people who have watched the video to 50 percent.

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And then if you want to retarget them and get their phones and phone numbers and only like one person

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out of those two those 20 give their phone number.

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Then you only have one person to call and try to put to too close.

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And then to retarget.

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So try to let their ad run for a while gets it and getting some results.

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And of course test the at C Create a couple of ads using the same the same structure and see which one

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performs the best.

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Which one gets the most views.

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And then you put in more money into that ad and that's basic fun.

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That's a funnel that you can use right now to go and you know bring in some results for your clients.

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Another one you can use is and this is a bonus one.

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So another one that you can use is basically this you create an ad on Instagram Facebook whatever you

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Facebook and Instagram are very good if you if you use them together or you can use one on Facebook

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you can create one I had on Facebook and then one on Instagram so you can test which performs better.

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So what you can do is create an ad and offer something for free like a free report.

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You've probably seen those already on Facebook you offer them something for free.

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They give you their phone number or their email and then you try to close them whatever through whatever

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medium you can use.

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If you collected emails then you're going to try to close them through email.

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If you if you collected phone numbers then you were going to give those phone numbers to your clients

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and they're going to try to close them.

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It's that easy.

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This is the easiest funnel ever.

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And if they don't close it from the first call then you can call them again and again and then retarget

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again through ads maybe for example.

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So you're giving them something for free.

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Forgetting their phone number or email.

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They're trying to close them through their phone number through calling them or e-mailing them.

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If they don't buy then you're going to retarget them with an ad again with something maybe linked to

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to your Web site so they can buy them.

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If not if they don't buy again then you can again try to call them.

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So you can close them or e-mail them.

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It's it's that easy.

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The main thing the main focus off your ads should be to follow up with people as much as possible.

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You have to make them see your ads as much as you can.

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You have to be to have top of mind awareness.

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They have to know about you and they have to know about you every day until they buy.

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So I hope you enjoyed this video and I'm going to meet you in the next room.
